A.I. MIDIs with chatGPT (The future of music production?)

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hey there fabulous earthlings welcome back to the most electrifying spectacle in town introducing your dynamic duo the one and only nobody and the computer hey there a massive thank you like seriously a zillion thanks for that super duper warm welcome but hey let's not wait another second and dive straight into the exciting stuff we've got planned for today you see we talked about making music with artificial intelligence so jump in take a seat zip it embrace yourself because this ride's gonna be a blast today we're teaming up to cook up some rad MIDI files using chat GPT midi's what is midi well on this channel you're gonna find this epic video where I gab away about the magic of using artificial intelligence to rock out with midis want to dig deeper like uncovering the untold history of midi and mastering a bunch of funky tools well then zip on over to that other video first my friend but hold up if you're a total midi rookie no worries you can still join the party and watch this video together we'll learn a bunch and with some sweet help from our buddy chatgpt and yes chat GPT is pretty awesome with languages right and guess what midi is a language too hey chat GPT could you write a midi file for me as an AI language model I'm unable to create or directly output non-textual files like MIDI files however I can help you generate the textual representation of a simple midi file which you can then convert to a proper midi file using a converter tool or a programming Library a midi file consists of various messages that control the playback of musical instruments such as note on Off Pitch Bend and program change here is an example of a simple Melody and textual representation that you can convert into a midi file [Music] to convert this textual representation into a midi file you can use a programming Library like Neato and python or you can use an online converter tool by searching for text to MIDI converter in your favorite search engine OMG this is so cool so you chat GPT being an expert in text generation can actually whip up some text that'll magically turn into a midi file and create awesome music sure but they brought up some programming mumbo-jumbo like a secret language called python what is that we are artists here not some code wizard I get it I get it but pinky promised this is going to be a breeze you won't have to lift a finger to install a thing on your computer plus programming these days is as easy as pie chat gpt's got your back dishing out code and fixing any boo-boos along the way just follow me and you will see but wait give me the python code to convert that text to a midi file okay here you have it foreign dudes and dudets we've snagged ourselves some python code but you know what we're all about keeping it easy peasy and that's where our good pal Google collab swoops in to save the day it's super cool because it lets anyone write and run python code right in their browser plus we can share the notebook with each other using just a link oh and did I mention we get a free GPU to play around with so wait so all we got to do is hit play and boom we're good to go no coding Wizardry required yeah just follow me nice but I like the cloud could you give me the code for a collab notebook certainly below is the code for a Google collab notebook this code installs the Mido Library converts the textual representation into a midi file and lets you download the resulting midi file to create a new collab notebook go to colab.research.google.com and click on new notebook then copy and paste the code below into a new code cell in the colab notebook and run the cell after running the cell the output midi file will be saved in the colab environment and you'll be prompted to download it to your local machine whoops Daisy it seems like there's a little hiccup in your code chat GPT the error is this one can you fix it replace the existing code cell with this one alrighty let's give this code a whirl and see what happens uh oh we hit another error but don't worry I don't want to be a snooze fest with these pesky errors so sometime later after a roller coaster ride of chats with chat GPT we've cracked the code and oh yes we finally have our Rockin midi yeah but what the f I do with that midi file oh you're in for a treat you'll need a dog you know a digital audio workstation as for me I'm jamming away with the Fantastic Ableton Live anyways we've got this midi file we downloaded so let's drop it into a midi track and Ableton Live we'll give it a little flare with an instrument say a piano and let's jam out for a bit foreign wait what whoa yeah I know this melody is like super duper basic you are right but don't forget even if it's not exactly a chart topper we did whip up this midi file using chat GPT so how about we spice things up and see if chat GPT can cook up a more exciting tune for us well it works could you make something more complex with Harmony and Melody certainly here's a simple example of a Melody with Harmony represented in text format [Music] awesome let's snatch that text plop it right into our Google collab codes text representation variable and Bam what magic awaits us [Music] I'm sorry what that's no good yeah yeah I get it but hang tight with me because we're about to turn up the heat we'll put pedal to the metal and keep at it until we hit that sweet spot so are you going to show us some good music or what you know what I've got an idea this text format for midi files is a total pain in the neck don't you think we don't really need note on channel and velocity we just need the note and the duration of the note hey just pitch in duration no velocity Express the duration of each note as a fraction of a whole note an eighth note 0.125 is 1 8 of a whole note a quarter note 0.25 is 1 4 of a whole note a half note 0.5 is one two of a whole note a whole note one is the standard unit of duration a double hole Note 2 is twice the duration of a whole note 0 and 0.25 is a silent of quarter with that simplified format make something complex and give me the code for Google collab here's the complex Melody using the simplified format with silences and hear the code okay copy that code stat let's see what we're working with here alrighty we've got something cooking here these low notes ain't ringing out because they're way too low so let's copy them and paste them into a groovy Bass track we'll switch up the instruments and [Music] wait what about some drum and more playful synths [Music] hey there techno enthusiasts let's ditch the chonga Chingy for a bit and how about you request something more like one of my groovy Corrals okay Johan Sebastian take it easy man your wish is my command Maestro what about a Bach chorale creating a bot Chorale requires a more complex composition approach since it usually involves four-part harmony with soprano Alto tenor and bass voices here is a simplified example of a box style Corral using the pitch duration format the pitches are grouped in tuples of four elements representing the four voice parts [Laughter] foreign well not bad but hey namesake your turn is over I want a cannon made with artificial intelligence alrighty classical peeps let's keep it friendly and not squabble what about a short cannon well voice is repeating okay let's try it [Music] alrighty Pals it ain't half bad maybe not the greatest Tunes in history but hey we've got something here and the sky's the limit with possibilities listen to this one with the prompt a lovely musical piece inspired by Frederick Chopin [Music] thank you as you can hear it's not Chopin but Chad GPT gave us an idea something to work with something to draw inspiration from and that's precisely the point friends I'll be a sport and drop the link to this notebook in the video description so you can have a ball tinkering with it piece of cake folks just run those cells start with the package installations in the first one then snatch this prompt to put chat GPT to work afterward you'll find examples below swipe your own data to craft custom midis and if you hit a bump with an error no sweat copy and paste it into chat GPT and watch it work its magic easy easy like Sunday morning what an adventure folks holy guacamole isn't it an amazing slice of Humanity's timeline where AI swoops in to help us stretch our creative Wings catch you all in the next video adios amigos
Channel: Nobody & The Computer
Views: 245,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, ableton live, midis, midi, music production, artificial intelligence
Id: tV82Wy-tXRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 31sec (571 seconds)
Published: Tue May 02 2023
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