This Command Block Can Break Any Server

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i joined my friends minecraft event literally just to try to break it and ruin the entire thing while losing 200 bucks in the process basically i was invited to join by this dude named suit loops now there was some other cool content creators in it like leo wook and oasis but that didn't matter all that was on my mind was to see if that there was any way that i can trying to ruin the whole thing but here's the only problem suit loops contacted me like an hour before it actually started leaving me like no time to prepare even practice anything luckily i could make it but i would be like 15 minutes late because you know real life stuff now you would think this wouldn't be a big issue but the event's grace period only lasted for like 30 minutes giving me half the time necessary to grind for gear compared to everyone else so the event started and i'm out and about once it's over i come back home and hop on as quickly as possible but it's what i realized at the last minute that there were teams of two meaning i was all alone without a teammate and there was quite a lot of people on so i was the only person who was a lone wolf and i knew this wasn't ideal but i knew i had to push on and get some gear sorted after getting some wooden tools i moved on to mining stone and that would probably be a good time to explain something so i was technically supposed to be on a team with my good old pal pulsify i actually got him into the event however because i was late he ditched me for another guy like what kind of teammate does that so yeah my second goal is to get revenge on him before i actually find a way to ruin the event now this was an event that had uhc meaning you had to speedrun the game and then eventually everyone fights each other until there was only one left sanding and yes the border shrinks during all this as well but anyway i stocked up on a ton of food and then i rushed into a cave to at least get some iron armor i knew i had no time for diamonds but then the server decided to start acting a bit weird lagging at the absolute worst possible time really luckily it cleared up pretty quickly but if the server kept that up this would present a major issue for me but what was nice was during grace period you couldn't take any fall damage or any damage at all so this made it a lot easier to get materials fast and not worry about mobs attacking you with eight minutes remaining before fighting would break out i literally had only two pieces of armor but i knew i had to try to get some more before the time ran out while others were getting diamonds left and right this was going to go great if things couldn't get any worse this happens again i don't know if this server just hated me or honestly everybody on it but i literally couldn't do anything about it once it cleared i suddenly saw someone below me knowing grace could end any seconds this was a bit of a weird situation however i pushed on with just some time remaining i was ready but of course having some spare time i decided to go and look for some diamonds maybe with three minutes left though i ran into a player named ivory basically known as one of the best minecraft prison escapists and a damn good pvp here this was not the best timing but as that my prayers were answered by suit loops himself grace period was extended by 10 minutes it was just genuinely perfect enough time to get the heck out of this cave now i knew it was probably a good time to figure out exactly how i was going to ruin the event until soup loops joined my call how good are you at evp i'm so i'm my main axe so that's why i have an iron axe i'm i'm not i'm probably not going to make a sword to make it difficult for myself okay it's going to be kind of an interesting yeah yeah okay so what was i talking about right so knowing the server could definitely have some way of controlling the event itself with the borders and whatnot there could either be something that suit loops has or the second option being something to do with a command block that sends commands to the server so i decided to scout out the area to see what i could find okay maybe [Music] okay now this is actually post tyrad speaking here i didn't actually notice these weird inconspicuous floating blocks in the sky but you'll see in a bit how they weren't actually just you know ordinary building blocks but something rather well interesting anyways back to the video for now not really finding much on the surface i headed into someone's man-made mind to search for clues as well with three minutes left on the clock almost poetically i stumbled upon another player this time being leo wook aka lifestyle member extraordinaire funny how this game just wants me to die so i headed out of another cave again finally grace was ending now at this point i had two options a go up to the surface and fight against people basically a 2v1 or 3v1 since i was the only lone wolf or b stay underground until there's only a few people left and then ruin the event i think you know which one i'm going to go with yep it's mole time we're just gonna we're gonna borrow like a mole because that's funny and it wasn't long before the first death and yes i kept being a maul am i a coward well yeah am i ashamed of myself no then came more dying oh yeah and remember how i said i wanted to kill pulsify well there goes that my plan at this point was to wait out the event as long as possible until there was like maybe two to three people left except i got a message from the host of the event so yeah now the border was coming really close and i needed to get a move on otherwise i am good as dead so with my stone pickaxe i rushed away from it hoping that i would be going in the opposite direction i mean spawn had to be like around zero zero so if i headed away from that then surely i would not run into the border luckily that wasn't the case but i knew i still wasn't out of the woods yet oh my goodness please at this point there was like five other people left i had to wait just a bit longer but then someone joins my call yo ty right tyra tyra terry where are you where are you i'm like underground so you're underneath spawn leo and a bunch of people they're all building up yeah there's basically a command block right yeah and it start game command block which sets everything i'm pretty sure it's everyone you could literally reset the game so wait the thing i saw in the sky earlier was command blocks well this would definitely help my plan in ruining the event but the problem was how was i going to avoid the other people still remaining wait it's literally like right above your head and uh let's just say it wasn't long before i was in the top four but now it was my time to shine swim up okay no no swim swim the other way the other way that's you're going to them build up build up build up man build up come on build up surprisingly nobody saw me at this point well yet at least and then my eyes were on the prize but then uh the post kind of saw what i was trying to do he didn't try to stop me no no no no but i couldn't reach the lever because of the barrier blocks i can't there's various it seemed like there was no possible way of getting through but pulsify said he had an idea place water i know i don't want to i don't want to do that i want to get people place the lever on top of barrier wait what place somebody's telling me to do yeah yeah wait craft delivery and to my dismay it was a bust place the lever to rub even more salt into the wound suit loops came back and put more barriers around it and then the other team oasis and leo wook both had diamond armor i needed to stay away from them for as long as possible and try to figure things out and then uh let's just say i was in a pretty bad situation oh shoot you're coming um no no oh no i'm i'm a little screwed plans have changed i needed to now somehow not die this is this is problematic [Music] it was at this moment i knew i had up [Music] how did he get any shots bro oh my god holy oh god this is not good this is not good this is not good oh my goodness when do not swim bro oh my god oh i'm at one i'm at one oh my god places is drowning oh my god oh god leo no no no no you know the thing that really bothers me about this is that i was not only out geared but it was a 2v1 imagine if my teammate actually didn't flake on me and i was like two blocks away from pulling that gosh darn lever and here's another tie rat video you may like subscribe
Channel: Tyrad
Views: 354,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft smp, minecraft, smp, minecraft server, lifesteal smp, minecraft 1.18, minecraft 1.17, minecraft 1.16, minecraft server ip, minecraft hardcore, lifesteal, minecraftpvp, minecraftrevenge, mc, mcyt, minecraft stacked, minecraft survival, I Almost Ruined an Entire Server, ruined entire server, broke minecraft server, i broke a server, i broke an entire server, i ruined a server, i ruined an entire server, destroying server
Id: oOSlHlBw3uM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 22 2022
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