9 Difficult Texas Accents You WON'T Understand

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ever wondered what makes a Texan accent so captivating how it my name is Sarah Jordan I'm going text love it or hate it the Lone Star accent is absolutely iconic but I have news for you Texas has more accents than the color of her horses so if you think you know your twangs from your drools well I'm about to test you dad told me he was doing Oriental and when I talk to him with the phone he didn't sound like it the first time he were on a horse the next day he couldn't move a single his body he was sore he was so sore he got scared that he thought he need to go to the doctor if you wanted to hide from the law in the 1800s this was probably the place to run to probably hide as the as the Cotton Tail rabbits if you wanted and one of those bunnies got his favorite saying from [Music] here what up dog it's a true story but how about the accent you know the the people accent walked up to this fine lady she was in her mid 60s I said hey ma'am you got any oil she said oh I said oh she said I don't know what oh is one I've never stol anything in my life two if a danger wouldn't be for my de workplace for three I just ain't no Dam Thief so I don't know why y'all keep freaking asking me y I think we got a good one but don't go telling old ladies how to talk they're doing just fine thank you kindly usually when my accent gets real heavy like it is right now it that's that's sort of my natural um unguarded way of talking and you know what I like my accent so this would be considered a rural Texan accent it's not quite as twangy if you're from the major cities but if you're in the countryside long enough chances how you'll slip right back into that classic sound I don't know what to say about you know I say fire and weird and hands and people say I have a real strong Texas accent in this part of the Lone State a lot of the rivers were named by the cad tribe like this river which means floating water even the word Texas started with a c in Indian word check it out Story Goes they gave this name to the first Spanish explorers in the 1500s but don't take my word for it this is not just land it's our family's Legacy it's a passion it's a love and now with my kids run six Generations deep it's the way we feed our family and the way we try to help feed other Texans no your ears are not lying there's definitely some Southern Charm going on here I wonder why now it's true that in the big cities people of Texas are losing their old timey accents and expressions like these are disappearing but ENT you're into a honky tonk Texas town and you're likely to bump into more slow talking cowpokes than you can shake a sticker Lord know reason I'm [Music] just as for those who claim that nobody really says y anymore well y doesn't it sound wonderful than a British accent y it's Universal here so you're not going to get away from it apparently the best accents come out when something triggers their Texan pride is it true Texans sah pajamas cot naturally aluminum and envelope and I'm going to throw in an extra one because my husband and I know other people make fun of me for saying it like this but I'm going to throw in the word friends friends I don't feel like I'm saying in any kind of weird way don't make fun of anyone guys you have a weird accent too to someone I certainly do well it's pretty clear that we have a whole lot of Deep South here it's the classic sound from around the Piney Woods and we are in East Texas that's right right across from Louisiana if you think we're off to a good start here please like subscribe and hit that notification Bell for more awesome accents around the world and when I hit you with that smart mouth that nobody can agree on what's your name fire Tex this JB please no [Music] gunfights okay not fair Ollie what what is this a book auction let's try again there was a sign up that said uh for sale 15 Acres so uh I told my wife uh I'm come down here tomorrow and buy that and she just laughed at me she said what are you going to what would you do with if you had it and I said I'd grow peaches and she just laughed she thought I was crazy well uh that was on a Sunday well uh I think it was Tuesday when I come down here and bought it he that SU Tuesday thing well you're going to hear plenty of strange things out here and it's definitely not all Peach farming good evening he never left it's my home it's what I am I'm ATT tach it's like a whole other country like say yeah it is its own country keep on going with this cowboys and ranches have been roaming these parts for eons so if the strong draw reminds you of old cowboy movies you might know where we are did you watch No Country for Old Men well it was filmed right here Cowboy's a man is willing to jump up and do his job no matter what you ask him to do something they get up and do it they don't question you they don't ask you why they don't argue with you they go and do what you ask them to because they figure if you didn't ask them do it it didn't need to be done I mean we don't make a lot of money I mean there's a lot of other things we could do and there a lot of it's dangerous you know I wish I knew I mean ever since I was a little kid that's just all what I've always wanted to do fun fact in this part of Texas the Apache were one of the first Native American tribes to learn to ride horses which they got from the Spanish if there's any place you could still hear The Whispers of Apaches commanches and Pioneers what is out here in January 2017 I became this year I've been a cop for almost 25 years a long time ago when I first came to work here in 2001 probably my second year I knew that this is where I was going to retire that's the only thing that's a constant that never changes that people are still nice here just when you thought you had it we are actually on the very far end now couldn't Sidle any closer to to the border which border you ask dude he doesn't stop texting my phone he's acting crazy right who's with you well who's all there I'm just joking I I dude chill I'm just kidding hey dude tomorrow dude I'm going to go buy like a badass car bro it's going to be fast bro it's going to go super fast they share a lot of culture with Mexico and New Mexico so it can only be West Texas before the next accent here's a little test for you boy I cannot wait till the green lights go out yeah the race place this is going to be I think definitely a t four battle but uh hell we got I mean my S are set on the podium have you know where this guys from you've been watching my earlier videos and if you don't know well I'm sorry I will clear up the mystery later I have to say I love accents whether it's English accents or accents of other languages and this is a channel all about languages after all now when I learn a new language I've learned eight languages myself I like to Dive Right In and get as much immersion as I possibly can one trick that I always use when I start a new language is to have a no TV in English rule I can't watch TV in English instead I only watch shows in the language that I'm learning and it's a super easy way to get better at listening really quickly but the catch is when you try to watch TV from another country like Colombia or Japan sometimes you can't because of the location that you are in you'll find that TV is blocked from that country if you try to access it from outside right that's where a little something called a VPN comes in handy and the one I use is called nordvpn who are nice enough to sponsor this video thanks guys basically a VPN PN is like a secret tunnel for your internet it's a Nifty piece of software that lets your computer pretend you are in any country you want so if you pick Italy you can watch Italian TV shows movies news all that stuff just like you were there in Italy it's a great way to binge watch and learn a ton at the same time now nordvpn gives you access to 60 countries 60 and gets you the fastest speeds of all vpns on major platforms this means 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description too and grab this amazing offer right guys got your water canteens filled I have always had an accent I don't know why even when I was a teenager and I worked for the telephone company you talk to your customers in you know and I got lots of comments about my draw when you think of Texas you might not immediately think of this lonely corner at all but as you just heard it definitely has its own accent going on they say it's a higher pitched nasal Texas twang as big as the sky I guess it depends on who's doing the talking it is 1013 in Happy Texas and my thermometer says 55° outside and the wind's blowing it's supposed to get up to about 30 45 mph so it's going to be Dusty the high today is like 75 so that'll be nice the weather reporter who is not scared of insane dust storms that's pretty impressive no wonder they have saying like [Music] this actually this region is pretty famous for its wild and wooly history cattle drives oil booms wildfires they've seen at all why does everyone look so chilled out my whole family lives here and born and raised and so I thought it'd be fun because um people usually can tell when I go out of state or out of the country where I'm from I don't know I don't see it but other people do so what is your best guess well I will tell you it is the accent of the Texas Panhandle you see this big block right here you knew that was a thing didn't you hold on to your hats the next one is quite tricky there was once a Bren steer in peas River breaks that had been missed on many a Roundup he had been pursued by some of the best but his number had never come up and as I got up in high school I got thinking so many days these Fells all going to be gone the old stories be gone with them you know so I just I enjoyed them I thought I'd write them down somebody else might enjoy them someday I grew up I started the first cold when I was 11 years old and it it was kind of a and Tumble aair didn't know much about getting horse ready to do anything so I learned how to tie one foot up while we Stak him start with here accents are as rugged as the terrain with people talking like they've got a mouth full of dust and a boot full of rattlesnakes speaking of scaly creatures know what they found in the desert this guy don't know where his people went but he was 100 ft long and probably weighed over 50 tons it's not far from the Prairies and the Lakes Region and here you'll find the most horse farms in all of Texas part of them just stood right there in them tracks couldn't believe it yep te's here are dropped quicker than a desert Sunset well you see this morning I had a little issue blew out a tire on my trailer but uh got the old Pony Express pretty good way to get into work I absolutely love this don't you everything is bigger in Texas but if you ask me they all sound like they're chewing tobacco it reminds me of someone actually what's your name t what's that Tate you hear she said Peter sorry where are we well we are way up in Northwest Texas but if you yelled out Paduka or Bowie well your skills are pretty good when they first told us that we were nominated we all freaked out um we couldn't believe it and the first I promise the first thing that came to mind was like I have to take a camera second can take a picture with all these stars and it it didn't hit me later until like oh my God you know what if we win or you know yeah and we went out there and they didn't let me take my camera in P yourself a margarita for this one go on I'm going to give you some very different accents all from one end of the state there's a bit of the old west and the Deep South and Latin America all rolled into one and one thing's for sure life here is all about blending The Best of Both Worlds English and Spanish howy hobby how about some girl before we turn on the nce car a't this what you want the perfect American Wife to make your life more convenient do you think that's an American accent from thanas hold on hold on not like that who put Gloria in my video 5 hours you all are crazy you all you mean y'all you all no y'all you y all no you smoosh them together y y y here take a drink that'll loosen the lips we'll get it did you know that a third of Texans speak Spanish at home that's right pretty cool there was once an era called Mexican Texas it was the time when Tex was part of Mexico you can tell by all these Spanish words the Cowboys use then in the mid 1800s a ton of people walked in from the Ozarks and the appalation mountains the Small Wonder the dialect is a bit different boy lost any sense of fear and danger he just wanted a close a look at that stranger he said mister why are you dressed that way and the man said I wear these clothes every day they're not just a costume they're a part of me I'm what folks call a cowboy you see I mean almost everyone looks like a cowboy is this normal being one with a horse is legit I love it we were country we before country was cool bottom line there's a lot of history here Spanish Jewish Mexican indigenous Texan indigenous Creole meso the Spanish influence dialect is called Tano English and it's pretty clear we can only be in one place southern Texas now which way should we go next this state is huge after all let's give you a quick sample all your windows and doors and everything else you need and such Once Upon a Time the Kandi were a powerful Plains Indian tribe in this part of Texas but now you have big cities and fancy accents like this we were definitely close and you know both my brothers were always their friends were my friends and you know always was allowed to go along with those guys and you know in the summer when we just be outside all day you know those guys always kind of let me tag along and we never fought that much it's going be more and more rare to hear a real Texas draw here it's a Cosmopolitan City so what are you going to do but there are still plenty of strong accents around water waterburger M woman F child ker T Jones T Jones just mean mama I'm going to go to my T on have you know what I'm saying now I bet you know where we are here so write it down quick before I tell you here it comes they are all from a city you've definitely heard of Dallas time to swap that water for something a little more Tex he said I don't care what you smoke what you take women you get shaken so bad like you said there's no high and I used to get a high unbelievable high when I was younger I don't of course I don't get that high much anymore here the accents are smoother then a fine bourbon I think or maybe it's a fine moonshine well it's the land of Springs Stony Hills and steep Canyons where the tonoa people want lived and two creatures not found anywhere else on Earth this fish and this very cute turtle must be a lot of water around right I don't know if I've ever eaten on a saddle you never eaten on a horse then have you yeah no I haven't well you need to come out to my place I got a donkey you can eat off of a horse you going to get off of this town is the cowboy capital of the world name it for an extra point comments below below the county is a place of Legends and Howling coyotes a world-class view of stars planets and meteorites a haunted road and an enchanted rock that groans and Creeks about 1.2 billion years ago this entire area was made up of rocks that had been cooled and then reformed in the metamorphic rocks and then a big bubble of light Granite magma floated up to the top and intruded its way into this pack saddle shist that was called the Town Mountain grand wow well the military guys and vets like it they buy land out here for hunting fishing and camping what was your guess for the cowboy capital of the world then last clue here we are at the 11 Street Cowboy Bar where horses and motorcycles are both welcome I wasn't born here but I got here as fast as I could cuz I love Texas if you said Bandera well you are spot on and the Charming accent is straight out of the Hill Country but sounds bit like where I live on the other side of the ocean whatever there's someone annoying nearby though deep in the Heart of Texas stars at night are big and bright deep in the Heart of Texas I tell you what you see that part where D old George come in there talk about tasting his own burp Kramer come sliding in just know dud I tell you what man him D old New York boys what I have no idea what he just said all I know is that he's supposed to have a Texas Ranger accent well I'd have to first off say that he's all hat and no cap you probably know this minor celebrity I like how 60 Minutes feels like an hour we're in a rush for the right reasons and we got a pretty good threshold for for not being in a rush for the wrong reasons all right okay not fair really M comes from around here but his accent is a bit confusing cuz he moved around a lot as a kid I think the best place to find out how real locals speak is to hit the old Honky Tonk D you know ding you're not at Carie Hall you know you're in a real Honky Tonk want to remember and be in the moment of yesterday and that's what the spoke is it represents that cuz you walk in there's nothing changed since 1964 when he opened and if you really want to fit in you should know how to talk right for example I'm competing in a fishing tournament this weekend Yonder there's no definitive length as to how long a Yonder is proper usage would be Enchanted Rock is just over yand I had to be honest though the younger generation do not sound very much like Cowboys because of how I've grown to love this city I got involved with Texas Wranglers a campus organization that's given me the opportunity to give back to the city I've gained so much from through my work I've gotten to meet inspiring people who have overcome extreme hardship looking for something a little faster Pace Circuit of the Americas is the only Formula 1 track in the United States and this F1 racetrack is the city of well of course it's Austin in Central Texas that's my cue to solve the mystery of this Texans accent he's not Texan at all come on people he's not even American he's an Aussie very funny guy you need to watch this video later we need to protect that water source that that uh that gives us all life and that water s Source also has a domino effect on Wildlife like these birds uh corar ANS and all the the the game and fish that live in the water or by the water well there is definitely water involved in this area and if you're scratching your head wondering which part of Texas we haven't covered yet well better listen closely there are lots of different here we country you know what I mean we from the south a lot of our music a lot of Southern influence come from other Southern influence in my neighborhood the lingo that we use the way that we talk I guess maybe it's a little slower we slur stuff a little bit this ain't my first rodeo been there done that if you know your Texan cities this one should be a slam dunk lots of French speaking Creoles played their part here by the way now how about this small town accent they were all freaking out asking why we riding a cow and a horse to school I was like I'm not wasting any gas they didn't realize that you could ride a cow with a saddle on and then like the little kids are like Mommy look there's a cow you're never too young or too old to try something new you're certainly not too old or too young and that's why you should be learning a language or two final clue incoming come on Cowboys and girls you need to get this one a long time ago three Spanish guys and an Arabic speaking African survived a shipwreck here came ashore and then took an epic walk Inland for 2,000 km their goal was to get to Mexico long way from here on R so they literally wash up here on this beach in November naked they were the first African and Europeans to enter the American West pretty wild do you even know that Texas has Islands I didn't but then what do I know we are on the gorgeous Gulf Coast first home to a cool Coastal tribe right it is confession time how many of these accents did you get how many did you miss let me know in the comments also if you think I've got something completely wrong please do let me have it in the comments to correct the record now we are not done with accents let's see if you can figure out these accents from that sketchy place outside [Music] Texas
Channel: Olly Richards
Views: 323,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: language learning, how to learn a language, foreign languages, learn a language, learn languages, polyglot, learn a new language, languages, language, stories, storylearning, olly richards, texas, accents, accent challenge, guess the accent, dallas, austin, el paso, texas panhandle, tejano
Id: 45DfrwXf0bA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 41sec (1301 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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