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Yes. They need to move. It's 118000 people.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/VaginaFishSmell 📅︎︎ Sep 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

Nothing we do now will prevent the rising sea level, even if we totally stop the use of fossil fuels..

People will need to learn to live with it.

There are many communities that live above the water, either on boats or platforms. They still have access to the sea and fish.

Oil platforms provide living space over waters much deeper than the amount of sea level rise here.

It's now possible to get fresh water from the air and power from the sun.

These islanders obviously don't have the cash required, but the rest of the world does.

We better figure this shit out, because it's going to be the ongoing story for the next several centuries, and will involve millions of people displaced by rising seas.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/bsmdphdjd 📅︎︎ Sep 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

While there may be some anthropogenic influence, I think this story is particularly hyped up.

It's likely that at most, the area has raised 30cm in the last century, but probably far closer to 10cm. There's some global, Kiribati and Tuvalu sea level links below.

The chances that flooding are due to such a small change is far less likely than their infrastructure being inadequate. If the roads and villages were subject to flooding because of a 10cm (or even 30cm) margin, then the best course is to put a relatively small money into improving infrastructure.

Global sea levels:

Tuvalu sea level (situated close to Kiribati):

Pacific island sea level:

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/season89 📅︎︎ Sep 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

Here's an idea - how about we not build cities on freaking atolls that are only 9 M above sea level?

That or figure out how to splice some gills onto these people.

It's a dumb place to live.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/VinnieMatch69 📅︎︎ Sep 16 2019 🗫︎ replies
you are looking right now at the Republic of Kiribati nation of 33 islands and atolls in the Central Pacific Ocean from the sky it looks like a tropical paradise with every shade of blue and green imaginable but from the ground it's a different story and pay attention to what I'm about to tell you because it's very important by the year 2100 a time when many of you watching this will still be alive the country of kir bas will be completely submerged underwater this was a sea wall right here but why is it so small now the waves washed away they can see that that was a house yeah probably I don't know where are the people no did they move because of the tide yeah you can actually see that because their remains are here when Liz Earle and here may be around five years ago and now it's just empty nothing more than half of its hundred thousand residents live on the main island called South Tarawa which has a peak altitude of 3 meters Hey Jude did you bring your oxygen mask no I meant this is the highest point of given which is only a few meters there's the sea right behind us and the road is right here the island has one narrow road that connects most points and everything runs through it food water buses school kids workers you name it but the problem is that this road is getting close to be wiped off the map so we're here on the main road and you can see the sand that comes right up to the tar because last week yeah the wave came all the way up they were forced to drive on this side of the road many people are talking about climate change like it's so far away in the future well guess what it's already happened here in Cure bas and we need to find a solution to protect the lives of a hundred thousand people it's truly heartbreaking to witness because there are some of the warmest and friendliest that have come across in the Pacific they speak English what's your name they live right on the crossroads of the equator in the International Dateline which means they are the first people on earth to watch the Sun Rise every morning they are also the first community to feel the real impacts of climate change all our lives we've been spinning out the ocean we got food from it without work from it and now it seems possibly to die from it the rising ocean has broken through freshwater ponds destroying crops and forcing villagers to evacuate can you tell me a little bit about the rising water levels and how it affected your personal home here there's been increases so like is he forced to leave his home at the moment they're not facility just forced to elevate is he cause he we're building the wall himself when did he start noticing that this is actually a problem he doesn't really remember theory but he is like that was during 2010 and then they felt like there's an increase in the tide get the pile of bricks over there so like this is considered part of the wall yeah but wouldn't the water come through there I guess have you noticed any change in the rising sea levels how's that right now the trees are getting affected by the sea so it's coming over their wall there was a time when they they noticed that like the water was like really hitting hard on that side here's a new term for you climate refugees I'm saying it now in 2019 while many of you may be shaking your heads but watch this video in 30 years and we can talk again to prevent becoming a climate refugee the Carib US government has been sending locals to Australia and New Zealand for jobs where they start adapting to life outside cure bas the truth is that no one will be able to avoid the consequences of climate change if a rising sea level won't directly affect your life the other extreme weather events from climate change will around the same time when Kerr bas disappears southern parts of Europe will turn into a desert coral reefs will die rainforests will crumble natural disasters will become more frequent and severe for kir bas it's already too late they are the first country to pay the price for a rising water level when are we all going to take this stuff more seriously we must start asking ourselves what kind of future we want to build for our grandkids and generations to follow so I'm asking you to keep this video on your mind we watch it share it with your friends because it's probably the most important information I've ever told you if you don't believe in climate change then come visit kill the person you see for yourself and if you believe in climate change come visit us as well and you'll see that climate change is not a problem for tomorrow or the future it's a problem for today and now so David what are some solutions that we can have to fix climate change here in care bus well do right now we need permanent solutions and for one we can build a highest sea wall around the country and bile and oversee so that we can relocate to but the problem with that is those boats cost a lot of money how could you afford that well do you have any solution in mind yeah I think what we can do is send more care bus people abroad like Australia New Zealand to have jobs right now the government has sent a thousand people let's try to make it ten thousand people ten thousand is a good number man or another thing we can do is bring a lot more tourism here so they can familiarize with climate change and that will also boost the economy that's really good man we need a good about economy to fight this absolutely so now we're gonna open the floor up to you guys we'd love to get your thoughts and opinions on what they can do to fix the climate change issue here in Cuba and in the world please comment below your thoughts thanks David take it easy man yes I'm drew Ben ski and if you like my travel videos please click Subscribe and join me as I plan to visit every country in the world
Channel: Drew Binsky
Views: 6,331,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kiribati, kiribati sinking, kiribate climate change, climate change, climate change song, tarawa, tarawa kiribati, kiribati sinking youtube, global warming, islands sinking into the ocean, islands sinking in the pacific, islands sinking, pacific ocean, pacific islands, kiribati people, kiribati culture, what is kiribati, disappearing island, island sinking, islands around the world, global warming song, what is global warming, what is climate change
Id: 7Ni4gcl4tpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 48sec (348 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 14 2019
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