This Fires Real Bullets... But it is "Not a Gun"

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oh no sorry uh sorry can you shut the door please oh yeah sorry hey Matt from the future this video is actually a little too sketchy we need to tone down the sketchiness but you get a great video also before we get there we are having a sale at ends today today is the last day of the sale all green demolition shirts all of our demolition swimsuit plus some other stuff is on sale till the end of the day and orders over 50 bucks get free shipping all right enjoy the video spoiler alert we survived welcome to Demolition Ranch as you guys know Shark Week is coming up and you can never be too careful thank goodness I had my bang stick foreign this is a bang stick we have a few of them today we borrowed them from a scuba diving friend and they're actually used to protect yourself underwater so if you had just a pistol underwater a lot of them won't fire because so normally that hammer is dropping it goes through air so it has little resistance on the way to hit the firing pin to set off your primer set off your round if you have it under water it's going to be going a little slower and sometimes they don't go off some guns will fire underwater but not all of them and then if you're 10 foot from a shark bullet's going to slow down a lot going through that water as well also if your Barrel is full of water that can be bad so they make these the purpose of these is to put around right here you have a very tiny barrel and you have a very long firearm even though these are not classified as firearms and you punch into whatever you are trying to kill and so it actually has no water to travel through because it puts the bullet right up against it explodes in this chamber as you I'll show you if you pull this safety out when you punch it it collapses that right there and that jams a firing pin into the primer setting off that round inside the shark or the turtle you're been attacked by a turtle underwater not fun this one is actually chambered in two two three the round that an air 15 shoots so the way it works is you unscrew the end here and then you put your two two three right in there like that and so that is totally all the way in there the entire bullet takes up that chamber and you can see it sticking out right there and then you screw it back in we still have our safety so we have something physically blocking our firing pin right now but I'm going to stay out of the way of the barrel anyway and then you swim with this thing I actually don't know if they have it sort of like tucked on their back somewhere but you swim around this thing and if you see a threat you grab this pull it out and you bang it which is why they call it the bang stick we should bang it on camera to test this though we need to go to the ocean but we don't want to so we're just going to do it in this Home Depot bucket I'll be honest I'm a little nervous so we're gonna be behind the shield safety's off I'm there's nothing in the bucket I'm literally just gonna punch the ground with it and see what happens oh man this is scary there we go I have no ears too because I want to feel it cool a little bit not bad though let's see did we break our bucket oh wow yeah we broke our bucket I mean the bullet just went straight into the ground so here's what it looks like you can see that primer is dented kind of weird because it has a weird firing pin shape here I actually get these out now okay I need to work on that um let's try it again but this time on a real shark it's a very rare melon shark and he's coming right for us this one I'm gonna put the ears on our GoPro didn't work on the last one hopefully you get a GoPro shot of this one so we can actually see what it looks like because we're too scared to look around same thing five five six heading for our melon shark oh I for sure got him that hurts oh man melon shark down ew that's what his brains look like yeah I'm gonna say that is an effective way to kill a shark guys watch out a tiger shark oh man he looks mean better go ahead and take the safety off I don't want to do this get away from mate just stab him in the face and didn't go off it's just going in him okay oh okay yeah we had it dead we'll check it out all right deactivating the bomb I got safety back in I just want to see if uh we have a primer strike or not figure out why that didn't go off yeah I got a primer strike it's not as hard as the other but it looks hard enough I don't know maybe he's got a little bed I still got tiger shark blood on me I hope that was a hard hit not going off I already broke my new toy all right we're gonna try a different one I can't figure out why that one it's just light primer striking so this one is actually chamber for 357 Magnum maybe that's what it is is tiger sharks are invincible to 556 so you need something with a little Magnum power so basically just put it in there and this one just shoves in pull your safety out and then you slam it in it sets the thing off very simple mechanism for these things so we got our safety which means we're super safe now put your 387 mag in there put that in there like that okay get away shark s this is so scary hmm I don't like this game maybe our watermelons I mean tiger sharks are just too soft so this tiger shark ate a coconut let's see if that helps oh man this is scary ow that's got some recoil in it okay uh let's see what happens yep we hit the coconut oh my gosh yeah that destroyed that primer cool there you go 37 Magnum kill the coconut shark that's the thing it's a frenzy we got two great whites and a tiger shark and they're all coming for me luckily I have a 44 magnum now yay the problem here is when we went from 556 to 357 Magnum it kicked a lot more and now we're going to 44 magnum so normally when you shoot a 44 magnum you have a revolver and it takes up the entire hand so that energy all goes in your hand plus a lot of it recoils back into your arm or when you're shooting a 44 magnum rifle it all goes into your shoulder on a big pad the problem with this one is it all goes in this one little point on my hand it just goes straight back and hits it does not feel great so I'm a little worried about a 44 magnum because the three to seven Hertz but we will see what happens okay safety's on safety is off let's kill some sharks this is so scared oh my gosh it's not working great yeah I'm not doing that anymore golly that hurt so it hurt my finger somehow here's where most of it hit and then also this is all on fire now so I think it just ow B my hand hurts but this shark hurts more sharkbud y'all knowing Finding Nemo where that orthodontist took Nemo from the ocean took him into his office as decoration put him in a fish tank and then Nemo's dad was super scared couldn't find his son Nemo was super scared am I gonna die I don't know that's a lot of trauma for that poor family Nemo was never the same he's on drugs now we want to make sure that doesn't happen so we've come back in time we found the orthodontist right here and we're gonna kill him so that he can never take Nemo and none of that trauma will happen and no one will ever have to find Nemo because he never got lost in the first place we put the 556 back on here and since this is a covert mission I tacked it out I put a red dot and uh a flashlight on here so we can sneak up to this guy in his boat take him out before he kidnaps he's a bad guy I'm trying to say he's bad I'm not killing a good guy he's he was kidnapping Nemo our beloved Nemo flashlight on Red Dot on so I can aim perfectly safety off your protection on all right you monster You're the Reason Nemo's addicted to seaweed oh he was full of blood I didn't know dang it these are my new shorts [Music] this is so much more gruesome than I thought it was gonna be officer no I I had no I don't I didn't kill him I have no idea oh this Blood I I just fell down and cut myself um all right what someone got shot over there a fisherman that's crazy I had nothing to do with this oh this is gonna stain like I'm gonna go to a restaurant and they're gonna be like we need to call the cops we have another one thanks to our buddies the Florida free divers for sending this to us this one this one seems kind of extra big no no wait oh no I'm not doing it all right thank you guys for watching this episode okay let's freaking do it go ahead and give this video a like there's a very good chance we are completely demonetized with the amount of blood over there um here's the deal I don't want to hold on to this thing because it's going to suck so safety off we're gonna put it in the firing chamber right up next to his ear um yep and then we smack it with a shovel science if something is a little too sketchy just double down on the sketchiness [Music] or did it just not go off here we go oh so I got more guts to me that actually like still rattled me pretty good with the shovel and knocked him completely off the table and it went in oh it did yeah it came out that's my dramatic reenactment we watched The Slow Mo it just looked like it just pulled his skull out of his head skin and threw it everywhere turns out a bang stick to the face would definitely stop a child fish Predator I had an idea hmm oh my God there's your hit right there ha ha look at this I have another idea if something seems a little too sketchy you double down if that's too sketchy triple down I think we're on quadruple now llama get back I missed oh what was that we're done with this thing for life so I missed it it went right here I threw it and went bounced off of that which is why there was a delay and then landed somewhere over here boom I don't like this thing anymore let's end this video thanks for watching this episode of Demolition Ranch I love you and I'll see you next never see this again you really gotta enjoy what we have here oh [Applause] it's quite simple there's only one rule in the demolition you don't tell mayor
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 1,759,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr.
Id: TwOs-auPdcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2023
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