I Found a New Easy Online Business No One is Talking About!

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today in this video I will show you one of the easiest ways to start an online business what's unique about this strategy it requires no coding you don't need to write blog posts and the competition is still low the video is divided into two parts in the first part the first 3 minutes I will explain the idea and show you practical real examples from my own business and from other successful people that impl mented this strategy and in the second part I will show you step by step practically technically how to implement this strategy so if you are ready let's get started this video is sponsored by skillshare so without wasting time let's start with the idea it is simply about building and selling data driven tools what do I mean by that I think the easiest way to understand this with real examples if you go now and open my website and go to datail library you will see here I have multiple databases the prompts Library the codes snippet Library the email subject line Library the idea simply you can see here I collect for example in this Library I collect prompts to use with CHP or with language models if someone clicks on this button they will access the prompt template and they can copy it and and use it so I collected data in my case prompts and I provide it as a service and all this by the way on WordPress without coding I will show you all this in a little bit how to implement similar data libraries the second one is the codes Library the same concept and the EM subject line library and here we have Creator hooks which is a database of YouTube videos simply this guy here collected successful YouTube videos so YouTubers can use to discover topics successful title formulas successful thumbnails and so on other example is this website s stats database it's simply a database of websites you can explore websites and discover new niches competitors Trends and re engineer successful websites and so on I hope you got the idea so it's about building a library containing useful data for people to use okay now into the practical part of the video in this part we have three sections in section one I will show you practically technically how to create such libraries then I will show you how you can collect data I'll give you some ideas some strategies that will help you get started to build your own database of valuable data then in section three I will give you the marketing plan so you can have everything to get started so so let's start with the Practical or technical part we will assume now that you collected some data and you want to sell online you want provide a service online how to do this we have mainly three approaches let's start with the easiest one simply you can use notion I myself bought two data libraries on notion this one the hook idea Factory you can see here we have hooks about Tex stories advice and so on and the other one I bought is the top 100 headlines on medium there another database on notion so what you can do simply is to create a page on notion it's very simple you just add the content you can add also a table here database and so on write whatever you want fill the data here and then you can go click on share click on publish and then get the link and simply if you go here and paste the link in the browser and you can see it will open as a website so people can access this data using the URL and the easiest way to sell such templates on notion or data libraries on notion is using Gum Road if you go to Gum Road for example search for notion you will see a lot of people are selling notion templates and notion pages on gumroad so you don't need a website nothing gumroad and notion and you get get started notion is a great place by the way to get started you can even sell templates lot of things organize all your work you can see here all my business is organized here on notion everything my full business my research my open source projects everything and speaking of notion I recently started this class on skill show on how to use notion to be more productive and organize my full business It Is by Ali abdal I think you know him he's a famous YouTuber the idea is even though I have been using notion for more than years now I felt as if I have never used it before it completely changed the way I think about notion and I found a lot of projects and templates within this class to help me optimize and organize everything more efficiently in notion now the idea is what I discovered that on skure there are a bunch of interesting notion courses starting with notion 101 the basics for beginners to building and selling notion templates so you can start a business with notion and what's more important there is a course on using notion databases as a pro and I think these courses will help you a lot in our case if you want to start a data driven business with notion so you can learn everything from the basics to building databases to selling these as notion templates skillshare is one of the largest online learning communities out there with thousands of classes Tau by experts starting with filming illustration design freelancing productivity and much much more you can also find some of my courses on skillshare like the AI agents course and creating AI tools on WordPress skillshare really can help you take your career skills and even your hobbies to the next level not only that I've ped with skillshare to the first 500 people to use my Link in the description below will get one month free trial of skill share get access to 100 of courses today for free click the link and get started today thank you skillshare for supporting my adree videos and supporting my channel anyway let's get back into our work and see how we can build data libraries online things now will become more interesting the other way to build such data libraries is with custom development for example hooks I don't know what technology he used but it is a custom development also you can use no code tools if you want but now we need to keep things simple and I will show you how I build data libraries on WordPress without coding I think this is the best way to get started and you have a lot of flexibility without coding and is the most affordable way you don't need a developer you don't need to learn coding you just need a WordPress website and that's it so you can see here I have a simple table and if you click on any of these prompts or records like this one this one and this one all have the same template they have a title they have the prompt template and they have the description or how to use the same here and the same here so it's like a blog post inside WordPress if you open here blogs for example I hope you're familiar with WordPress it's very simple and basic so we have here posts if you open this post or this post to read you will see they have a template you can read the post so we have a title and so on the same for this one the same for this one so we have common template between all posts between all blog posts but in our case we are creating something special like a custom post so the first step into building a data library inside WordPress is to define a custom post type for example in my we it here if you go here you will see something called prompts you can add a new prompt here if you click on the plus sign you will see I have here prompt I have a tool I have a custom code I have research paper premium video all these are custom post types so let's get started with a brand new WordPress website and in case you want to test and learn with us you can simply download this application it's called local WP create a local word press website to follow up and learn with us so I'll go here to plugins and click on add a new plugin simply search for custom post type and install this one custom post type UI install this plugin simply allows you to create custom post types you will see now how important and useful it is let's activate it perfect now if you refresh you will see we have this cptu UI in click on ADD edit post types and enter a slug for example prompt plural prompts and singular prompt that's simple you can go down here and edit the labels if you want and down here we have something important we can add support for title for the editor featured image we can add custom Fields comments revisions it's like borrowing from the main post type some features let's now keep things as it is by default and click on ADD post type you can edit this later if you want add things but let's now keep things simple to help you understand the concept easily you see now in the menu we have prompts you can now add a new prompt easily if you click add a new it will look like a simple blog post here you can add a title and write content now if you go back to my preium prom prom library and click on show prompt for any of my records or prompts in the library you will see we have the title we have this prompt template we don't have a blog post here and we have this section other section we don't have for example comments or like a simple blog post so how we do this again to our WordPress dashboard what you will do is you'll add custom fields to your custom post again to plugins don't worry if there's some new terms here you'll understand everything with this practical example so now we have the custom post type we have prompt now we need to add custom Fields so I would say custom Fields here plugin it's called ACF I think yes ACF Advanced custom Fields install Perfect activate let's refresh the page and now we have ACF plugin here let's go to field groups let's add a field Group let's call it promt custom fields for example anything and the first field is the prompt template like this this the field name with no spaces default value nothing add a new field it's also text and let's say this is description or anything description so now we are adding custom fields to our custom post type the prompt and now we will simply assign these fields to the post type called prompt that's simple you can assign here the settings save changes and if you go now to prompts here click on all prompts add a new one you will see now we have prompt custom Fields prompt template and description you see so now we have like additional fields to our special post type which is called prompt in your case it might be something else we will cover data ideas in few minutes but now let's focus on the idea of building this data Library you see how so now we have the title and we have the prompt template and the description which in my case here title prompt template and description perfect now let's go back to my dashboard again to show you this small tip maybe you don't want to add a simple text input like this you want a text editor what we can do simply is go back to ACF field the groups and click on edit this one and just open the promp template for example and in a field type you can select text area or maybe an editor and now if you save and refresh the page here you see now the prompt template is an editor you can add whatever you want you can add HTML if you want everything inside this field so you can also select the prompt you can select the field type in this drop- down area here perfect so now we have our custom post types and we can fill them inside our website let's do this for example add this is prompt one I will say prompt one template anything and description prompt one description publish perfect if you now click on view prompt we will see this simple page we don't have the custom fields and this is what we are going to fix right now how we can create a custom template to show our data to show our prompts so let's go back here and go to plugins add a new plugin and now let's install Elementor which is a drag and drop web page builder and template Builder install Now activate perfect go here to templates and click on theme Builder now for this to work you need the elementary pro version and simply here you can click on create a new single post template you'll see now how easy is this just close this one and then we can simply drag and drop widgets from this area here click on for example let's add a post title perfect then and let's add text [Music] editor and here simply click on this Dynamic tags button go down and select ACF field then again click on the ACF field click on key and click on prompt template now whenever you open a prompt The Prompt template will appear here let's duplicate at this and the second one we will show The Prompt description it's that simple now click on publish and click on ADD condition where do you want to display this we want to display on prompts only all prompts simply publish this and now if you go back to our prompt here and click on view prompt hope it works perfect you can see now we have the prom title the prom template and the prom description of course you need to design this with Elementor create something somehow catchy design it add some images if you want for example let me show you this from my other Library the code snippets library if you click on any of these codes you will see we have the ID we have these small emojis we have this free tag description the code and these images so you can simply design with El whatever you want simply add here if you want icons images and finalize your template and just make sure you set the condition to prompts here that's it and you'll have your custom template for the custom post type in our case it is prompts now the last step is to create the library page the main page so click on pages here add a new page I I mean this one like the table if you want it may be a list like this one for example in tools let me show you this you can build something like this one here you have a lot of options but in case you want to add a table for example this is the prompt library page here you can add a table and simply create it add the prompt and the link and you can add the titles here and the link to each prompt that's simple you can keep things simple and you can scale later change the design as you like now we are not going in depth here it's somehow out of scope I think you get the idea now you can do whatever you want okay now let's move and discuss a little bit some ideas what type of data you can collect now since I am more in the marketing in the business field and more in the coding and AI field maybe I'll give you now examples related to my Niche but I think you can extract the concept and apply on whatever Niche you want for example here in marketing I collected em subject lines Library so this will help anyone who wants to send a successful em marketing campaign with subject lines and subject line formulas with scores these are tested subject lines we have more than 83 subject line here and by the way I'm providing this for free you can check it if you want now you say it's free so how we can make money out of this maybe you can use this as a lead magnet to attract users and build your email list then sell your full database and so on anyway I do this so this is a free database where people can access and these are my other premium database libraries for example this one here the code simples Library It's a combination of free and premium prompts for example this one here is free the green one and this one is premium if you open it you see it's premium so free users are not allowed to access this one also this approach will help promote your premium data so people can see the free content if they like the data they will go and buy your full product or your full library and this is the prompts library and now I am building a new library it's called a niche database it's not yet published but it will be soon here I have Niche database with search volume and backlinks and we have top websites in each Niche and so on so I'm collecting the data now and building the database we have a lot of ideas just think about something valuable in your Niche for example if you are on Twitter you can collect Twitter post templates or X templates maybe social media templates maybe education you can create educational assets for teachers for children whatever you can collect this type of data and sell it in a package or in a library and one tip here later on you can scale this with a membership in my case I sell this as a membership even Creator hook sell this the membership but you can start with one time process if you want like on notion and gumroad and later on you can scale with more libraries and create a membership maybe you can add this membership with multiple products with a course with a forum with access to a private community and so on but now let's focus on the idea so the first step is to find what data you want to collect before you collect anything you need to see what kind of data valuable data you can collect and provide as a data Library as a data driven tool to your clients and by the way if you need help in this I'll be available almost every day on my Forum it's totally free just join us we can chat we can discuss ideas and maybe I can help you find some ideas to start this type of business and as a bonus I have two unique ideas for a data Library I will give it to you by the end of this video but before that I want to show you a simple marketing plan a road map on how to get started and how to get your first clients what you need only please focus on this what you need only is a platform like Twitter or LinkedIn to get started with plus an email list this is why I mentioned that you can build a free library like this one a small library that can attract and be used as a lead magnet to collect and build your email list list then when you build your email list you can Market your premium products with and another good tip here I got from this guy here Creator hooks what he does is simply every week let's open my Gmail account to show you this in practice every week he send an email like this one a free newsletter so he show some data from his library for free like four or five records from the library and always marketing his pro version here so you can collect some data I used to do this also with my premium prompt Library I send some prompts for free and if people wants to learn more and get more prompts they can access my full library with a premium membership so this is a good strategy the idea let's get back to the main idea is to work on an email list and focus on only one social platform LinkedIn or Twitter I think in this field is a great place to start with post about your data something related to your data simple post and start growing and you will see in a couple of months in few months you will start getting your first customers just focus on those two strategies email and one social platform don't create a blog for now don't create a website don't go with four or five platforms that just focus on to and when you get your first clients you can scale up with a members ship add more products and scale your full business now the bonus ideas for you today what's trending is two things AI agents and AI automated workflows if you go to my YouTube channel here you will see these two videos this one sell this product I published last week and this one create AI agents what you can do is to create a bunch of AI agents you'll BBE be the first one to create this Library online and the second method is to create automated workflows AI automation workflows with a no code platform like zapier or make and you can share the workflow with people you can sell the workflows and if you want to learn how to do this you can simply check out this video here I hope you learned something new today if you did don't forget to smash the like button button and see you in the upcoming videos
Channel: Hasan Aboul Hasan
Views: 33,936
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best business ideas, best online business, best online business for beginners, best online businesses, business, business ideas 2022, business ideas 2024, dropshipping, easy online business, entrepreneurship, how to make money online, how to make money online 2024, how to start an online business, low investment business ideas, make money from home, make money online, online business, online business ideas, online business ideas 2024, side hustle ideas, hasan aboul hasan
Id: 187gLkUETVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 31sec (1471 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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