This game hacked my PC.. - 98xx

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what's up guys and welcome to 998 XX now this is a game that apparently hacks your PC now you guys know I still have nightmares about when my account got hacked it was a horrifying experience and well this game is apparently another game that's supposed to do some hacking which is going to be interesting now this game has a ton of Secrets okay so here's the deal we're going to do a part one if you guys want to see more let me know sh feel a ton of support and in the comment section down below let me know any tips that you guys have if you've seen anyone else play this if you have anything you want me to do comment it down below and let me know anyways we're going into the completely blind let's go a and log into the computer and begin here we go I am very much nervous though cuz I don't want this game messing with my computer oh wow this is definitely not my computer 7:41 p.m. 10:23 2023 okay uh what do we got here jumping Julian Surfer talking Gerald so these are these are games right here let's put our games like over here so these two right here they're exe so they're they're games asteroid blast I'm assuming that's a game as well uh what's Surfer audio CLE the tank blast another game we have so many ball popper we have so many games it's kind of cool all right I don't see anything too scary going on yet let's start with talking Gerald let's see what this is Talis games dude that looks awesome okay cool it's talking Gerald uh okay yeah sure let's play it ask Gerald a question hello what's your favorite thing to do you're worthless oh my you're a nice person oh let's say hi hello there friend my name is Gerald it's wonderful to meet you it's wonderful to meet you as well Gerald uh can you tell me a joke can you tell me a story you're a nice person you're worth oh my God okay uh let's do can you tell me a joke what do you get when dinosaurs crash their cars panurus Rex wow I'm going to make a minute after that one yeah me me too I am cracking up all right who made you why do you exist you're a nice person let's let's just say he's a nice person he seems nice that is the nicest thing anyone has said to me I might just shed a tear a no problem I would like to see you shed a tear though cuz something tells me those little eyes right there they cannot shed tears all right I don't trust them all what do we got here hello what's your favorite thing to do you're forgiven whoa what's your favorite thing to do I can't do much but sometimes I just like to relax and think of the things that make me happy and what are those things you're not going to tell us okay um sure can you tell me a story goldfish he loved them very much four days a Bo got a new pet turtle and decided to put it in the same he woke up the next morning to find out the turtle and E his goldfish the boy desper to get his fish back cut open the turtle realize all of his tests were now there huh why would he do that why okay that got dark at the end um who made you I am a digital program created by none other than Calis GS Calis games at least that's what I believe wait what it didn't say that on the top he just said that that was weird Okay um let's see you're forgiven I'm not sure what you mean by that but somehow I feel a sense of relief in my visal heart yeah I'm not sure what I meant by that either it'll all be over soon am I going to kill Gerald dude what's happening it's too good to be true I don't believe it oh uh oh wait the screen it's restarting the computer okay we're good we're good okay no panicking it's restarting the computer that's fine just a little reboot this is good welcome all right let's log back in we got to go back to that game though there's a lot of Secrets there you can tell so talking Gerald we had another option that we could do with him so I I definitely want to try this out it's cool so far I love these kind of games man they're always so much fun all right play uh you're worthless hey let's be positive around here hey how about no you disgust me listen we don't have to go down this way but just change the subject what do you mean by go down this way it's too late for you why am I being so like suspicious it's too late please don't do this for me I mean no harm it wasn't my fault I don't know why I'm here why did I deserve this I don't know who am I why am I I oh my oh my God that was loud okay no your PC ready probably need to restart was that in Reverse oh no okay it's rebooting again here we go once again that was okay that was scary let's do this again though so that's I think we're done with that game I don't I don't know what we just did to him but okay I feel kind of bad all right what do we got here let's try out uh Surfer what's this ooh surf the web in style we got word article myz and Razzy what's this oh my gosh there's so much here whoa so this is like a whole article here hold on before we get into like the Deep stuff okay I want to see what else we can find in here so we have audio player jumping Julian what here play it what's this I don't get it how do I play it oh oh oh so this is the the jumping Julian [Music] soundtrack okay unknown what's this what wait stop how do I play unknown oh oh okay that's weird that's a weird s okay I'm I'm going to leave that I don't know what that is I don't like it pixel paint dude we got we got paint dude Ms paint this is awesome I don't know what I just drew leave it up to your mind's interpretation I just scrambled on the screen uh puzzle patterns is another game typewriter what's this I can just type stuff oh yeah look at that huh all right cool I mean I don't really know what to do with this though weekend where what oh I was like weekend retro oh it doesn't show it for you guys I just realized even though I'm showing the screen it's just showing like a a text the box like right here where my mouse is where I'm circling I don't know I it doesn't show it for you guys though for whatever reason documents what's in here ooh 1998 what's this I already be part of a game Studio that pushes the boundaries of creativity and Innovation look no further than Calvis games as a leading game development company we're committed to delivering highquality games that Captivate players and transport them to extraordinary worlds oh so it's like it goes into like you know more about Calvis games interesting this is 1998 by the way 1999 I'm writing you to I'm writing to you as a concerned parent regarding my son and his increasing addiction to your games as a game Studio that strives to make high quality games I believe you value the well-being of your players and I'm reaching out to seek your support and guidance uhoh first and foremost I'd like to acknowledge the exceptional quality of the games developed by Calvis games the immersive experiences in captivating gameplay have undoubtly okay yeah this guy it sounds like an advertisement I've noticed a significant decline in his academic performance reduced social interactions and a lack of interest in other activities that were once important to him additionally has been displaying signs of restlessness and irritability when he's unable to access or play your games o it's led to wait wa wait look look have led to me let me to believe look the believe though has a three in it that his attachment to your games has has been turning into an unhealthy addiction as a responsible game Studio yeah I kind of regressed okay so basically they're saying your game is ruining my son's life dear mirz team Amer Express heartfelt heartfelt gratitude for the new edition you've implemented in your desktop software the feature worth pressing the key enter key o wait what okay hold on hold on so it's saying wait what is this what is this one two wait I can search for a file but okay hold on a minute we know this is like a creepy scary game right this oh yeah there it is okay makes sense what have we got in help oh my there's a lot here okay so what did we just unlock what is this repent of your sins uhoh uhoh that's not uh oh they all say that hold on okay yeah that says that okay this one okay no maybe this one's different okay last no second to last one no okay this one's got to be different nope okay repent your sins that's not good I'm going to um all right you know what repent the S the sins I'm going to do 777 nope that does nothing all right well that's enough of that one uh what else we got here photo gallery o oh happy little family right there okay uh dice Birds yeah this this looks just like what was on my computer growing up oh what's this oh my gosh okay 749 wait we'll be back we'll be back we'll be back we just got something um where where did I go 749 wa okay 749 we got something okay subject police report fatal car accident caused by drunk driver description of an incident on August 12th 199 98 a tragic car accident occurred the accident involved two vehicles a blue sedan driven by a mother and a black pickup truck driven by a man in his 30s according to eyewitnesses the truck was traveling at a high speed and swerving across Lanes prior to the Collision the blue sedan carrying a mother and her daughter was proceeding in the correct Lane when the truck abruptly collided with it from the side as a result of the Collision both the mother and her daughter sustained critical injuries Emergency Medical Services were immediately dispatched to the scene and the victims were transported to the hospital unfortunately despite the efforts of medical personnel both the mother and her daughter succumbed to their injuries at the hospital and were pronounced deceased oh no upon investigation it was determined that the driver of the black truck was under the influence of alcohol at the time of the incident standardized field sobriety test and a breathalyzer test indicated a significantly high blood alcohol content surp surpassing the legal limit oh no okay so slur speech yeah charged with multiple offenses additional W Witnesses included the including those who saw the suspect consuming alcohol prior to the incident will be interviewed oh no okay so conclusion this tragic incident results in the untimely death of a mother wait so that is that who did it was it this guy right here this guy I'm assuming is who did it oh boy cuz it says 30 I mean he doesn't look 30 but I guess what's this why is it just a black screen okay that's it this a creepy screen though I don't know what okay I'm going to leave that uh questions and answers to about the game ooh see what we can find in here do you like to play games no do you think it's important to take breaks from playing too much no you think video games will take over the world no have you played this game before no are you sure you're playing a game no you know what reality is no are you close with your family no do you think even loved ones could hurt each other oh my gosh no if someone were getting wait would the death be painful So it's talking about the accident again no people who do not repent of their sins are condemned I'm just saying no to everything everything by the way do you believe everything I say no have you looked behind okay oh my oh how did they do that the timing on that oh my gosh that got me oh the only reason that didn't get me more is I don't have both headphones on I turned around and heard a bang oh my gosh I hope that I hope it picked it up for you guys okay no time is short it's too too late uhoh it's restarting the computer oh hey we got some new games oh my God okay those games suck dude wait https uh 98 XX world hold on no wait wait I need I need I need to I need to take a picture no no no wait I need to take a picture of that I got it I got it I got it I got it I took a picture okay we need to take that into the the browser for sure I guarantee it so this is good okay we have a website let's see what do we do with this though I mean I know what to do but I'm wondering where it's going to take us luckily I got a picture of it it didn't go away too quick so we're good all right so let's load back up the PC again something crashed it though goodness that's pretty crazy all right log in let's do this again so now we want to go to the um Surfer that's the internet right okay so we go here we do https um this and then we do that that 98 XX World okay oh wait what error error huh oh it's taking it found something speak it V Incorporated has taken the World by storm with the launch of oh okay no no it's reading it out we can do it uh with its newest computer the 98 XX this Cutting Edge this that's what we're on right now this Cutting Edge device has been praised by Tech experts and consumers alike for its ability to seamlessly Run games surf the web and handle all other Computing needs so how look we got a four so before wait what was the other number it was 34 it could be 9834 I don't know um how did he come to be the best computer company in the world it all started with their partnership with Razzy Inc that's what we saw earlier a leading software development company Razzi Inc provided mirz Inc with the resources and expertise to create a computer that could look we got a five in there handle the most demanding applications and provide an unparalleled user experience the result was the 98 XX a computer that has reol revolutionized the industry with its Lightning Fast performance and stunning Graphics Gamers can now play the most demanding games with ease while creating professionals oh while creative professionals can run complex design software without any hiccups the 98 XX is also incredibly versatile with the ability oh there's a six in there to handle all kinds of tasks with ease from browsing the web to video editing this computer can handle at all all these factors have contributed to Mira's inc's success making the okay so none of that really matters okay what we need in there we need four what was it four five and six I think we might be able to take that over here 456 let's try this out here I wonder if this is where this goes I feel like it doesn't but we got to try four five 6 give me something nothing ah so it doesn't go there I wonder where we put that because obviously it goes somewhere we have a start button down here by the way oh nothing in like crazy in here we just have reset and power off okay so what else is in here photo gallery we've seen questions we've seen photo editor oh wait where's that that dark photo at we can't do anything with it invert oh okay let's not do that um no thank you and do shapes why would I want to do shapes brightness okay what if we invert and no it doesn't do anything you only do one or the other H okay what about on this one there's got to be a secret on one of these right you would think no nothing there we do oh 398 we got a code I knew it dude okay so wait not here um documents we have three and then nine 98 let's see nothing what did it change no I don't know okay I don't know what's that for then it's got to go somewhere right I just don't know where okay so that's that photo what about the seagulls dude the seagulls are hiding something 74 961 what do we do with that though 74 961 is there somewhere I can type that no dial caller oh it's a phone number probably okay before we that let's do the matching game see what this is matching game all right this is easy I'm good at matching games look at look at that look at that first one done I'm crazy okay no no not that one uh let's see here blue triangle no okay this one heart I haven't even seen a heart dude how many of these can I fail oh wait I saw that okay Heart Is Right Here Right no I saw that one it was no it's not there uh explosion there we go got it okay there's going to be something creepy here we know it heart was is this one it's one next yeah this one and this one which means this is okay which means this is this there we go dude it's only level one you win woohoo I'm too good at this dude and one's going to get creepy oh level two okay phone doesn't help me uh let's see key key oh my gosh we're crazy at this game we're cracked out of our mind uh puzzle piece don't know where uh light bulb is right here no wait I saw that one that was um wait didn't I just do a crown okay light bulb we just saw which one was it oh no dude I already lost it okay here it is this one and then what's this phone phone yes okay this this no dang it where was that I saw that okay there it is okay we won we won we won uh puzzle no dang it okay so that means this is this and that is that okay we're good done done okay wait what why can't I huh what's happening oh my gosh it wouldn't let me beat it that was weird uh things are getting a little strange now all right level three we got a balloon and a phone okay balloon phone oh phone phone balloon come on give me the balloon give me oh a a truck dude some nice trucks uh brain brain oh my okay that was complete luck oh that that oh yeah we're learning we're learning that that oh my we're going crazy right now computer balloon that's totally what I meant to do okay computer computer balloon balloon all right get me out of this level done all right now where's the creepiness cuz I know I'm going to flip a card and there's going to be Oh I thought I heard something I did you heard that you guys heard that help oh no oh not the knocking again not the knocking again I do want to know how many guys actually fell for the knocking earlier though cuz that was creepy okay I I I know where these both are done okay let's stop that stop that right now it's too late no it's not um it's too late okay we know where both of these are so that that car accident though that relates to the story though somehow skull skull nice I'm kind of nervous about going to level five oh the mouth I think the mouth is up here right yeah I'm nervous about level five though after what we're witnessing right now but last one here oh my gosh that was so loud man guys no loud noises always scare me okay so there's no level now what a QR code H hold on let me scan this what is this let's see where the 8xx wait so this is an actual website interview wait what it brought me to an actual like wait it's Callas what it brought me to okay you guys scan this and watch it with me it brought me to an interview with Callis if you guys know who that is and he's just kind of talking to the camera and he's he's an he's basically an employee there yeah okay so he he's an employee there and he wants to give you the best experience you know that he can okay that's cool he's actually in the game like that okay so that's nothing there um what do I do now I guess we beat it I have to reboot right or restart at least that's kind of creepy though brings you to like a weird you know website and then you got to do all that why can't I restart oh there we go restarting so that's another secret down though there's a lot here man a lot like we still have all those other games on the right to try out but I think we finish that one for sure all right booting up let's go and log in there we go man this reminds me of being a kid these old computers okay so let's do ball popper sure let see what this is Calvis games oh man I remember on my computer I used to have mind sweep sweeper and like a a pinball game that was like in space or something like that I remember that all right let's play here we go what's the oh this is easy oh dud this is so fun I love this kind of game wait where'd it go oh it has to how many balls do I have don't know is it infinite I guess oh wait that ball where did that one come from okay we're just going to oh my no oh okay I see I see I have three balls I have to make sure we got a bigger platform now this is huge I already lost though one oh my God okay that ball we're allowed to lose ah dude wait what how do I do this okay shoot that I how do I get the balls over there okay go wait what happened I clicked out of the game on accident there we go got it all right well done thank you I feel it's going to say something creepy right there for like a second all right let's go let's go let's go we are getting better at the game I need that power up that gave me like multiple balls dude that was crazy oh wait there's a ball oh I barely got that okay nice nice nice we got double ball now okay there they all go there goes that oh wait what dude it just shot in it turned into two balls somehow and I lost it I don't know what happened there okay dude it it doesn't have uh you can click out of the game there's no mouse lock in this game for oh no I shot it down oh man this is actually difficult uhoh wait what what's happening yeah baby it's the baby what's he doing there what are you doing there little guy why you on my okay again what is he doing stop that stop that don't get any closer stop that right now don't get any closer stop you're too normal get out of here little guy don't got to get that close shaking those cheeks like that like look at his little cheeks on his face just they're shaking violently okay all right there he goes interesting H well that that was weird and creepy but cool I guess a lot of the scares in this game are very loud noises I've noticed but it's still I like it all right so I take it that that's that game done maybe if we complete it you might get something else I don't know but for right now let's try out um H jumping Julian yeah this this looks cool dreamer Studios wow that's an incredible name Dreamer Studios jumping Julian or jumping Juan no I think it's jumping Julian hello there my name is Julian and I am very happy you are playing with me no problem when people play with meys and space bar to help me make my way up to the top okay have fun all right thanks buddy I can do this for you um let me see here I oh oh I see I I just got to take him to that little red flag right there okay yeah this won't be too bad just jump no oh my gosh I did it jump again jump again okay easy yeah I did it now do the next level yeah let's go bit tougher but I should make it through yes you should and you will buddy all right don't you worry I'm not going to leave you behind Okay uh here we go I this game yeah I did it now on to the next level I feel it's going to get challenging randomly gruesome like he's going to fall and just like break his legs or something I don't know okay dude can you jump up oh my gosh it's so weird jumping in this okay go again careful no oh my gosh okay this level is a lot more interesting wait what dude you just like you glitch right through the block okay go I can go outside the map right there but I don't think I'm thinking like FNAF right now I don't think I can okay dude I don't think I there's any secrets out there right I mean you you would think there is but I'm going to say that there isn't you know okay here we go come on don't mess this oh okay we're almost there we're almost there got it oh System error a fatal exception blah blah blah is occurred it may be possible to continue normally press any key to attempt to continue let's attempt here 98 XX okay so wonder if we're going to boot into something that's like not normal so far looks good log in everything seems normal so far what are we going to see okay it's normal yeah it's normal I don't see anything right you guys see anything no looks good okay uh let's see here I guess that's that game what Julian how are you how are you floating on my it seems that a problem has occurred what but do not worry as I have fixed the game and made it even better how are you outside of the game right now on my computer screen My Guy where are you going I do have some to ask sure do you ever wonder if there's an afterlife oh boy it's something I really been thinking about well anyway let's play the game wait what game are you taking me back into jumping Julian no thought I beat that he's starting it again what if I close the game I wonder now let's let's finally rner challenge wait what should be fun now there's spikes dude okay this is interesting um wait where did they go they just disappear oh they're back again okay hold on is there like a double jump in this no there isn't okay this is going to be interesting cuz if they spawn here I'm dead okay we got it now on to the next level let's do this here comes a real challenge yeah this is going to be interesting obviously we have to complete this and I don't know oh what how that didn't even hit me go back on the video right there guys did that ball hit me I don't think it wait okay no it's doing this where they're like I can't even see them they're up there though oh my gosh we did it now on to the next level let do oh my so far what is this dude oh no there's no way I'm beating this I feel like it wants me to quit but we'll see here oh my yeah right dude there's no way I'm oh my okay yeah no this is not no we're not doing we're not doing okay yeah um I'm going to quit this game hold on I'm going to jump okay you have to time it like perfect ly okay no how do you do this cuz like oh my how do you do this even if you get up there though there's no save point so it's like this is ridiculous okay I don't know how to do this I don't know how it goes down it goes up it goes down it goes up all right when it goes uh I don't know okay dude the timing on that this is awful man this is so bad okay here we go hold on I need to like please don't fall oh my gosh okay oh no what okay game no game that is so stupid that is so dumb oh my gosh game I had that you cannot do that to me you saw I land on the platform and I turned around and died oh great okay here we go here we go okay hardest part down all right now all I got to do let's just jump across soon as oh my why did he go down like all right dude no no we're done we're done all right fine one more time one more time and then I'm done one more time you get one more and I fell through the the floor okay you know what we're done we're done goodbye Julian I can't close the game know we're we're rebooting I can't do anything I'm just I'm locked into the game are you kidding me I'm locked it you can't close it oh my gosh dude no this is awful it'd be a lot more fun if the jumping wasn't so bad in this like look you just clipped what is you just clipped through the thing so so easily okay yeah this is Rage inducing it's like we're playing like uh what's it Mario Maker you know like but it's like a horrible version of the game where you just clip through the ground over and over and over again okay Yep this is all right I'm I'm going to rage quit dude I'm going to rage quit I am going to rage quit here we go okay oh my okay you know what we take our time we calm down down take a deep breath there we go okay I am oh my I clipped through the ground how do how what how do I close this how do I close it dude how do I close this game how do I close how do I quit this and never play it again how do I do it game how do I do it get me out of this this is horrible oh my gosh I know for you guys watching you're like what this is so easy download the game download the game and try it watch you'll see that it's not as easy as it looks like the controls are like delayed and the guy just does not move properly just flies right through objects okay here we go okay please please okay oh my gosh System error all right re restart the restart the computer oh that was stressful that was stressful see look whenever you calm down you can beat it it's not that bad all right that was pretty bad though okay welcome fugio I think on my computer I name myself fugio instead of Fus like I forgot the N I'm Fuso there we go well it definitely got my uh computer name cuz that's what that's from all right so what else do we have in here we have tank black and asteroid blast let's do this error error oh come on I heard the knocking again you're not you're not fooling me with that dude you're not I I do want to know how many of you it fooled though it's pretty funny tank blast doesn't work either okay no wait none of the games are working what huh I can't even oh my I can't even restart that background look familiar back there it look like um I've seen that on YouTube or something oh oh boy oh do you ever wonder why death happens death comes unexpectedly one moment you're fine and then it all ends you must die you must die what is this guy waffling on about right now get out of here my guy all right come on oh my your PC ran into a problem needs to restart we're just collecting some error error in info then we'll restart it for you oh turned into a little smiley face okay now it's a big smile oh my gosh dude interesting very interesting so let's see here is it going to start like normal or it's going to pretend to start like normal and then we know what's going to happen it's going to get creepy again okay so far looks good you see anything new I don't puzzle patterns it's puzzle patter wait what has that always been there we just never played it or is that new what is this puzzle match all the shape patterns what match all of the shape patterns I don't get it match all of the shape patterns I have no idea what it's talking about match all the shape patterns I don't I don't get it at all I have no idea it's just random match unless it wants me to do like I'm guessing there's a pattern somewhere on the computer that I have to like find and then type into here CU I I don't know I'm just going to do this and see if that that's something uh there you go I did it I don't I don't know what that is all right can I actually play asteroid blast now I can thank you that's what I was trying to play the whole time dude my favorite game asteroid blast oh yeah here we go we're going to the Moon baby press an old space bar to blast them oh my gosh okay I can move all right this is it's like Galaga basically here we go let's see I feel like nowadays no one knows what galag is wait what's that oh I missed it move so slow I don't know how I'm supposed to get that wait come here what if I just let them fly past me right can I do that I imagine you probably need like a certain score to win right okay we got that one oh left left left got it go back go back oh my we're not making it we're not making it to that yeah there's no way I don't I don't know what happens if you do that but yeah we're not making it to that one either I I don't know there a speed boost or something or no I just this as quick as I can go well not making it to that one either they Dro too fast I'm going to stay in the middle okay I I can easily oh I got one it was in the middle wait no I tried getting that I didn't have time I missed the s what's the s oh I have speed finally dude okay so this is what I needed perfect perfect perfect oh my God I can hit oh it hit me okay no I'm not getting that no I'm not okay I got that one uh everything's falling what's this I don't know what I just grabbed no I lost my speed again oh my gosh it's dropping things okay okay oh we got a heart back okay good good good good good destroy destroy destroy we're at three hearts no speed I need that no I needed that that would have been massive oh my oh my wait they're dropping so quick now uh I'm just going to stay in the middle uh look at okay I'm going to go to the left look how many of them are dropping to I just stand stand here I should get like back to back to back wait why are they Landing over there now dude it knows where I go look now they Land wait it knows where I go dude okay no this game this game knows exactly where you go and it drops it in the opposite spot there's no way okay get this one I'm going over to the right it's doing it okay yeah this game is trolling me can I can I please get like a speed boost or something I literally okay okay now we're doing good we're going okay now it seems to be spawning them if I just go back and forth like this it seems to spawn them so I keep them coming we're almost at 10,000 hey oh what's that wait what oh what it rebooted oh no I thought that was going to be like a cool item or something going to reboot my old computer come on log in what do we got here see what happens now we know there's going to be something okay it looks normal so far yeah it looks normal I don't I see anything asteroid blast still works but it just brings us back to the normal game I don't know what I did obviously if I play yeah it's the same game I think we did whatever we needed to do on there but that's weird that it didn't do anything what's on Pixel paint I wonder if I uh do something here if it'll something will happen you can color in every block so it's not like it's going to do like a picture that way no H all right so the last thing we have is tank blast play use the arrow keys to move press and hold space to shoot okay yeah easy enough three hearts um you see Arrow key yeah press not space okay this is kind of oh my I already lost a life it shoots oh my this is so weird I move so fast okay come on I have two lives now I already lost one life oh my gosh it's so hard to hit those oh my oh my gosh okay so this is like a speed boost then or like a power up basically yeah yeah I'm going to stay in the middle I'm going to stay in the middle I I guess we got to get to 1,000 score right but I assume here go away go away back up okay we had another speed boost don't know what that did oh give me a heart I mean I don't think I really need it though I feel like I'm doing so good what did I just pick up right there look like a birthday hat or something 550 600 we are killing it right now I got four Hearts I'm insane at this game I'm going to go right back to the middle like this do like I'm going to be a little like the turret right here and just stay like this everyone stay back oh my wait oh my it's it's locking on me dude okay got it all right now what show me some more missiles come on show me the missiles get the missiles going dude where are they at 700 score I got another heart what is happening I I I what am I going to do with five Hearts dude is that like the it's a secret I just I'm invincible and I have like infinite lives cuz like this is insane what was that Juliet Julian said that like you know death is whatever but I dude with five Hearts I'm not dying I'm like a cat got nine lives right now I don't know what's happening okay one more I think and it's h the Thousand Mark there we go so going to come running out of the dark oh my it's moving quick okay that one's actually moving fast look at me I'm also moving extremely fast oh my gosh did I get it yeah I'm I'm at 1100 what is happening I don't know can I leave I'm locked in here oh my no no no leave me alone leave me alone what if you're supposed to die in this game and that's why it's giving me so many hearts dude I don't know oh I D I tried turning I couldn't hit it die got it okay keep defending no I'm losing Hearts now I got another one no okay as soon as I got that one I I lost it immediately why does it move like that sometimes they look like little like poop Torpedoes or something all right let's just see what happens if I die let's just let them hit me because I think that might be what we have to do all right there we go judging by how many hearts it's giv me right like it kind of feels like that game over see if anything happens here there's a lot of secrets in this that you can tell we have to find like oh nothing happened there's a lot of Secrets here that I haven't found I know there is so if you guys know what to do let me know in the comment section down below but I'm going to end this first video here this is a very interesting game it's very cool I like it a lot so I hope you guys enjoyed I'll see you guys in the next one peace out
Channel: FusionZGamer
Views: 1,000,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 98xx, 98xx horror game, horror game, 98xx fusionzgamer, fusionzgamer, fuzionzgamer, indie horror game, this game hacked my pc..
Id: NSdm2QtGZ3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 24sec (2304 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2023
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