"I'm Ready to Journey Back to Judah"

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all this place components places [Music] [Music] let's play thank your verse from the Sun to the please [Music] buzzer Oh come on we've come [Applause] the strong Oh [Music] my toes [Music] come on the second up yeah come on oh wait what he's done please put your heads together we're coming come on wait come on [Music] [Music] [Music] come on a put your head together get that brain [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh hallelujah don't stop praising them now if there's a yes in your spirit this morning why don't you just put your hands together and bless His Holy Name hallelujah for the Lord is great and greatly to be praised yes Lord yes my soul says yes if you're not standing already and if you're able to stand please stand for this morning's proclamation what is today and what shall we do come let us enter into his courts with praise as this mighty young adult choir leads us in this morning's him amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] I am [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a man is praying time church come on Center ourselves and bring every thought into captivity we want to go into the presence of the Lord connect with your neighbor if you feel led to let us join as one body and go before the Lord in prayer let us pray yes Lord yes Lord to your will into your way I want to say yes Lord to your purpose and your word I want to say yes Lord to your love O Lord God into your forgiveness I want to say yes Lord to your might and your glory I want to say yes Lord yes Lord we love you Lord Jesus yes Lord we praise You Lord Jesus yes Lord we lift up your name and we magnify you today O Lord God because this is a day that you have made o Lord God and we want to say yes right now Lord Jesus that you might have your way in this place o Lord God we want to invite you O Lord Jesus into not only this place but into our lives our Lord Jesus and give you full access to us O Lord God and give you full authority to us O Lord Jesus that you might be glorified in us O Lord God because we live Oh Lord cheese in such a dark world o Lord God we live in such troubled times Oh Lord Jesus when there's so much confusion and strife and envy and hatred O Lord God and we desire Lord cheese and say yes to your love and to your joy into your peace o Lord God we love you we bless you Lord Jesus we ask you O Lord Kanha to have your way Lord cheese because there's someone in this place that has come in here o Lord calm with heartache O Lord Jesus they've come into this place o Lord seated with confusion o Lord God they may have even come in here with with pain in their body Oh Lord Jesus and sickness in their body but by their faith O Lord Jesus they may the move to come into the house a day and you said it is by faith O Lord God that we enter O Lord God into your presence O Lord Jesus it brings the praise to our lips O Lord God for we know Lord Shiva that you have been faithful O Lord God and we can trust you to do just as your word is said so we lift up our voices O Lord God in our hearts to you today to cry out to you Lord Jesus they say Lord Jesus have your way O Lord God lead us O Lord God in the places or Lord Jesus that we are fearful to go into knowing O Lord God that you've already been there that you prepared a place Oh Lord Jesus in the presence of our enemies O Lord God that we might stand before you as a witness and a light Oh Lord Jesus magnifying you O Lord cotton proclaiming your name or Lord Jesus and let everyone know Oh Lord God that there is a savior Oh Lord kahan there is an anointing Oh Lord Jesus there's a way O Lord God into the way of cheese their place that is peace O Lord God of love so we bless you right now Lord Jesus bless the speaker of the our Lord God let your anointing be on them and let your will be done in this place and Jesus name we pray amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] the gospel lesson [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the gospel lesson for this morning will be coming from the Book of Luke chapter 10 we will commence at verse number 38 and conclude at verse number 30 of 42 I will be reading from the New International Version and it reads as thus as Jesus and His disciples were on their way he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him she had a sister called Mary who sat at the Lord's feet listening to what he said but Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made she came to him in acts Lord don't you care that my sister have left me to do the work by myself tell her to help me Martha Martha the Lord said you are worried and upset about many things but few things are needed or indeed only one mary has chosen what is better and it will not be taken away from her the Word of God for the people of God amen [Music] where's the lottery anybody ready to be [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] five [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] yeah [Music] yeah feel like one of them down home south churches well the motherboard will start the bone come on now by here see y'all acting like y'all don't need God to stop by here if you ain't got two nickels to rub together and yet your bills need to be paid you ought to tell God stop by here if you got a fair report from the doctor and you don't know where your healing coming from you are to tell God stop by here if your heart is broken and you lonely you ought to tell God stop by here and if you don't know what to say you are saying stop by here and if he stop by here for you you are to give your neighbor a high five and say thank your God because you stop by here amen amen yeah yeah whoo I feel good this morning I remember when God stopped by yeah take a moment think about when God stopped by now we want to take a moment and thank those who stopped by here and read simple whoa why don't you stand on your feet if this your first time here and read simple and you stop by here why don't you stand on your feet so we may count our blessings those of you online click the button and raise your hand and said you stopped by here we thank God for you this morning please stand just for a moment we thank God for you this morning we know there's many other places you could have stopped by when we thank you that God brought you here and you stopped by here we pray that something that said it done on today that will move your heart for you to come down and give you a heart to God and your hand to the minister so on behalf of the pastor of this house reverend mark Whitlow jr. good luck I'm sorry Whitlock jr. and his lovely wife sister Mia Whitlock jr. whoo I'm trying to keep this together we greet you you are welcome back in my father's house at any time please come back and bring a friend as a matter of fact bring your enemy so they may get saved just as you have for those you invited our guests why don't you stand up next to them thank you for accepting their pastors challenge to invite someone to come here and read temple you now may be seated I have to floor announcements I will come back and close and be out your way [Applause] [Music] hi my name is Rachel Jones and I'm here with Taylor Lewis and lyric young we will be attending the teen conference this suck this Friday through Sunday we would love for you all to join us therapy foo crabs fun and waterslides and much more medicine the lobby at the end of service to register have a blessed day I have two announcements additional from the floor and I'll be out you a Women's Day committee has tickets still available for you to come for the paint and fellowship this is to look at your sisters say sister come on let's come out let's paint the canvas not your nails but the canvas also have opportunity for you go and fellowship with the show Jesus that's that sight and sound tickets are still available you can get those online or see somebody at the desk amen I do have a couple of funeral announcements please give me a moment okay I can't find him at the moment but anyway I apologize for that they tell me to be always ready but I wasn't this morning so amen dr. Diaz is coming from the read tempo Academy give her a hand as she comes good morning church my name is Donna decals and this is Karen Hughley and we would ask the interns to please stand Church it is because of your commitment to the Academy into our youth that we are able to bring programs for them we have a special thank you that will be on the screen hello Reid temple family I my honor would say my name is Alana Campbell and we are both 2018 beautiful crystal carry graduates we had the utmost pleasure to receive the opportunity to work as paid interns our reach the parameters this intern program has provided us real-world job experiences where we learn professionalism and plenty of life lessons throughout the program we build friendships gain insight on how the workplace operates and learn the behind the scenes function of Howry temple AME Church works thank you Pastor Mark Whitlock for every media Whitlock in the congregation for your tithes and offering to make this program possible welcome we attend we Temple Christian Academy please come out on September 1st at the 11:15 service for a back-to-school event bring some friends amen that's why you need a good help me she gave me my cue that's all right brother James Berlin past father sister Linda Berlin will be held at the 3rd Street Church of God in Washington DC on Wednesday August the 14th the viewing will begin at 10 o'clock in the service of Ben 11:30 the home horn celebration for brother Chester Stephens the husband assistant Patricia Johnson will be held at read temple AME Church on Thursday August 15 at 11 8 I'm sorry 10 a.m. will be the viewing 11:00 a.m. will be the service the homegoing celebration assisted June Watson the cousin of Stephanie Jones will be held at Reid temple on Friday August the 16th family I will be at 10 o'clock and service starting at 11 the homegoing celebration for sister recent Williams the wafer brother Robert Williams will be held here at Reed temple on Monday August 19 at 10:00 and their service of 11 God is good and all the time please turn you two to the screens for this week's announcement I am Reverend Diane and here are this week's announcements get ready for the wreak ample Bible College 2019 fall semester registration is underway right now until August 23rd the four courses to be offered are biblical exegesis one introduction to the Old Testament Christian discipleship and the first online course principles of Bible study for more information please visit the new website a tree Temple Bible College org really temples we have been blessed with the appointment of Reverend Mark II Whitlock junior as our new senior pastor and he has come out desiring to hear from each and every one of us so the young adult ministry is hosting a meet to pass the gathering on Saturday August 17 20 19 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. for more information please contact reven tiffany brooks at men - the other belt a tree temple org pass the word see you there attention read temple teens the note limits team ministry invites you to read suppose 2019 Christ Center team conference and it occurs on Friday August 16th and runs to August 18th here at Reed temple on Friday there will be workshops worship games and a twinam on Saturday the fun includes eating crabs and going down water slides and inflatables on Sunday it includes teen church and a conference reception where you will wear all white and gold accessories can't wait to see your face in the place for more information contact reverend demetrius price and reverend a price at 3 temple or calling our sisters the women's ministry is inviting you to a bold and beautiful Paint Party fellowship on Saturday August 24 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. let's come together partake in fun and fellowship as we display our artistic gifts no judgement the cost of this event is $25.00 which covers all materials registration is required and you may register in the church lobby after the 7:15 9:30 and 11:15 services we are women of God and powered for greatness let's make this a fellowship to remember yet ready for Vacation Bible School 2019 starting Monday August 19th through Friday August 23rd from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. are you ready for an encounter with Jesus the wilderness adventure of a lifetime awaits you get up close and personal with telephones polar bears cockatoos and crocodiles and so much more grab your camera and zoom in each snapshot of Jesus is an opportunity to respond to the gospel to attend or volunteer to register online at Murray temple org forward slash events for more information contact dr. Sheila toxin at three zero one three five two zero three two zero extension or seven two now you up to date with this week's announcement for more information about these announcements and other read temple events blaah going to read temple dot or subscribe to our youtube channel friend us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter and Instagram and remember have faith in God and how many know this is the data the Lord has made and so we come into his house choosing come on Church to rejoice and to be glad in it we're just grateful to be in the land of the living one more time tell your neighbor I'm glad to be here just tell them I'm glad to be here tell them on the other side I'm just glad to be here just glad to be in the number one more time there have been a number of announcements you've already heard from the floor this morning I don't want to belabor that point but there is one important announcement that we did want to pin are we as a faith community we as a church have been praying and toiling many of us behind this to see one of the visions that got his birth in this house come to pass through the woodlands a tree temple our senior living facility and we are here to announce this morning that on Thursday we financially closed a man come on come on come on come on come on God is good amen and so we are so grateful for the dedication of you the congregation we're grateful for those persons who have labored both in front of behind the seams grateful for the vision that was birthed even out of this house for that amazing facility we know that it's going to be a blessing a man to those who are in their senior years needing a wonderful beautiful place to live and I don't know about you but I'm grateful to be a part of a church family a man that signs in that robbery to labor in that regard we also just want to continue to lift up the great work being done by a very own readable Christian Academy a man and we know this school year is right around the corner ahead of school dr. Eccles is here and she is just a phenomenal leader and we think of for her leadership and we're excited about the upcoming year we asked for you to continue to support amen and if you have young persons who are interested in registering so they can attend the phenomenal school as my son is blessed to do I promise you that you'll be blessed in doing so you've been welcomed from the floor already we'd like to welcome you from the pulpit any first time in a returning guests who are here on this morning if you are a first-time and a returning guest would you just labor with us once more if you feel later to stand so that we can recognize you and thank you for coming out to worship with us god bless you god bless you god bless you amen on behalf of the senior pastor this house reverend mark Whitlock a man we are so grateful that you hear his first lady Reverend Whitlock as well we're gonna ask for Reed Temple to jump up on your feet get a smile on your face get joining your heart let's greet our guests and each other as we continue to go higher in the worship experience on this morning [Music] [Music] come on let's sing it together we're glad [Music] [Music] because we got some a week left [Music] [Music] a man and a man we are grateful at this time that we are preparing to take up our 11:15 am offering a man come on you grateful to be able to give on this morning or grateful for an opportunity to give here Reid temple their variety of ways that you can do so and so we'll put those on the screen for those of you who would like to give electronically or through your cell phones other means you can use those means that are placed on the screen at this time and we have a custom here of honoring those persons who are stepping out in faith and trusting God by honoring him with the time for the very first time any first time tithe is in the house if so would you please stand we just like to honor you and your faith and your dedication to both God and church if you're here your first time Tyler would you please stand amen seeing none well as for you to follow these instructions we'll come around from the rear of this sanctuary to the front of the sanctuary if you are tithing well go into the center box if you're growing in faith to tithe that will go into the basket on the table God loves what kind of a giver church amen let's be that way when we come never be cheap with God God has never been cheap with us god bless you as you come god bless you as you give and will continue to be taken higher in worship by the Yandel choir on this morning amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a man all things [Music] [Music] amen thank you for the consistency in the generosity of your gifts and your giving every temple we are just blessed there is a preacher in the house on this morning said there's a preacher in the house and we are just grateful to God for the person they men the life of the ministry of a very old Reverend shalida fom be many of you know she is a daughter of this house she's a daughter of in ministry of the former pastor of this house dr. Washington and sister to me and ministry and we are just grateful to God that she's back home amen [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] not much needs to be said you know of her ministry and you know of her life which we're grateful to God mirrors her ministry and we're grateful that she's a woman of integrity both at the lectern and when the lights are out amen and so we're just grateful to God for this gift that's coming before us on today the choir is going to sing and after they do so the next voice that you will hear will be that of our own reverentially Dei fom B here you her and be blessed [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now I have a question for you how many temple choir members out there just waved a hand wherever you are y'all look at me look around at them thank God for them cuz we borrowed one of them today now that we don't have a heap of great singers up here come on put your hands together for these singers up here but Terrence have done this song before and we enjoyed him doing it so much so we invited him back to sing with us again today this song and he blessed my soul if you would receive Terrence Bradford Harvard [Applause] [Music] [Music] just [Music] Oh all I ever need a my life will forever be the same [Music] I got yes I saw he pressed my soul first my I smoked my soul with bless my soul has he blessed your soul of this morning and foolish my soul nice [Music] yes [Music] my you woke you up this morning [Music] and he started you want no way and it was my soul with without a word is has always has he made a way for you on this morning you up and started to walk away my Jesus he's in my heart [Applause] [Music] yes yes he's always been away from you he's always been away from you [Applause] is he in the heart he's hit my heart but you know what the question is I'm myself [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] Padres I give you one as we worship You Lord we give you glory clap your hands again parkouring in this place stand on your feet and Ribbit's - Lord I come for he is the Lord are come there is none like him he is awesome in this place he's a peacock and we worship your name we praise your name it doesn't matter have you feel that is still worthy to be praised and we praise your name I'm Phyllis betting on the same gear Salonika and we give you the praise and we give you the praise and we give you the glory hallelujah there's none like you there's none beside you we worship you we worship you whatever you need it to the house whatever you want is in the house have a visitation with the Lord and He bless your name Jesus we give you the glory we give you the quarry we give me the honor that's not like you hallelujah bless your soul you ought to take about 30 seconds and bless him come on and bless him with the fruit of your lips come on I will bless the Lord at all times and his praise shall continually be in my mouth my soul my soul shambo's in the Lord and the humble sure here thereof and be glad come on and magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt that name together look God for the Lord is great and he is greatly to be praised we're already 3/4 through the years but somebody has a testimony that he blessed my soul and it didn't take a whole lot but he did it without one word well what did he do preacher he looked in my direction he just leaned in my direction Oh he breathed in my direction Manny bless my soul come on and bless him I said come on and bless him clap clap clap clap clapping bless the Lord with me then let us exalt that name together God's been better to you than that he's been better to you the map where's the REIT mple I know he's been bad come on don't get new it's a new season but it's the same Oh God open up your mouth Hey bless him bless him why do you want us to bless him because here's what he said he said that the Lord inhabits the praises anybody want God to show up in his power he said if you want me to show up at my power then you've got to show up in your praise I dare you know open up your black mouth and act like it came they're here from glory [Music] just one look just one hallelujah just one dance just one waving just one shout just one glory I feel like praising him I feel like giving him let it bless my soul flow [Music] till somebody I know that's right I'm glad to be a tree temple where the Spirit of the Lord is still till somebody is still in control come on look the heaven father we thank you we belong or fiu with the fruit of our lips God we just we just want to bless you our souls do not have to look back and wonder we already know that if it had not been for you ain't got the wonder how I got over hey but it was goodness and mercy that following us and pounding us and chasing us down all the days of our life and so a wee God we think it not robbery to bless you because you blessed us beyond our expectation and certainly beyond our deserving now my body is tired but my spirit is willing so I thank you for praying phew I thank you for a house that's full of praise but more than that I thank you for preaching power spirit of the living Lord fall afresh in this place hide me behind the sacred desk we don't preach for entertainment but we preach for an audience of one and so when it's all done and said god I'll be satisfied if you're pleased we thank you for strength health and life peace and joy in the Holy Ghost now walk heavy in this place let your spirit fall fresh anointing fall fresh on us we just want to see your glory we just want to see your power and when I see Jesus it's a man all of my troubles will all be over have your way in this place it's in Jesus name our hearts and minds say a man clap your hands all you people come on clapping men shout on to God this is the day that the Lord has made anybody come to rejoice and be glad in it as you're clapping your hands for Jesus help me celebrate amen the angel of this house and a person of the pastor of the retopo AME Church come on thank God for Reverend Mark E Whitlock jr. you ought to make some noise a man for godly leadership we cannot celebrate the man of God without also celebrating a man a woman that walks with him thank God for our first lady Reverend mill Whitlock in her absence amen come on clap clap clap clap clap tell somebody your time is coming and you're gonna want somebody to clap for you Amy so we celebrate them and there are absence we thank God for you I just have to as you're grabbing your Bibles and you're continuing to stand let me take a personal point of privilege to thank God for the opportunity for my journey to come full circle a man I read something you birthed me you know me and I just want to say thank you for the wonderful and warm welcome the reception and the love with which you've shown me a man as I have returned look at somebody and say it's good not to burn bridges ain't man it don't burn no bridges ain't man we thank God for the opportunity a man I'm joking but I'm telling the truth a man and so we thank God for the opportunity to come back I don't think we can do Church in this modern day age Amen without celebrating and lifting up our young people amen and so I have to I have to say thank you for these beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful young people who have been singing all day long a lot of times we think as preachers amen the work and the burden is just on us because we have to preach all day but they've been singing all day amen and we certainly thank God for the anointing under which they've been ministering I certainly salute and celebrate my colleagues in the faith all of these ministers a man preaching men and women and certainly I give a shout out to my brother Amen from another mother we thank God for Reverend Omari Hughes do you have your Bible a man he preached y'all so hard at the 9:30 that I was like it's just not fair dr. evel's it's just not fair I said in the WNBA don't they lower the rim a little bit for the women amen I mean I got to come behind that so we thank God for him and who he is and God grab your Bible Ruth amen the Old Testament book of reason a man Ruth chapter one that you have Ruth chapter one I'm nervous I'm nervous I just have to get that out my system that was just for me I'm nervous a man ruth 1 verses 6 through 7 i have not preached twice in one sunday in a year and a half Amen because god's been working and healing and doing things in my body so i am a most sincere when i say i solicit your prayers ruth 1 6 through 7 do you have it then she arose with her daughter-in-law that she might return from the country of Moab for she had heard in the country of Moab that the Lord had visited people by giving them bread therefore let the church say therefore she went out from the place where she was and her two daughters-in-law with her and they went their way to return to the land of Judah before taking a Caesar would that she would smile at your neighbor on your left or right and just say to them neighbor I'm ready to journey back to Judah you may be seated I'm ready to journey back to Judah but before I journey back to Judah I first have to move out of my way there are three women who went down the road and down the road when she the woman she saw the woman she was and the woman she wanted to be there were three men who went down the road and down the road when he the man he saw the man he was and the man he wanted to be the question on the table this morning is is who you are right now the person that you desire to be this powerful and profound poem that was penned by John Maysville articulates and elucidates the live reality and the quiet frustration with which many people are sitting on this afternoon but if in fact we were honest enough to conduct an earnest evaluation of our lives many of us would have to confess that there is some sir many of us would have to concede that there's a margin of space if you will between where we are and where it is we want to be that when you survey the circumference of your life in totality and this year in particular you'd have to concede some closeted concerns that where you are right now in life really is not where you thought you would be the reality is that there are persons under the sound of my voice who sit silently in the sanctuary nursing personal frustration because you thought that life would have yielded greater opportunity than what it is that you're experiencing right now preach you thought that certainly at this age and stage in life you would have experienced more satisfying and fulfilling and fruitful relationships you thought that after having been in the church this long that certainly by now you would have discovered a deeper dimension of spiritual growth and formation after working as long as you have on the job you thought that after 15 years certainly by now promotion would have come your way and I want to commend every brave and bold believer that's real and responsible enough to admit if not to me then to yourself that where you are right now certainly is not where you thought you would be the powerful but prophetic truth that I came to proclaim this morning is that becoming y'all is a function of behaving and so then if in fact you are not where you want to be then the question on the table is what are you doing about it come here come here cuz this is not a word for your haters this is not a word for your accusers it's it's not about folk trying to keep you down no and it's not about the man having his foot on your neck but but this is about you becoming a better you it's about you accepting and assuming responsibility for your own life it it's about you owning your own reckless decisions it's it's about you Amen engineering your own happiness and owning your own mistakes and your own future I came on tonight or today just simply to suggest beloved early in this preachment that if in fact you hope to have congruence between where you are and where it is you hope to be then how many know you're gonna have to make better choices you you don't have to say a man I got some Bible to back that thing up because the Bible corroborates this claim in the book of Deuteronomy chapter 30 where in God's say as here it is I set before you life and death blessings and cursings therefore choose a life why that both you and your seed may live in other words your life will be different when it is you decide to do something different because what I've discovered is that the quality of life is always quarantined by the quality of our choices and if you want to experience a brand new reality beyond the current disappointment and frustrations of today then how many know you're going to have to fix and fasten and focus your faith in one singular direction and choose ye this day whether or not you're going to live or die can I tell you that Naomi chose life and the Bible says at the time in which we enter detects Naomi is forced and faced to make a Destiny's decision do I remain here tethered to my tears in a place of pain called Moab or is it time for me to chart a brand new path in life and journey back to Judah you know the story the Bible says that Naomi and her husband Elimelech left Bethlehem with their two sons my lawn and Killian why because the Bible says that there was a famine in the land in search of food and relief from the famine they decided to settle in a place called Moab let the church shout Moab it's not long after reading the story wherein we find out that her husband suddenly dies tragedy are commonplace and they often come unannounced uninvited and the Bible says that in three short verses Naomi goes from being a wandering wife to a wandering Widow did you know that your life can turn upside down in an instant that life can be unpredictable and your whole entire life can turn around on just one by one phone call Amen can rent your reality one update from the doctor can shatter your face and shake you from Center to circumference because a life has a way read of happening to all of us and the Bible says that life happened to Naomi first of all her husband dies and the Bible says that her sons went on to marry Moabite women when tragedy strikes again and she loses both her sons in a rapid succession now all that remains is Naomi and her two daughters-in-law whose names are Ruth and Orpah and at the point in our passage that I read into your hearing no aunt nor Naomi had to decide whether or not she was going to stay in this place or whether or not she was going to pick up her pocketbook and decide it's time for me to move out of Moab time to transition from this season of Trials and drama and drama and that's my simple but prophetic message this afternoon that as we sit atop of a brand new season in the life of this ministry that God has in a word for me to tell somebody that you've been in this place of sorrowful news and sadness long enough and it's time for you to move out of moab hear me this morning because this is not a suggestion this is not a recommendation this is not a fancy proposal or a proposition but look at your neighbor and say it's a must it is a divine mandate it is critical to your destiny and it is essential to your survival because God is about to do something absolutely wonderful and supernatural and unprecedented in your life and you cannot move into the next season of your life with a mote air but mentality Moab is a place of sadness Moab is a place of sullenness understand that Moab is a metaphor for misery it is not just a geographical location Noah but Moab is an existential spiritual location Moab is a spirit yes I said Moab is an attitude Momo is a belief system Moab is a cultural construct for your destructive conduct and God says that the reason you've got to move out of Moab it's because Moab has already moved inside of you the residue of the Moab experience has left a deposit that is contaminating your soul the Moab experience has dulled and diluted your discernment it's left you bitter you're becoming cynical and jaded the resentment is reflected in your face you used to come through the church doors and you used to have an effervescent presence about you but not when we look at you oh you're solid and you're sad you met the stench and the center of the Moab experience is starting to purr me and pollute your personality it's starting to contaminate your conversation in fact can I lean in here and assume the position of your best friend and tell you what those who love you are not willing to say to you it's hired of hearing about how horrible your Moab experience was I mean every time we go to kitchen Cray after church every time we go to milk and honey here you come with your tales of woe about what happened in Moab and don't get me wrong we're not trying to minimize your pain we're not trying to ignore your your ordeal but with everybody at the table is thinking but nobody has the courage to ask you is okay we heard about what happened but what we want to know is what happens next because we tired are you telling us Naomi said I'll tell you what happens next me oh not me ami said it's time for me to move out of Moab it's time because Moab represents the place of my brokenness Moab represents the place when my disappointment happened boy represents the place when my heartbreak occurs and I've got to move out of here because I refuse to let this one episode to find the entire story of my life this is what the writer of Ecclesiastes meant when he said there is a time and a season for everything and I hear the spirits and in my left ear that you can no longer allow your pain to confiscate your purpose you can't remain in that place sequestered in a season of suffering but you've got to have enough spiritual agility and enough acuity of faith to discern when it's time to move on her who in the world am i preaching to today I came to tell somebody that God's grace to heal you is greater baby than whatever it is that hurt you and you can no longer remain confined in small places doing small thinking with small people that no longer fits the god-sized vision that I have for your life I need somebody in the balcony to shout it's time to journey back to Judah can I give you these two and we gonna go home because if you won't journey back to Judah first of all it requires an advancement of your faith the journey is gonna require an advancement of your faith the Bible says hear me that when they only heard in the country of Moab that the Lord had visited his people by giving them bread read it the Bible says she arose with her two daughters-in-law and she went forth from the place where she was in other words all she moved in a direction of her future instead of waiting on her future to find her because how many know that faith always takes initiative and so she said if I'm gonna go on the journey then I've got to advance my faith the Bible says that she's in Moab hear me but somehow while in Moab she heard about what God was doing over in Israel in other words God got her good news while she was in a bad place and can I tell you that that's the penetrating power of Frazer because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God that's why words are so life-giving because words have the power to minister to your wounds I said words have the power to paint pictures on the canvases of your imagination and from that imagination Jala springs forth vision and that vision has the power to push you forward in pursuit of your destiny so God stirs her faith bath her good news while it is she's in a bad place got text messages her a promise while it is she's in a place of pain and that text message says I started walking because I'm over here working I came to talk this afternoon to some folk in the house who understand I still have enough faith to believe God for a miracle even while I'm in my Moab season is there anybody in here you're in a place of sickness you're in a place of sadness but you still have enough faith to believe that God can do exceedingly and abundantly here it is she's in a place but God gives her a vision about what's happening somewhere else because how many know that one of the ways you know that God is about to shift your life one of the ways you know God is about to take you from a season of tragedy to triumphal is that God will never talk to you about where you are right now but God will always give you a vision about where he is God is about to take you and the power of that vision will always place a demand on your face and that face then we'll place a demand on your feet and the Bible says that the moment she got word that God was working her all of a sudden she started walking because how many know that sometimes all I need to launch me forward to from my place of dejection is a word from God would you look at somebody and say baby all you need is just one word that's why you can't be mute in your season of Moab but you've gotta keep praying to God you've got to keep talking to God because just one word from God can change the trajectory of your entire life I stopped by to tell somebody you don't need anybody to lay hands on you you don't need anybody to swindle all but baby all you need is one word because that word is a lamp unto my feet there it is and a light unto my path she starts walking towards Judah cuz ain't nothin happening in Moab but the Bible says she is moving her because God is moving in Israel can I tell you she wasn't jealous because God was blessing over here she wasn't mad cuz God was blessing over here but she decided to come into agreement with where the Spirit of the Lord was already flowing her the ain't no sense in you sitting there mad in Moab with your arms folded fill in some kind of way waiting on God to work in bed and die in places but if you got any sanctified sense how many know you'll get up from there you'll pick up your pride and your pocketbook you'll flush your frustrations your Roulette you will release your resentment and your voto walking come where the anointing is already working is there anybody in here but that doesn't mind saying I need to get in the flow I need to get in the flow because God says that's who I'm a blessed I'm not gonna bless the one that's content I'm not gonna bless the one that's satisfied but I'm gonna bless the one that believes of me enough to run over here to where they're annoying is flowing to where the healing is happening to where the miracles are getting go going down would you throw your head back and tell somebody get in the flow Bible says I'm done believe it or not Bible says that she is walking because she's advancing her faith but if you're gonna journey back to Moab number two you've got to acknowledge your failure you just can't advance your face how many know at some point though you you've got to acknowledge your failure the Bible says she starts walking and it's interesting because when you study the text the text is silent as to the length of time that it took for her to make it back home can I tell you I like that I like that because what that says to us is that there is not a preset or prescribed period of time for your healing to take place it would be ministerial malpractice for me to tell you that you are going to fulfill your journey back to Judah overnight but how many know this thing may take some time come on somebody you've been on your journey for 10 years it it takes time to rebound from the rejection of divorce I said it takes time for the scars of the scandal to heal it takes time for you to find the courage to step out of the shadows of shame after an abortion it takes time for you to find equilibrium again to learn how to trust folk on the ground under your feet has already been shaken by betrayal it it takes time for you to step out in faith and believe that God is going to restore back to me everything that I lost and I just stopped by to tell somebody that part of the journey requires you to go on a pilgrimage of your pain and while it is you're on a pilgrimage of your pain you've got to be a tourist you've got to walk through bare feet and look at the shattered shards of your old dreams it forces you to walk through the weeds of your wounds it forces you to kick rocks about your bad decisions when the Bible says that Naomi had to grieve the fact that what she hoped would work in Moab us ultimately did not turn out I stopped by to tell somebody that God understands what it is you've been through God understands that you've been on a long road but at some point you can't just hop your way back to Judah but some at some point you've got to acknowledge that though I wanted so I tried it so I prayed for it so I fasted though I consecrated my time at the end of the day guess what it just didn't work the Bible says that everything she held dear y'all died in the place of Moab and God says that the only way some of us will be able to enter into the promise of possibility that he has in our future is you've got to be willing to leave what's already left you would you pull on your neighbor and say neighbor it's time for you to move but baby you ain't gonna be able to move forward until you're ready to leave what's already left you can I help somebody this afternoon because maybe just maybe you don't need faith to start a new thing but maybe you need faith to stop and old thing you need faith to stop beating yourself up you need faith to stop trying to give life to something that's dead with no pulse' would you look at your neighbor we going home and say to your neighbor you don't need faith for a new beginning but God sent me all the way here to tell somebody huh you need faith for a brand-new ending about to go to my seat but the Bible the Bible says that not only along the journey does she have to advance her face but the Bible also says that she acknowledges her failures but then lastly the Bible says that she's an agreement with her friends did you close your Bibles because the Bible says she's walking down the road with her two daughters-in-law whose names are rules and Orpah and the Bible says that while they're walking here it is that they're also crying why are they crying they're crying because they are no longer yoked to their yesterday they don't know what's in store for their future and the Bible says that as they're tiptoeing through the tension of their now and they're not yet that all of a sudden Naomi around and she asked her two daughters-in-law are you sure you want to go with major and the Bible said that alpha threw up deuces and she said you know what I'm out but can I tell you I'm not mad at or pasa because that doesn't mean she was wrong how many no that just means she wasn't ready you've got to stop trying to pull people to go with you who just are not ready just how many know God has not called and God has not ordained everybody to go with you on your journey but the Bible says I need more in the mind that Oprah turns around and she goes back to her homeland and can I tell you that when you study it out I don't want you to miss the fact that as we see her leaving what we also see is Orpah moving off the landscape of Scripture that when we see her going back we are also seeing her move off the biblical stage because nowhere in your Bible do you ever read of Oprah's name again and maybe the story of your life it's not going the way you want it to go because you keep trying to pull people back on center stage when God says it's time for you to turn the page I just stopped by to tell somebody that God says you gotta stop trying to give a starring role in your life when God says I've already written them out of your story God says everybody not gonna go but if you want to go to the next level there's some relationships that have to fall away I don't know who I'm preaching to but somebody you're in a place of isolation and God says this is just a season of sister everything that's not serving you well I'm extracting it out of your life everybody does not mean you any good I'm removing them out of your life everybody that's hating on your purpose behind your back and moving them out of your life the Bible says that God moves or / off the stage because how many know sometimes God can work in your life until some other foot walk out your life can I help somebody through here you ought to get the Ministry of scroll select the lease and your order tell somebody it was good while it lasted and I'm not mad but I feel God now taking me to another level I feel God now moving me up a little higher is there anybody in here that knows you gotta get rid of the extra weight you gotta get rid of the baggage I gotta get out of here but the Bible says that she picks up and she journeys forth with Ruth can I tell you that Ruth is a powerful book and so often we sleep on the book because Ruth is also a short book but even though it's a short book it's a loan on theology well what do you mean wherever well when we read the book it's a bit pedestrian its pedestrian in a sense that there's not a whole lot of a supernatural happening when you read the book it's not saturated with miracles there's no great divine intervention you don't read of angelic visitations you don't read of a whole lot of miracles you don't read a burning bushes you don't read a fallen man but when you read the Book of Ruth all you read about are ordinary people going through extraordinary circumstances who demonstrated extraordinary faith to move out of their situation and that's who I came to preach to I came to tell somebody that God says that while you're in my way you're waiting on a miracle but God says that you are the miracle that you've been waiting for that I've already put everything that you need to come out of where you are who am i preaching to but I gotta get out of this place but will you pull on your neighbor and say neighbor you already have the intellect you D you already have the anointing you need you already have but you need from God you've got both favor you've got God's grace you've got God's purpose huh I gotta get out of here but can I leave you with this because when you read the story it looks like she's a leaving everything back in Moab and don't told me to tell somebody you didn't lose everything because you're still have something left but you look at your neighbor and say reach for Ruth because Ruth reminds me that I didn't leave it all that I didn't lose it all but God still has purpose on my life God still has a great mighty future that he's calling me to I gotta get out of here from but I have at least 78 people in the house that don't mind confessing I'm ready to journey back to Judah I'm ready to get back to the place of praise I'm ready to go back to my dance huh I'm ready to go back to giving God glory cuz you can't move while your feet are in one place but I dare you to move to the next view and find your roots and find your roofers and say neighbor we're about to go back to the promised land we're about to go to the place of blessing but we out to go earn up a little higher say say say I'm done but understand she's going back where she came from [Applause] Hey look at your neighbor and say neighbor God says this is the year of your comeback I dare you to give three people high five and say you bout to come back you bout to come back from the lows you better come back from the drama you better come back from the hurt you want to come back from the pain I dare you to test the altar if you're ready to journey back to Judah and say I'm going back I'm going back with my shout I'm going back with my dance I'm going back with my hallelujah I'm going back with the promises of all I'm ready to journey I can't stay here and a place of sadness I can't stay here and a place of broken I can't stay here Hey what about the take back everything that the devil stole god I'm about to give it back [Applause] it's coming back it's coming back I've done but look when she goes cuz she goes back and harvest season goodbye Marie temple may the Lord God bless you're real good but I stopped by to tell you that God says when you go back you go read my father if you afraid not we weren't weary in well-doing but give a praise that he's bringing it back give him honor cousin's coming back no strength is coming back your glory it's coming back [Music] clap-clap-clap it's coming I said it's coming I said it's coming I'm done we got a reading it's it's coming oh god I feel that in my soul and I'm not trying to get in trouble but I need somebody to stand in agreement with somebody else and say will you be my Ruth will you be my Rufus because I'm not going back by myself oh but we going back together cuz we're any two or three are gathered in his name [Applause] I said it's coming I said it's coming would you do me a favor I need everybody in the sanctuary turn around and look at the door and wave goodbye mm waved about of Moab waved about of Moab [Applause] nah nah nah nah Hey [Applause] [Music] now journey back to Judah [Music] somebody I don't believe it but I need you to slip your arm around somebody shake them in Rock'em Sock'em is shaken and say neighbor we got our phrase back now we got a hallelujah back now and we bought the take back [Music] favorite thing that's the devil school I'm about to get it back I feel that thing it's coming it's harvest season y'all about to reap [Applause] [Music] they went back to Kappa then you gotta find somebody that believes God for your breakthrough I pray for your children I pray for your ministry I pray for your husband for your heads up I'm done this work may not be for everybody but I just need to rip it up book that's ready to get back to uh grace I need you to meet me at the old come on and meet me at the altar [Music] now I'm tired did not tell y'all I was tired so here's what I need keep that beat [Applause] [Music] [Applause] tell somebody that's power and agreement do you Molina so what I want you to do to encourage your Ruth by your ruthless and I want you to shout for the approach ants somebody hold hands we'll just one other person one other person and on the count of three you both shout for your roof on your roof is weight [Applause] [Music] but after a while I'm gonna say switch [Music] and you will find somebody else to journey way to the back are y'all ready 1 2 1 2 3 Thanks you got your room where you will fist [Music] [Music] [Music] in a balcony [Music] I'm ready to turn it and try to cry I plan a big bro we gotta go we got about we gotta go to God be glory to God be the ball come on read let's draw me back to Judah here we go I got that laser I got my charm - gone - bow Hey y'all ready good to be back may the Lord God bless ya real cooool may heaven shine upon you [Applause] then you cover to always overflow may your children rise I break all your plants may always be blessed in the city bless it appeal go back to your seat go back to your see delicious unless you need to get shaved [Applause] [Applause] [Music] to go one last sound come on church to God come on and lift your hands and give God some glory come on thank him for his presence come on thank them for his presence come on thank him for his presence hallelujah come on we exalt you Jesus hallelujah [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] I [Applause] one of [Applause] [Applause] come on just lift your hands come on lift your hands come on open up your mouth hallelu hallelujah he's here [Applause] father we thank you for your presence on this morning god we're grateful for your woman serving thank you for the power of your anointing it thank you for the presence of your Holy Spirit God thank you that we can sense even in the spirit that for somebody the journey has already begun god we thank you for the catalyst of your word on this morning the word has come Lord to point us back in the right direction and for that we say thank you some of us God we've been in Moab so long that we forgot which direction to turn in to go back home but God on this morning we hear the words of our ancestors in our ears that weeping me and do for a night Oh God but the joy joy joy joy in the morning will come [Music] that we thank you Lord that while the Sun may set on Moab that the Sun will rise in Judah and got on this morning we are not blind and we don't turn God a deaf ear to your word we know that while Moab metaphorically may be a place Lord God where we are out of sorts and out of position your word tells us that Judah in and of itself means praise and so Lord God we thank you that on this morning you reminded us of where you desire for us to be must be a people who will exalt you help us to be a people who will glorify you for the people who suffer when need be yet and still serve with you but most importantly Lord God help us to be a people who will continue to give you praise it's in Jesus's mighty name we pray we thank you for your visitation on this morning our hearts and our souls say a man a man and a man if you're not already standing would you join us and stand to your feet and just help us to give God one more rounding [Applause] [Music] were you blessed by the word we want to open the door of the church on this morning there may be somebody here even after the move of God that you experienced you know this is the place where God is saying come make this your church home you know this is the place where God is saying come give your life to the Lord you know this is the place where God is saying come down for a special prayer you know this is the place where God is saying come and rededicate your life to the Lord if that's you on this morning and any of those apply would you come would you come would you put your hands together Church and let's celebrate them even as they come on this morning would you come would you come would you come would you come they're coming come on let's celebrate them as they come come on let's give God glory form as they come come on come on come on you can do better than that I see your sister still coming come on they're coming there's still time maybe you're in the balcony come on let's continue to clap and encourage them as they [Applause] would you come would you come would you come some man some woman some boy some girl would you come needed to give your life to the Lord needing to rededicate your life to the Lord is there one is there one is there one hallelujah come on church you all know the song less as they're still coming come on we celebrate you as they come come on let's lift our voices and sing with the cry on this morning you know [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] No [Music] praise the Lord a Reverend zombie and Reverend Hughes we are excited for this great aggregation that has come forward in response to the word we have the following coming for salvation brother Josiah Hill sister Andre appears we have sister Bernadette medley coming for salvation and sister medley is joining re temple we have a brother and I apologize chip when Z o co G coming to join Reed temple sister Simone Jackson coming to join Reed temple we have Simon Richards coming to join Reed temple coming for special prayer we have the following coming for special prayer Paula Williams sister Mildred Carson she's a member she's coming for special prayer her husband had a heart attack let's keep her lifted up and we have sister Smeralda chambers coming for special prayer for her mother amen we think God for those of you who have come can we celebrate them for coming and thank God for them those who have come if you'll step out to your left and to my right amen we'll take good care of you if you all were head out of this direction come on let's celebrate them out Church and encourage them as they take this next leap in this next step in their faith journey a man ma'am it's a second Sunday here and so before we dismiss we'd like to offer an opportunity for those persons who have come forward and are ready to be read into full membership if you have completed your new members program here and you're ready to receive the right hand of fellowship every rated for full membership would you please come forward at this time any person is a man who are coming forward a man for full membership are they any on this morning any on this morning I think I see a sister coming as for you to be patient with us during this final a brief portion of the service a man if you'll join us here in the center can we celebrate God for his adding to the church amen we certainly thank God for those who have come on this morning amen dearly beloved you were now seeking the great privilege of union with the church which our Savior has purchased with his own blood we rejoice in the grace of God given unto you and that he has called you to be his followers you have heard how blessed other privileges and how solemn other duties of membership in Christ Church and before you are fully admitted it is proper that you be here publicly renew your vows confess your faith and declare your purpose by answering the following questions do you hear in the presence of God and of this congregation we knew the solemn promise contained in the baptismal covenant ratifying and confirming the same in acknowledging yourselves bound faithfully to observe and keep the Covenant and all things contained therein state I do I do have you saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ the answer I trust I have do you possess friendly feelings toward all the members of this church do you believe in the doctrine of Holy Scriptures as set forth in the Articles of Religion of the African Methodist Episcopal Church I do will you be governed by the discipline of the African Methodist Episcopal Church holds sacred the ordinances of God and try as much as possible to promote the welfare of fellow members and the advancement of the kingdom of God I will will you give up your time talents and money for the support of the gospel church pour in various ministries of the church I will is there any reason why these persons should not be received as a full membership hearing none and we cordially we cordially and welcome you into the fellowship of the Church of God and in light of our Christian love I extend to you the right hand of fellowship and may God grant that you may be a faithful and useful member of the church militant until you were called to the Fellowship of the church triumphant which is faultless before the presence of God [Music] Brian could you give me your phone Brian the thing Brian Bethea we welcome you into the full membership of Reed temple AME Church how it all how would always Howard Honus we welcome always always how it owns we welcome you into the full membership of re temple AME Church Lonnie Hayes try reversing Lonnie's haze and treasure Robinson we welcome you into the full membership every temple AME Church yellow young Cheyenne heal chillier Cheyenne Hill we welcome you and see the full membership of really simple AME Church what's your name Faye faith Lauren we welcome you into the full membership of Miami Sergeyevich gemayel Philpot [Music] jamya Philpott we welcome you into the membership of reason for AME Church amen we think of for those who have come and went on this morning a man church can you join us and stand to your feet on this morning we're gonna prepare just a second to be dismissed it those who have come forward to receive the right hand of fellowship just the feels is gonna take great care of them a man if you all will head out to your right and to my left she'll take great care of you welcome home a man let's celebrate it one more time [Applause] pray that you all were just blessed by worship on today we thank God for all that he's doing please remember on Wednesday night we'll be here for Bible study we thank God for all that he's done praise God amen and don't forget about the 6 p.m. service at 6 p.m. service a man praise God [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] people have done look at their hands in the sanctuary and sing out now when to him was able to keep us from falling present us faultless before his throne with exceeding joy so the only wise God unto him be glory be honor be Majesty be Dominion and power thank you Lord for reminding us that we have to come out of mohan and journey back to Judah it's in Jesus name we pray our hearts and our souls say a man a man and a man god bless you church love you so much [Music] god bless you [Music]
Channel: Reid Temple AME
Views: 2,963
Rating: 4.9069767 out of 5
Id: kN54BxlWxr4
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Length: 133min 52sec (8032 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 12 2019
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