I Went Magnet Fishing And Found A STOLEN VENDING MACHINE!!! *CRAZY*

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that's pretty big guys oh yeah there's something there oh yeah I just pulled out of the mud hole what is going on today guys today we are back out here doing some more magnet fishing I brought the 2600 pound double sided magnet with me and right now we are actually at a boat ramp now if this boat ramp doesn't work out we don't find a whole lot there's a pier behind me and this walking pier literally goes across the entire lake people walk on this trail every single day and I guarantee you they're dropping stuff in this water so we're gonna throw on the GoPro right away guys because the Sun is starting to go down here behind me and we're gonna start tossing this magnet and see if we can come up with anything today oh man I did it again guys I forgot to dry my gloves oh uh hahaha they are soaked oh they're freezing cold - oh my goodness it's like sticking my hands into a bucket of ice that's not cool alright guys we got our 2600 pound double sided magnet let's go ahead and just give her a toss and see what happens here at the boat ramp what is going on there so you got a bunch of leaf stuck to it Oh what is that I do got something no way a freaking flashlight dude there's no way it's gonna work obviously but dang look at that it definitely does not look like it's even been down there that long it's a little dirty but it's really not even that dirty look at that score dude first throw is a flashlight that is that I can't even ask for anything better than that score anything metal so it's a big old magnet yeah really I just found a flashlight finder huh no I got an electromagnet oh well you heard the man he said somebody dropped the Leatherman down here huh I wonder if I can find it what is that what is that I didn't think there was anything on there what it's like a mini bungee cord what would you use this for a little mini bungee cords so we thought take it Wow well I've been sitting here throwing the st. for about 45 minutes and really not finding a whole out all we found was a flashlight and their little bungee cords so let's kind of hop around just right over here and see if we can find anything over here guys [Music] Oh what is that what is that as blue what is going on here what is that it's kind of like hooks on it here it's like a blue box I have no idea guys oh it smells bad too oh look at that what is that that's a weird I've never seen anything like that before interesting what is that oh boy that's heavy yeah I'm on something heavy don't set it down I don't want to let it hit the rocks come on Oh No there goes I lost it no what was guys hey is that it think I have it I have it oh yeah oh no come on yeah it's on there come on oh yeah I got it I got it whoa what is that what the heck is this is this like I thought it was a cup almost looks like a motorcycle like wheel hub but it's probably like a boat trailer wheel hub dude thank you this thing just covered in clams look at this oh my goodness that is old and how did he get all the way over here how the heck did you get your trailer backed in all the way over there that's wild that's good got anything on there what is that a little nail just a little bit email we'll take it though it's something oh yeah what is that whoa what is that that looks weird what is that some kind of mount on there or something I don't even know that's wild crazy whatever that is that's pretty big guys oh yeah there's something there oh yeah I just pulled out of the mud hole what is this oh you see the bubbles coming up oh no it came off no there's something big in there guys what is that a sub minor a little piece of a change Oh what is that I might have to bust out the claw you guys there's something right in here just not coming up come on I think I got it oh there goes it fell off again pretty sure it's right here I just can't like Oh another piece of it what is this or is that even a piece of it oh no oh we lost a piece of it but what is this that looks like some kind of drawer like some kind of drawer or door hinge maybe I don't know yeah it looks like it's got a little uh little hinges on there what is this I want to know what is in here though look at that we got a little iceberg err going floating by looks like people drill holes on it too at one point huh oh I feel something on there yeah oh that's a thing that fell off before yeah what is that okay what is this what in the world is that that is just weird it's got a triangle shape in there I don't know what this is guys some weird stuff what is it oh I got part of it on what is this okay this is part of whatever I'm stuck to you what is that I can't even tell what's going on there something funky just got so many clams and it's so muddy it's hard to tell like well what is it that's been oh yeah what does that some kind of handlebar what is that like that it's like it's supposed to turn like that you can tell it's like on a huge wall it's a kickstand it's a kickstand this is a kickstand what if there's a bike in there dude I'm gonna pull up my cloth let's pull out the car we're getting down and dirty Dow hmm now where was it I'm pretty sure it's this one right here right is that it oh oh I keep hooking onto something but is that it well I got something whoa you guys whoa what is this dude what the heck is that it looks like some kind of like safe look at I just broke the handle off of it and it looks like yeah dude what is going on like some kind of vending machine maybe or something like this is the inner workings of the vending machine and this is the outside of it what the heck I can't really read anything on it's too rusted out it's so old dude I almost positive that's like yeah look at Point ern yeah it says coin turn right on there holy cow whoa dude this is like what is this parts are like a vending machine or something I don't know what that is dude this claw is awesome holy cow look at this is definitely like where the coins get all boom boo-boom sorted out here this is why I own now that's the door I wonder if the whole rest of the the rest of it is in there I couldn't find it though I've been sitting here throwing for like 45 minutes I literally cannot believe I just found that that is so wild Oh something else on there what is that what is that what is that Oh a little mini fishing lure nice that's a super little lure look at that it's like super neon - nice dude all right all right guys that is gonna wrap up our video here today the Sun is starting to go down on me and we never ended up getting to hit this pier over here so maybe we'll make that for like a whole different day overall we found some absolutely crazy stuff and I wonder if the rest of the vending machine is in here because we only found the front door to it and this little wheel hub I don't know if that's off of oh you know a boat trailer or is that a motorcycle what does the kickstand go to we found some crazy stuff today guys but the Sun is starting to go down behind me here and oh don't trip I'm tripping over stuff it's starting to get pretty cold guys I'm gonna wrap everything up here and get out of here today if you guys enjoy this video make sure to hit that thumbs up button for me and don't forget to subscribe guys make sure to stay tuned guys and I will catch you on the next one you
Channel: The Fisher
Views: 98,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magnet fishing, stolen, crazy, magnets, fishing, crazy finds, stolen finds, vending machine, stolen vending machine, vending machine business, stolen machine, magnet fishing finds, magnet fishing best finds, magnet fishing usa, strong magnet, super magnet, stolen treasure, stolen goods, stolen items, fishing magnet, magnet fish, magnet fishing gone wrong, crazy fishing, crazy magnet fishing, magnet, machine, vending, vending machines, neodymium magnets, magnet fishing uk, magneto
Id: zOR8WNMlt54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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