This changes everything for Mastering!

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[Music] Ian has figured out all the guitars that I have right there it's probably like six seven guitar parts everything is there it hasn't missed anything I can pretty much go from stereo mastering to stem mastering and have the exact same starting point with a null test if the label says we want more Kick Drum I can give them more Kick Drum without compromising the mix today's video wasn't planned but after checking out what I'm about to show you I just couldn't allow myself not to make this video today I'm going to talk about the brand new version of spectral layers that was just released and in my opinion it changes things drastically when it comes to the control that we're going to have when it comes to mastering situations to mixing situations and also remixing but also sound design I'm really excited to share this with you let's get started a couple of weeks ago I released a video about spectral layers that's integrated in Cubase that allows you to extract the vocals and the instrumental out of any track and many of you reached out to me you told me that you didn't know that this was possible and I'm really glad that I helped little did I know that spectral layers 10 was just around the corner now spectral layers is a massive application let me show you here very quickly this is the actual Standalone spectral layers application and it can do so so many different things I will not even start scratching the surface here you can treat spectral layers like Photoshop for sound now the reason why I decided to make this video is because there's a new feature in spectral layer stand that allows you to extract even more elements when it comes to the unmix function of course you can do this in the Standalone application but what I prefer to do when I'm working with these kinds of things is I like to work with spectral layers in ARA in Cubase and without any further Ado I'm going to show you what you can do straight away uploading my single crime reborn here the reason why I selected this track is a I'm not going to have any copyright strikes but B and most importantly it's a very dense and complex Arrangement let me play a little bit of it and let me show you how we can start extracting all the elements of this arrangement [Music] so we have piano with some Bells here and here's where the vocals come in [Music] okay we have guitars here and now let's move on to the part where the entire band comes in we walk in a place this won't last for too long let's say I want to separate all the elements of this track now in this case I'm going to use spectral layers 10 and let me show you how you do it in Cubase because I like to do this in Cubase and I'm going to show you why I'm going to go to audio extensions spectral layers and now spectral layers analyzes the audio straight away and now all I need to do to extract the different elements is go to unmix and as you can see they've added quite a few options here like I said I'm not going to go through all of them but if you're interested let me know in the comments down below I'm going to make a video if you let me know about this so we can see we have unmixed song we have unmixed drums that I'm going to show you in a second we have multiple voices this is for dialogue so if you have two people talking it can separate the two persons talking into different channels amazing what I'm going to show you in this video is the song unmix so I'm going to click on song and as you can see we have vocals guitar bass drums piano and other and we have some quality settings I'm going to go for best all you need to do is hit OK it's pretty much like two clicks okay and now it's going to start unmixing the song for my MacBook Pro this is an M1 Max MacBook Pro it takes around one minute and a half but bear in mind I'm using the best algorithm right once it finishes processing you will see that we have vocals we have drums we have guitar we have piano we have bass other and non unmixed now when it comes to other most of the times it's since it's anything that doesn't fall into the previous categories let's go to one of the really busy sections of the song okay now listen to the guitars [Music] it has figured out all the guitars that I have right there it's probably like six seven guitar parts everything is there it hasn't missed anything and now let me isolate more elements let's go with the vocals [Music] relax for me this is a game changer especially when it comes to the control that this is going to give me from now on for mastering when we cannot go back to the original mixes and by the way this video is not sponsored At All by Steinberg they have no idea making this video I literally checked out spectral layers 10 today and I wanted to share this with you I don't even have affiliate links down below nothing so if you want to support the channel leave a like subscribe if you haven't done so already or just use the super thanks if you really want to support what I'm doing and you know what you might also want to check my modern 80s drum kit and my Apollo expansion for Pet Shop if you're interested in my sounds now let me show you some more things that you can do now when you do this exactly like I showed on my previous video you can start dragging and dropping all the different stamps into Cubase for example I can drag the vocals in boom there you go we have the vocals if you want to drop in the drums just drag it drop it and there we go we have the drums right there and like I said on the previous video you don't have to sync anything everything is getting synced straight away so you can see it's exactly on the right spot you don't have to be careful or anything like that now let me show you something that's very very important especially when it comes to mastering and when you want to retain the Integrity of your track of your original material so what I've done here is I have the same track and I've extracted all the parts the stems from spectral layers 10. so this is the original and these are the stems what I've done here is I've reversed the phase of the original track and you can see that we have no sound and why is that that's because when spectral layers X racts the stems the sum of all the stems is exactly the same exactly identical like the original track which is incredibly important now I know that there are many applications out there that do stem separation even the ones that do it very well check it out they don't cancel when you reverse the face when I start changing the level of the original we start getting back audio which means the sum of these stems completely cancel the stereophile that we had originally which is very important if you're planning to do anything when it comes to mastering when it comes to process this gives me so much room to play with when it comes to mastering so if I have a client that send me a file that needs mastering but they say you know what we really want the vocal louder oh we need the bass ladder or you know there's this base field that we cannot really hear can we make it louder is there a way now I can happily say yes there is a way and actually I've been doing this even with spectral layers 9 up to this point that was my secret weapon when I had to do these things so when I had a label they wanted to do remasters and all these things these tools is what brings you work okay let's say I want to change the level of my drums [Music] really [Music] to go on for example in this section of the song There is a nice Bass Run let's enhance this [Music] okay I'm exaggerating of course but I can do this now and this was a stereo file that was actually mastered so I can actually go in and change all these things now I want you to pay attention in this specific moment okay this vocal has a delay from my tape Echo efx2 this is a real tape delay let's listen to this vocal in isolation Okay I'm going to solo it [Music] I mean it figured out it's so clear you know this delay this tape Echo that we have here I think this is remarkable so now if I wanted to enhance this I could just automate it org and I'm using a track like this because it has real instruments it has acoustic instruments that are really hard to extract and most algorithms will have trouble trying to extract all these things let me show you a different style this is another one of my singles this is vintage lullabies and I've already done the extraction let's have a listen [Music] guitar [Music] can you hear [Music] evolving can you see through this glass I mean it's so clear the reverbs are so clear let's go to the course where things get really busy [Music] foreign [Music] now this is unreal to me these guitars are there but they're extremely low in the mix listen to this [Music] and it's still extracted them I am blown away seriously I would I almost forgot there were guitars there [Music] [Music] that it would just throw the guitars into the others category but it didn't it figured out that there were guitars there somewhere in the back now what I'm gonna do now is I'm going to show you the next thing that I was really excited about I can now extract drum elements so if I select these drums stem that I just created I can go here to my unmix dialog and say drums and now this allows me to extract the kick drum the snare and the symbols so let's hit OK and in a few seconds I have the kick layer the snare layer and the symbols [Music] foreign [Music] and you can imagine what comes next now I can drag the kick drum in the snare layer to my Arrangement and if the label says we want more Kick Drum I can give them more Kick Drum without compromising the mix and it goes without saying that now that I have all this control I can go here and start adding effects in all my stems I can pretty much go from stereo mastering to stem mastering and have the exact same starting point with a null test so they cancel and if you use a standalone spectral layer stand you can adjust the level of your vocals right there in the application the drums the guitar bass and so on and so forth so you can really do a complete remix for me one of the most important things when we talk about stem separation is number one the original file and the generated stems should absolutely know if we're talking about serious applications like mastering critical stuff right so if you're doing a remix most application locations we do a okay job in extracting the vocals and the instrumental but do they know I tried quite a few of them some of them I actually didn't know and you let me know in the previous video and they don't know and this is a big problem so number one is do they know number two is how many stems does the algorithm deliver and that's why I was so excited about spectral layers because now you have drums bass guitars vocals since which is in the other category piano and even an unmixed category and number three and this is very important how well does it sound when you start balancing the elements with each other in a mastering situation when you work with the results from spectral layers it almost feels like you have control over the original mix and the fact that you can use it inside Cubase and do all these things super fast without going to a separate app doing this very importing like I said in the other video for me this is a huge thing if I put a smile on your face today subscribe if you haven't done so already it's entirely free or hit the like button and if you feel like you really want to support me just use the super things button right here or check out my instruments thank you so much for watching my friends I'm really looking forward to your thoughts in the comments down below and I'll see you on the next one [Music] been over me [Music]
Channel: Dom Sigalas
Views: 44,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dom sigalas, cubase, spectralayers 10, spectralayers unmix stems, umix stems, separate mix instruments, cubase unmix stems, cubase remix, cubase mastering, spectralayers mastering
Id: RfYAt_cVi70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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