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hi i'm with all ears my name is molly we've got a new video it's going to be jolly trapped in universal seuss landing i've got to escape i've got to do challenges to get out of this place tips tricks and rides we'll be sharing with you the best of the eats and fun things to do we've got to get started and get the job done follow along it's going to be really fun [Music] welcome to universal soos landing here at islands of adventure i promise i'm not going to do the whole thing in rhyme but if you haven't seen any of our trapped videos before i am trapped here in seuss landing and i have to do a bunch of challenges to get out of here and if i can't complete one of the challenges i have to do a punishment so i bet there's food to eat i bet we're gonna go on some rides maybe point out some details tips tricks and explore this incredible land and show you things you never knew about zeus landing i hope you're ready i hope you're excited i hope i get to escape before i start speaking and rhyme permanently okay here we go challenge number one don't jump through a hoop but do get the scoop for just like the bees we're endangered these trees oh my gosh are all the clues and rhymes we've gone too far but okay endangered trees i think i know where these are i feel like this land is really underappreciated a lot of people compare it to like toontown fair which used to be at magic kingdom and they're just not big fans of it but i always think it's really cute i think the rides are really cute and there's not a lot of like kid-focused areas in universal so this is a great area that you can come where your kids are going to be able to do pretty much all the activities and rides and meet some of their favorite dr seuss characters and maybe by the time we're done with this video you will have a greater appreciation for this very cute and often underrated land all right so i found the endangered trees i believe it's the truffula trees here which are from the story of the lorax which is actually a conservation tale and that's the moral of the lorax which is a very cute story and actually someone's telling the story of the lorax right now they have a storyteller come out from time to time and she reads a dr seuss book and some of the characters come out so the lorax is right over there um but here's his trees and i have to get the scoop so that means i have to listen for something or get some information i'm thinking i will go read some of these signs maybe i can get the scoop on the trees what's this say this bare patch of dirt was once green and alive like the forest next door where tall truffles thrive but what happened then with axes that hack they came and they chopped and they cut the trees back now all that is left are some said stumps and weeds to remind us the earth is what everyone needs i can't read apparently in rhyme very well but now i'm sad but is that the scoop here's the lorax hi little guy he looks so sad no i'm so sad um but i do actually see something over here in this little tree house and it says listen so maybe that's where the scoop is is this the lorax's house does he live here well these little tubes say listen maybe that's where the scoop is [Music] don't knock at his door he stays in his merkup on top of his store on rare special days okay so you can actually listen to part of the story of the lorax from those little tubes there but i'm so sad because i was listening to the end where it talks about how everyone's killing the truffula trees and now i'm sad so i'm gonna go i completed the task but i feel the need to go talk to the lorax about this oh and the grinch is here oh he's not happy you're sad even though you're on my shirt do you like my shirt thank you they don't they don't care you like my shirt i'm gonna blow you a kiss he doesn't want my kisses sorry no that's enough that's enough okay hi mr lorax hi mr lorax hi mr lorax mr lorax i just saw that they cut down the trees i'm so sad bye grinch i love you bye fam i am okay well we started off well but also depressed um but we got to see the lorax so so sorry to tell you a quiz did befell you tell ub failure i like can't read and rhyme but i do realize that now means i have to take a dr seuss related quiz okay strange children's book pop quiz which of the following books are real little monkeys peeing circus i'm gonna say real unfortunately cloudy with a chance of meatballs three i'm gonna say no because i don't think they got up to three i know at least one exists mommy it's dark mommy i'm scared yeah that sounds like a nightmare but it would be sweet children are no match for fire i hope that's not real i don't choose to go there when grandma became a ghost okay i'm gonna say yes that's probably some strange children's book gina's photo got 50 likes no i don't want i'm gonna write i bet it is but i'm gonna write no because i don't want that to be a children's book the one pick with horns sure otto and the magic potatoes i sure i believe potatoes are magic the lonely doll i hope not and outside over there sure me too all right i'm ready number one is real yes so i got that one right number two is real no number three is fake well that's probably good number six is fake thank goodness oh yeah i got that right i think it is and uh seven is real okay eight is real great nine is real yes and ten is real okay so i got one two four wrong which means four punishments okay here's my first of four punishments one fish two fish but when redfish would be said pick the blue fish one fish two fish but when red would be said pick the blue fish oh okay this is definitely the ride and i think i understand what i have to do this attraction is called one fish two fish red fish blue fish and it is a dumbo style attraction kid's attraction uh no height requirement or anything but the catch is you see these fish right here squirting water you have to listen to the narrator tell you to go high or low to avoid the water but it sounds like i have to do the opposite and not avoid the water which means i'm probably going to get wet which is my least favorite thing to do in a theme park all right well it doesn't have a weight that's good but if you've watched a video fine you know i do not care for getting wet with gross theme park water but they call it a punishment for a reason all right i got my hand sanitizer they do put it on you at universal before you get in line i'm in fish number eight um please be nice to me fish number eight you already look red uh you i'm sorry you already look wet so oh no oh okay so my right side did get a little wet but my hair mostly stayed dry which thank goodness for that um this ride actually is super fun and i didn't realize before that in your car it says what kind of fish you are so like mine said redfish but i can read that one says two fish that one says one fish some of them are gonna say blue fish and when you're on the ride it actually says like red fish go up two fish go down and so you have to know what kind of fish you are and then follow the instructions or in my case i had to do the opposite which i think is really fun because little kids they're not gonna care about that they're just gonna ride in go up and down and get wet like it's dumbo but your older kids you can tell them to listen to the instructions and know do what their fish is supposed to do so i actually really liked that and that makes this second to dumbo i think as far as these carousel spinning rides go in my book but now we have to do another punishment all right punishment number two for my fails on the quiz mix moose goose and juice goose describe this ab truce moose mix moose juice and goose juice describe this obtruse moose [Music] obstruction moose mix moose juice and goose juice this of strew smooths okay we can do that i am headed to moose juice goose juice mousse juice goose juice i believe is the proper name to grab myself a frozen treat they have pizza and pretzels and churros and kind of your classic theme park fair here it's just a little walk up sand but their signature items are moose juice and goose juice which are frozen orange or frozen sour green apple they also sell regular icees here but i have to get goose juice and mousse juice mixed together i'll see if they'll layer it for me otherwise i will just buy two and put them in the same cup okay here is my mousse juice goose juice um but really they said you can mix any flavor you want so they had grape they had cherry um so i love icees i know they're not the most exciting theme park snack but they call them icees call them moose juice call them a goofy's glacier over at disney i don't care it's hot and these always taste good but i wonder how green apple and orange is gonna taste okay well the orange is delicious [Music] and the green apple is sour green apple so now i'm going to kind of ruin how beautiful it is and mix them together the apple overpowers the orange which is a bummer because i like the orange more but if you like sour apple like i know like kids like those candies and stuff i think you'd like the apple better but what i love is that you can mix any flavor of them and you may not have known that so next time i think i might do like orange and cherry but moose goose juice goose moose this of true snooze juice delicious on a hot day five stars okay punishment number two three three okay punishment number three i gotta say that last punishment was more like a treat so all right cats hats and things has a lot to explore show a thing that costs less and a thing that costs more show 10 things of a thing then leave out the door all right i think we're going shopping the clue told me i had to go to cats hats and things which is a merchandise shop here near the cat in the hat dark ride attraction so gonna have a lot of cat in the hat merch and thing merch of course those are the the cat and hat sidekicks if you are a dr seuss fan i'm telling you you're gonna be in trouble when it comes to all of this merchandise show a thing that costs less and a thing that costs more i assume that's least expensive and most expensive thing because that's normally what i am told to do and then 10 things so let's try these headbands these are actually pretty cute let's start there for a low price point 14 okay we can definitely do lower than that name bracelets are nine dollars so that's these let's see if they have my name hello uh they do not rude but those are nine dollars oh i bet it's like these pencils look at this cat in the hat pen that's nice 4.95 for this that is a lovely choice i bet these pencils are even less these okay 95 cents we're not going to get cheaper than that the plain universal pencils so that's got to be our least expensive usually in merchandise shops things like hoodies are expensive so that is 52 for your thing one and your thing two hoodie this lovely i don't know if that's a dress i don't know if you wear that with leggings do as your heart desires that's 35 the pajama pants are 29.95 so i'm gonna call it with the hoodie as the most expensive now i have to find ten things of a thing so i'm assuming that means like thing one thing two merchandise i'm gonna try five ten different kinds of things first and if i can't because they have some like different words other than just thing one and thing two so that's what we're gonna try first and if we run out of um those then we'll go back to other things so starting with thing one and thing two you've got this mug as it's thing one oh no it's thing two on both sides so you can either be thing one or thing two so that's two birthday thing that's three my first thing that's four tumbling thing that's five nerdy thing that's six only thing that's seven oh we just hit the mother of all things pun intended you've got what was i at seven because you've got the father of all things that's eight the aunt of all things that's nine the mother of all things that's ten but it doesn't stop there because we've got the grandmother and grandfather of all things and then we've also got i'm her favorite thing and i'm his favorite thing and i'm in love with that thing but we're not done yet because we've also got future thing if you had a thing in you and the teacher of all things and then let's say you have more than two things you've also got things three and four with all kinds of stuff for them so when i say that thing is my sister that thing is my brother more teacher things when i say you could literally dress head to toe in a variety of 15 different thing descriptions i am not being sarcastic tell me what kind of thing you are in the comments and now we have to go out the door which means leave before i buy this thing one shoulder pal all right last one from my disastrous performance on the book quiz i'm sorry to tell you you've just laid an egg tell the story of horton hurry up shake a leg horton hears a who okay there's a giant egg somewhere that i think i can sit on and tell my story come this way tiny little tunnel right here to find an egg to sit on oh my gosh hello cat in the hat how are you you doing good i'm doing great thank you anyway all right where are we but we found an egg hello you've needed you've nothing to do and i need a rest would you like to sit on the egg in my nest and then over here we have the story of horton hatches the egg which is what i'm supposed to tell you but i have to do it while sitting on the egg fortune horton hatches the egg side maisy i'm a lazy bird hatching an egg i'm tired and i'm bored and i've got kinks in my leg from sitting just sitting here day after day it's work how i hate it i'd much rather play i'll take a vacation fly off for a rest if i could find someone to stay on my nest and then i assume horton the elephant also the star of horton hears a who comes and sits on the egg and he hatches it for her which is really nice of horton to do so do i have to sit here to hatch the egg it could be a long time does anyone know the hatching rate for seussical eggs could be a while okay i am back to doing challenges i finished all the punishments eat from a can then review like a fan oh i know where we're going to greeting eggs and ham added that second rhyme all my myself okay i know that over here at green eggs and ham which i've eaten before on a video they have different tater tot things hi cats in the hat they have tater tots here that are actually green eggs and ham and it's tater tots with ham and eggs that have chives in them which is what makes them green and cheese fondue and it's actually really delicious and then they have some other different tots here too like pizza tots buffalo chicken tots but they also have a signature item called who hash like in the grinch he even takes their last can of who hash and it actually comes in a can that you get to keep so the who hash is corned beef onions white cheese sauce scallions and tater tots in a can contains 100 natural who beef and as a grinch fan i'm loving this but am i gonna love how it tastes i really liked the green eggs and ham but i like that this comes in a little can so now i don't know what they're doing to their tater tots here at green eggs and ham but they know how to do a tot right it's crispy on the outside but still fluffy on the inside i love the cheese fondue i want to get in there to make sure it's not just plain tater tots down at the bottom you know you want that cheesy goodness everywhere it is there's cheese coming from down below i'm gonna get a little more of that meat it's surprising how good it is a little bit because you know it doesn't maybe sound good to everyone but i think i like the green eggs and ham just a little bit better just because i like ham and i really like eggs but this one comes in the cute can i think this is definitely a good shareable snack good savory snack so i give it two thumbs up make like the cat after making his hat it was only a matter of time till the crafting started okay it is time to make a cat in the hat hat you knew it was coming i knew it was coming it's gonna be it's not gonna be a great cat in the hat hat i'll tell you that much i've actually gotten weirdly really good at this very specific skill if you want to follow along you first have to cut out a hole for your head [Music] yeah that's that's good the cat and the hats hat has stripes on it and the good thing is once i'm done with this it'll look just like the 30 ones in the store you'll never be able to tell that i made this myself now here's the thing i was we were chatting about the plot of the cat in the hat and as an adult i have questions basically it's about this guy that breaks into your house and then tells you not to tell your parents you know kids i think if if someone breaks into your house you should definitely tell your parents so now i'm just attaching my beautiful centerpiece here it's gonna have the signature molly gap where my hair pokes out that's really how you know like you know when you see a chanel you're like oh that's a chanel because that quint quilted pattern in those seas where you see a louis vuitton and you're like that's a louis vuitton look at that lv you know it's an authentic molly when you see the gap between the hat and my hair there it is here's the demand so today you've heard many figure out the way to press and wear a penny oh okay i'm popping into mulberry street which is the largest merchandise shop in the land to see if they have a press penny machine to figure out how i can wear a press penny but i'm gonna use this entrance okay we made it okay those are really cute and wow i believe this is what i am supposed to acquire are is a penny bands where you put your pressed penny in this bracelet and then you can wear it like a fashion statement [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] okay so here's my wearable press penny of course i chose the grinch but they had these penny bands here they have adult and child sizes i got a child size because i have smaller wrists so make sure you try it on because it fit no problem um it was about eight dollars before my annual pass holder discount and then the penny's 51 cents and look at that so i am not personally a huge pest press penny collector i think they're really cool and really fun and i did collect them when i was little but i do think this is a fun way like if you have a kid who loves press pennies you could swap it out based on which park you're at and they could wear their pressed penny so who knew rescued from andrew the mean hurricane show us the way they now entertain rescued from hurricane andrew the only thing i can think of are like dogs rescue from hurricane andrew the only thing i can think of are like i know sometimes from hurricanes they'll rescue dogs and stuff i have friends who their dog was rescued from puerto rico um but i there aren't going to be any dogs here but i'm just looking around seeing if maybe one of these signs or like some of the animals in the tree like they've got topiary animals or something i really got nothing on what would have been rescued from hurricane andrew the the truffula trees i don't know that's a conservation message or real trees i think i i there i have no idea so i'm gonna have to get this one get some help on this one and then i'll have to do a punishment so i'm being pointed this way oh we can learn the alphabet that's nice look how weird these trees are how did they get those palm trees like that wait i am being told that it is in fact these wonky palm trees and that's how they got wonky is surviving the hurricane but they obviously ended up with some structural damage so they're literally like curvy whoa down here down by the water is where you can eat a snack and then you can also see the seuss high in the sky trolley tree train but there's more of these crooked ones down here and look at this one and my producer just told me that after hurricane andrew there were all these wonky palm trees down in south florida so universal got them and brought them up here and the reason they're using them is because there's no straight lines in this land if you notice look there's even more i can't believe i didn't notice these there's no straight lines in this land because there's no straight lines in the drawings in dr seuss books and i knew that from the movie dr seuss how the grinch stole christmas they made sure that there weren't any straight lines but this is amazing okay i have to do a punishment because i did not know about the hurricane andrew trees but now i'm glad i do ride in a circle three times in a row each person you pass say let's do this let's go and as you probably can guess it's a carousel but it's made of magical seuss creatures instead of like horses and i have to tell everyone i pass get ready let's go just one row number thank you i'm i'm ready let's go hello i'm ready let's go i'm ready let's go 14 okay what kind of whimsical creature am i gonna get oh wow i want the little elephant but i think i'm gonna have to go with this chicken creature on the end oh my beautiful hat that's one lap i'm going to name you [Music] [Applause] ferdinand running structural damage to the hatch the kara susil not a must do for most i'm sure i mean obviously you're in this park you've got hogsmeade you've got hagrid's you've got forbidden journey over in hogsmeade and harry potter you've got jurassic park so you can do the river adventure soon you'll be able to do velocicoaster um you've got marvel island so you've got hulk and you've got a lot of really good rides in this park so i'm never going to tell you that carousel needs to top your list but if you've got little ones they're gonna love this land and what's more fun than a carousel say hello to my friend ferdinand he's this weird like fish chicken thing that i just did a few laps with him on but you know it's a cute carousel who's gonna complain about that if i have to show y'all the candy they have here the first time i saw all this i was so amazed because i feel like people know disney has really cool bakery cases but you're gonna love this these are cookies there's one shaped like the cat in the hat and then there's these ones that look like the books aren't those amazing those are frosted cookies and then over here you've got the thing one and thing two red velvet cupcakes this really cute cat and a hat one this oh the places you'll go one that's got the straws on it these cook these cupcakes that have the little books on them and these are my favorite because i not only love caramel apples but i love the grinch so they've got the apple there the thing one and thing two and then this grinch caramel apple which i think is the greatest thing ever so if you do want to get a bakery treat universal don't sleep on the seuss ones next clue not spelled like morris from safe by the bell these two locked in conflict need help i can tell okay well morris is named zach so is there a seuss character named zach apparently i'm looking for a seuss named zach and i haven't found one but i did talk to a team member who told me that these footprints outside of the candy shop could lead us in the right direction so apparently these feats right here belong to the zax [Music] z-a-x he said so i'm walking in his feet maybe i'll get into the mind of his axe i've hit a dead end right here but perhaps i need to go beyond i didn't see any zacks in the shop earlier but i remember that i saw this q for quan as in quandary so i thought maybe the z could be back here somewhere and the z could be for zach's [Music] probably come back here a bunch of times well ladies and gentlemen we have found the zacks one day making tracks in the prairie of prax came north going zaks and a south going zags and it happened that both of them came to a place where they bumped there they stood foot to foot face to face so they're arguing over who has to move so this is the zach's bypass and you can see this is where their footprints continued from before this is very adorable and yet another detail i wouldn't have noticed had it not been for these clues and my producer told me that the story of the zax i don't remember this one is this a book i shouldn't brush up on my dr seuss apparently um was that they were so stubborn and they wouldn't move that they had to build the town around them because they just refused to move which is why their footprints stop right here but you can see the other ones footprints look one of them was the north one here's the south one's footprints [Music] who knew the detail in this land is so much more than i think people give it credit for like i love the zaxes now i love the trees and i love sneach beach which you can see from the soos high in the sky trolley tree train ride you've got sneech beach right here you've actually got out there your sneetches enjoying the beaches isn't that cute and then look right here they've played in the sand but no one cares because oh my gosh there's ducklings there are ducklings red alert this is cuter than the snitches this is the greatest thing ever let's go look at them oh my gosh this is the cutest thing ever this is way cuter than anything i could create it universal oh look dad's out there too they're having a little family bonding you guys going to go ride velocir let me know how you think [Music] okay final clue final clue the doctor is in take a selfie please grin now where if we're in seuss landing there's only one doctor that could be referring to and i actually know where he [Music] how the is bins have the lorax quote about caring about the earth on them of course if you're in seuss landing the only doctor that you could be talking about is dr seuss and he's actually right there outside the mulberry store he's got the beard and the glasses and they made this sweet little figure to look like him as a nod to the creator of all these whimsical characters isn't that fabulous hi dr seuss okay we're gonna take a selfie well friends that is a wrap on trapped and seuss landing i hope you had fun i actually had so much fun this is one of my favorite traps yet i learned so many details in this lane that i didn't know were there i hope you learned some things got a few different treats that were excellent so i know sue's landing is the most exciting part of universal's islands of adventures but don't skip zeus landing it's really really cute and really fun in the meantime friends make sure you rate review subscribe to our channel let us know in the comments where you want to see me trapped next make sure to follow us on social media at all earsnet and until next time i'm molly and it's been jolly want to see more of my videos click over here want to subscribe you can do that right here and also ring that notification bell to make sure you get instantly notified anytime we post a new video thanks for following see you real soon
Views: 57,317
Rating: 4.9510021 out of 5
Keywords: Disney World, Disney Parks, Disney Travel, Disney Trip, Disney planning, disney vacation, disney vlog, disney vlogger, disney video, Disney tips, orlando vacation, universal orlando, universal studios, islands of adventure
Id: nHenHQm15RM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 0sec (2220 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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