This Game Made me Rage at my Friends

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so today we rage move the other way Z move the other way get away from them you're going to want to stick around till the end that was nowhere near son weird it's like I said add more power we get mad so dudes welcome to a brand new game this is called tank team it's brand new on Steam Link in the description if you guys want to play it but check this out look we are these little guys this is our tank look I'm going to go on the Periscope look this is where we are this is where they are we are blue they are red how this works um I'm on the Periscope I can tell you where they are Zod and biffl have no clue what's outside of the tank I have to give them directions no run go move the other way Z move the other way get away from them how how am I supposed to know I you're an idiot all right I'll check the scop um they are to our left and they are moving uh we have fuel in the bottom H this is our fuel tank it's almost out of fuel he used this lever to go no that's say that's not a that's literally I'm out I'm out of the hey Biff thank you that's so sad hit the like button boys hold on hold on let's let's do this I'm going to grab a bullet let's grab a normal shot right wait no Tracer we have a tracer round A1 right this won't do damage but this will uh allow us to see where that so if I take this bullet put it in the chamber right there we go oh you loaded it oh my God let me let me increase that why aren't you doing anything go increase the power increase the gas Biffle I'm pumping the gas okay hold on let me look power is nine okay so uh put the power at maybe five five five try it at five I'm fueling the tank go shoot it Z go shoot it have B he's not doing okay fine he filling the gas tank fire all right I feel it did we win good we almost just got shot in the face by their team we okay okay what what power were we just at uh five uh bump it up to six stop moving us P I'm not moving I'm I will slap you in your stupid mouth tell me where you want me to go then I don't know what to do don't move don't move unless I tell you he completely move he moved us he moved us okay so we were at five 6 7 do like power of eight power of eight okay it's on eight it's on eight it's on eight oh no that might be too much we're going to try a normal shot A1 in the vending machine I'm getting a normal shot this I want to click on it I'm scared click it hold on click it what does that do okay it clicking turn it off this our Shield sorry sorry sorry sry I'm loading a normal shot Biffle I need you to wait hold on hold on oh wait we can what station we can adjust like our thingy oh the angle okay uh Z we're shooting at 8 power go ahead shoot okay and fire was it good nope don't worry guys I got this I have the worst team ever and we just started fill our gas and stay on Shield do go shoot go shoot watch shoot right now go 3 two one fire Trace around what is happening it's not hitting right we need to do better power here I'll move us I'll move us I'll move us I'll don't move us you want to go 68 all right put a 68 put 68 it's higher no no yeah we need to go a little lower than we did that time we also have drill shot Tracer piercing TR shot rebound ooh tele we can teleport uh that noise I think we just got hit right we have 87% Health um bi Biffle wait should we move now I'm moving should I'm moving forward now watch I'll tell I'll tell you how I'm moving forward okay you're getting very close okay I got to turn it off I got to turn it off you're getting very close you're getting very close gas the gas go move us back at spinon uh grab a non- Teleport and non Tracer bullet okay I'm getting a Teleport right there a little bit more little more a little bit more my right there stop stop stop stop stop stop I sto I sto I sto that's a normal bullet Z go shoot the bullet go shoot the bullet I'm I'm in fire oh Direct Hit ah they just hit us for 200 we got hit we got hit we got hit yay why is our Shield not increasing oh no it is just very very slow what is this on the left over here uh uh what is that our statistics our YouTube views stop it you're so hot what happened stop it you you turned it off stop it you're turning it off by doing Biff I will end you he's the Imposter I have the try shot I'm putting the TR shot in there let me know when um I'll tell um put the put the bullet in I am going to end Biffle why did we get Biffle shoot the bullet I'm shooting it shoot it did it hit Biel yes one of them hit one of them hit for 97 wait it split youed a split shot why would you use a split shot stop using this stop using um drill shot we're going to drill them uh B4 hurry up we need set them on fire they're encroaching they're encroaching on are they moving are they moving are they moving yes they moved they moved should we move left should we move away too from I'm putting a drill shot in okay let me on the let me on the telescope yes papa should I move left move left left I'll fuel I'll get fuel keep moving keep moving I'm going really fast keep moving is keep moving keep moving keep moving keep moving keep moving keep moving more you just said stop no you need to listen to me don't you don't sh no stop that's too far too far okay okay I'm going to shoot uh bivel zud shoot shoot the bullet the drill shot now okay shooting did we win that was close oh drilled oh go went under ground he they put on a shield as soon as we shot they're sweating they look ready to shoot bble Z I'm shooting Z I'm shooting okay okay fire where' it land it hit I told you it hit them it hit the got I got Hur I got I got to hurry um um a three piercing we're doing piercing now I'm out of Sprint I don't have any Sprint go over to the button go over to the shoot button I got I got did they shoot us hurry up shoot hurry up shoot now they shot they shot they shot how did that Miss how did we go left a tiny bit go left such a little tiny bit that's all we have to do okay go left like this you were on the Periscope you the other one hit the other one hit B B3 B3 this bullet put this bullet up there you're doing it right now I know but I'm panicking okay you you look at telescope you look at telescope I'll fire okay okay ready 3 2 one fire they moved oh they moved they moved they moved why did you say that they cuz I wasn't watching now no hey they moved did you hear me how was I suppos no no no no no no did you hear me they moved I'm moving us wait why is instead of moving why don't we just angle up more good point I like that already no I wiggled I wiggled I just I put it back what is wiggling going to do we just got hit with a tracer move back right now right now Biffle move right now okay stop right there stop right there stop stop go get more gas bble yes sir yes sir I'm going to angle up more that's too high no no no no no angle angle straight angle angle down straight up no angle down angle more towards them they're flickering their Shield they're taunting us like that perfect okay uh we need a tracer biger power uh no that's way too hard 10 no that'll shoot into the opposite hemisphere eight go get a tracer Z hurry up Z why are you not going faster why are you not moving faster go shoot the bullet zud that was nowhere near Z weird it's like I said add more power in push it in push it in push it in I'm getting it I'm getting the tra little bit E1 watch go down there and shoot it bivel go down there and shoot it going Down's watching okay I'll watch down I want to watch I watch you watch you watch watch it so I can shoot this thing Sho shoot it shooting go get a bullet go get a bullet drill drill drill drill drill drill drill drill why are you not getting the they just moved I'll move this right now I'll move this right now where where where we don't have any drill shots what do you want Tracer normal piercing piercing move I can move too move forward hold on move Biffle just do anything loading loading it looks like they they're about they're about to shoot at us to be honest get sh I'm just saying I been right on every Power by the way so far you just still don't listen to me maybe maybe I'm angling it a little bit here's what we're going to do here we're going to do we have full gas they hit us fire on fire why do you always have an extinguisher when we don't need and when we do need it you don't have it fire there's a fire move us no we're about to teleport you idiot okay okay here's what we're going to do here shoot here's what we're going to do tell me what to shoot Biffle fire we're on them we are on top of them what do we do they teleported on top of us a straight up put a bullet in right now someone it's in it's in it's in okay Biffle go Z go down to the shot go down to the the button someone has to direct me so I don't die move to the right move to the right move to the right move to the right fire how much to the right shot move to right move to the right I'm moving stop stop moving stop moving okay uh uh uh hold on hold on decrease the power I'm scared tell me what to do shoot son shoot you got they moved to chase after Captain I'm another shot why are they doing this we got to we got to end them I have a shot I have a shot just put it in put it in we're shooting put it in we're shooting we're shoot angle it up just a little bit angle it up just I shot it did we hit him why' you shoot it get them we did not you shoot it before we even did anything where's the ruler when we need it I don't know what this is get ready to shoot we're really close to the boundaries are we okay that's shoot Jud shoot shoot that was some damage get another bullet go look at the Periscope look at the telescope on so we can Shield did they move I'm shielding I'm Shing cuz I don't trust it uh okay well they shot but over us I don't think they've moved yet no no no okay go shoot go shoot go shoot shoot shoot shoot it shoot it I watch yes Direct Hit 168 or 188 something on we need another bullet we need another bullet are they on fire are they on fire they're not on fire yet you're on fire you're on fire put me out get come here P come here P come here I can't control myself help's on the thing's on it B's on it shoot bble we did 76 damage okay okay move to the right a little bit move to the right a smid a smid move to the perfect stop okay they're going to shoot somebody go do the shield somebody go do the shield I'm going to the sh I'm going to the sh I'm going to the sheld I'm at it I'm at it I'm at it I'm at it turn the shield on right now turn it off turn it off turn it off you turned it off at the wrong time Z you told me to you said turn it off that's your fault shoot the bullet bi I shot it there you go what is wrong with this game wait did we miss how I don't know I think there's wind or something wait is there wind why do we not have full gas the piercing bullet has a different projectile like thingy wait we just got in again put it at full power put it at full power full power know if I need a shi power z b go shoot the bullet no we got shot against reble shoot the bullet shoot the bullet theet we overshot them all right I'm getting more fuel you got to watch so I can Shield have they moved have they moved have they moved they haven't moved Hur as soon as you put on might want to move okay as soon as you putting I'm shooting they're looking at us they are defin uh we did we miss yeah we're on them we're on them oh no again we're well not on them we're right behind them we have to move the thing completely the other way around I'm putting in a TR shot I put it in a TR shot we're going to shotgun them shoot it shoot it shoot 100 damage put on the shield turn on the shield turn on The Shield is that good that was good more bullets I'm grabbing one I'm grabbing one uh what do we want a they're about to shoot move away move away move away move Shield just Shield just Shield just Shield we're on fire we're on fire we are on fire we are on fire Biffle we are on fire I moved it move I can't put a bullet in here the bullet will not enter I put it out what is this okay um um um um out rebound uh D1 D1 I already have one in here oh you're doing rebound okay fine put put the bullet in put the bullet in put the bullet in tell me when to shoot it's in it's in you're going to have to you're going to have toide is that a good angle is that a good angle good shoot it bble shoot it we hit you hit him for 200 no way shoot again get another bullet shoot again get another bull we just got shot we need more gas bble down down down down down down down right there go shoot it I'm going to shoot it I'm going to shoot it shoot it look at the thingy look at the thing I'm watching I'm watching I'm go go go you hit him 113 got full gas we got gas drove them though but okay uh piercing D1 move I'm carrying a heavy heavy bullet yet they haven't moved they haven't moved get ready to shoot B get ready to shoot get ready to shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoo they moved nice hit him again three don't fire 366 on fire we're on fire we're on fire we're on fire I got I got this i got this keep going um rebound A1 oh I'm like a girlfriend I'm like an exgirlfriend our Shields are down I'm like an exgirlfriend they haven't moved they still have not moved ready Down Boys fire fire fire they have not moved they missed us oh they tell Dude oh my God we hit them and then they teleported away let's go all right where do we need to move what do we need to do dude that was insane okay they're they're aiming we got to go further down boys further down tell me when tell me whenn wait they're flickering their Shield hold on do oh they know we're about to shoot they know we're about to shoot shoot now shoot shoo oh we need more we need more bullets nice nice nice keep fire fire out we have no our Shields are down so if we get hit we're you know wait are you down get another bullet Z go get another bullet I got it I got it I got I got it I got I got I got I got I got it I'll watch to see if they move or anything they have most definitely moves they have definitely they're aiming their next shot they aing next shot they moved a lot should we angle differently youle up a little more you can like that we're going to have to lower the power by one and then shoot try it lower power and shoot okay it's at nine it's at nine then shoot I'm running down I'm running down as fast as I can and fire we just got hit by a tracer we need to move we need to move right now right move to the right move to the right move to the right all right bullets bullets loaded in stop one less power one less power one less power and then shoot that go shoot shoot how do we look how do we look way too far way too far way too far to or H just everything left literally everything left literally you're just ter we're on fire how did we just get in we fire why are we so good okay we need to move we need to move actually cuz they're going to shoot another bullet um I got F what up left or right do you think uh right just far away okay I'm moving I don't know where we're moving but I'm moving we're moving they absolutely crack dude how are we out of gas we're out of gas I'm literally getting gas right now bi why are you here go shoot the bullet go shoot the bullet my okay F hold on hold on hold on hold on I'm checking fire fire nowhere close why is this so difficult fire go watch I'm watching shoot fire wait that could drill in hit him did we get it he hit himself that hit us we hit ourselves okay so I just learned something and it's been 30 minutes there's wind in this game no I literally said okay it's fine no I'm going to just ignored me when I said that earlier and hey you know what shows this thing that we questioned at the very beginning that makes sense and go down just a SM just a smid no dude but the no but now the wind changed used three arrows but now it's one I don't know what to don't don't mess with it then I don't know what to do we got it got we're not on fire I put this I smid down a little bit did hit him you hit them for 200 they're they're on now put get down there and press the button get down there and press the button I'm going down go down hurry up hurry up hurry up press the button press the button shoot it shoot it shoot it shoot it they're on double F 200 again are we winning more more shoot another one shoot another one I'm going as fast as I can you're so slow bi oh we got hit with the bullet no they're moving they move they move they move okay oh they are I can't even see them stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop I God she didn't stop it bro put that in put the normal one in put the normal in I'm going to give it a little bit of angle right to there 60° kep the shield on that's why it wasn't recharging oh beautiful that shoot the bullet shoot the bullet sh the bullet I think he used it last that you want a oh that was so close what do you want what do you want what do you want Dr dracer uh no no normal nor normal normal you damage right there just a little bit more a little bit more get ready to shoot it Z I'm literally standing here ready I will click this button instantly shoot it shoot it shoot it did we get him did we do it he teleported behind us behind us what look to the right look to the right I'll look to the right we need move hold on hold on hold on I'm moving I'm Wheeling to the right to the right to I'm moving I'm moving just so they don't get lined up loaded B it's loaded I don't feel very good I'm on the shields ready to go that's way too high good no uh lower the lower it a little bit more tell me with the shield this is the lowest we can go this the lowest we can go we need to lower the power then get ready to shoot ready tell me one tell me one okay B there BB there and shoot I grab a bullet oh no we need less power to I have another bullet I another bullet I another bullet okay put it in put it I'm going to go I'm going to go move us back some SL we got hit we're taking damage my gosh oh my gosh this is not good we're at 28% bu Bull in bullettin wait hold on no angle it up a little bit angle it up a little bit the I'm going I'm angling Ang it up a little bit more right there perfect perfect down down down why'd you do so much J because you are mad at me a little bit more down shoot rle shoot like that 190 they're on fire they have four fire damage shoot it again shoot it again shoot it again Biff why are you not putting in a bullet faster Z I go to the button I will go to the button I'm at the button they moved wait no no they moved did they are you sure yeah they did we need to angle it up a little bit to right go to the right now the go to the right no they they move m a lot they moved a lot angle it up angle it up angle it up angle it up too much down a little bit right there shoot it shoot it no angle it up a little bit get another bullet angle it up a little bitet they have four fires this is over at any minute boys the like but hit the Subscribe button shoot it I'm putting another give shoot the bullet there's no bullet angle it down angle it down little angle it down a smid this game is so hard did you angle it down smid like that perfect get a piercing bullet get the red p no he moved mov drop it press q and drop it too late oh okay uh angle it down angle it down angle it down and get a piercing bull around like get a piercing bullet right now I got a piercing put it in there is that good that should be good I'm running up and down these ladders and I'm tired my guy can't needs to breathe a now what it missed it missed okay E3 wait we maybe more power I'll go up one go up one go up one shoot this as soon as it happens Z as soon as it gets put in there shoot it okay I'm ready double faster double faster slow D wait we did [Music] it that was so I think I lost my voice oh my God boys hit the like button subscribe button that is a stressful game
Channel: SSundee
Views: 1,304,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NpXjWotpsiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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