Kasparov Teaches How To Play The Best Chess Opening After 1.e4

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what if you could ask Gary Kasparov about the best opening to defeat a beginner to intermediate level opponent well luckily we can at least we know his answer because he played a bunch of simal against am players and in many of those games he used the same winning plan which on ball to share with you today so in this position that comes from first standard opening moves your opponent will typically play either Bishop C5 or KN of six which doesn't really matter for us cuz it'll lead to the same standard opening position in this game his opponent plays Knight F6 by the way gar is playing White against a black player blending I suppose it means blonde in French but he was playing Black anyway let's continue so Knight F6 D3 and black played Bishop C5 so oring this very standard position which you've probably seen many times in your own games so how do you play it well first he plays move Pawn to C3 instead of moving the Knight there and it makes a lot of sense now there are two main reasons behind this move first of all you take away the square so that your opponent can never jump there forward and attack you and that's nice secondly you're getting ready to play D4 anytime in the future doesn't mean you have to play right away but there will always be this threat which is annoying for your opponent now after your opponent responding with D6 there's another mysterious move that Gary always plays and that's move Bishop B3 now initially it may puzzle you why not to Castle why not to develop why to move the same piece twice in an opening which seems to be wrong well in this particular case there there is a reason to do that like your Bishop is a very important piece which puts this long-term pressure against your opponent and you do want to save it however your opponent at some positions May jump with his Knight to A5 like I'll just show you what I mean May jump here to A5 and will try to trade off this bishop which you don't want so in order to prevent this you go Bishop B3 and then the idea is if your OPP ever tries Knight A5 it's completely harmless because you've got these nice Escape square and after that as you escape there will be a threat of B4 so it's clearly disadvantageous for black and he's probably not going to go there therefore there is this prophylactic move Bishop B3 now it is also a very clever and crafty trap positional trap because very often your Opps at some point will play Bishop G4 looks like the most active Square for the bishop pting your knight and hopefully helping black to develop his kingside attack later on but it is actually a pretty big mistake I would say and from here he's going to be a downhill battle for your opponent he's is constantly going to be under massive pressure now we'll see why that's why this plan is so good initially play Pawn H3 asking this bishop to make a decision whether they want to trade or go back in both cases we're cool we know what to do then and our plan fundamentally is the same now in the game like played Bishop H5 which is the most play move in this position but some of your opponents might take this start on F3 so let's also talk about this so that you are fully prepared now what if your Pawn takes right here well that's actually pretty nice because it helps your queen Queen to get out to this active position you can also relocate the queen here and put pressure along the G file in both cases we're targeting his King which is cool uh also you've got two Bishops they are very active they're already controlling these diagonals if let's say your Pawn castles done with Bishop G5 it's already quite problematic you put pressure here and your opponent can't really do anything about that so it's going to be a long-term pressure anytime you want to he can take and ruin his Pawn structure so that's probably already almost losing for black now let's go back um if instead your Pawn tries to stop this by going H6 again I want you to know what to do regardless of your opponent's moves so whatever he plays you'll have a clear attacking plan now there is a nice downside of this move which your opponent is unaware of you're going to go Knight D2 that's a standard maneuver in the rule opice but you can use it right here as well where your knight relocates to this very powerful attacking Square G3 and ideally to F5 and if you can put your knight there then guess what you've got a crush an attack but even more so we are once again also waiting for your opponent to Castle right into your attack because then you can even have like like this brutal attack within the next couple moves you just play G4 and our idea is that simple want to use this Pawn to break open the position on the king side want to go Rook G1 G5 and Checkmate him and as simple as it sounds there's not much black can do or at least it's very difficult for black to find anything effective against this so usually they'll play something like A6 A5 Queen D7 Rook e doesn't really matter whatever you go Rook G1 they play something again doesn't matter you go G5 and as you can see this Pawn H6 is actually very helpful because your Pawn has nothing to do but to open the G file for us with this Pawn standing on H7 he could just move the Knight away but with the pawn H6 that's a big problem now we threaten to take here or here if he captures we Rec capture with a rook and now with got this Rook opposite his King and it's the beginning of the end right now you're already threaten Queen takes F6 by the way because the pawn is pinned you have this massive attack along the G file um I'll also show one common tactical motive if let's say he defends the Knight you can now team up against the G7 Pawn if he ever moves it forward it's a very common blunder because there is Rook takes G6 now your opponents usually Overlook the fact that you have this bishop standing here in an ambush and it beans the pawn therefore he can't recapture he's just losing the game all right that covers your opponent trading off his Bishop on F3 now you know what to do what if he goes back with his Bishop which is the most common Choice he wants to maintain the pain then he play Knight D2 and as we know first of all you want to reroot the Knight right here from there you're going to attack the bishop or you want to put your knight to F5 but once again that is also an awaiting move we just want for your opponent to Castle kide because as he do this we're going to have pretty cool attack after that so when he castles Gary played Queen E2 another kind of waiting move and after Queen D7 Gary launched the actual attack Pawn G4 at first looks like white player is a noob who doesn't know what to do he does not develop his pieces he leaves his Cane in the middle of the board he pushes the pawns and weakens his position it looks all bad now the reality is right the opposite right if you reached this kind of position I'd say that chances of you winning this game are extremely high because you have a very simple attacking plan and your opponent has nothing to oppose really it's going to be very difficult for him to find any way out of this so G4 pressures the bishop gain a tempo for your attack and as the bishop goes back now you continue with your maneuver of the Knight to G3 so that you have more pieces on the king side where you want to attack him now black play Rook E8 Knight comes to G3 now what I really love about this plan by the way is that black seemingly plays all correct moves right he developed all his minor pieces he castled he put his Rook to the center he connected the Rooks by playing Queen D7 he seemingly plays all correct moves all the moves that all classical chess tutorials teaches black to play and yaki's position is probably already losing or at least extremely difficult to save and why is playing this weird attacking plan but somehow works and that's why Gary really loves this plan it's a very crafty way to win lots and lots of games by following the exact same plan and of course you may say hey like Gary's legendary champion I'm not like yeah but nothing stops you from executing the same plan in the exact same moves right so n G3 now from here maybe you want to go there like decided to stop that perhaps and played Knight E7 and as you reach this position you have a number of attacking options in the game Gary played Bishop G5 which is a nice way so you want to take there and open up his King alternatively quite often you can just jump with your knight forward to F5 and that can be also pretty strong because your opponent cannot tolerate this Knight which puts so much pressure against him and if he ever takes it this again opens up the G file for you you'll put your Rook there and it's going to be all over very soon apart from that sometimes you can just push the pawn forward H4 H5 and trap the the bishop or completely open up the king side and again attack his King so you have a lot here you have this Pawn push you have Bishop G5 KN F5 depending on the situation you may choose the move you like the most Gary chose the easiest one Bishop G5 developing a bishop and threatening to ruin his Pawn structure and black has nothing to do really and like black is kind of stuck here very difficult to find a counterplay because whatever he does doesn't really change anything for you you just push forward with the same plan black played H6 white traded on F6 and here gar felt so comfortable that he even castled Queen side because why not I mean black is stuck he can't do anything so white can attack comfortably and even finalize his development now black played Rook d8 not exactly sure why and not H4 we want to put pressure here or maybe jump to F5 by the way once again it's useful to notice that if we take here your opponent will not be able to recapture the pawn and repair his Pawn structure because will still have this bishop on B3 it's one of the like very tactical motifs that your Pawn will Overlook like this bishop stands there for a long time but it's always important that it is there and it takes part in your attack now after Knight H4 black decided to save his bishop and gar played Knight H5 Well normally a knight on the r is d one of the classical chess rules but Gary says rules are for fools and he put both his Knights on the edge of the board well in this particular case it's pretty strong indeed from here you want to go Knight takes F6 with a fork to the king and queen and also Bishop to some extent and black is defenseless so black tried to remove the queen but then Knight takes F6 still check to the king in the game black play King f8 which uh maybe isn't the best option but actually it was pretty bad anyway let's say if he goes here white can just break open with G5 Queen H5 something like this and check mate so black was probably lost at Le Point already in the game black moved his King to f8 but now after Knight takes king take King goes here looks like the Knight is lost but with G5 but just want to open up the king completely so King takes Queen H5 threatening here or here and after Knight G8 gett finished it pretty soon with this fancy knight checkmate here's a quick puzzle for you I use this position to humiliate some of my Grandmaster friends I give them 10 seconds and ask them to find check m one and some of them don't find it so let me know in the comments below how long did it take for you to find Maiden one today we talked about winning in ch when you were playing white what if you're on the other side of the board what if you're playing the Italian game or the two nights game as black I've got this video where I show you how to execute basically this very similar plan when you're black and to win more games and if you want to level up your positional understanding overall check out this freame master class right there
Channel: Remote Chess Academy
Views: 69,904
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Keywords: italian game winning plan, italian game chess, italian game for white, italian game for beginners, win with italian game, how to win with italian opening, garry kasparov italian game, garry kasparov chess openings, garry kasparov opening, garry kasparov white opening, garry kasparov favorite opening, kasparov openings, garry kasparov chess lessons, garry kasparov chess tricks, best chess openings for white, best chess openings to win fast, best chess openings to beat beginners
Id: mWaCZ6t0CBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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