INSIDE NAURU - the world's least visited country

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what's up guys it is about 10 p.m. here in the Solomon Islands and I am about to head to the airport right now to go to the least visited country in the world it's narrow time they get roughly 200 visitors a year it's gonna be a wild adventure ahead and I'm gonna tell you guys all about it so let's go to my buddy Dan from Australia he's also visiting every country will come with the gown one five one five five Oh guys we have just touched down and now ruin four in the morning good night okay so chances are you have no idea what now Roo is but that's okay because it really is the least visited country in the world - sulfur nation so we've got a voice and a good representation at un the island is only five by four kilometers welcomes and now Rue and it takes about 30 minutes to drive around the perimeter is shaped like a kidney bean so wit for that for Kay's length about five K's so we were here walking to get across town in Nauru and we're just happen to walk through the airport and literally if we wanted to we could walk on the runway right there what do you guys think about it crazy stuff so what exactly is there to do here the short answer is not much there's a handful of restaurants shops ATMs and supermarkets that one's the primary school there are two hotels one bank one fire station one post office and that's about it do you have movie theatres no no movie theaters so a lot of people are on the internet to connect with the outside world there's a strong movie culture Pig with a lot of DVDs there's a strong sort of steel family connection in Nauru so yes a nice local life does exist in the form of 10,000 residents they are very patriotic they got flags and symbols of Nauru all over the country and they speak not ruins and it's totally unique earth doesn't steal words from tght it's totally unique it sounds something like this Komodo mo kawaru demo yes and that just means hello yeah and what about like thank you or something thank you you say due back up so I want to say like my name is drew how do I say that yeah go hey go drew oh it's easy I go drew but a lack of activities on the island and a passion for eating unhealthy food has led the people here to be quite lazy you know food draws family together a fish rice nowadays and then we would all be great important mates that's taken all that chicken now rule holds the crown for being the most obese country per capita at 71 percent and it certainly shows what else is happening in Nauru the nature is incredible there's a wonderful Lagoon there are beautiful beaches and lots of greenery we are here on the beach and as you might expect it is amazing look at this nature of these rocks coming out of this and water is super blue and crystal clear this is the Pacific Islands my friends as we are next to the equator it's obnoxiously hot and humid year-round especially right now during rainy season the only accepted currency is the Australian dollar and make sure to bring a lot of cash before arriving because the ATMs often run out things are pretty expensive here like really expensive because everything needs to be imported mostly from Australia JZ bites there are two embassies on the island Taiwan and Australia as well as some world war ii historical landmarks but some things aren't so nice like the piles of trash and junkyards seen on the side of the streets in equal parts as for sports many people like to play the australian invention of footy but Naru is world renowned for one sport that takes place in the gym weightlifting yeah we are we are built closer ground like tanks but the International powerlifting events where world record holders here in Nauru for the size of merit incredible so long story short I have really enjoyed my three days here in Nauru and I would definitely come back there's a lot of surprises here the locals are really friendly and there's just something special about being here I mean for me going to every country in the world coming here to Nauru knowing that not many people have been here it's just a really special place to check off the list and yeah see you guys here next time last question are you proud to be now we're very proud to be Darwin awesome I'm always proud to be in our own I mean I was educated myself in Australia for 10 years but there's never been an inkling of wanting to migrate out of Nauru I come back to Nauru and most neurons have that attitude we are like homing pigeons we go out we get educated whatever we come back home because there's where our heart is I'm Drew Pinsky and if you like my travel videos please click Subscribe and join me as I plan to visit every country in the world it's electric it's sexy its tasty it's confusing but above all it's futuristic the Japanese are innovators they somehow
Channel: Drew Binsky
Views: 1,631,288
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Keywords: nauru, nauru photos 1973, nauru 12 tribes, nauru culture, nauruan, nauruan songs, what is nauru, what is nauru like today, things to do in nauru, worlds smallest country, least visited countries, least visited countries in the world, bizarre countries, travel nauru, nauru travel guide, inside nauru, nauru detention center, pacific islands, nauru pacific island, yaren nauru, oceania, best countries, smallest countries, smallest countries in the world, nauru weight
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 54sec (294 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 10 2019
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