Craziest Day EVER Magnet Fishing!! *Cops Called*

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hi I do this hobby called Magna fishing what is going on today guys today we are back out here doing some more magnet fishing guys and I brought my 1200 pound single sided magnet with me the last time that I was at this spot guys I found something pretty crazy and I really only meghna fished in one area this is a pretty popular walking trail it's used a lot there's a lot of traffic on it so I have a pretty good feeling that there could be some stuff being thrown in the water guys and based on what we found here last time this could be a very good spot so I'm gonna get right down to it guys we're gonna strap up and start making a fishing I gotta start taking my magnets inside at night guys at least are in the winter I just leave them in my car they get all iced up like this it's crazy so we got the 1200 pound single sided magnet guys let's see if we can find anything here today well there is something on it whoa dude look at that rock holy cow that's like really really Brown that that looks like a meteor but not a meteor a meteorite I've caught a lot of rocks like this that are magnetic but I think they say the ones that are like orange or brown like that or more meteorite characteristics I'm not really sure that's crazy oh my goodness my first look at that the first toss right in there look at this wall dude I'm stuck got something huge what is this oh it popped off what was that [Music] here it comes here comes oh there it is dude look at this thing what is this oh no I got it all covered in snow and then we're gonna be able to tell what it is now oh it's like bendy you see that I like kicked it yeah it's like flexible this is dude but this look at this thing this thing is huge I don't know what that is I found some of my first two throws alright let's see what else we can find I think it fell off but I think it still got something minor yeah what is that oh yeah that is a weird shape thing that's a really weird odd shape thing it's like I don't even know what that is finding some weird stuff guys well I think I got something on I think so yep yep come here I just pulled it out of the mud what is this oh we got here I think that's like a real roll plate guys and it makes sense because there's actually like a railroad right up here you guys can't really see it it's just above this hill some railroad parts um I'm a little concerned right now I don't know what to think um what is on there guys what is this what is this what is this what is going on dude it's like an electrical box or something dude look at this what is this look at this thing look at that I can't really tell but it's definitely got like a knob on it it's got like a dial it's got a cord what else is on there what is this end some kind of like I don't know what this says here magnificient yep big old big old Magna here yeah 1200 pound Maggie and I don't know what this is here I just found this this is kind of cool I don't know I've never seen anything like this before ever see anything like that that's a transformer for a train set used to go really yeah that's what I would say that is yeah that old fashioned Lionel Train Set yeah this year it looks like an antenna yeah they're stuck right together yeah they're attached not sure what that is yeah that's strange that's crazy uh it's just it's not powered it's just a regular yeah it's just a rope just a rope now we're going look at this this is definitely an antenna here this is wild this has got a box on it with a little a copper like electric end that is awesome that is like probably one of my coolest finds in a while that is awesome alright guys I am just gonna basically start making my way down this walking trail here we're just gonna kind of poke in between all these trees and toss our magnet see we can come up with so let's just hop in between these trees here give her a couple tosses well I got something on there yeah first throw in between the trees see we have left already what is this oh dude I caught one of these before on the abandoned train tracks I think you guys down in the comments said this is like some kind of clip or clamp to hold the rail down that's pretty cool guys oh that feels a little heavier oh yeah there's something on there that looks long what is that what is this you guys a big old like two-foot long spike Oh what is that looks like we got some minor yeah Oh two things two thing maybe even three thing what is head oh dude a master lock dude no way that's awesome I wonder what it came off of I wonder if there's something in there that's crazy dude a master lock in the middle of nowhere in between some trees guys this is crazy we found a lock guys that's awesome I've never found a lock before and then this I'm not sure what this is that looks I'd can't really tell what that is at all and this looks like some kind of big old bolt or something oh hey we do got something on there big ol washer and some more magnetic rocks I'm always catching magnetic rocks dude that's crazy we found a washer sweet ooh that feels a little heavy yeah that feels heavier come here so we got there's something minor what is this that looks weird what is this I don't know what that is just some weird-looking metal pieces but this here looks like something or it used to be something some kind of bracket or something I don't really know that looks pretty weird guys oh I almost just tipped forward there guys right into the water that would not be cool no way you guys dude I just I just found another bike you guys I am not even joking dude this is honestly getting crazy how is there so many bikes and yours is literally a bike graveyard I think I got it yep I got it you guys come here baby yes dude I found another bike in here this is insane oh my god you guys this is crazy this is absolutely dude ladies look at this - look at a fishing lure it's all stuck in there dude this is awesome a double find a fishing lure and a bike based on all of these bikes I've been finding guys I'm pretty sure they're all stolen so I think what I'm gonna do is give my police department a call I'm gonna see if they want to do anything about this I'm not sure if they will or not so let's go ahead and give them a call quick hi um I do this hobby called magnet fishing I'm down at a river right now in downtown and over the last like three days I think I've pulled like four bikes out of this river and I guess I'm not really sure if they're stolen but I kind of am assuming they are and I guess I really don't know if I should I mean do I do I still yeah I still have them all they're all in my garage yep I'm actually down through River right now okay perfect alright thank you alright alright guys so it sounds like they are gonna send an officer down and he's gonna check out the bikes and see if there's anything that can do about these stolen bikes good how are you yeah this is like my fourth bike I pulled out here yeah are you getting about just giant magnet here yeah yeah big old 1200 pound magnet that's pretty cool yeah so we do dispose of them normally okay so you said you have more like in your girl yeah I can keep it if you want them scrap if you wanna clean up you can scrap and sell the parts guys it's found property okay it was discarded someone's gonna get rid of it cool I just wasn't sure I would if it's a good bike in vacation we store them and we donate them at end of the year okay right now our bike rooms at capacity okay sure no this one alright awesome cool good yeah no no no questions thank you very much have a good one alright guys well there you have it you heard it from the police himself they really don't do too much with soul bikes if they're nice they keep them they bring them to their shop and they donate them if their junk like this I can just keep them myself and what I'm gonna do with them guys is basically just take them in for extra scrap cash so that is gonna wrap up our video for today guys if you enjoy this video make sure to hit that thumbs up button for me and don't forget to subscribe guys make sure to stay tuned guys and I will catch you on the next one [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 292,434
Rating: 4.8640623 out of 5
Keywords: magnet fishing, cops, cops called, police, police called, cops involved, magnet fishing cops called, cops magnet fishing, cops called while fishing, super magnet, magnets, fishing, fishing magnet, magnet fishing finds, cops called magnet fishing, calling cops, magnet, cops called for fishing, called cops, bike found, bike, bikes, river treasure, river, river fishing, rivers, crazy, crazy day, craziest day, craziest day ever, crazy find, craziest find, crazy magnet fishing
Id: FekqxqRpdlM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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