He Had NO IDEA This Was Valuable

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can I make a pile like right here of stuff thank you okay look at this thing bad man I could totally play this you good is this all stuff in here - no I just didn't know I didn't want to come barging in you know as a fan isn't it yes yeah look at this clock thing this is pretty cool coca-cola clock works you know if this clock works I've never used it never use this just figured I would ask I'll still get it anyway yeah can I make a pile like right here stuff okay thank you getting hard getting hard to carry oh you got Snoopy yeah damn that's new oh yes yes now you got the badminton set - she's adding to my pile this is a drill it's a prank box it says that it yeah when really you put whatever it's just a box that says it's a pet powder and then you put the real gift oh that's kind of cool sit down poop that's pretty comfortable so do I check out with you are you here you okay I'll go through everything I got I got to think of a different song what's another song I love okay well I don't really love that song I'm just stuck in it what's another song my gosh I can't even think of other songs there's only like ten billion million the eye of the tiger I love that song that's nothing jam different people okay yeah if you want to separate your stuff and then her stuff okay five and everything else is this this is mine that's mine except for that one four on the 11 this would be like 23 yeah I'll give you 24 you have a buck I do there's 25 oh we've got a bag we've got one I got one yep front pocket thank you very much I do I thank you guys have a good day thank you lucky Pam's got our new friend all right so another pretty fun sale there lots of new inbox stuff easy Lister's for a really good price spent like 23 bucks there 24 bucks total for a bunch of stuff so will do very well at that sale Pam got a new friend buckle up buttercup with your chest strap and a boy good boy hey look it's your favorite game are these Harry Potter things you know that's what these are right that is this Harry Potter how much your Harry Potter toys okay yeah I'm guessing that's you [Music] hey you hitting the trampoline he needs a tenderfoot what size are they alright cool and a cool Corona pen she hopes they'll fit her how about 20 bucks for everything 20 bucks alright you got it it's all going to charity alright women 8 a voice to River yeah it's a it's an organization that helps underprivileged women you need like they pay their rent for a month or they'll fix their car oh that's really cool yeah absolutely there you go know if you want to just play oh sorry no no no problem and then there's hand sanitizer too if you want it okay thank you awesome thank you yeah these Harry Potter things are pretty cool [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's gonna do it for this video guys thank you so much for watching as always if you would be so kind to go down below and hit the thumbs up button that would really help us out as always hope you guys enjoy this video thank you guys so much for all your support we really do appreciate it have a great day and we'll see you in the next one bye for the super high price of zero dollars you can become a crazy dreamer today [Music] [Music]
Channel: Thrift Mine
Views: 117,763
Rating: 4.9333906 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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