This Didn’t go as planned

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all right folks this didn't go quite as planned here we're stuck a little bit made it up to there lost traction well this is something we haven't done in a while or something I haven't done in a while that is a haul manure Tim he usually runs the c-5 and I haven't called any manure since maybe about March or April we're just getting a shot of fuel here now he had some things he wanted to do here this afternoon so I'm taking his spot now he just got a little bit of a rain shower that moved in through the area in her own home here but it did not rain where we're spreading manure where we're hauling manure to so we're gonna get a shot of fuel here and we've got everything empty up around the barn so we're gonna be actually haul and out of but before we do that I want to run and take this spread plate cover off the end up capping the back of this here so that we don't lose any manure out this spread plate this is where the spread plate goes on so I'm gonna take that off put the spread plate on and then if I can do some field spread and I'm gonna try I'm gonna try that I haven't done any field spreading in quite a while it just hasn't been dry enough but we're actually pulling right into the field now and doing that so we can put the spread plate on there and we will ha give that a try here all right so we've got our spread plate that's I went to ran down the shop and got that I just need to get the cover off slap that spread plate on there quick [Music] all right so we have the spread plate off in there the cover and then I've gotta clean out all the sand there sand in there sand in there there's a valve right here that shuts this spread plate itself off and then I've got a flopper in this tea box here so because this valve has been closed for quite some time there's a buildup [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so I've got my little remote here and this is the air cylinder right here that runs the flopper in that Oh in that tea box there it switches it from spread to nurse so I can just hit this spread and you can see that now open now the manure can come out the spread play so well go ahead we'll go back to nurse there now we're shot I will just put our spread plate on there okay now we are spread a set up to spread out the spread plate so well pick up our pieces here I got a hammer and that cover in the bar I'm gonna throw in this side box here you should be about full of fuel here too so I'll throw this stuff better grab my controller a little remote that runs the swing boom and everything so he should be full of feel now we are ah back then down the go now we don't do this every load but usually about every other load or about every third load we end up agitating so I'm just gonna turn the pump on set my cruise control rev up the engine a little bit there and then while that's loading it's gonna be agitating that's gonna send the manure through through the load boom point and right back into the tank and it'll kind of pick up any of the solids that are on the floor it'll kind of mix them into the manure that is being loaded on the tank now all right we're loaded up getting ready to pull out now we've got two pumps set up down here we're only using one right now we won't get using the second one until we get spreading Hindhaugh the ground that we take weed off we're gonna take a bunch of weed off and then we're going to seed down with alfalfa this pump here is the same exact pump is that one it's got the power boom on it right there but we don't use the power boom to load out of this pit because it would be in the way we wouldn't be able to get a truck out and around the other one so what we do is we have taken off of the pole the elbow pipe that goes to the power boom and we've got a hose on here that we can hook up a lay flat hose to we end up run enough lay fat flat hose out and around around the Gator and then somewhere right around where the road tractor has suddenly set up a load cart obviously there's another tractor on here and that farm two trucks pulling at the same time at least they can load from two different locations so we're about half full on the lagoon right now once we take wheat off in a couple of weeks we're hoping to suck this rate down to nothing and spread on all of our on all of our wheat ground so we'll get ready to take off here now and we'll be order to the field here in a little while [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] all right folks this didn't go quite as planned here we're stuck a little bit made it up to there lost traction so we're gonna hook on to the front of it I try I tried pulling it out with the front of the 80 one time but that didn't work I've still got better than 3/4 of a load on so I ran over the dozer was here I ran over and got that we need to we need to hurry up and get this thing out before anybody sees that we've gotten stuck so we're gonna set you guys up and hurry up turn that bulldozer around hook on that let's get it pulled out [Music] [Applause] yeah how's it going today hey are you doing today I thought I could sneak it off in there but I got up into there how you been doing let me try it if I can't get it I'll move the bulldozer over here so you can get on it without getting okay choose all card and then what start over [Music] okay we're going to try this again neighbor farmer neighbor friend of ours stop ten he'd give me a hand he seen I was in a little bit of a pickle so we're going to try this again we're going to loop around and try to bang this load off [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] hi it was a quite the ordeal I get stuck over on the first knob way over got pulled out thought I was good swung around started again on the other end and I spread up through and I got stuck right there and I couldn't pull it with just bulldozer so I just put the bulldozer and a slow real slow forward speed jumped off of it jumped in the truck started helping with the truck and then once I got the truck to the point where it going it's a hold I jumped out of the truck jumped back on the dozer so I guess I should have took this load over to the other field that tanker is not here yet so I could have offloaded that and been back and have hauled two loads by now so I'll get the bulldozer back get the spreader next to the road now what I could have done I could have offloaded it into the spreader and that would have made it pull easier but I would still have to pull it out and it wasn't only in there he don't like this much you do not need much to get stuck once you are off-road with these heavy trucks they just they will not go so let's get the bulldozer back grab the spreader and get back to the farm [Applause] all right we're just getting ready to jump back in the truck now back to the farm I think I kind of explained earlier on in the video why we really don't feel spread at all like this and we only transfer well now you can see why so I've been reminded once again so we're gonna head back to the farm and we're not going to tell anybody we're gonna make this yours and my little secret here so let's keep it quiet I've got everything parked exactly where it was parked before I used it so no one's gonna know anything right right all right let's head back to the farm hi we're back here to the lagoon now and so that we aren't tempted to field spread again we'll take our spread plate off and then that way we won't have any temptations to to field spreads so we're just knock this guy off in there like that throw our cap on it's not working so good so you get that good fall in place like that and then we'll just take our latch up in there like this it oh man I need to I need two hands on that so all right we're gonna use two hands on that all right so that's that put the spread fleet back up in the shop all right we're back in getting ready to load we've got our spread plate off in there we've got our catback on there it's just a it's kind of a safety if you're not going to be field spreading at all I just feel a little better to have that cap on there just in case a valve gets switched or something you're not losing manure on the road so with that being said that's going to do it for this video I want to thank you for watching and we'll catch it the next one thanks again folks
Channel: Farming Fixing & Fabricating
Views: 86,547
Rating: 4.9496112 out of 5
Id: C4mlFC1b2LU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 21sec (1401 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2019
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