This Changes EVERYTHING . . .

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now before we start today's video I have to say something I've always been a big skeptic when it comes to technology and language learning the big promise of tech has been that it makes things in your life quicker and easier and there are loads of apps on the App Store on your iPhone that do indeed do this but with language learning it doesn't work and the main reason is that language learning is actually really hard and take a really long time and so anything that purports to find a shortcut or to cut out the difficulty of it is a gimmick it doesn't work fundamentally there are only two parts the language learning you've got input and you've got output now on the input side we have actually seen some really big improvements from the internet we can now access content anywhere in the world we've got flashcard apps that are really useful on your phone you've got electronic dictionaries you can read on your Kindle and look up words instantly but in spite of all of this the basics still work well reading books is still just as good as any other activity and probably better than anything else you can do on your phone but on the output side we haven't seen anywhere near as much change if you want to get good at speaking you have to speak a lot and that means either going and finding real life human beings around you to practice with which is great fun but often quite difficult or else connect with people online through sites like language talk where you can get teachers and connect with people and you're paying them an hourly rate to do so but this whole process is still really difficult because you have to schedule things you have to find the time and that's why all language Learners are eventually left uttering the phrase I wish I had someone to practice speaking with and technology has provided no good answer to this until now when AI burst onto the scene about a year ago you can understand given my history why I was a little bit skeptical of it here we go again just another new tech gimmick but it quickly became quite clear that this was going to have some big implications for language learning so I sat down with my friend and fellow YouTuber at shmer and co-founded a new toour where we started to experiment with combining artificial intelligence with our knowledge of language learning to see if we could create a way to get you unlimited 24/7 on demand speaking practice in the language you're learning that mimics an interaction with a real human being if this worked it would solve the speaking practice problem for everybody it wouldn't replace the need for a real human teacher but it would allow you to get all the practice you needed to build confidence and practice what you've learned Now teacher AI is still in early development but I think it's ready to show you exct what it's capable of so let's log in and practice speaking a few languages at different levels to see exactly how it behaves so right here I'm finding a little bit basic so I'm going to update my teacher preferences to make it so that Danielle doesn't speak any English doesn't correct my mistakes and also speaks at a more normal speed also as you've just seen there is a bit of latency which is the gap between when you speak and when you receive your response from the tutor for the sake of making it a more engaging YouTube video though I'm going to cut out those gaps for the rest of the video Mexico while all this is going on Tachi is gathering your vocabulary in the background so it knows what your passive vocabulary is that's words that you've heard or been exposed to it also knows what your active vocabulary is which is words that you've actually used yourself and it's Gathering all of these and listing them here so you can go through them you can click on them to hear the pronunciation get the translation you can even export a CSV so that you can put them into your favorite flashcard apps or do whatever you want with them what say for right it's time to Swit languages so let's change over to Portuguese and this time I'm going to start to deliberately throw in some mistakes to see how the tutor reacts y Prof to the for spee speee for p no can you explain it to me in English sure the word DEA means a tip advice or a piece of information that helps you do something better or learn more effectively so when you're asking for a DEA you're essentially asking for some guidance or assistance got it now let's switch back to Portuguese and keep practicing right it's time to switch languages again so let's change to French and this time I'm going to deliberately try to speak at a lower level throwing in a lot more mistakes so you can see how the tool might react if you were around an inmediate level in the language for teaching languages teaching languages now since I'm an intermediate level I'm finding it a little bit fast and so I'm going to update the teacher preferences to get the teacher to speak more slowly and also to use a lot more English to help me outow I'm sorry I don't understand so it should be could you please repair and now we're going to switch to a language that I do not speak at all more than a few words which is German so let's see how the tool reacts now TTI is not built as a beginner language tool it's a speaking practice tool but anyway let's see what happens now at the beginner level the ability to click on Words and get an instant translation becomes really quite useful uh I have no idea what you just said my German's not very good sorry about set he asked if you eat some eating special during your lunch break what do you have for lunch and as you can tell not everything is perfect yet someone the voices when we slow them right down are a little bit funny especially when they have accent but the technology is improving so quickly that these little bugs are improving on a weekly basis so it ain't perfect but it's improving quickly okay and what was the phrase in German can you repeat it now pleas so M I guess that break m now I don't know what you think of what you've just seen you can let me know in the comments but I want to talk about the title of this video and why it is what it is you know when we first started building teachi I admit I was skeptical that we would be able to create something that I would actually want to use like yeah that's just more Tech you know I'm happy with my books I'm happy speaking with my friends you know I don't need anything new but then the last few weeks happened and in the last few weeks I've been speaking French with tji and I've spoken more French in the last 3 weeks than in the last 22 years combined since I left Paris in the year 2000 I have not really ever had any french friends I haven't spoken French I've let it slip away and then in the blink of an eye I've now managed to start speaking again and to start to reclaim everything that I've lost and I've even improving My Level learning new words and phrases getting to listen a lot it's an emotional experience and this technology even if it's not ready just yet even if it's still got a long way to go this does change everything and let me be clear it doesn't replace anything I'm still going to be reading my books and taking my courses I'm still going to be taking lessons from real human teachers to get personalized feedback from a real person to learn how to interact naturally but what this does is it gives unlimited opportunity to practice speaking in a natural way which is how you get good at speaking this doesn't replace anything but it does change everything and I think we are in for a few very very exciting years ahead but there is one thing that I haven't told you yet because you see you've seen a number of different teachers during the course of this video speaking different languages but I have also cloned myself and inside teach AI you can now practice speaking dozens of different languages with me now that might sound like your worst nightmare or just a bit of fun but either way if you'd like to check out teach Ai and practice speaking your target language with olle or with any number of the other teachers we have Link in the description below click the link have a look around we've got lots more information there and if you do decide to join us inside teach AI I hope that it makes the kind of difference to your language learning that it has for me
Channel: Olly Richards
Views: 37,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: language learning, how to learn a language, foreign languages, learn a language, learn languages, polyglot, learn a new language, languages, language, stories, storylearning, olly richards, ai, artificial intelligence, AI, tutor, language tutor, learn with AI, learn a language with AI, speak, study language, language practice, language practise
Id: 8idRUe-SlNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2023
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