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what is this what is this what is going on today guys it is absolutely beautiful out here we just got some fresh snow last night it's like I'm walking on a cloud baby we got the Sun poking out behind us here it is absolutely beautiful out here this morning now we are currently at a park right now guys a lot of people come here during the summer and they use this as like a fishing dock or they just you know they come out here just to hang out and I'm sure people drop stuff in here all the time so I'm gonna throw on the GoPro guys and we are gonna get the magnificient see if we can find anything here today take a drink of our coffee here you guys need some probably alright guys let's take this 1200 pound magnet on this beautiful day here let's see if we can find anything today I definitely just clung on something Oh what was that oh yeah that feels heavy I got something guys well I got their first fine what is this that's a big ol bracket you could definitely tell this probably definitely came off with this bridge Wow look at that guys I first find this here holy cow what do we got a big ol bracket all right our first fine yeah so as you guys can tell we are walking away from this place I just sat here for like an hour and a half and I only found literally that one thing so we are getting out of here I'm gonna go find another spot and I will see you guys when I get there all right guys I found some more open water this is our second spot here right here behind me is actually a drawbridge so this lifts up and closes when when boats come through and everything so it's a lot of traffic going through here we're kind of right in the middle of downtown so I have no idea what we could find in this little corner here but we're gonna give it a shot guys it looks like you got something on there what is this Oh a drill bit nice I wonder how the heck that got out there I wonder if the drills in there too that's pretty cool awesome Oh what is that I got something I got something what is this a big old green piece of rebar usually they are not green wonder why that's green they painted it for some reason huh piece of rebar baby Oh what the heck is yeah I pulled something big out of the mud day oh here we go here we go what is this look at this thing Wow look at this thing Oh what the heck is this guys yeah it's like a red and green paint on there it's a big old tube huh I wonder what that came off of finding some pretty cool stuff in here guys all right it looks pretty shallow in here what is that there's a bag right there you guys see that I don't that's magnetic unless there's something in it dude it is oh no way what is this are you serious a bag I didn't even like to start magnet fishing dude but I've seen it sitting in here what is this what is this no way what is this guys that looks important this looks like dude this is like jewelry Wow I wonder like where could I bring this to like get this back to the owners look at all this stuff you guys look at this it's got a cross and like another cross oh that one's got Jesus on it this one's like falling apart what is that oh look at that you guys it unrolls into like a Jesus thing what is do this a bag full of jewelry what is this doing right here I can't even believe I just found this are you serious is this real ha did this really just happen dude this is like kind of crazy how did this get in there and it's just sitting there wasn't even out in the water either that's crazy dude this is wild I can't believe this just happened Wow dude a bag of jewelry I've never found a bag of jewelry before it's almost like somebody didn't want it in the first place if they just tossed it in here why would why would this even end up in there there's a bunch of jewelry in a bag dude that's wild just happened like what the heck was that you guys just found a bag of jewelry just sitting in the water all right guys I am actually at the pawn shop right now I have no idea what this bag of jewelry is worth it's probably not worth a whole lot that's my guess but we never know until we find out so I'm gonna take this bag of jewelry in here and see if they're gonna offer me any money for it all right guys let's take this bag of jewelry in there and see if they want to offer us anything for it probably not that's gonna be my guess this thing is dirty and rusted up hi good how are you so I found this magnificient you guys probably don't want it but I guess I was wondering if there's any value to any of this stuff in here like I do this hobby called magnificient I pulled this on the water right I have no idea it was crazy I can't believe I even found this Jesus yeah it's so actually toss no okay I know I guess you could try like a Richmond or you sell you something like that you can definitely tell you that alright I wonder if there's any value to ya know now for us okay sounds good thanks for taking a look alright guys there you have it you heard it from the man himself the jewelry really is not worth anything to them they can't resell it and it's definitely not worth anything to me I don't think I'm gonna be able to find the original owners so pretty sure we just have a lost bag of jewelry guys it's not worth anything but it's still an awesome find guys so I'm gonna go ahead and get out of here guys if you enjoyed this video make sure to hit that thumbs up button for me and don't forget to subscribe guys make sure to stay tuned guys and I will catch you on the next one [Music]
Channel: The Fisher
Views: 26,131
Rating: 4.8798122 out of 5
Keywords: magnet fishing, creepy, creep, creepy bag, creepy magnet fishing, creepy fishing stories, creepy stories, creepy finds, magnet fishing finds, fishing magnet, super magnet, river treasure, treasure, chills, chills down my spine, magnet fishing usa, magnet fishing find, magnet fishing best finds, treasure finds underwater, treasure finds metal detecting, treasure finds in river, fishing, magnets, treasure hunting, disturbing finds, disturbing, disturbing discoveries, disturbing find
Id: r-_Q4IV0QO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 32sec (452 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 19 2020
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