Stop IGNORING these 5 KILLER Cubase Stock Plugins!

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recently I've been doing some mixing production and mastering workshops here in London and I've had the chance to meet quite a few of you quite a few Cubase users and one thing that I realized was that even some proficient Cubase users some really professional users are not aware of some plugins that we have inside Cubase that are really amazing because nobody talks about them so I wanted to make this video because I want to talk about some unsung hero plugins that we have inside Cubase so without any further Ado let's start with the first plugin that I think you should stop ignoring when it comes to Cubase stock plugins and the first plugin is called Step filter so here you go this is Step filter and step filter is one of these plugins that has been around for ages I mean I remember the previous user interfaces and it used to look very very different but in every Cubase version there was something new that was added and it made this plugin really powerful but because it was a plug-in that has been there for ages not many people took notice and many Cubase users have forgotten about this plugin so let me show you how it sounds I'm going to solo this synth part here and I'm going to play it without this step filter pressure okay very boring now let's say I want to add a little bit of Animation to this I'm going to activate step filter and check what we can do here as you can see we have a cut off here so we can have steps of cutoff frequency and resonance so I can do stuff like this I can go and do something like this I can just hover my mouse click and drag and it's very very easy to use now in this video I'm not going to do a review of all these plugins that I'm going to show you but if you're interested let me know if I get enough requests I might make a dedicated video for the plugins that I'm going to show you here today but let me play this through step filter [Music] so I can change the rate thank you [Music] okay let's try the Glide now foreign [Music] just by playing with the parameters I can get so many interesting funky evolving swirly sounds and this is a plugin that honestly I have seen very very few people using it but just because it's a stock plugin doesn't mean it's not good it's actually very good the filter sounds really nice check this out [Music] that's a nice sounding filter so very easy to use like I said I can do stuff like this for example [Music] so it can be rhythmic but don't let the step filter name for you this can be very smooth but you can make it very Steppy if you want to and of course you can mix you can create different patterns and you can mix and match between different patterns very very powerful let me know if you want me to make a dedicated video about step filter and many people rush to buy a third-party plugins sometimes but in Cubase we have some really powerful ones so until we explore these I would suggest you know hold on to your cash check out what's in there and then if you feel that you need something more than by all means go and buy a third-party plug-in I have many third-party filter plugins arturias and the PSPs are some of my favorites but you know try out the things that you have inside your DW first that's my suggestion as always the next plugin I want to talk about is mode machine and this is a super creative plugin especially if you spend a little bit of time learning it again if you want a video let me know but you have to let me know in the comments down below if I see one comment I understand you're not interested so I might not make a video but if you're interested let me know this is a really really powerful plugin it really gives you a lot of flexibility because it's a delay but it's also a modulation machine uh basically it allows you to create some really nice wobbly uh crazy effects let me give you an example with this vocal you know that you can never fail man you only got one life tonight and you don't have to be so low-key paper true you need to fake it until you make it you know that you can never fail me you only got one life and you don't have to be so low-key baby until you make it you know that you can never fail me the nudge parameter if I click on this button I get some really interesting vinyl style effects and you don't have to be so low-key baby [Music] you don't so very creative plugin again if you just try some of the presets you'll be inspired I can guarantee that don't miss on that the third plugin that I think you shouldn't ignore when it comes to Cubase talk plugins is the mighty multi-tap delay now I cannot be more honest with you if I say that if you learn to use the multi-tap delay in Cubase you'll be really hard pressed to justify buying a third-party delay plugin unless you're looking for a specific sound now the multi-tap delay has everything you can change the character you can have tape you can have multi-taps spread them left and right you can have parameters for each tab so you can have Loop effects that apply to the delay Loop you can have tap effects so you can say Okay I want to add a different effect for every Tab and these effects can include all these things that I'm showing you here so chorus phaser Envelope Filter bit Crusher and so on and so forth I've actually done a full video on how to use the multi-tab delay check it out right here if you're interested I'm going really deep into this so for this you don't have to ask for it I've already made a video uh you can watch it after watching this one and then we also have the post effects so very very quickly I'm going to play this vocal again here and I'm going to add it and I'm going to show you how it sounds because what I've done here is I've added two tabs and I've made sure that on the loop effects I have a pitch shifter so I'm creating this really interesting format effect for my delay and then I'm running this delay to a Reverb so so many different things let's have a listen you know that you can never fail man you only got one left innate land and you don't have to be so low-key babe but you you need to fake it until you make it you know that you can never fail man you only got one life to me land and of course it has a Docker and everything it has pretty much everything you need you can even design your delays by pressing this sample sound and you can hear how the delay works I can guarantee this delay is all you need for most of the part okay I still have lots of third-party delay plugins because I'm looking for a specific sound but now there might be a chance a small chance that you might be enjoying this video and you might be finding this useful if you do please do me a solid and subscribe to the channel if you haven't done so already or hit the like button this also helps and if you really really found this useful hit the super thanks button it will really help the channel and if you're interested check out my instruments the modern 80s drum kit and the Apollo expansion for Pet Shop this way you're supporting the channel this video is not sponsored but I want to spread the Cubase love to all of you guys I love you let's move on to the next plugin which is again an unsung hero this is called cloner and this plugin is an automatic attic double tracker that we have in Cubase this allows you to take one single vocal or any other source material and basically do all these tricks that we do to make a vocal sound wider so duplicate it detune left and right and delay the four duplicates so what you can get a really wide signature pop sound let's have a listen I'm going to start with it all the way off and then I'm going to turn it up and you can see what it does you know that you can never fail me you only got one good one and you don't have to be so low-key babe but you you need to fake it until you make it you know that you can never fail me you only got one life to me land and you don't have to be so low-key babe but you you need to fake it until you make it you know that you can never fail me you only got one life to Natalie so you can see how it sounds and again you can tune each voice individually in terms of detune And Delay so you can get it really really wide sound if you wanted to do this um you know by just duplicating your channels in Cubase and detuning them it would take quite a bit of work but this allows you to do this straight with one plugin so again unsung hero really powerful to again many people reach out to third-party Solutions straight away cloner sounds really nice and unless you're looking for a very very specific sound I already have some plugins in mind you know you don't have to look anywhere else and the last plugin that I want to talk about today is the envelope shaper now this plugin I've lost count on how many times I've seen uh you know Cubase users trying to find a transient designer kind of plugin and they spend a lot of money actually on plugins that do this don't get me wrong I also have quite a few plugins that do this I mean spiff is one of my favorites and some other ones but that's only because they give me a different sound to what envelope shaper gives me it's not that envelope shaper is a bad plugin it's actually a great plugin and I'm going to show you straight away how well it works so I'm going to have this Kick Drum here and I'm going to show you how well it works if you want to add a little bit of punch to the kick drum or if you want to shape the release on how long the kick drum will be I use this all the time on kick drums on snares on percussion have a listen okay let's say I want to add a little bit of attack I can change the length of the attack another release so let's say I want to make the kick drum longer or make it shorter which is actually what I do most of the times I want to make it tighter so again without and let's listen in the context of the mix [Music] and you don't have to be so low-key baby [Music] so if you have a weak Kick Drum this is the solution and there's also the multiband envelope shaper that I've talked about many times but for elements that have been recorded with let's say multiple microphones I would always choose to go for this single band envelope shaper because it retains the face and you won't have any face problems so don't underestimate the envelope shaper it's an extremely powerful plugin and it can really save the day in many many situations and you know what if you're still watching I have a bonus plugin for you that I think that many people forget it exists in Cubase and this is the humble test generator it's a really useful plugin not only because it allows you to test things I use it a lot for testing analog equipment I use it a lot for testing you know left and right relationships between channels after I run it through a piece of analog gear especially a tube equipped analog piece because these tend to make your left and right channels drift a little a bit so this is a very easy way to figure out if something is happening so what it does it's very simple you can run a sine wave you can change the frequency if you want to you can actually test your speakers like this you can start with something like really low let's say I don't know maybe 30 Hertz something like this and then go I'm gonna make sure I lower the volume for this one you know all the way up you can select the level and you can also change the waveform so you can choose from sine wave triangle Square Sawtooth and then white pink and brown noise so I might be talking a lot about plugins in my channel because I just love them I love trying new things I love trying new plugins I'm fascinated by this but my suggestion always Remains the Same learn the plugins that you have inside your Daw first and then invest on third-party plugins figure out what you want to do that the stock plugins cannot do for you and then you can think about getting a third-party plugin that you might need that will give you a specific sound I've done many videos about Cubase stock plugins but also plugins that I think that would be a great addition for Cubase users check them out here if you're interested bye bye
Channel: Dom Sigalas
Views: 32,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dom sigalas, cubase, cubase tutorial, dom sigalas cubase, cubase stock plugins, best cubase stock plugins, secret cubase plugins, best stock plugins in a daw, cubase plugins tutorial, best cubase mixing plugins, cubase delay plugin, cubase filter plugin
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2023
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