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i surrender magic kingdom you win today oh hey it's me molly with all ears the brand new video what you're about to see is a molly who didn't know where the day was going i set out today to film how to have the perfect day in the magic kingdom and let's just say i failed this is my story dun dun all right it's very early if you can't tell it's still dark outside it's 7 10. the park opens at 8. i am rolling up on the ttc and i don't think they're letting people in yet okay maybe i was lying to you it we are moving forward so yeah it seems like they are letting me in all right i am through security now i'm gonna see how i want to get to the magic kingdom you got your classic monorail and ferry boat but let's hope they're riding buses because buses are faster than either of those let's see oh yeah they're running buses so i know the monorail is more magical and more disney ride the monroe later ride the bus now see all those spots that fill up for the monorail i've seen all of those full and still no one in line at the buses we've been waiting here for a few minutes and no bus has been here which is the first time i've ever come and there haven't been just buses on buses waiting i still it's only been i don't know three to four minutes so i still believe this is faster than the monorail but even the cast members are very confused where all the buses go now we've got a bus and a second bus [Music] and i believe a third bus behind it so they sh they fixed it this is why you have to have your patient pants on in magic kingdom especially it's the biggest pain if you're parking at the ttc yep oh i'm gonna get on this bus okay thank you there was a little cubby for me so i got on that first bus great all right made it it's about 7 45 so all in all it took about 30 minutes to get through the toll plaza apart temp check security on a bus into the park which is very quick um so it may take a little longer especially if you're moving a bigger crowd around but we can probably get on at least one attraction before the park officially opens and at least we have a head [Music] thank you start you all right we're in early mornings in the kingdom so beautiful hello cinderella castle [Music] at this time most people i would wager are headed to seven doors mine train [Music] but we're going this way we're just gonna do it we're just gonna do it rip the band-aid off early and get wet [Music] so we are gonna try and knock out splash mountain first because that tends to get a very long line throughout the day and then we're gonna do pirates of the caribbean because that also gets a very long line throughout the day so fingers crossed we can do both before either one gets very crowded but i would wager most of those people we just saw coming into the park all went to [Music] 7 doors mine train peter pan's flight maybe space mountain so you don't want to go that way first now i see people waiting literally outside of jungle cruise which means unlike the other parks they may not be actually letting anyone on until the park officially opens at 8. so keep that in mind it may vary by attraction we'll see what's happening over at splash but my first goal for the first chunk of the morning is splash pirates possibly jungle possibly big thunder mountain but the ones that get the really long lines are splash usually the longest line in the park and then pirates and then jungle and that's not a coincidence they're all incredibly popular and they're all boats that cannot sit to capacity and take a long time to load and unload people and if you've watched any of these videos yet you know that because there's no fast fast the only thing that determines the weight is how fast they can get you on and off and how the capacity is so on boat rides it takes a very long time to load and unload people and like you know an omni mover like peter pan's light and they can't fill to capacity so plus those are all very popular so hopefully we can knock some boats out this morning i do see them sending the boats down which is a good sign this attraction does often have technical difficulties in the morning so if you come by and they're not running the boats go up and ask what's going on because you may need to come back but seems like a good sign that they're running while i'm standing here might as well get in my water park outfit now we're ready my laser eyeballs can see that they've started letting people into the big thunder mountain railroad queue posted five minute wait so shouldn't be too long until splash mountain lets people in they've been testing i've seen cast overs on it so any minute now okay so a cast member's just walking the line saying that they're not open yet it's about 807 they're still doing their testing they don't know how much longer it could be so now we have to make a decision do we get out of line and go ride pirates before its line moves up or do we stick it out we're going to pirates so this is what i mean by splash mountains technical difficulties a lot um but i'm kind of hoping we can go do pirates really quick and then come back and splash will be open and it still won't have too long of a line that's kind of my theory right now anyway um because we don't want to waste this valuable we got up early friends we got up early and got here early we don't want to waste the valuable time standing in that line [Music] when we don't even know how long that could be so let's go do pirates which is gonna creep up to an hour and stay there all day but right now it has no line so let's go knock that out first i'm going to leave my splash mountain look on in hopes it's open but much like the other videos if we can avoid waiting more than 40 minutes for anything which is the longest we waited for anything in the studio's video and the epcot video we're gonna do a great we're doing it great because it's spring break so to wait no longer than 40 minutes i think we can do it that's our challenge tired for caribbean only a five minute wait and i just looked at the wait times seven doors mine train already has a hundred minute wait because i told you everyone went there first so we're gonna do that later your best bet truly is to go splash and then pirates but we may be reversing that today because splash it has its little temper tantrum but let's do pirates my favorite right here that's the best way to start the day if you ask me [Music] do [Music] oh just simply adore that attraction it's so fun it's so fun every time i love looking at the different animatronics and like picking my favorite pirates i just adore it and we didn't wait in line for more than maybe two minutes so pirates is definitely a good one to do early because again we'll watch the weights all day once that gets up to like 60 minutes it'll stay there all day until the very end of the day so splash mountain in the app is working again it has a posted 50 minute wait but i don't believe it because it just reopened so i think they just went ahead and slapped 50 on there because there were a bunch of people waiting outside but i don't think it's really going to be 50. so and 50 it's higher than i want to wait in a line but it's also lower than what splash is going to be for the rest of the day or for the most of the day so let's go check it out all right it comes out all the way back here so let's ask a friendly cast member if they think it's really 50 because if so we can abort mission and go ride something else all right we are going to save splash mountain for later which my hair appreciates and i guess i can now transform out of splash mountain ensemble because she said if it rains they'll drop um and at very late at night park it is open um until nine tonight so let's ride it at night splatoon's great at night because you can see the castle lit up and everything so let's save splash but my advice to you is to come to sludge first but things like this happen so we just got to make the best of it because it's still the perfect day um and let's let's write something else big thunder mountain railroad just jumped to 40 minutes in the app so glad we didn't worry about that right now and we're gonna come to jungle because as a posted 30 minute wait and jungle is another one that will get long and stay long because of the boat capacity situation we were discussing so let's go ahead and knock this one out too early in the morning all right looks like it has a posted 30 minute wait which isn't bad for jungle right now but we're gonna clock it to see if that's accurate and get ready to sail the seas well i guess the rivers we're not sailing a sea we already sailed the high seas now we're gonna sail rivers so far this great day in the magic kingdom is running into some issues i don't know if you can tell but there's no people on those boats i watched a couple boats go out with no people it's been about 25 minutes i'm like very close to loading i would have been under 30 minutes and they just came on the loudspeaker saying that they're holding expeditions for now and it is closed in the app so i'm going to give it just a few minutes just in case because i'm so close i'd be like two boats away and uh but once i hit that 30 minute mark i'm out of here all right well that's a bummer but imagine a world where i did only wait 25 minutes to ride the jungle cruise what a great day that would be so all right it's clear the universe doesn't want us to ride a ride right now so we're gonna get some coffee because i think that is 150 percent needed we're gonna go to somewhere you may not expect to get some coffee we're going to have a little entertainment while we go so over here in frontierland you have this little sand called westwood hoe and they sell churros and most importantly coffee they also sell corn dog nuggets since casey's corner is closed right now you can get corn dog nuggets at westwood ho and if westwood hoe is closed you can get corn dog nuggets at pecos bill um but they also sell now if you'll realize this cold brew joffrey's coffees and it has a much shorter line than i'm sure the bakery does on main street as it turns out this line i thought would be very short has already wasted like 10 plus minutes i'm not really sure why i don't know if they're having some issues with some of the breakfast items they do sell breakfast sandwiches and some donut holes here as well as fryer's nook and the lunching pad but i just want a coffee please you all aren't gonna believe what i'm about to tell you i just looked at the app to see what the weights were so i could decide what to do after i had my coffee and big thunder jungle hand mansion are all closed [Music] i have a feeling this video is pivoting from its original intentions okay i have found a nice place to sit in frontierland maybe a cavalcade or come by most importantly though we have acquired coffee and i'm actually kind of bummed though because i kind of wanted to eat corn dog nuggets for breakfast but they don't serve until lunchtime um but that's just how this day is going anyway we're gonna show you the perfect day later because this has not been a good day to show you strategy plans this has been a whack-a-doo day from the twilight zone so far waited for a bus splash broke jungle broke now thunder and mansion are both closed so we are going to show you only cover your nose and mouth how do i still have a great day even when things go wrong we're going to still have a great day we're going to we're going to still have a good time in the magic kingdom but things will go wrong update i've been sitting here for this amount of time that's how much coffee i've left not a single cavalcade let's go find normally it's one of my great tips to grab yourself a dole whip and come through the breezeway or get yourself a coffee or corn dog nuggets or something and sit along these big box things in frontierland with your snack or coffee and enjoy cavalcades as they come by i've done it in several other videos not a single one okay i saw in the app that jungle cruise is back up and as opposed to 20 minute wait so i'm headed back over there to try again and hope that i don't stand in line for 30 minutes and not get to ride it again um and this is a good tip if an attraction closes for technical difficulties there's a very small window when it reopens that you can get on it without waiting very long um so if there's something you want to ride and it's close for technical difficulties don't go too far and keep an eye out because if you can get on it like right when it opens back up you won't have to wait in a very long line but that's a very short window because very quickly people realize it's open and all the people that have been wanting to ride it come back so let's see if we can make it let's spend 30 more minutes in line with uh my name is samuel i'll be your skipper your tour guide social director cruise director snake charmer lion tamer but most importantly swimming instructor if you don't laugh at my jokes well now we'll transition into the nile river goes on for niles and niles and niles and niles well if you don't believe me i guess you're in disbelief that's correct now uh coming up on the right side of the building you have these adorable baby elephants and they're bathing underneath the full moon how sweet alright we did the jungle cruise skipper samuel was very funny he had some very good jokes i hadn't heard before like after we got out of the temple he goes wow they really let it's a small world go and that made me laugh out loud about 25 minutes which is great for the jungle cruise it's already got a 45 minute line and it's only going to go up from there so again that's a good tip if something you want to ride closes don't go too far because you can maybe sneak back in when it reopens without a long wait the line literally now goes back to the adventureland sign so that's definitely longer than 45 minutes now that we've successfully run the jungle cruise i guess it's time to go get some corn dog nuggets here at casey's corner get ourselves a little snack [Music] close who knew i obviously knew that i am kidding i would not be very good at my job if i didn't know casey's corner and the plaza ice cream parlor were still closed and they haven't reopened since the parks have it's been a long time since i've had a hand scooped ice cream cone or corn dog nuggets i know they have corn dog nuggets other places but they don't taste the same so now that this video has gone from how to have the perfect day basically now it's how to combat failure and what do you do when you go to a restaurant or there's something you want to eat and you're so excited about it and it's not there what do you do well my tip for this make sure you do your research know before you get there what is open and what is closed so that way you don't come up to this sign and feel immediate heartbreak because i understand being heartbroken over casey's corner i really do but that's where watching videos and reading our posts and checking what is available some things have weird hours right now some restaurants aren't open at all some are just open on the weekends some have menu items other places so again if you want corn dog nuggets they sell them at westwood ho and pecos bill if you want columbia harbor house which is still closed they serve some of the offerings over at the tomorrowland terrace if you want ice cream because the plaza ice cream parlor is closed well nowhere can you get as good of hand scooped ice cream but you can get ice cream sundaes and soft serve at antique gravity's collected goodies as well as storybook treats so there are options but just make sure that you do your research before you go so that way you're not disappointed when you come up and see the sorry we're closed sign you already knew you were going to be disappointed which makes it less disappointing do you understand but if there's one thing that can cheer me up because the ice cream parlor's closed it's the dapper dams and luckily they just read bye in a different time right now is when i would advise you to do things like the carousel and mickey still her magic because you know all your headliners are getting long lines splash big thunder mountain railroad space peter pan's flight pirates of the caribbean seven doors mine train they're all getting long lines of an hour or more it's a busy day so you might think to yourself hey let's go fill some time and ride prince charming regal carousel that'll be fun but do you see what i see a 40 minute wait so then you think oh maybe i'll come over to mickey's philharmagic and enjoy a little bit of 3d fun 30 minute wait and you think to yourself oh that can't possibly be true let's just get in line but i am here to tell you it's definitely true because of the way that capacity works right now they can't put very many people in a theater show at the same time and what used to fill a lot of people can fill about a third of what it used to same with the carousel they're not loading very many horses and both of these attractions are quite long especially mickey's flower magic it's like 12 minutes long so you have to wait for all the all the people to load in which takes a while watch the 12-minute show and then unload before you get to go in which is like a 15 plus minute process so when it's 30 minutes that means you have to wait for two shows to go soon it's going to be 45 may even get over an hour and you're gonna think that's not true mickey's power magic never has that long of a weight but it does the same rule applies to muppet vision it applies to shrek 4d at universal it applies to lightning mcqueen racing academy any show talk to me bug this is this is real so it's going to go against your instincts if you actually want to do one of these things you need to prioritize it and do it early for late it's a busy day so we're gonna go get ourselves a snack where i have fallen to the sadness of them removing a favorite menu item so i'm getting the consolation prize menu item because like i said with things changing so much right now you need to do your research if there's a snack or something you really want you need to figure out where you can get it when you can get it if you can even get it before you get here before risking potential heartbreak for me the heartbreak comes from this little spot right here the lunching pad which when it reopened i touted how excited i was that the stuffed pretzels were back including the jalapeno one the jalapeno one is gone my friends all right here is my stuffed pretzel now this is the sweet cream cheese stuff pretzel and it's pretty good i'm excited to eat it i'm only a little sad that it's not jalapeno it is good it's really good it's got the sweet and salty thing going on a delicious breakfast [Music] the lunching pad though does close early at three so this is this is another place i could break your heart if you didn't look at the hours before and like i said eating a stuffed pretzel that's very good it's much better than not eating a stuffed pretzel at all so even if you have a favorite snack or snack you can't get because they're unavailable maybe the spring roll cart and adventureland they're only open on the weekends most of the time i'm sure you can find a new snack we have tons of videos about great snacks or plan accordingly and make sure to come to magic quinoa weekend if you really want those spring rolls all right i had my um begrudgingly delicious pretzel at the lunching pad now's the part of the day where things are getting long lines and like space splash seven doors mine train big thunder mountain arrow jungle cruise empire's the caribbean all have an hour or longer and a lot of things have like 40 minutes that i would never tell you to wait 40 minutes for small world has 55 that's too long for it's a small world speedway pretty long line starts right here so now is when i tell you to start looking at those filler attractions like speedway for example dumbo um the many adventures of winnie the pooh and see which of those are low because you should right you shouldn't wait more than 30 minutes for any of those no matter what because they're going to go back down again if you're going to commit yourself to long waits commit it to something that's not going to go back down so i just looked at the filler attractions and once you believe that the one with the lowest weight is under the sea journey of the little mermaid because of course it is which means i guess we're going to see ursula like the ticos right now the line starts all the way out here and then wraps in 30 minutes that's too long for the teacups that's that's too long to wait to then want to throw up your pretzels so they're actually using ariel's grotto which is where the character meet and greet used to be as part of the queue now for under the sea turning normal ridge the wait time in the app was 20 minutes but we will see if that is true [Music] okay [Music] it was a less than 20 minutes i would say it wasn't even 10 minute wait and i do enjoy that attraction despite the giant ursula animatronic which is impressive i must say it's a very good animatronic which is why it's so scary but legit my clam shell stopped in front of ursula for a few seconds because they were probably loading and or unloading a wheelchair party and i was like that tracks um but i do think that's a great attraction it doesn't usually have a very long line and that's a an a-plus filler attraction so great news not only is the haunted mansion open again if you recall it was closed earlier for technical difficulties not only is it open it only a posted 25 minute wait things are looking up here we go there's our caster at the end of the line sign but i believe it's right here which is really not too far back and it looks like hopefully despite our sadness earlier about it being closed we'll get to ride it without waiting too long now [Music] haunted mansion only ended up being about a 15 minute wait and now i'm thinking it's time for some lunch and i'm still thinking about the corn dog nuggets that i didn't eat for breakfast so i'm gonna order some corn dog nuggets from pecos but the next available window to to order is like 30 minutes from now but you know what you know it's a great way to kill some time and i can order while i'm doing it the liberty bell river boat wait just kidding i thought it just arrived and was going to be unloading and then i could get on it right now but it's the other way around it's now departing so i'd have to wait for 30 minutes for the it to come back because it's about a 20 minute loop so i would have to wait 30 minutes to get on it so that smart plan i just had failed but we're still going to get our corn dog nuggets we're just going to go maybe maybe now is when we'll see some cavities maybe the earlier was too early and we can just sit somewhere in frontierland order our corn for dog nuggets and hope to see a character or two if you recall i was thinking i was filming a completely different video so i didn't plan to order um lunch this early or i didn't i i knew what i was gonna eat for a perfect day um and magic kingdom and it didn't involve mobile ordering [Music] so i didn't come into the park in middle order which is my advice to you and this is what because you can't always get a spot for right when you want to eat [Music] wow wow wow we are being rewarded for not seeing any cavalcades earlier not only did i see the cavalcade more importantly and the philharmonic the band more importantly the country bears were out and they were crushing i only want to watch the country bears watch cavalcades now they were dancing their hearts out and it was so amazing and so magical and i'm very glad that i had to stand here for 10 or so minutes uh as i wait for my pecos order to be ready because what a what a magical moment that was if i'd been running somewhere else i would have missed such a such a treasured moment that was nice headed to where you enter into pecos bills um one thing i will tell you is it's been about 10 minutes since i clicked i'm here prepare my order and i still haven't gotten called so even though you may book your order early in the morning and get peak lunch time keep in mind it's still going to be very busy at peak lunch time meaning it'll be harder to get a table and it may take a while for them to actually prepare your order so my advice is still to eat off peak meal time if you need a little early or a little late that's definitely ideal so that way you're not fighting over tables or waiting a long time for your meal to be prepared even though you ordered it early so order early and then pick weird meal times that's my advice but also it seems like a new cavalcade could be coming because i see a lot of the cast members out here the cast overs and the red are the parade access control cast members that make sure everyone's out of the way and they get everybody all ready so if you see those cast members a cavalcade could be coming soon and not just any cavalcade the princess cavalcade with the best character of all angus look how beautiful he is oh hey meredith here's the thing i don't like about cavalcades is it causes chokepoints and bottlenecks because everyone has to stop so if you don't you know keep that in mind try and get a space away from other people it's not always possible um but while we were watching the cavalcade i got my name i got my notification for my food got my delicious corn dog nuggets and again according to the casters these are the same as casey's but i mean it tastes different because you're on frontierland not mainstream but look what you can get because you're at picospills for one dollar you can get a side of queso and it's like good question like white queso with some peppers in it you can dip your corn dog nuggets right into it maybe casey's isn't open maybe westwood hoe wouldn't sell me them for breakfast but now i've got corn dog nuggets dipped in queso so maybe it was worth it this whole time you may know i do not like hot dogs at all but corn dog nuggets are a different story oh there's a little heat in that queso i love it [Music] definitely recommend this also recommend getting a side of case so with anything you get here at pecos bells i mean i know they don't have the toppings bar right now which is kind of a bummer but if you um they'll give you whatever toppings you want if you get something um like like tacos or fajitas or nachos or salad or anything they'll give you whatever you want on the side and you can customize all that in the app so while it's sad the fixin's bar is gone i like that you can still get everything and i really like that you can get queso for a dollar well friends that is a wrap on not the video we set out to make today but this is the video we got when all these things started happening i thought you know what we're going to roll with it and show you that your disney days are not going to be perfect so one of the biggest things you can do when you come to disney world is be flexible make sure you plan make sure you do your research so you're not disappointed but if something goes wrong and it likely will you're okay with that you can still have an amazing day in disney world even if things don't go exactly according to plan there are no bad disney days they're only bad attitudes so thank you so much for watching i hope you had fun following along i hope you learned something stay tuned for the real perfect day in magic kingdom we will have that video soon we're gonna try again and show you how to navigate this park but i hope you had fun watching that you can still have a great day no matter what happens because after all you're here what could be wrong with that let me know a funny story about something that wouldn't arrive to you for you at a disney world trip in the meantime friends make sure to rate review subscribe to our social media at all ears net and make sure to ring that bell so you know when new videos are coming out and until next time friends i'm molly and it's been magical [Music] want to see more of my videos click over here want to subscribe you can do that right here and also ring that notification bell to make sure you get instantly notified anytime we post a new video thanks for following see you real soon
Views: 207,106
Rating: 4.8792977 out of 5
Keywords: Disney World, Disney Parks, Disney Travel, Disney Trip, Disney planning, disney vacation, disney vlog, disney vlogger, disney video, Disney tips, orlando vacation, universal orlando, universal studios, islands of adventure
Id: _h738uce-iQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 53sec (2213 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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