This Gambit Destroys 1.e4 In 10 Moves [Even Carlsen Uses It]

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two different Grand Masters played E4 as white and lost their games in 10 moves against the secret Gambit which we're going to explore today now one of the games from Carlson by the way but let's start off from this game won gain damaso and but goes for the scand in defense but then does not recapture with a queen because he wants to do that with a knight now in this position strong players usually respond with Pawn to D4 which is probably the strongest move for white however amateur usually go for Knight C3 we're going to cover it in a moment just as well anyway let's start off with the main line Pawn D4 now at this point you could take this Pawn but it's even more aggressive to go Bishop G4 so-call Portuguese Gambit a Portuguese Gambit is of course when you sacrifice a potential football career for the sake of Chess just kidding anyway after Bishop G4 of course white could cover passively but then you just get back your Pawn with a good position something like this you can even recapture with a queen and put the pressure down here and you're perfectly fine therefore it's more ambitious for white to instead cover with a PA cuz that also hits the bishop and as the bishop goes back now what can say you know what I'm going to hold on to the sura Pawn cuz I'm also building up this Rock Solid Center and what are you going to do here and you're going to play in a Gambit style so you're not worried about losing one Pawn you want to aim for quick development and attacks you play E6 you attack this Pawn if why does want to lose it they have to take it but then you still don't recapture you still keep attacking with Knight to C6 not only develops Knight but it also attacks this Pawn because now we attack it twice and now it's pretty tricky now of course white could take here on F7 that's what we're going to cover in the next game we'll see how Carlson handled that it's also interesting that D5 this very natural move which seems to be so good for white in fact is a bad error because your knight is going go forward creating the threat of Knight to C2 because we also have our Bishop standing there and from C2 it's going to Fork the keen on Rook therefore white only helped black to develop his attack G they basically gave you one more tempo for your own attack and D5 is very common error now let's go back white player is a grandmas he played Bishop E3 which seems like a very solid move black responded with Bishop B4 check white covered and then he played Queen E7 very nice and flexible move so first off we put the queen opposite to his King and also possibly opposite to the bishop therefore maybe we're even going to take this pawn and exert this pressure along the file also you give it flexible because you can then possibly Castle either kide or quein side depending on the situation and quite often castling Queen side can be advantageous because you also bring a rook into play and that's exactly what happened by the way white played D5 trying to attack the Knight but black just ignore it and castled and it's quite a funny position because white seemingly attacks you or at least they're trying their best but you pe them all over the place like they can't take this Knight because the pawn is PE down to the queen and similarly they can take this Pawn because this Pawn is also pin down to this bishop on E3 so quite funny how you have these two different pins at the same time now I tried to get away from this pen and he played Queen A4 looks pretty good for white because you know he's moving away from the pen now he threatens this Knight maybe if the Knight goes he helps he wants to capture this Pawn on A7 but in fact white is already lost to beautiful tactics black sacrific the Knight right here on D5 it's really cool white can't move this Knight because it's pinned therefore has to take it and at this point it's still not clear why did Black sacrifice a knight and the next move is really brilliant you may think about this for a few seconds and try to find what black can do here to win the game and the move is Queen H4 it turns out that that's what black sacrifices Knight for we wanted to open this diagonal for our Queen and here's the trick sure enough white can cover his King with either a pawn or a bishop but in both cases we're going to have another beautiful move Bishop takes C three and this time we have this very unusual discovered attack the fourth Rank and we're going to grab his Queen like very unusual maneuver of the queen going this way and winning the game anyway let's go back white noticed this thing and instead played King to D1 so he's saying you know what you can't take this Knight because then I'm going to grab your queen but black didn't stop here he sacrificed this time The Rook Rook takes D5 another brilliant move on the same square D5 and after white captured it it's Queen to E1 very sneaky Checkmate now it's rare to see a grandmas being destroy like that within a couple moves playing white and white player is R 2540 fed it's a very strong Grand Master and you see that it was quite a Devastation in the second game an Indian grandmas VIP half Suri is played White against Magnus Carlson and initially it was all the same we go for the same Portuguese Gambit variation C4 Pawn E6 Knight C6 attack in this Pawn but at this game white played the most natural move he just took this Pawn on F7 looks cool for white cuz he saves his Pawn as well as simly exposes the black king however it actually backfires really badly because it in fact only helps you to develop your pieces now for this why still has to do something against this threat of Knight takes D4 threatening Knight to C2 Fork therefore he played Bishop E3 good move Bishop B4 check now in the game he played King F2 usually they go Knight C3 first but it actually doesn't matter because it leads to the same position so white played King F2 and now black plays Rook E8 bringing his Rook into play and that's why it was actually good for you that he took on F7 you see that now we activate our Rook pretty quickly now white played Knight C3 and the fun thing about this position is that white is already lost here and he doesn't realize that it feels like he played all correct moves so far but not really now Carlson decides to take advantage of White's undeveloped position and expose King but in order to get to the king he need to completely break open the center and he does that with Rook takes E3 first beautiful move calling the king out and then followed by Knight takes D4 which is one of the ways for black to win here it's pretty cool now at first it looks like it's a blunder cuz white can take it but he didn't why because after Queen takes D4 there is Queen E7 and you use the idea of a pin very interestingly in two different ways if the king slides back to F2 then there's Bishop C5 this diagonal pen and win the queen If instead white moves his King to D2 then this time you bring the Rook over here and you still use the pin by the way he can't move the Knight because it's also pinned you literally over pin white all over the place and white is still losing the game andan not only he's losing the queen but after that you keep attacking his kin as well which is the biggest problem of white so white didn't go for this line let's take it back and instead after Knight takes D4 he decided to move his King back to safety with King to F2 however now Carlson goes Bishop C five and says hey you know what I'm going to attack it on the next move with my knight so black can jump with the Knight he's somewhere and attack the king white played KN A4 trying to get rid of this annoying Bishop which x-rays the king but Carlson countered that with Bishop C2 another attacking move this time it's double attack to the Knight and queen you see how difficult is for white even for Grandmaster to handle Black's attack and now it turns out that white is defenseless the queen cannot move that would just lose this Knight so he decided to sacrifice uh the queen black took it and now temporarily it's slightly un clear but in fact black can still continue his attack and Carlson blade Queen E7 another nice move this attacks this Knight on C5 white defended it and that black played Rook E8 bringing the last piece into play threatening Queen E3 maybe even Queen E1 if white moves his Rook away because we stacker have pieces along the eile so white tried to play Bishop D3 to develop somehow and then black went inside with Queen E3 check the King has to move and in the game Carlson played B6 and won the game as well because you know black has somewhat a material advantage and also most importantly this devastating attack against White's exposed keen and undeveloped position but it was the most spectacular if black would finish the game in Mill tal Style just going forward sacrificing everything and get into the keing so it was Stronger to go Knight G4 threatening this Checkmate and if white takes it because what else then Queen F4 so that's what we sacrificed our Knight four our Rook takes away this line and it's over so white can cover with the Knight but we take it away and after this trade we attack the king as well as these both Rooks our Rook is still active along the E file and it's over you're going to win the rook and continue your attack and Checkmate white within several most probably and I know you may be thinking eigor it's all cool but none of my opponents will ever play Pawn D4 they're going to go Knight C3 that's what everybody is doing indeed on out level Knight C3 is the most popular move fair enough so that's why we'll get you covered we'll talk about this line as well and interestingly enough we're going to win in 10 moves against most popular moves of white here just as well so now when he defends the the pawn you just take it because indeed like this square is guarded by the queen so Knight C3 was kind of pointless now they usually take on D5 which is nice because it helps you to activate your queen they have no Knight on C on B1 anymore to go here and attack your queen so your queen is doing fine in the middle of the board now let's say they go kn three and you also develop the Knight your idea here usually is to castle queenside that's why you want to develop the queenside pieces first so we go Knight C6 now if they want to develop this bishop they'll play D4 and then you go Bishop G4 taking advantage of this pen now they want to cover the Knight so they go Bishop B2 now we Castle Queen side that's why we're wanting to Castle lawn side because now we have or have a pieces putting pressure down this file and right now we're already attacking this Pawn on D4 therefore that kind not only puts your king into safety but also Al helps your attack now since they need to defend the pawn they play Pawn C3 and now you go Pawn E5 attacking it once again and it kind of feels like you just want to trade pawns so they often take here on E5 expecting you to trade queens or do something like this but that's a decisive error and against this you win with a sneaky move Queen E4 so you don't try to take the pawn you don't trade Queens you instead just open up your Rook against the queen but you also set up your queen to this really good attacking position against his King so that's the trick now but first of all they got to cow the queen somehow so they usually moveed right here but now you take the pawn but not even for the sake of PA because you want to get to the king and it's actually all over for white right now already he's defenseless like you're putting a lot of pressure here against the king and Bishop but also against this Knight on F3 you're attacking it with this bishop with this Knight and there is nothing white can do really he can't trade on E5 cuz you're not going to take the Knight you're going to Checkmate him in one move so that obviously loses the game and he can just Castle because that would drop the bishop he would simply take it and he'd be a piece down with no compensation so he can't move away if he tries to cover this way then you can win in multiple different ways you could just trade everything on F3 and win a pawn at the end of the line and also get a winning position but Bishop C5 is probably the most spectacular way you just really want to overpower white with all these threats against his King and along the E file and you can see that that's really way too much for white to handle for example if they take here again you can probably play different moves but the most force and one is Bishop takes F3 they got to recapture Knight takes F3 this time it's check to the king they can't take it because it's ped by the queen your Rook takes away this file therefore the only move that they can play is King to F1 and now you've got Knight D2 this nice Fork to the king and queen you also open up this attack against The Rook like there's really way too many threats for white handle but on the next move you don't even need the queen although you could take it cuz you can actually check mate white with this move and our Knight takes away the square so I mean he can sack the bishop but basically it's a Checkmate this time is your turn to test your skills it is wi to play and win it's our puzzle of the day and if you can find the solution please write it down in comments below if you enjoy the Portuguese Gambit I've got another video where I go more in depth into some other lines that we didn't cover today you can check it out right here and it's really a good opening to play for you also if you want to learn how to attack properly in any kind of openings check out the free Master Class by clicking the link up there
Channel: Remote Chess Academy
Views: 47,482
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Keywords: portuguese gambit, portuguese gambit chess, portuguese gambit traps, scandinavian portuguese gambit, scandinavian defense portuguese gambit, scandinavian defense gambit, magnus carlsen gambit, magnus carlsen scandinavian defense, magnus carlsen scandinavian, magnus plays scandinavian, magnus carlsen vs indian guy, magnus carlsen vs indian, best chess opening against e4, best black opening chess against e4, scandinavian defense for black, scandinavian defense trap for black
Id: F-oXx8jdYrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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