This Discord Server Controls my PC (with Malware)!

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This could potentially be a national security threat.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Ace_Marine 📅︎︎ Jun 02 2023 🗫︎ replies
the worst type of Discord scam you could fall for is one where you download a malicious file from a scammer they could ask you to test their game download some Discord hacking tools or get some crack software and when you open up that sketchy file you are opening Pandora's Box so what happens when you download Discord malware like fortnite hacks and you run it well nothing happens at least for me I'm an unsuspecting user and I just do what I do best so I'm gonna go to gotta log in again of course I just need to enter in my username and I'm going to enter in my password and now I'm in Neopets I have no idea what's going on but what does the scammer see well instead of the scammer using a super duper fancy website they use a Discord server if I open up the Discord server inside of it my malware bot has been tracking every single thing you typed in and this is called a key logger and using the logs from the key logger we can figure out what websites you've been to and what is your username and password for those websites I went to and I press enter and then I put in Jim leahy123 as my username name and my password is one two three oh God I'm immature and I think my favorite part about this specific piece of malware is that if I open up my task manager and we go to our startup tab here you see that fortnite hacks well anytime I turn on my computer fortnite hacks the malware that I downloaded will automatically open itself back up and the person that scammed me or sent me this malicious file will be able to read whatever the heck I'm typing in on my keyboard now of course the malware is not going to be that easy to figure out this is a very clean windows install and the malware is named fortnite hacks so that I can easily tell that it's malware when I need to end the task and move on to the next part of this meal because this was just an appetizer this is nothing compared to what I'm about to show you well oh boy oh we're on the new flavor of malware this is the Garfield malware of course these are just file names named by me but this malware is very potent and instead of me pretending that I'm gonna play Neopets instead we're gonna see exactly what happens when I open up this malware in the perspective of the scammer so I open up Garfield and it's just loading and nothing is going to happen just like the other piece of malware I open up an exe file and nothing happens but in the scammers Discord server it's the command and control center there are channels being generated now inside of these channels there are things that my goodness you don't want people to have information on in my info page here we can see my IP address of course I'm on a VPN this is not my IP address thank you to the 500 of you that have told me that I've leaked my IP it was a VPN don't worry but you can see the details of my computer yes this is on a virtual machine because I'm not that stupid I'm close but not that stupid but going into the main tab this is where things really start to heat up a little bit so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to the file related Channel and you can see this recordings Channel just sitting here menacingly and we'll get to that later on but I'm going to run a command that's just going to grab all my passwords because why not right I mean we're on malware that's not how you spell grab grab passwords and when I press enter well the malware is going to do its work it's going to figure out where my passwords are boom grabbed saved passwords that were saved in my Chrome browser so if I go back to Chrome and I just go to my settings and click on passwords I have these saved passwords here and what this malware is doing is accessing the file that stores my passwords which is in a very common directory and sending it off to the scammer so now they have my actual Discord password right here and that actually was my Neopets password but I'm going to change the account but it doesn't stop there because I can also grab your history to see whether or not you've been a naughty boy oh and there's this big beautiful text file that basically shows everything I've done so I've been on uh how to get fortnite hack how to remove malware as you can tell I had a little bit of fun trying to make this history look as realistic as possible but you can get someone's search history which isn't the best but that's not all because let me just move this window for a second and on my virtual machine animations are completely goobered so forgive me but uh maybe I want to see what you're doing right so I might as well just do dot screenshot no oh oh what's that what's the image gonna pop up as look it's a screenshot of my desktop that got sent to the scammer now I mean just guessing when someone's doing something is kind of boring right so why don't we just do something like dot join what is that gonna do well the bot is going to join a voice call and this is very important I am muted on Discord and I'm going to join this voice call hello hello do you hear that you hear that that is my voice going through the box this malware is actively monitoring what I am saying and it's tripping me out because I'm hearing myself twice so leaving that because I feel a little violated and disconnecting the bot I I just feel uncomfortable right like what if they're actively monitoring me well I mean they don't always have to sit at their computer that's kind of lazy instead what they've been doing is they've been recording and every single thing I've been saying in two minute intervals as you can see there's this recording from two minutes ago and there's this recording from two minutes ago and another one I mean I've been talking for the last two minutes making this video Let's Give a listen to what it has to say but I'm going to change the account that sure sounds like me in there now let's say you were a little worried that you downloaded malbar and you're searching up how to remove malware well guess what I can do I can just do dot show processes and I can see what you're doing and in this big laundry list I mean we could see uh garfield.exe but we could also see chrome.exe and I mean wouldn't it be a shame if you were trying to look for like how to figure out how to remove this malware and I decided you know what let's just close Chrome because why not right do I really want to kill the process Chrome yes I do sir and just like that I am literally controlling your computer but it doesn't just stop at closing programs you can also do a little bit more for example I can dot LS to list my directory and what's inside of it and oh my goodness is that Mom's tax return well I might as as well just type in dot download and download that momtaxreturn.txt and oh look at that it downloaded the file and then hosted it on Discord uploaded it to Discord now I mean downloading actual tax returns would be awful because they could figure out where you live and a lot of bad stuff could happen from that but let's say this malware wasn't strong enough for me maybe I wanted to do something a whole lot more devious well I could just do dot upload and I could upload a file and I just need to send a file here that I want to upload well let's say this is my very malicious exe file right this is just better Discord installer that I have yeah all right scrap that instead let's put on our little fortnite hacks and upload this to our computer now this file will be uploaded to my computer but to show you it actually gets uploaded I might as well just delete fortnite hacks let's say I got rid of one of the viruses that are on my computer well I can just click on this little upload emoji and guess what's gonna happen my malware is gonna say I think it's time for me to download fortnite hacks.exe now the best part is that once I'm done going through your computer whether it be trying to figure out your passwords figuring out your browser history getting a screenshot of whatever the heck you're doing and finally just the cherry on top of it all is that it's also a key logger it's been logging exactly what I've been doing but once I'm done with whatever malicious activities I'm doing I mean all you need to do is just self-destruct the malware so no one could figure out that you've been in someone's computer and all you have to do is just run the implode command and after attaching a very important file to let the malware know that yes I'm the person that wants to get rid of the malware all I need to do is just react with the skull and guess what will happen Mr Garfield's here will no longer exist on my computer Garfield no he's gone forever now the worst part about Discord malware is that everything I did from stealing your saved passwords to looking at your browser history to taking a screenshot of your desktop all of that stuff could be automated and done in an instant they don't have to go through this little Discord server and type in commands I only showed you this Discord server because I thought it was cool that you can control a computer with a Discord server and I really hope that this kind of scared you and showed you how creepy this could be because I want people to stop downloading sketchy exe files that people send them on Discord so just stay safe stop downloading random files okay I'm losing it okay bye bye I love you
Channel: No Text To Speech
Views: 341,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discord, discord server, discord memes, discord servers, ntts, no text to speech, discord scams, discord malware, discord virus, discord scammers, discord scam, download malware, blowing up pc with malware, download discord virus, new discord scams, deleting discord malware, discord virus video, no text to speech discord, discord no text to speech, discord hacker
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 6sec (486 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2023
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