5 Best Languages To Learn in 2024

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if you're looking for a new language to learn in 2024 well I've got five for you I've searched far and wide for the absolute best languages to rock your world right now including one total show stoer never before mentioned in a story learning video so which one is going to make it to your New Year's resolution list I don't know about you but I think Japanese doesn't need any special reason for learning it it's just so beautiful and that's reason enough did you know that in the US and Canada Japanese is the most searched language on the internet that's right and it ranks sixth in internet searches worldwide you shouldn't be surprised the world has been crazy about Japanese pop culture since the early '90s also many popular video games are made by Japanese companies and all these fans want in on the language but I have even better reasons to go for it [Applause] if you like getting out and about like me then there are many incredibly cool things you can do in Japan and knowing Japanese will definitely give you a more authentic experience just last week in fact I was in an old traditional Japanese in getting served all this amazing food and drink and getting all the explanations and all of that it was really cool to be able to do that in Japanese but whether you're into traditional kotto or shamien lessons maybe Japanese pottery readings I don't know hiking a pilgrimage Trail something something like that or maybe you're just into cosplay I don't know point is learning Japanese can be a pretty smart thing to do also a pretty good career move Japan is the US's fourth largest training partner and Japanese language skills are becoming very very useful just got to wrap your head around all those politeness rules want to hear something wild in 2021 Japan shattered the internet speed record at 390 terabits per second now what does that mean for the likes of you and me let's just say in a single second you could download your favorite five and a half million songs on Spotify yeah that is Japanese engineering for you not the only Tech star on this language list mind you so how does Japanese work you might have heard that Japanese has three different writing systems and they all work together as one there is hiragana and Katakana they aren't particularly hard to learn they each have 46 letters and there are two versions of the same thing you just use them in different ways and this alphabet is really fun to write with it only has five vowels just like English they are o the nice thing is that each vow only has one sound it's really a lot simpler than English pronunciation the consonants are also pretty straightforward thisi means blessing so it could be blessing from nature blessing from God blessing from anything anybody we actually use that word a lot in life like so blessing from the land and these Ki are the hard part in daily use in Japan there are around 2,000 odd Ki but if you take your time you can just let a few a day you get there eventually you can actually write any Japanese sentence just using only hilana it's just a lot easier to read all with all three which is what we include in my books of short stories in Japanese if you ask me this is one of the things that makes Japanese utterly captivating as for making all the lovely sounds of Japanese when you can breathe a side of relief because there are no tones move over Mandarin there are no tones at all in Japanese although you know but basically there's no tones the pitch of your voice does matter a bit though and when we say the interation of of the whole sentence goes like this and if you pay close attention to each word you know there are differences in Pitch one important part of sounding Japanese is using sound effects to express yourself but that is entirely up to [Music] you shaki shaki moii ready for the easy bits well here they come Japanese has no noun gender no articles there are only two irregular verbs and only two basic tenses past and nonpast if you were to say I go in Japanese is the grammar can be a little bit hard to wrap your head around but it's actually incredibly logical once you get to know it and the trickiest thing you'll deal with is verb ending and particles a particle in case you don't know it's a tiny word that tells us who did what in the sentence which helps because Japanese sentences for one thing don't have many spaces in so they going to Mark the way once you've got the hang of it better learn some kle as well to make sure you're always polite although there might be some polite competition up ahead if you're English there is a good chance you have Viking Blood so this might be the language for you but gone are the days of that merciless Old Norse grammar and modern Swedish is a thing of Simplicity and Beauty means by and hey hey yeah oh yeah it means thank thank you told you it's a perfect match if you're looking for some Scandinavian Serenity the most chilled out guy in Sweden I bet just imagine experiencing the phenomenon of the Midnight Sun and wake up to the Swedish custom of F this is a good one f um and it basically means uh to meet up with your friends for coffee so you say uh it's like do you want to meet for coffee swed take this very seriously and if you're an introvert this Nordic dream is about to get even better swedes they don't do small talk well maybe all these things are why Swedish people have one of the longest life expectancies in the world also they ranked number one in the world for quality of life and green living so if you don't mind the cold sounds like a pretty good place to be and of course you can do this without knowing any Swedish but you're not going to feel very Viking are you nobody said pronouncing words was going to be easy but let's look for the Silver Lining sweet s beat us hands down when it comes to pretty letters it's snowing all over these vowels you just have to practice saying them or there are nine Swedish vows Al together and most of the other letters are pretty easy to pronounce well that is until you get to the infamous SJ [Music] sound come on that's not so hard right this is the easiest language on my list today word order in a Swedish sentence goes to subject verb object just like English so once you know a few words you can easily make your own sentences I'm in a forest words for a thing and the thing work differently see how the is glued to the end of the word adjectives usually come before the noun but you can also put adjectives at the end exactly like English so score two for easy another thing that got easier is the noun genders there used to be three now there are only two but wait there's more Swedish has verb conjugation but only for time and one cool feature you just have to love is the pitch accent for example Swedish in Swedish is s two stresses it is not like Sensa it is not Sensa it is Sensa isn't that cute isn't that cute definitely go Swedish if you're enjoying this by the way please give us a thumbs up and come join our community over here at story D we have lots of surprises up Our Sleeve Namaste what does Hindi make you think of colorful festivals the Taj Mahal Bollywood movies how about the stunning script you get to write with Well India is famous for some incredible things and although there are many languages here Hindi is the heartbeat of Indian culture over 600 million people speak it now if you've never been to India it's one of the most addictive travel experiences you can have and if you really want to talk to Fascinating People learn a bit of Hindi before you [Music] go uh airport aort but it's not just about having a cool travel language Hindi is a great one to learn for international business especially as India just keeps on growing and keeps on evolving he going to keep happening I hardly need to tell you how good they are at it listen to this you might know Hindi is the third most spoken language in the world but I have a bigger number for you as of 2023 India has overtaken China as the country with the biggest population now if you're doing some maths in your head add this in already 5% of all YouTube content out there is Hindi so what I think is learning Hindi for big business is a no-brainer but it's also perfectly okay to do it for the yoga and the Tigers first of all how do they write like this Deon nagari script is just the coolest thing ever an ancient and fascinating script but if you want the satisfaction of being able to write this way you first need to pick up some words and if you like expressive ones well you've come to the right place my friend Hindi has roots in Sanskrit need I say anymore but how on Earth are you going to pronounce those squiggles great news there are only 46 of them and Hindi is fonetic good news but don't get lazy the grammar where can be a bit of a pain do not say instead you should say to mean it is raining in a hindy sentence everything has a gender and the verb always comes at the end you have to conjugate these verbs and this is the trickiest part of learning Hindi matching your verbs and adjectives to the gender then there are some formalities to learn Hindi has three levels of politeness it's all about the rank you see another little challenge with Hindi is that it uses wait for it post positions instead of prepositions it's not tiger is in the jungle it's tiger the jungle is in yeah stranger things are coming though Korea is full of surprises it went from 10 to 100 in just a few years and with it Korean has become the hot new language to learn it's amazing how media and art can help spread languages far beyond their original [Music] borders it's the third most searched language in the US and it's jumped to number five on our old friend Jingo so chances are a few years from now you'll be bumping into Korea speak because wherever you goon DC this is a taste of what you could sound like if you learn Korean what do you think and it's a language with a unique story somehow ancient and very modern all at the same time I mean if you love gadgets and Tech techology you probably already know that Korea's Tech scene is pretty dazzling dazzlingly fast internet speeds changed Korean culture online gaming soon became a phenomenon PC bangs or PC gaming rooms to you and I sprung up all over Soul South Korea is a giant in the tech World especially with Telecom and it the economy is booming and if you ever want to in on those amazing advantages it's a no-brainer Korean of course it is and the beauty industry is something I know all about it's groundbreaking stuff even if you're more into nature and finding hidden paths well trust me you're going to find some brilliant [Music] things let's get your biggest fear out the way first this is not Mandarin Chinese there's no 20,000 characters to learn Korean writing is much easier than Chinese the alphabet only has 24 letters it's the most logical and simple alphabet on the planet if you appreciate intelligent systems well check this out hangle is really fun to write and you can learn it in just a few hours what about the grammar it's hard I won't lie but it's also very logical and once you get it everything kind of clicks into place Korean verbs come at the end of the sentence so when you're scanning a text the trick is to look for the last word and then you'll know what the action is verbs are also very predictable and follow easy patterns Korean has particles just like Japanese so you can easily see exactly which word is kind of doing what but what we really want to know is are the words easy to say the sound of the letter Q is close to the k sound in the word key some example words that start with k are K Kad and cor Korean has a few double consonants just a stronger sound but there are no tones and for the most part you pronounce Korean words the way you write them so it's totally doable try this outy how about those honorifics though yeah you knew this was coming here's an example of what I mean both Sadam and Brun mean person but Brun is used to show Extra respect to that person you're talking about just like in Japanese in Korean you must choose your words very carefully but there's a very cool person in your mirror that you can practice on and if you do FY learning Korean we recently released our own complete Korean beginner program that's built with the story learning method in fact we have programs from many other languages too including Japanese including Swedish so if you like the idea of learning a language through stories well you should definitely take a look it's suitable for complete beginners and there's a 7-Day free trial available right now in fact if you found see a free tour of exactly how it all works I have a story learning kit that I put together which is great way just to get the gist of how story Learning Works learning a language through stories is pretty cool the link is in the description below go and check it out okay here it comes a language I've never ever broached before ready to be blown away Romanian that's right Romanian see I saw you hunting for a Hidden Gem there so I found it for you deep in the heart of Eastern Europe and because you absolutely do not have to only learn languages that everyone else is learning Beautiful lyrics in the song by the way but let's slow it [Music] down you'll probably be able to figure out some Romanian words on your own anything look familiar here well this means the legend fascinated tourists and it's a it's truly a language of fascinating Legends like the Dragon Rider who learned every language on Earth the polyot who really shocks so this one is for you Rebel Learners the Forgotten romance language something to learn for the sheer pleasure of it check this [Applause] out forget the cities go do something wild with your Romanian skills like a horse Safari through Transylvania something that's on my bucket list right there at the top you'll stay overnight with local families in small villages gather mushrooms and of course speak Romanian and if you do want to live in a city there is high demand for skilled foreign workers in the Paris of the East as it's known especially if you also speak any of these languages the first thing that jumps out at you is how very much like Italian it seems but also how Slavic it sounds so which one is it well this is why I'm fascinated it's totally unique a romance language that grew up in the Slavic part of Europe if you want to say good morning you say buwa the first time you look at a Romanian word list you'll swear you're seeing a dialect of Italian in fact some Romanian expressions are exactly the same in certain Italian dialects take a look but then you see all these other words that are completely and utterly different now listen to this if you'd like to thank somebody you either say mesque but you can also say the short version which is Mercy did you just speak French you've got to love a language that gives you options take a look at these Slavic words and the Turkish Greek and Hungarian words makes perfect sense when you see where Romanians live doesn't it you're probably thinking it must be very hard to pronounce all these words but Romanian pronunciation is really quite easy you mostly say things the way that they are spelled but the grammar well here's where things get interesting Romanian grammar is a fascinating blend of Latin romance Slavic structure it uses the Latin alphabet but with five extra letters but we have an A with an accent like this which is a an a with an accent like this which is an S with a comma which is sh and a t with a comma which is there are three genders three noun cases verb conjugation similar to other romance languages the thing works like Swedish there are even double negatives and look how much fun adjectives are you still there well one amazing feature of Romanian is these words little gold nuggets from the ancient and very mysterious dacian and thran languages truly a language for Dragon Riders and for [Music] you the good bro good well there you go all you need is a partner and a guitar a personal connection to any language makes it instantly become more fun and easy to learn so go go find that connection why don't you and if you're curious about other fascinating languages I have a great video for you right over here so go and click it right now
Channel: Olly Richards
Views: 211,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: language learning, how to learn a language, foreign languages, learn a language, learn languages, polyglot, learn a new language, languages, language, stories, storylearning, olly richards, 2024, new year, resolutions, goals, new language, study, language study, story, homeschool, resolution, new year's resolution, swedish, japanese, korean, romanian, hindi, katakana, hiragana, kanji, korean alphabet, Japanese tones, hindi script, read hindi, read korean, read japanese, learn fast, language plan
Id: PCy0y4DxuAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 41sec (1181 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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