EPCOT Drink Around the World Challenge

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hey everybody it's quincy and molly and we are here with the new all ears video that's right we are here at epcot gonna spend a full day eating and drinking around world showcase we're gonna show you some of the best bites and beverages give you some tips on spending your epcot day yeah we're super excited it's gonna be a great day so let's get going let's get to it [Laughter] we have made the difficult decision we are going to start in mexico which is my personal choice every time i prefer starting with a margarita and ending with a beer but you do what you want to do yeah and you're dressed for mexico i'm also dressed for mexico this is one of my favorite of the world showcase countries because i can see miguel here perfect so here's our problem right now is the better drinks are inside the pyramid but the better food is outside the pyramid so where do we go well okay this is complicated but i could do i could get us the food at chozade margarita and you could go into the pyramid to get us our drink yes and then we can rendezvous rendezvous i like where your head's at i also like the fact that i get to go inside which i'll just be out here i'm sunscreen so i'm good perfect yeah ready break all right so i am here at chosin and margarita if you are walking around world showcase you will definitely walk right past this it's on the main path in the mexico pavilion and we are gonna grab some beef empanadas i think they are a very tasty snack you get two of them so it's perfect for molly and i to share now it shows that a margarita does actually have uh margaritas as well obviously this is a margarita and one of the most popular ones here is the fiesta margarita which in the past when i have explored world showcase and eating and drinking around i've definitely tried the fiesta margarita it is very tasty it's frozen and it's triple layered which makes it super yummy because it's a journey of flavor so i really like that one if you're not feeling like waiting in line to head into a pyramid if it's busy or if you're just looking for something a lot cooler more frozen if you want just a quick margarita instead of running into la cava del tequila then shows that a margarita is a good option friendly cast members let me know the tequila caves right here sometimes they do this when it's really busy it is a saturday today so they will do a separate entrance just for the tequila cave and the entrance to get inside the pyramid will be for shopping or if you want to do the grand fiesta tour boat ride attraction if you do have a dining reservation inside the pyramid at sand and hill inn you don't need to wait in the line for the pyramid just show the cast members outside your reservation confirmation and they'll let you in without any weight so keep that in mind but we are headed into the pyramid through the back la cava del tequila again this is the tequila cave right here inside the pyramid they have fabulous margaritas dozens and dozens of different kinds of tequila and mezcal that you can also do shots of if you'd like that and again right now you can do guacamole to go alright so for our first snack of the day we are having the empanadas de barbacoa which are beef empanadas with barbecue beef they've got crema mexicana they've got queso fresco they've got some chipotle sauce and they're served with a side of street corn i'm super excited because they look very good and for our first beverage i have a spare cup here we're gonna go splitsies that was almost just tragic we're gonna go splitsie so we can make it the whole way around the world but our first one is the el diablo margarita this is one of the specialties in la cava it's a spicy margarita it's got both tequila and mezcal and then it's got a cucumber jalapeno juice it's one of my favorite drinks in the world showcase my favorite drink at lacava and i'm very excited for round one because this is looking good cheers air cheers it's like a boomerang yeah but it's not it's just real life this is us doing it i'm a fan it's so good i like mezcal more than tequila because i like the smoky flavor i'm also a mezcal person so i like that this one has the mezcal in it it's not overwhelming though i know for some people who don't like mezcal it can be a really overwhelming flavor and this it's not the predominant flavor which i think that it is in a lot of drinks just a little smokiness on the back end and it's not super spicy either it's more refreshing i feel like yeah there's definitely heat and if you don't like peppers or spiciness at all then it's probably not the drink for you but it's not it's not like at all like i don't need a glass of water it's nice on a hot day it's not sweet it's refreshing little heat a little smoky i love it this is like i said my favorite one there other really popular ones are the frozen avocado margarita that's that's my favorite that's one of their signatures that one is creamier and a little bit sweeter and then basically any fruit you can think of they have a margarita in mexico somewhere between the cava uh luchoza and the cantina and i don't like avocado but that avocado margarita really i love avocado yeah it's a good margarita once i was working with a nutritionist and they told me i was eating too many avocados aren't they supposed to tell you to eat more avocados not me how many were you eating like four a day that's too many and now for snack number one this is our first tip for drinking around the world make sure you're eating around the world you regularly maybe not every country that's a lot of snacks unless you want to yeah but you need to eat snacks too and something with protein and meat is a great way to bread stuff like that yeah mexico is always one of my favorite countries to eat and drink in it never disappoints these empanadas are truly one of my favorite snacks to ever have i'm not too expensive around 11 and you get two that doesn't sound like a lot but they're i mean they're big and they're filling and you get that corn it definitely could be lunch or you can split it it can be a snack yeah for a light eater it's an easy lunch a little spice in there lots of flavor the spice is definitely coming from that chipotle seasoning but then you've got the crema and the queso fresco to balance it out my favorite part is actually the totally sauce because it tastes like enchilada sauce which is like my favorite yeah thing to get mexican restaurants so yeah if you like that you'll probably like this also barbacoa and that street corn is such a delight every time they actually now are serving street corn like on the cob like you could get a whole top of it if you'd prefer but it's got that chipotle seasoning on it as well so good if you're completely heated first this is not for you but it's more flavorful than it is hot i think it's not just hot for a hot sake it's got a little kick to it so if that's not if that's not your thing but the corn is actually my favorite part and i really like broccoli but i also really like corn that corn is really good i would get the corn on the cob is it making you um poco loco everything in the mexico pavilion makes me poke a loco all right we've made it to country number two norway and we are headed into kringle bakery and cafe which is obviously the bakery and cafe here in norway to get our second drink pringle bakery just has sweets right now before the closure they'd also do some sandwiches and some savory dishes but they've got some really unique signature sweets like school bread which is that creamy custard coconut filled bread that a lot of people love they've got the trollhorn they've got the lesson which is that rolled cinnamon sugar uh treat and also got of course some beverages in here great spot to come if you want something a little unique before we got uh into our beer we saw some friends coming hi hi goofy [Music] [Music] oh they're so cute i love them so much all right so here in norway our beverage is going to be a beer we're having the aus which is a norwegian beer it is not spelled like that it's spelled like a-a-s-e i think a-a-s-s a-a-s-s sure but it's pronounced house and so here we are with the house as you can see it's a pretty light beer um which i think is both molly nice jam so we're pretty excited we got an extra cup we're gonna split it see how it tastes here we go [Music] that's pretty good yeah i like this one a lot they also have a white ale here called einstock that i like a little bit more i've had that one i like that one too but from what i understand you can't get this one very many places outside of norway like it's like the only places you can get it so i like drinking it here because it's a little more exclusive it kind of tastes similar to like a hmm i'm trying to call it like a heineken like a heineken but with a little bit more flavor to it yeah like there's more depth when you're drinking it there's a lot more going on definitely a good light beer if you're a beer drinker i think you'll find a refreshing but it's not too exotic it's not too heavy no but it's still fun because it might not be too exotic but it is still something you don't get very many places which is really neat i will say if you do like a really light beer this might be a touch too heavy for you because it is i mean it's still like it's still in the light side but it's getting into the moderate area it's definitely darker than like a domestic light beer like a lighter or a miller lighter absolutely but this might be a good bridge beer if that's what you're normally used to drinking like this may be an okay step to take yeah goodbye norway hello china china all right so our next stop is joy of tea which is mostly beverages they actually have egg rolls which are pretty tasty but mostly beverages here in the china pavilion and we're pretty excited to grab a cocktail here probably the most popular drink here at joy of tea is the tipsy ducks in love which is probably the cutest name for a cocktail ever on the planet we're gonna grab that one from china we have gotten the tipsy ducks in love which is a coffee based drink which i know we're both very excited about it's also got black tea and bourbon in it as well as some chocolate syrup they said to make sure we stir because all that bourbon is right on the top [Music] wow it is like that [Music] i don't want to very nice very nice all right cheers country number three number three [Applause] [Music] okay now i'm glad we're splitting all of these so we can make it around the world but i'm especially glad we're splitting this it's very rich it's very rich yeah it kind of tastes like german chocolate cake doesn't it yeah and you can definitely taste the chocolate you can definitely taste the bourbon i don't taste a lot of a tea though no i kind of feel like [Music] [Applause] i kind of feel like it might be on the very end like there's like a ghost a whisper a whisper of tea tea tea yeah um i will say i don't know if this would be my choice for a hot cup like if i was just picking one drink i don't know if i go with this one on a hot apple it's very hot today and this is not a refreshing beverage it is milky tasting yeah as much as i like coffee yeah although i will say i actually do like it when we're drinking out of all the countries because it's different yes like this is not like the beers we're gonna have obviously it's not like the cocktails we're gonna have yeah there are a few spots to get beer and pretzel in germany you can get it right here at this cart you can get it over at that cart but it's always smart to look around because here at summerfest which is their quick service location they also serve beer and pretzels which is obviously what we're getting it's germany after all and look the weight is in the shade and there's not a line so make sure you look around look at this i'm not gonna wait in line at all all right here we go germany cheers cheers good german's beer it's delicious yeah it's amazing it's similar to the one we had in norway but i would say a little bit better yeah it's germany yeah it's just i mean there's beer people yeah that's it's like the land of the beer this is a pretty simple one there's definitely darker there's definitely also lighter this is right in the middle of the road this is a nice lighter one if you do a domestic uh lager like a bud light or a miller light this is probably the one you're gonna want to try yeah it's still now it's got a little bit more flavor than a bud light like a bud light it's like yeah you know whisper of beer this is beer yeah it's good though it's really good a really popular other option is the shopper hopper grapefruit beer a lot of people love that one it's very fruity if you like if you like your beer not to taste super super beery yeah then the shopper offer is a great option like if you're drinking around the world and you want to go to germany you want to get a beer in germany and you're not a beer drinker shop or however yeah definitely but yeah this is a great beer i think it's going to be hard to find a better beer than germany yeah all right and now it's pretzel time time pretzel cheers i'm going to say it this isn't my favorite question i'm not the best connoisseur that molly is and i'll tell you that this is definitely possible but in my opinion the dip makes the pretzel you can get mustard but where's the cheese where's the beer cheese we're in germany i want beer cheese with my pretzel so this is great again it's huge obviously definitely shareable if you're drinking out of the world good to have a carb i really like a big make or break thing for pretzels and use the large salt granules so i actually think that's making this puzzle for me like it's a i agree if only it's not my favorite pretzel but i like it probably because it's got that nice quality big salt on it it's definitely a better quality pretzel than like a mickey pretzel probably but i'm all about that pangu pangu pretzel over at animal kingdom baseline top house pretzel exactly yeah all right we have arrived in italy and our stop here is going to be the wine cellar there are a couple of options a place you can stop in italy we thought about going to the wine cellar we thought about going over to gusto which is a walk up right now but we settled on the wine cellar and i think we're gonna have to go for some limoncello sounds pretty italian to me but yeah if you didn't know about this you might walk right past it the entrance is right on the main stretch of world showcase and it's a great spot to get some nice italian wines cheers cheers ciao that's hello i don't know how to say cheers in italian salute sounds right sure sure so lemony fresh very lemony fresh it tastes like a lemon drop candy or pine salt or both but in a good way yeah gravy love lemon good pine salt lemon is i've gotten old is one of my favorite flavors for desserts and stuff and this tastes kind of like drinking dessert yeah it's kind of like a lemon meringue although of course like you know we're drinking shot size this is liquor so yeah it's got more burn than anything else we've had today because it's got yeah it's all of it another good reason is share things yeah as you go yeah and also you don't need like you know some things you want to take like a shot but this you don't need to take like a shot we're just sipping sipping it's nice it's sweet feels like we're in italy it's like drinking candy yeah dumbledore would like this dumbledore would like this he loves him some lemon drop candies yeah i have a question now there's no attraction here in italy there's a few disney movies set in italy what disney movie should get an attraction here can i say something very not what you expect me to say yes i think in advance that luca should get an attraction here oh wouldn't that be fun that would be fine it's not even out yet but it looks very good and why the reason i say that is i think the art style is really nice yeah it's beautiful i was gonna say lizzie mcguire yeah i was gonna say the close second lizzie mcguire yeah or some kind of roller coaster on spaghetti like in the like the lady in the trampoline but you're like the meatball like you're you're the meatball and then the track is a spaghetti you start in lady's mouth and you end in trance now yeah [Music] this this is the night what a beautiful night wow wow wow wow [Music] we may be entering the american adventure but quincy is very excited because mariachi cobra is playing you're my favorite and she's dancing like this just totally normal howdy y'all we're in america now so there are a couple places to get a drink here but we are headed inside the regal eagle smokehouse now they have a walk-up bar here that you can walk up and they actually have a great menu a lot of really good specialty cocktails but the most signature of them the tennessee lemonade you can actually get inside as well so i'm ordered it for us so that we can go sit inside for a little bit and get a break from the heat which is another great tip it's super hot in epcot today it will likely be super hot when you're here anytime you can take a break sitting is great and sitting inside is even better regal eagle if you haven't been is a new quick service location here in american adventure it opened up just a little bit before the closure last year and it is a loosely muppets themed barbecue restaurant so they've got brisket and ribs and burgers and chicken and it's really delicious so great spot to come in and get something to eat i really like regal eagle i almost am sad it's at epcot because epcot already has so much good food that it almost is a shame but if you are in the mood for barbecue or if you love the muffins come in here maybe come in here and just get a drink they have great banana pudding if you're looking for something sweet but if you look all the muffits are having a barbecue competition and it's hosted by sam eagle so here we've got the tennessee lemonade this is made with jack daniels tennessee whiskey wouldn't you believe it plus minute maid lemonade and some peach sounds very american we're very excited to try it all right cheers y'all cheers y'all this is one of my favorite things we've had today i think yeah this is good yeah and i'm really glad that regal eagle opened because before regal eagle or the bar existed you had to go to the fife and drum and get like a frozen jack daniels lemonade that wasn't very good a bud light or like a american beer sometimes they'd have craft beer over at the other side of the pavilion and you could do flights which i am into but you couldn't get a good cocktail in america no and this is a good cocktail and and this isn't the only option there's like a ton of really good cocktail options at the outdoor bar you don't even have to mow board and come in they have a frozen um mint julep out there they've got a daiquiri out there they've got some really great mocktails out there too yeah which is awesome because sometimes you might want to drink and eat around the world with someone who doesn't drink or doesn't want to drink in every country if you don't want to drink in every country you can grab a mocktail here which is really nice the berry sparkler is really good it's like sparkling water with some fruit it's really good yeah also a good way if you're if you're feeling the effects or if you're feeling sick at all by this country coming in to the air conditioning or grabbing a mocktail instead yep america is a good country to mellow out plus it's america yeah and we got water too again yeah water is every country that's my motto you need a water so yeah just like as a cocktail it i i taste the peach more than i thought i would yeah me too and it's kind of an afterthought on the menu it's like yeah jack daniel's whiskey mini-made lemonade and there's peach but it's pretty beauty but it's but the lemonade balance is that it's tart it's not too sweet it's more tart than sweet but it's got that peach and then you can kind of you can taste that it's alcohol but the jack daniels isn't like aggressive i would say this might be one of the only cocktails we've had so far that both someone who prefers sweeter drinks and someone who prefers more like heady drinks would like me too yeah i like this one i do too very good good job regal eagle i would like to credit sam eagle specifically with this card well he wouldn't have it any other way so i would like to credit sam eagle and also america sure but mostly savings we have made it to japan where we are going to get saki because that feels like the correct thing to drink when you're in japan and here at the garden house which is this little kiosk right here we're gonna head in there they've got a lot of different sakes as well as some sake cocktails our drink here in japan is the violet saki which as you can see is beautiful it is a combo of purple pear lime juice and sake sounds pretty good looks pretty good let's give it a shot oh interesting i don't know if i i didn't know if i was going to like this because i don't i'm not a huge sake fan but that's actually very refreshing it kind of tastes like and this is very surprising to me it kind of tastes like um like candy like almost a sour like gummy worm yes on the end but it's not sour but it tastes it tastes like candy like candy yep and it's obviously beautiful you know when you eat sour crystals like when you finish a bag of sour patch kids and you get a bite there's too many sour crystals it's like that but not sour at all does that make this clear at all no it's yummy next up morocco we've made it over to our next country we are stopping in this time actually at a table service restaurant this is spice road table which is a tapas style restaurant it's actually in my opinion an underrated gym of world showcase it's one of my favorite places to eat in all of epcot and they have some really awesome small plates like hummus fries very tasty very fun now there is a walk-up bar here at spice road table it's a full bar so if you'd like to just come in and get a cocktail you can do that what we've decided to do though is actually sit down and have some tapas as well as our cocktail we did the mobile wait list which you can do in the my disney experience app the way the mobile walk-up works is you go like you're going to make a dining reservation and then click now and then um it'll tell you which restaurants are available so in fcat at the time it was or a table which only had a five-minute wait and then there was also availability over at the rose and crown 45-minute wait you type in your party information they get you a text to let you know you're on the list and then they send you a text when you're ready so that's a great way to maybe if you didn't want to plan on a dining reservation but you're working your way through the park and you're like wow i really would love to sit and relax for an hour you can do that we're trying something a little different here in morocco now they do have sangria but it's actually from spain the one that they have at spicer table they do have sangria in the pavilion you could try if that's what you wanted but we are trying this iced moroccan mint tea that is served with gin and it has a mint leaf and a lemon on it and it looks very refreshing so i'm pretty excited about this one we also thought it was about time for another snack so while we're sitting here at spicer table we grabbed the hummus fries which are very good you don't think of them a lot when you're walking around world showcase because there's a lot of other more snazzy stuff but these are basically these fried hummus sticks and you dip them in this delicious sauce they've got cucumbers and little pieces of tomato on them all right cheers wow this might be my new favorite talk about refreshing so i love the moroccan mint tea anyway like you can get it hot or iced at most of the moroccan restaurants it is so good i i really love the hot tea if you're ever eating at restaurant marrakech which is closed right now you're in the air conditioning go for the hot tea if you like hot tea it's so good but they have an iced tea here that's equally delicious non-alcoholic obviously it's not gin in it and wow does it work yeah this is delicious and i'm not a huge gin person me neither like that's not a liquor that i choose a lot but it's really working the kind of piney flavor of gin is really working with the minty tea and now hummus fries so look at them right there they literally are just hummus that they freeze and then fry there's not breading on it or anything it's just spices that's genius and amazing there's so much flavor in this it's so good like so good i'm i'm so i'm not big on fried stuff but that's what's great about these is that i get the flavor of fried stuff without it being it's not greasy it's not it's how greasy it's not oily if you drop it on the table that's your business but it is so light and still filling and there's a little bit of zest a little kick from the dipping sauce everybody thinks of like france mexico but don't skip on morocco don't give them morocco maybe if you have really really picky people in your family you're not going to find stuff here but if you're a little more adventurous this is a great spot yeah i would say actually the drink isn't too adventurous but these hummus fries are a little more they've got that zest to them they've got more spices that are a little unfamiliar but if you're a little more of an interest eater definitely consider a cocktail and a topless here at spice road it's lovely there's a breeze we've got the lake and spaceship earth behind us and thanos's ship that we're hoping he doesn't take us on to if it happens it happens sure for france we are getting one of the most notorious epcot drinks here at this little stand livens de chefs de france it is the slushies now they have two year round there's an orange one with grand marnier grey goose orange orange juice and rum and there's a lemon one with greggy citron vodka and lemonade so these are probably one of the most popular drinks when you're drinking around the world they usually also have a variety of it a different version at the festival kiosks like right now it's flower and garden so they have one there that's got grape and lime in it but we're going to stick to the classic today and grab one from this little cart i will say no matter what france is going to win for cutest cup i've never felt more fun in my entire life this is like a party cup yeah straight up yeah this is great good job france also there's a giant one of these that's literally like oh my gosh yeah it says big it is huge huge nicely sure i'm gonna drink that today no we're sharing one of the little ones if you were gonna do less countries you could have a bunch of people drink that big one yes and be really fun i'd also like to point out that we're obviously splitting it but these cups don't stop where the martini glass stops yeah they go all the way down in the stem they're healthy it is a healthy portion right cheers to france cheers to france i know i say i don't like sweet drinks but there's something special about this might be the it tastes like a creamsicle it tastes exactly like a cream stick it's a spooky cream a boozy creamsicle and ours are melty because it's probably a billion degrees out somewhere somewhere in there um but it's so good it this one definitely creamsicle is the best way to describe it but you can definitely taste that it's alcoholic yes the lemon one tastes like a frozen lemonade kind of yeah it's yummy i i actually in general prefer lemon over orange but for the slushies in the france pavilion i think the grand marnier orange one is the way to go this is delicious this is a fan favorite for a reason and i feel like this is a good one for if you are just dabbling and you don't want to drink a lot but you want something refreshing and delicious this is a good one and something unique you're not going to get this it's not just a beer it's not just a glass of wine it's something a little special yeah and it's not even something that's like strictly something you can get in france it's kind of like a unique creation for the epcot france pavilion which is what's fun i love it it is very tasty too now i think we'd be remiss if we stood in france and didn't talk about our pal remy i do love remy his attraction's opening later this year i'm very excited october 1st yes we're going to be excited to adventure also the 50th anniversary of all of disney world i'm very glad they're doing both those things on the same day it will not be busy at all no it'll be a super easy day on the job but i have to ask if remy was going to cook you something what would you want him to cook you um i want the soup from the beginning of the movie i want the soup that soup looks so like before remy gets his hand on it whatever fancy wrestling remy's like what's remy i mean sorry i'm sorry once remy gets his paws on it once everybody gets his paws on it and he starts whipping up well he puts a little shallots in there a little shroomie this is what he's like he's running around the ring he's on the spoon like yes it is that is art food food is art when remy gets i wanted to that's a great that's the soup is my answer i think i want to steal the soup answer because that was a really good choice and i love soup professional stews creamy professionals i love any soup okay real talk friends if you're drinking and eating around the world you're probably going to need to use the restroom the best restrooms are in the following countries the united kingdom american adventure that's my favorite norway germany france morocco when they're open morocco is close so keep those in mind write those down you'll need it we promise we're in our second to last country very exciting but we have to split up again well bye bye see you with a beer see you with fish and chips so frozen cone is kind of a twofer restaurant you've got the rose and crown pub there's also the rosen crown dining room which is a full table service restaurant but we are stopping into the rosen crown pub to grab ourselves a pub blend for this next stop on our tour around world showcase rose and crown pub is well known for having a lot of really tasty couplings my favorite is the black and tan and right now due to the global health crisis and some health measures you can't drink inside or at the bar you do have to head outside but not a big deal still got some pretty tasty brews while quincy grabs our pub blend from the rosin crown i am gonna grab our final snack for the day fish and chips from the yorkshire county fish shop they are a delicious treat here in the united kingdom they do also do fish and chips inside the rosen crown you can get them to go and they're very good as well but i think most people go for the fish and chips walk up counter which is why we're going with that all right so our drink here in the uk pavilion is going to be the snake bite the snake bite is actually going to be a mix of harp beer and strongbow cider so i'm super excited to give this a taste sounds super refreshing for this end of day drink it's my favorite thing from the pub wow yeah here is our delicious fish and chips and first of all can we please admire these new spiffy trays from the yorkshire that have a little spot for your fish and chips and then your drinks they're amazing these are amazing wow it does not take much to amuse us but this was nice to carry um so again got some waters and then big waters yorkshire is doing it right is what i'm trying to say um then you get your fish and chips it's either one big piece or two smaller pieces depending on the fish it's usually some kind of really mild fish like haddock or cod and then you can get your condiments i always like to get some tartar sauce and i would drown each fry in a packet of mountain vin malt vinegar if i could but i don't know if everyone feels that way so i guess i can't do that because quincy won't let me but here's our final snack of the day the good old fish and chips you're a monster i am a monster but i love it oh i can smell it it smells so good turning my my nose hairs she's opening another package somebody stopped her i can't retain i understand that i'm the one who should stop her but i'm not doing it i cannot be tamed cheers fish cheers fish cheers as they stay in the biz totally normal thing to do hmm it's so good it's so good it falls apart in your mouth it's crunchy but it's not oily i literally was in line and i was like we've eaten so much today i don't know if i want fish and now that i have it i'm gonna inhale the entire thing all i want approximately two bites no i will say the fries aren't my favorite because i prefer a skinnier fry i'm a skinny fried fried gal as well this isn't what i want where's the tire sauce molly tried to trick me into eating vinegar that's so good please let us know in the comments if you're a team tartar sauce or team mulvaney yeah and b team tartar sauce it's the correct answer team vinegar sauce it's harder you know i'm right everyone knows i'm right it is so good the batter is so good it's so flaky and crispy nice the batter is it's not like aggressive at all which i mean sometimes you get fish and chips and it's like this is more fried batter than anything but this is not it's mostly beautiful pieces of fish beautifully fried sacred and again you can get it in the pub to go it's probably gonna be a bigger portion because that's coming from the full-service restaurant but you can do that as well and it's three pieces and i feel like fish and chips are a must yeah while you're in the uk and at epcot and another great snack if you're going to be drinking around the world because it's protein very hearty but it's not so full that you're going to feel like yeah yes exactly which is very important yeah 10 out of 10 for the fish and chips all right time for a snake bite cheers mate cheers to the uk yum it hits so good it's jelly it's very good this is one of my all-time favorite drinks in epcot this is something i got long before i did this job it's one of my favorite things when i'm talking about drinking around the world i love basically anything from the uk but this is my absolute favorite it's very good it's it's split with cider of course so it's a little bit different from the pub ones that are just straight beer my favorite is actually the black and tan which i like because i love the flavor of guinness but i can never finish a guess ever because they're an entire dinner it's like eating thanksgiving drinking guinness maybe that's not true for other people but for me i think that's true for a lot of people yeah so the the black and tan is part guinness and that makes a lot easier to drink but this is pretty tasty too i'm not a big cider person so i'm getting the cider flavor without having to have like a cider so it's not so sweet like yeah yes and what i like to do when i order a little pro tip if you don't like super sweet things either is instead of going 50 50 i'll ask them to go like 70 30 more beer than cider so then you just get that little bit of crisp cider but it's mostly the beer flavor and you can do that of course with any of the public yeah like if you if you like more beer than cider like gas for more beer if you like more cider than beer ask for more cider if you love guinness but you want to try the poplan to go the black and tan light on the other beer heavy on the guinness yeah get creative yeah but i feel like for me a must do when i'm an epcot and eating and drinking is visit the pub visit the pub it never lets me down it's one of my favorite spots it does during normal times not so much now but during normal times the pub gets very very busy in the evening time because a lot of people love the pub they like their dance they stay in there because it's air conditioned and the restaurant has seating by the water so the whole area tends to be very busy towards the end of the day so just a heads up that if you really want to get in you might want to go a little earlier than you might be wanting to yeah but i i give this a 10 out of 10. very good i love it so yummy cheers cheers almost made it's the end but this is truly one of my favorites yeah also we're not quite to the end yet but we're one country away we must be those people we have to remind you safety talk safety talk tm safety talks with molly quincy tm safety talks with molly and quincy we're having a fun time with your safety talks together yep just vibing at epcot around world showcase but we're going to have safety talks with money quincy's to you cnn come to epcot eat and drink your way around the world have a good time it is an amazing time it's one of my all-time favorite things to do at walt disney world yes but you're still at a family theme park yep you got to be safe be courteous to other people be courteous to the cast members and make sure you're not driving home yes and when you're at the park remember it's a family theme park there are lots of little ears around if you wouldn't want it said to your child or your little brother or your niece or nephew or anything like that maybe not the place to say whatever you're thinking and they're listening kids are wily they're listening all the time they're listening so i you know keep that in mind and then like once i said do not drive home we took ride share here and it's been almost eight hours that we've been doing this yeah and we've split every single drink we've had water almost every stop we've had snacks or starting to eat almost every country so drink around the world eat around the world have fun but be safe don't drive take disney transportation take ride share have a friend drop you off and just remember that you're at a family theme park yeah you can have a great time yes but you can be cool too responsibly and it's cool to do it that way it is cool i feel cool we said so and we're really cool yeah have you guys i mean i would say dope almost yeah yeah you can trust us hi you're so pretty with your polka dots is he old he's just a little yeah maybe he's he's old he's seen things last up molly is grabbing us our final drink at the canada popcorn cart of course this spot is most famous for having maple popcorn which is delicious who doesn't love some disney popcorn add maple flavoring and oh my gosh it's delicious but we are grabbing a beer here today they also have cocktails including a frozen coca-cola with crown royal whiskey very yummy i've had that before and it's tasty but we are wrapping up with a beer say hi molly our final beverage of the evening is a moose headlogger from canada which is very fitting but tbh we wanted a la findamon which is a beer that they sell in canada but unfortunately they were out so we went with the classic it's so good if you have the chance to get that one it's like a light wheat beer it's delightful um but this is a classic moosehead lager and we're gonna toast to uh johnny and moya rose to end the night and alexis and david we can't forget ah that's a great way this is good now i have to say when we started out i kind of was like should we start in canada and you convinced me to start investing i am pro mexico start because in in my opinion after drinking 10 drinks would you rather drink a cool refreshing beer or a margarita with tequila yeah i gotta say this is the way to do it yeah and in my opinion i would rather go out easy yeah so i agree mexico is the way to start let us know in the comments what you think but this is a very good beer i actually think plot twist that i like this better than the fender oh really yeah which what we wanted lefini mod and they were out so we got this head it's very good i like this a lot it's very refreshing it's it's got more flavor than a domestic beer like all of these have but it's not as high a kidney i was expecting it to be uh darker because it's called moose head doesn't that sound dark yeah moose that sounds like a dark beard yeah but this is actually probably the lightest beer we've had today yeah i actually like this the second most of all the beers after the uk all right so yes we're on country 11 yes of 11 yes out of all the drinks that we had today yeah which country had your favorite beverage that is tough because we've had a lot of good stuff today um my normal answer is either public from the uk okay or a margarita in mexico okay i gotta give right now the edge to the public though because they're not doing the the margaritas are pre-made and then just shaken and i like it more when you can customize the margaritas in mexico so i gotta give it to the public but i want to give a special nod to the moose head for being really kind of an underrated beer kid i'm a beer fan i'm a beer drinker so this was it was nice to have a surprise beer friend what about you i actually and this is surprising to me but i'm giving my favorite of the whole day to the mint tea with gin and morocco oh that was a low-key hit that was i mean it was a sleeper i wasn't expecting to love that one like i did but it was very very tasty and super refreshing it was pretty late in the game but it still wasn't overwhelming i was really good i also have to give a special shout out to the grand marnier slush because that was so i mean it tastes like a cream and i don't like sweet drinks but who doesn't like a creamsicle yeah it's a classic for a reason yeah there's a reason that one's one of the most popular drinks in epcot yeah yeah okay now which drink that we had would you skip the next time you were at epcot okay i think that if i were doing a sort of eating and drinking around the world thing again i would definitely skip the tipsy ducks in love yeah in china because that drink was uh yummy but it was sweet it was heavy yeah and on such a hot day like today where we were having a significant amount of different drinks and things like that it was a little much even at just the third country yeah so i think that would be my skip am i going to sneeze no um i would agree with that i've had that drink before and i've enjoyed it but it hasn't been a marathon of a day it's just been like oh a coffee cocktail yeah delicious oh yeah on its own yeah great like as a dessert after dinner yeah or like even if you wanted like you know a little something in the morning yeah it'd be good but as a part of the gauntlet yeah i i agree i also got to say the violet saki in japan was beautiful and the prettiest thing we drank today but those just i'm not a huge pear fan i'm not a huge sake fan so for me it was good and i was surprised at how much i liked it yes but i don't know if i need to do that one again i'm glad that i drank it yeah i don't think i wanted to get either it was it was sweet i think that you should get it because it's very pretty i think that it's a very instagrammable drink yeah i think the flavors are awesome to me it did taste like not sour sour patch kids yeah but i don't i i'm glad i got it i had the experience i can move on now exactly but we didn't have anything bad so no nothing today was gross epcot doesn't disappoint no they know what they're doing here in the world well friends literally nine hours later we did it we made it all the way around world showcase we had a really awesome time we would love it if you would let us know in the comments what you think would have been your favorite today what do you like to eat in drinking world showcase we would love to hear it absolutely and make sure you follow us on social media at all ears net like subscribe bring that notification bell so you never miss a video well we had a great time today and until next time i'm quincy i'm molly and we'll see you soon thanks for watching bye we're gonna lay down we need to go get a lift and then take a nap and then take it out yeah want to see more of my videos click over here want to subscribe you can do that right here and also ring that notification bell to make sure you get instantly notified anytime we post a new video thanks for following see you real soon
Channel: AllEars.net
Views: 112,397
Rating: 4.9508429 out of 5
Keywords: Disney World, Disney Parks, Disney Travel, Disney Trip, Disney planning, disney vacation, disney vlog, disney vlogger, disney video, Disney tips, orlando vacation, universal orlando, universal studios, islands of adventure
Id: HKM2efdQz3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 28sec (2728 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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