Injecting Manure with an injector from Ortel Supply

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well this is what we're working on today we've got a new injector this was just dropped off here midweek this injector you and it's got deitrick injectors on it and this was built by Orbital supply it's very well put together it's got the faster hookup setup on here will show you the James way here in a minute that we had built a couple years ago there we had that we had been using for a couple years and the hookups are kind of backwards on it and it kind of made for hooking and unhooking a lot harder so it is going to be a lot easier hulking up to this you'll see in a little bit here we'll get bring the James way spreader down and we'll get hooked up to it so we're just going to kind of walk around it here quick they built the tool bar itself they're using a husky distribution box to come over into the with the has the injector tubes hooked up to it and then that's gonna drop the manure down into the ground here now the way these tips work they obviously knife a slot into the ground and then that sweep in the back right there is on a slight angle and being that it's on a slight angle it's kind of lifting the ground up just a little bit it's put a slice in it and then the manure is coming down into the slit that's in the ground and it's getting into the little bit of the opening that is left now we didn't get closers on the back of this we've got an injector on our other spreader that doesn't have closers on it we can maybe add that in the future but at this point we just don't feel we need the closers on there it's got a nice set up here with the hoses they're kind of dropping down into the tube they're not coming down over the top of the tube and we're gonna be able to make out pretty good with those will all have to worry about stuff getting plugged in them because it's got a straight shot it doesn't have to be reduced down into a piece of pipe that's on the inside of these tubes here so in the event that we want to you hit the spread plate we can just switch the hose off the distribution box there that's coming off the back of the spreader hook into our split spread plate and then we can run the spread plate right off the back of the injector if we get into a situation where we're where we are in real stony ground and we don't want to use the injector so we went with a six Schenk injector opposed to a eight shank that we had previously just to make things a little lighter on the back of the spreader we've got a six shank on the noon tanker and we feel that it is adequate size to be using that we haven't got to fold this up at all it's 15 feet wide and we can get up and down the road without any trouble and we're not hanging a lot of weight off the back of the spreader so we're gonna come down here the spreader get it hooked up like I was saying and the hooks that we put on the parallel left arms they're gonna come up underneath here and then once you get it hooked up you put four bolt bolts in on each side so we're gonna run over and look at the Nutri jet injector before we bring the tanker down here and hook it up and then we could talk a little bit more about this once it's all hooked up and on the spreader and then next week here when we get using it in the field we'll have to do a little demonstration video on it in the field we're just making another pass around here I think they did a great job building this actually Roger ended up going out to western New York here yesterday he had to pick up some rubber for our alley scrapers and he actually stopped in to pick up a connector to go on our spreader to go from the spreader down it's just a six-inch quick block coupler to hook up that hose that goes the injector so Rogers got some video we're gonna jump over to that here momentarily and he's got some video of them guys at or tell supply working in the shop we buy a lot of stuff Motel supply all of our manure handling equipment mainly comes from them the James way pumps the Husky equipment we buy a lot of stuff from them and they've served us quite well through the years so we're going to get that spreader down here and then at some point in time we'll jump over to Rogers quick video that he took at or tell supply all right well straight back to the right just a little bit not much all right to the left a little all right holder all right he's gotta go down back about eight inches all right whoa a little farther Oh you gotta come back and roll away well all right Oh no no no down hold up a second I might be able to move it by hand all right lift up good all right well there it is we'll get some bolts in here we got to bolt it on right there and we'll take it up to the shop and we'll get the get the hose hooked up to the back here all right well today it's a Friday the 3rd of April and together by the way give a shout out to Hogan family farms i Andy putting together a novel for a for a hose connection for a newer injector system automatic 250 and just got a free tank elbow here we'll hook up your hose and glue to set that down there for right now we'll work with a mask on [Music] [Music] they're quick go to paint alright let that cool and then I have a six-inch Italian ball connection fitting for James White acre for Horgan family farms have a good day all right this is the old injector that was hooked on the back of that James way this is an 8 shank injector and on this injector whoever built this they built it backwards and when it came to hooking this up with lineup all four pins and what this is supposed to be is like that injector that's on or like them hookups that we put on the James way there's supposed to be a bracket that hooks up underneath there and I don't know what I don't know what they've done they lost the back of the bracket or something but at a rate that's on there wrong oh this one is a fold-up version so it's got the wings on it two shanks on each side fold up for transporting down the road for a little narrower transport but the spreader and the tires and the tractors still as white is the one we've got on there now this one we had trouble with this 7/8 bolt right here and what would happen when that bolt would break off there was no room inside here to knock that bolt on if that bolt broke off in here let me get the lighting yeah all right so this 7/8 bolt this would break all the time you run it up through the knot on the top and whatever whatever there was for the piece of the bolt in there you usually had to spin the nut off with a wrench and try to hold this somehow ball the shank all the way hold it with a pair of vise grips or you just have to torch it then it would take a couple guys to get this line back up so I bought the new an injector a couple year noon tanker an injector a couple of years ago and ahead that injector on there with the Dietrich tips Dietrich shanks that is and it looked so much lighter and I we're gonna have trouble with it and we never had a look at trouble with it so we've had great luck with that injector on the noon tanker so as you can see by the looks of this thing it's got a little more to it and it's a little heavier in weight than the injector we have but this is kind of spent and I suppose it has served its purpose and I hope that the one that or tell has God is gonna last us and it looks like it will so we're gonna see some spread and getting done here after we get the hose hooked up and everything to the injector that's on James way now but this is this is what it is so let's go ahead and finish our work on that hose hookup and that will spread some manure with that new injector today well we've just got down here to the field we what about 40 feet or so stuffed it in the ground pump a little bit of manure and then he pulled it up out of it out of the ground just so we can kind of get a look at it now we're gonna stuff it back in and let him spread some who you are not sure if we have our wheels adjust it to the right height so he's going to try this again and we'll see what we've got here yeah all right let's try it again all right he's pumped a few gallons of manure through it not much [Music] pretty good [Music] it's crew certified the ground just a little bit not mom [Music] [Music] we're gonna bring them wheels off of that all right try them wheels hop one ball so we are walking back through this is the first pass he made now this is inside and we're not quite buried completely but the the ground is quite moist yet too but this manure isn't going anywhere this is actually pretty good and a little bit on top of the ground we have picked our wheels up some to bury that tip in there a little farther we're gonna see how that works he's got a circle around come back down through here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so we've adjusted them wheels up some so that we can have that injector go a little further in the ground then hoods weren't quite down in the ground enough [Music] don't be [Applause] [Music] I think we've got it just a great where we want it this pass here is his first pass he's got a little more manure sitting on top of the surface and then this pass here is his second pass now we're inside so we're not going to get down in as far as we would if we were in corn stubble this is four years old four year old side here so you can see quite a difference and the injection here I really like this here compared to his first pass now he's got to make a second pass here now for a third pass a second pass whether to adjust it the way we want it lining up getting this past [Music] now getting the design of those Suites they are not quite running flat in the ground and when they're going through they're just lifted off the soil a little bit before that soil sets back down again that manure is coming down through that slit that that shank is making and it's dropping in that slight slightly raised soil then the soil is dropping back down on top of it [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] or I'm gonna do it like
Channel: Farming Fixing & Fabricating
Views: 103,423
Rating: 4.9617329 out of 5
Id: 4Uz67Tan-E4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 10sec (1810 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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