John R. Faison Sr "I Thirst" at Mt. Zion Church Nashville Good Friday 2015

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look if word John 19 and 28 I thirst by Pastor John Faison pastor of Watsonville Missionary Baptist Church Nashville Tennessee pastor phase arm is married to minister Alethea Faison and they have three children John Ryan jr. age are Jeanette and Jaden Rashard shall we bow father we thank you for your goodness and your grace you have been better to us than we deserve we thank you for this opportunity together one more time tonight we pray now Lord that you let the words of my mouth meditation of my heart allow it to be acceptable in thy sight O Lord my strength Amira dear bless you for the treasure that you placed in urban vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of us punish not your people for the frailty of your preacher helped me to say it the way you want Excel in Jesus name Amen come on if you happen to be in the house of the Lord one more time give him a break blow it again John chapter 19 verse 28 after this Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished that the scripture might be fulfilled saith I thirst sovereignty of God often does not make sense there are times when things just don't seem to fit so we perused the series of words that have been stated for our consideration this evening fifth word if we're honest does not seem to fit all the other words that Jesus speaks seemed to make him heroic almost make him mythical in his response to what he is dealing with but when we get to the fifth word he is not viewed as heroic he is viewed as human and maybe that's what we need maybe we need to know it's okay to have human moments when you're dealing with seemingly unearthly challenges Jesus speaks from the cross this word I thirst if we will spend some time dialoguing and dissecting our thirst I think it will reveal some things to us about Christ tonight the word I thirst seems to reveal the interconnectedness of Christ because the word I thirst Jesus speaks it but they are not his own words I thirst is not an original statement he is simply quoting the psalmist from Psalm 22 verse 15 and Psalm 69 verse 21 Jesus seems to speak this word with intentionality and he is very very careful to make sure he is not viewed as some isolated insurrectionists and some lonely rebellious leader but he connects himself to the Old Testament Scriptures in order to infer that he was connected to his God and to his history he understands I am the fulfillment of a prophecy that's already been spoken in generations gone past I did not show up on the scene just to bring a claim to myself but I am the father are one in the beginning was the word and the Word was God and the Word was with God matter of fact I was there when the clay heels of Calvary were scooped I did not show up as some fly-by-night brother who came to feed the sick and raise the dead I'll heal the sick and raise the dead but rather I am connected to my history and I'm connected to the God who sent me and I just think that we ought to every once in a while never for get the place that we've been given in the narrative of God's work you might be gifted but you ain't the only gifted person in the kingdom you might have a lot of talents and a lot of abilities but God been sending gifts for a long time and yes you may have your generation to serve in right now but never forget your interconnectedness to the narrative of God's work God's been moving for a long time he didn't start when you showed up never never forget you are interconnected I'm not here my accident God ordered my steps to be in this place because he began the story long time ago I'm just fulfilling that which he's already spoken reveal the interconnectedness of Christ but but it also reveals the integrity of Christ let the church say integrity integrity listen I I thirst I first I thirst it's the first cry that echoes the personal desires of Christ every other word to this point has been descriptive and addressed to somebody else it's not until the fifth word that he speaks his own personal desire even in death he puts others first y'all don't believe it fresh way Father forgive them for they know not what they do that was addressed at his enemies ah you'll be with me in paradise that address at an eating sinner ah behold that mother that's a dress that is family even when he says why hast thou forsaken me he's talking about his daddy he's talking about his God it's not til the fifth word that he now brings his personal desires to the surface and begins to share what he wants and desires personally I think we ought to take note of this because it ought to teach us that we can still love and care for others Wow going through our own stuff can I help somebody tonight listen listen listen God often allows us to go through things so that we'll be able to be a blessing to others but sometimes we are so selfish and so superficial and so nasty and so self consumed and so conceited that we can only see our own issues our own problems what's not working out on our behalf that we miss the opportunity to be a witness and a blessing to those that God has put in our space and in our company is there anybody in the building that can testify when I'm going through I've decided let me put my issues on the backburner there's something God wants me to do there's something God wants me to learn there's somebody God wants me to bless through what I'm dealing with and let me put them where y'all sit down you'll make me nervous listen here the text teaches us the interconnectedness of price it teaches us the integrity of Christ but I believe it also speaks to the independence of Christ independence of Christ because thirst is a powerful thing their thirst is the natural instinct regulate it by negative feedback that loops between the brain and organs of the body the reason you are thirsty is because the brain is telling the body that it is missing something and it needs it to stay alive the loss of thirst the loss of the ability to thirst is a symptom that the body is shutting down and impending death is coming since of thirst is a sign and a reminder that one is still alive too fast first is a natural instinct regulated by a negative feedback loop between the brain and the organs when you get dusty it is your body telling you you are missing something and you need to replenish it but you can go through so much trauma issues close to death that we lose your thoughts because the loss of thirst is a symptom that the body is shutting down and death is imminent if you have your sense of thirst it's a reminder that you're still alive now somebody who had gone through what Jesus had gone through should not have the ability to be thirsty he had been whipped all night long he had been walked from court to court here he had had a crown of thorns placed on his head they took the cat of nine tails and lashed him on the back they drove up spikes through his hands and nails through his feet they pierced him in his side and blood and water came streaming down he's blacking out for the loss of blood he's been bludgeoned and beaten and spat on and he should not have history can't you see Jesus raising himself up on the nails as if to testify to his oppressors you did the best she could I know you're trying to kill me I know you're trying to make sure that I don't make it I know you give you been set to take me out of here but he steps up and testify what an attitude and says I first because with all that you trying to do to me you still don't decide when my life comes to an end all you tried to do to me you still don't have the last word because no man takes my life I lay it down of my own accord he'll turn my life in my own hand Chuck and though you might try to take it to God decide Chuck when I take my last breath then wanna help somebody tonight because you've had people in your life trying to decide that your life is over you have people in your life trying to tell you that your battle has come to an end but you ought to tell us still get my censorship still get the power you won't decide when it comes to an infamy but God will puppy be the one who determine Chuck when my journey comes to an ear huh I need your help the preacher grab your neighbor name I'm so glad that God has the last word tell amoeba I'm so glad that it's gone that'll be sad my fate when it wants me to leave I shall leave happy when it wants me to lay now that's when I'll lay down I'm glad to get in you're a chump I'm glad it's in his hand took this shot put it all in his hand jump is that your best Simone it come are you glad about until lift your hand to open up your mouth and say yeah
Channel: WatsonGroveTV
Views: 97,055
Rating: 4.8089032 out of 5
Keywords: John, R., Faison, Sr, I Thirst, at, Mt., Zion, Church, Nashville, Good, Friday, 2015,
Id: 5GcnRk_M8uU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2015
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