This cave kicked my ass. I went back for a rematch.

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<i>This video is sponsored by Wondrium.</i> <i>More on that at the end of the show.</i> <font color="#FFFF00"><i>Previously on Tom Scott plus...</i></font> I thought I'd got through without having cold water in my wellies! Oh no, that's— that's wet socks. Okay, lovely. Oh, that's incredibly unpleasant! Hooh, that's cold! Okay, cool. <i>(groans)</i> How am I getting cold water shock off that? That's genuinely— I need to properly sit down. That got real very quickly! What happened there was just sudden body nausea... and almost like my brain started to shut down. It was like, "Stop this now." Oh, I hate saying these words. I can't physically do that! You should take the camera team onwards. <font color="#00FFFF">Yeah.</font> I'll wait around with the crew. I am gonna be grumpy about this for a long while. So, I'm back. <font color="#00FFFF">I never really thought that you would come back.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">But I'm really happy that you decided to take on this challenge again.</font> It feels like unfinished business. <font color="#00FFFF">And I have every— I just know that you're gonna do this, this time.</font> I'm glad you do, 'cause— I could've spent the last months doing cold water training and building that up, but what I've actually done is relied on technology. I have a full layer of 3mm neoprene socks, wetsuit, gloves. So... I'm very, very warm right now. And hopefully that's gonna work down there. <font color="#00FFFF">Yeah, I know it will, because you've become so prepared this time,</font> <font color="#00FFFF">that it's just gonna work out, and...</font> I hope it's not undiagnosed claustrophobia. That would be bad... but... <font color="#00FFFF">Well, we'll find out today, and it'll be a journey for both of us.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">And you'll get through it. I just know you will.</font> I wasn't nervous until about five minutes ago, when we came back here. Just to be clear, we have the same safety team as last time. We have mostly the same crew helping us round. <font color="#00FFFF">Are you ready?</font> I will never not be more ready than this... is the cautiously phrased, guarded answer to that. <font color="#00FFFF">Alright, so if you'd like to follow me. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Yeah. Let's do it.</font> Down the slide. <font color="#00FFFF">Alright, I'll get down the slide.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">You don't have to go down the slide. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Ah, I will, I will.</font> It's— It's just— It's not— It's not a good slide. <font color="#00FFFF">It's not a good slide.</font> The BBC did not pay for a good slide. <font color="#00FFFF">No.</font> Is it me, or is it muddier down here than last time? <font color="#00FFFF">It's very much muddier. Do you happen to like mud?</font> I've got 3mm of neoprene I'm indifferent to mud at the minute. <font color="#00FFFF">That's brilliant. That's a good sign.</font> Agh! <font color="#00FFFF">You okay?</font> I'm fine, just... This boot actually stuck in the mud there. That's great, that's lovely. <font color="#00FFFF"><i>(laughs)</i></font> <font color="#00FFFF">That's a normal thing, I promise.</font> I'll tell you what, Elise. Last time... Last time we were here, obviously, wet cave, lot of cold water. I got a load of emails... ...from American cavers, who were like, "I can't believe they took you down into a wet cave. That's so unsafe." <font color="#00FFFF">Yeah. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">But this just seems normal for Britain?</font> <font color="#00FFFF">So this is, in my opinion, one of the safest caves in the UK...</font> <font color="#00FFFF">...because it's so well explored...</font> <font color="#00FFFF">...but you've also got so many flood warnings before it floods,</font> <font color="#00FFFF">and water is all around Derbyshire, which is where we are.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">So, in actual fact, this is probably one of the safest caves</font> <font color="#00FFFF">in the area that we could go to.</font> The Americans just seem really freaked out about the idea of a wet cave in general? <font color="#00FFFF">Well Americans, they don't have wet caves like us British people, unfortunately.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">So here, we've got Buxton Water Sump.</font> Yep. Now this is where we cleaned off last time, I remember this. <font color="#00FFFF">Yeah, so a lot of cavers use this sump to their own benefit,</font> <font color="#00FFFF">by cleaning their clothes after they got muddy.</font> When was this built? 'Cause this is clearly built. <font color="#00FFFF">Well, I'm not sure when this was built.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">In fact, our team might have a lot more knowledge on when this in particular was built,</font> <font color="#00FFFF">But the sump itself, the water, has always been here.</font> Right, and someone just put a dam up to make it— <font color="#00FFFF">Yeah, yeah. So that we can use it to our own advantage.</font> So last time, I started to freak out when I got water in at the Mucky Ducks down there. <font color="#00FFFF">Yeah, when the water came into your boots.</font> Yeah, so I'm gonna do that here this time, and test the new gear, and make sure that I— If I freak out here, that's fine. We're in loads of space. If I freak out there... So cool. All I need to do... exactly what I've been doing... training at home here, which is... ...wade into the water. And, uh... ...sit down. I can literally feel the water just steadily rising inside the suit. So this is a lot more gentle. I think I'm gonna be okay here. But, that's what I said last time. So let's just— Alright. I felt the air bubbles escaping. <font color="#00FFFF">Yeah.</font> There's the cold water, okay. <font color="#00FFFF">Okay, how do you feel?</font> I'm fine. Breathe through it. I've practiced this. I've been sitting in an ice bath, in this wetsuit, at home. <font color="#00FFFF">Oh my god.</font> Okay! <font color="#00FFFF">It won't get any worse than this temperature.</font> Yeah. So, I mean, the good thing is... Neoprene socks are working. <font color="#00FFFF">Yeah.</font> Stomach's a bit cold, but... ...that's okay. <font color="#00FFFF">Brilliant.</font> Let me just move about a bit, redistribute the cold water. It's not pleasant, but... <font color="#00FFFF">Look at you! </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Agh, straight down my back!</font> <font color="#CCCCCC"><i>(both laughing)</i></font> Yeah, okay. I can live with this. <font color="#00FFFF">Are you feeling confident to go through?</font> More than I was. I think I'll... Now I know I'm okay from cold water shock. I just need to know that it wasn't claustrophobia, and the only way to find that out is... through there. <font color="#00FFFF">Yeah. We'll be with you every step of the way.</font> Let's do it. Let's do it. Ah, right down my back! <i>(groans)</i> <i>(grunts, chuckles)</i> I am now carrying an extra half-kilo in each shoe, with every step. <font color="#00FFFF">So the water will soak up, but it'll get to your body temperature.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">And now we are approaching the part last time...</font> Oh, this is the bit. <font color="#00FFFF">This is the Mucky Ducks, basically.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">This is where you had a bit of trouble last time.</font> A bit of trouble(!) <font color="#00FFFF">This time it won't happen.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">I promise you, it will— You'll be fantastic.</font> I'm... I'm nervous, 'cause this is the point where things went wrong last time. <font color="#00FFFF">Yeah. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">But I'm...</font> I'm not— The heart rate's not— But it wasn't last time. I was absolutely fine, until halfway through it, at which point something went wrong. And I think it was just cold water shock. <i>(breathing heavily)</i> <font color="#00FF00">That's it, just catch your breath.</font> Yeah. I... <font color="#FFFF00">Yeah.</font> <i>(breathing heavily)</i> <font color="#00FFFF">Okay, so just be aware, there are lots of rocks you can't see in the water.</font> Yep. <font color="#00FFFF">Which is why I go slowly.</font> This is fine. I can put my hand underwater, and it's not... the freakout it was last time, 'cause it doesn't feel cold. <font color="#00FFFF">Yeah.</font> This is fine, this is fine, this is fine. This is also the shallow bit. <font color="#00FFFF">Where are we going? </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Oh there's that rock! <i>(laughs)</i></font> Every time, that rock just there! <font color="#00FFFF">Yes! Yeah.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">So annoying. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Right.</font> I mean, I was already having a panic attack last time at this point, so... <font color="#00FFFF">This is where you sat down. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Yes.</font> This is the point where I was sat down here, having a breather. <font color="#00FFFF">Yeah! </font><font color="#EEEEEE">And I don't need one, so...</font> This is good. <font color="#00FFFF">This is brilliant.</font> Let's keep going, let's keep going. <font color="#00FFFF">I'm loving this.</font> The water doesn't feel as high as last time either? <font color="#00FFFF">No it doesn't. I think we've had a bit of a dry spell recently.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Which is fantastic. Lots of silt though.</font> Yeah, I'm just kinda going on hands and knees through here, I'm fine. <font color="#00FFFF">Brilliant.</font> Whoa okay, yeah, but there was no handhold there. I think maybe you got the right idea. I can't believe I got through this last time with the... Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo, okay yeah. <font color="#00FFFF">Yes. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">No, I'm good. I'm good.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Alright, so...</font> And that is through and warm. <i>(laughs triumphantly)</i> <font color="#00FFFF">Woo! </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Thank you Elise!</font> <i>(grunts)</i><font color="#EEEEEE"> Yeah, I'm good.</font> Last time, I was sat here for a long time, recovering. And I'm fine. I'm absolutely fine. <font color="#00FFFF"><i>(laughs )</i>Yeah, you are!</font> So... <font color="#00FFFF">Well done.</font> Last time, there was a lot of stuff through there... <font color="#00FFFF">Yeah. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">...that I didn't get to see.</font> There's one more wet bit, right? <font color="#00FFFF">Yes, there is.</font> And the safety team were like, "No, you're not going through that." And I was like, "I'm not getting through that." <font color="#00FFFF">I'm glad they made that call.</font> No, it's the entirely right call, but I'm... <font color="#00FFFF">It's a little bit higher.</font> Yeah. <font color="#00FFFF">Yeah.</font> So the next one is higher? <font color="#00FFFF">Just a little bit. Not too much.</font> It's fine. I'm... <font color="#00FFFF">Not too much to worry about.</font> I'm fine. I've even got the microphone wet. <font color="#CCCCCC"><i>(group laughing)</i></font> I'm excited— Hang on, hold on. I'm excited... and I'm going fast. <font color="#00FFFF">Yeah?</font> And every single time I've had a proper injury in my life, like that scar on my face, it's because... I was in this mood, and it was like, "Yeah, let's go, let's go!" <font color="#00FFFF">Oh, okay. Yeah, yeah. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">So keep me in check, keep me in check.</font> Yeah, I'm good. Let's go, let's go. <font color="#00FFFF">Alright, let's go.</font> I reckon this is as far as I got, 'cause I got through the two wet bits just with the freakout, and I remember clambering through this, and then sort of left you behind at... <font color="#00FFFF">This point here, roughly. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Yeah, this point here,</font> before the very, very... <i>(chuckles)</i> the bit with even less headroom. I'll tell you what, though. The wet suit does mean... ...I'm not nearly as nimble as before. I haven't got quite as much... <i>(grunts)</i> ...range of movement there, but... Okay. The next bit is... that, but less headroom. <font color="#00FFFF">Yes.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Less what? </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Less headroom.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Yeah, so bit less headroom, which means you'll bend down a little bit,</font> <font color="#00FFFF">meaning the water will come up a little bit higher.</font> Yeah, that's okay. It's not— <font color="#00FFFF">We've been through this.</font> Neck and head's up. Neck and head's above water. I'll be fine. <font color="#00FFFF">Yeah, brilliant.</font> I say I'll be fine. This is uncharted territory for me now. I'm starting to make grumbling noises as I move. <font color="#00FFFF">Tom is getting on fantastically well.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">I'm so happy.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">I'm just— I'm so happy he even decided to come back,</font> <font color="#00FFFF">face his fears, and get through it all.</font> You may notice, viewers, that the crew have moved our microphones. Right like, Britney mics on the side of our faces. And I know that looks ridiculous, but... <i>(grunts)</i><font color="#EEEEEE"> This is... very...</font> <i>(groans)</i><font color="#EEEEEE"> very... low headroom.</font> Here we go, okay. <font color="#00FFFF">So I'd put my back against the wall, Tom.</font> I'm just gonna use the neoprene. <font color="#00FFFF">Yeah?</font> I think I'm gonna just float through like this, and I'm gonna be fine. I would be having a bad time if it weren't for the wetsuit! <i>(laughing)</i> <font color="#CCCCCC"><i>(water splashing)</i></font> Oh, I'm glad I didn't come through here last time. That would've— That would've been a very bad time. <font color="#FFFF00">So congratulations, Tom. </font><font color="#CCCCCC"><i>(crew cheering and applauding)</i></font> Now that feels patronising! <font color="#00FFFF"><i>(laughs)</i> </font><font color="#EEEEEE">That does feel patronising!</font> <font color="#CCCCCC"><i>(crew chattering)</i> <i>(chuckles)</i></font> <i>(laughs)</i> <font color="#00FFFF">Right.</font> I made it through! <font color="#00FFFF">Not bad. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Agh!</font> You know what I shouldn't have done? Raised my hands above my head, I put a load of cold water down my back! Last time, you got to somewhere that looked beautiful. And you said "Wish you were here." <font color="#00FFFF">Mhm.</font> Let's get there. <font color="#00FFFF">Let's get there.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Tom, can you see on the left here?</font> The line? <font color="#00FFFF">We've got a straight line,</font> <font color="#00FFFF">almost exactly straight here.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">This is actually foam, and it's a flood indicator.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">So, in the— Yeah! </font><font color="#EEEEEE">...Oh wow.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">In the past couple of weeks, we've had a few storms,</font> <font color="#00FFFF">like Storm Eunice for example.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">And what's happened is that the water has come up to this line here.</font> But this is metres up from where we were down there. That's— <font color="#00FFFF">Yeah.</font> Why does that sound hollow? It isn't. <font color="#00FFFF">This is all silt. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">It's the echo in here.</font> It's familiar, it's like, "There's a hole under there." <font color="#00FFFF">Yeah.</font> Wow. <font color="#00FFFF">Fantastic.</font> So is there— I'm assuming there's solid rock somewhere back here. <font color="#00FFFF">Oh yeah. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">It's just covered in a massive layer of silt.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">I mean, if you look up a bit higher, you can see the rock.</font> Oh yeah. <font color="#00FFFF">Yeah? So that's where</font> <font color="#00FFFF">the water hasn't really come up, past that point there.</font> Right. <font color="#00FFFF">But yeah.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Fantastic, isn't it?</font> I'm so glad I got through here. <font color="#00FFFF"><i>(laughs)</i> <i>(chuckles)</i></font> I'm just glad I'm not crouched in water anymore. <font color="#00FFFF"><i>(laughs)</i></font> So is it— It's onwards, through the tube, and...? <font color="#00FFFF">Oh, through the tube. Yeah, let's go.</font> <i>(breathing heavily)</i> So how long does this go for? <font color="#00FFFF">Oh, this is probably a ten-minute walk through this tube here.</font> Alright. <font color="#00FFFF">Yeah.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">But the thing is that it's full of boulders, as you can see here.</font> Yeah. <font color="#00FFFF">So it's— </font><font color="#CCCCCC"><i>(both chuckling)</i></font> Last time, I was sat for an hour that way. <font color="#00FFFF">Mm. <i>(chuckles)</i></font> <i>(grunting)</i> <i>(cackles)</i> No, I'm fine. <font color="#00FFFF">Okay.</font> It's just literally 30 seconds earlier, you said, "Mind your head." <i>(chuckles)</i> Whacked my head into the roof, didn't I? It's why we've got the helmets. <font color="#00FFFF">So, remember how limestone is...</font> Oh wow! <i>(laughs)</i> I don't think I've ever seen... I must've seen something like this somewhere, but never close up, and never like this. <font color="#00FFFF">Mm. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">They all...</font> They've all got drips on the end of them, because of course they have, that's what they are. <font color="#00FFFF">Yeah, so the water is carrying the element that's actually creating them there.</font> These are natural stalactites. <font color="#00FFFF">All from that calcium carbonite in the shells.</font> Oh, I'm so glad I got through here. <font color="#CCCCCC"><i>(both chuckling)</i></font> <font color="#00FFFF">Incredible, isn't it? Yeah. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Wow...</font> Ah, thank you, Elise. <font color="#00FFFF">That's alright!</font> I mean, there's still more to go, but... <i>(grunts)</i> <font color="#FFFF00">So what we're gonna do is just hop over</font> <font color="#FFFF00">the shallow bit of the cavern in a minute.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">And then we're gonna slide down into the tunnel a bit.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">It's all very spacious, it's just kind of a sideways shuffle down, like crab-walking.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">If it ever gets tight around your chest, you can just duck down,</font> <font color="#FFFF00">'cause it's wide around your feet, so you might just crawl a couple of feet,</font> <font color="#FFFF00">and then just stand up again, see how you get on.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">So this is the kind of— </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Oh, that is a long way down, okay.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">That's a little bit of a leap of faith here. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">That's a good 2-3 metres, alright.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Trust your boots. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Yeah. It's got a little bridge.</font> I don't trust the bridge for some reason. <font color="#00FFFF"><i>(laughs)</i></font> <font color="#00FFFF">I think I've used it before, so it's fine.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Then when you get here, just sit on your butt like this.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">And the objective is to slide down this bit here.</font> Oh, it's a waterfall! <font color="#00FFFF"><i>(laughs)</i></font> Right, it's the worst water slide I've ever been on, got it. <font color="#CCCCCC"><i>(crew laughing)</i></font> <font color="#00FF00">I'm just gonna grab your belt. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Yep. Thank you very much.</font> So one hand there... <font color="#00FF00">Yeah, onto that rock. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Onto that rock.</font> I think I just bopped you in the nose with my elbow. Sorry about that. <font color="#FFFF00">Ah, it's okay.</font> <i>(laughs)</i> Not sure that's better! <i>(groans)</i> <font color="#00FFFF">So this is a vadose trench.</font> A what? <font color="#00FFFF">A vadose trench.</font> Right, okay. <font color="#00FFFF">So it's again, the water over the years</font> <font color="#00FFFF">has gone down and down and down and down,</font> <font color="#00FFFF">just with the weight of the water making this.</font> You could— <font color="#00FFFF">Very tight place.</font> I'm already sideways. You're walking forwards through that. I'm already— Yeah, okay. <font color="#00FFFF">Alright, so we can approach this two different ways.</font> Right? <font color="#00FFFF">Either standing up, or...</font> <font color="#00FFFF">There's a wider section below, so if you wanted to,</font> <font color="#00FFFF">you could dip down... </font><font color="#EEEEEE">You can just duck, alright.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">...and duck through it instead. That's up to you what you do.</font> Yeah, I think when I look at that, I can get through standing. <font color="#00FFFF">Yeah?</font> If I duck down, I think we're gonna have a worse time. <font color="#00FFFF">Brilliant. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Oh.</font> Last time, I didn't understand why you like caving. Now I do. I get this now. Now I'm not— <i>(laughs)</i> Now I'm not constantly freezing cold and grumpy! <font color="#00FFFF">Yeah, yeah. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">I get this now.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">I'm glad you like it! <i>(chuckles)</i></font> <font color="#00FFFF">Alright, so... <i>(sighs)</i></font> <font color="#00FFFF">We're coming to something called Surprise View now.</font> Hello, Pete! <i>(chuckles)</i> <font color="#FFFF00">Hello!</font> <font color="#00FFFF">And we've got our safety team that's rigged up everything for us.</font> Right. <font color="#00FFFF">So these bits here are always on the wall,</font> <font color="#00FFFF">and we've tested them and safeguarded them.</font> So over years, this has just been rigged together, like people bringing the gear down to make it? <font color="#00FFFF">Absolutely. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Wow, okay.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Including a ladder that we're about to go down.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">So somebody would've gone through the whole cave</font> <font color="#00FFFF">handling a ladder all the way to this point here.</font> Wow. <font color="#00FFFF">To screw it onto the wall.</font> Alright! <font color="#CCCCCC"><i>(water cascading)</i></font> Whoa. Got caught on something there. There we go, alright. Around and back. Oh bloody hell! There's a gap there, isn't there? Woo-hoo-hoo, okay! That's— Yeah, that is— I see why they call it Surprise View! Right, okay. Here we go. <font color="#CCCCCC"><i>(water dripping)</i></font> Clear! <font color="#00FF00"><i>(distant shouting)</i></font> <i>(laughs)</i> <font color="#00FFFF"><i>(giggles)</i></font> <font color="#00FFFF">This is the area now, Tom... </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Yeah.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">...where I really wanted you to be.</font> Oh, is this the "Wish you were here" bit? <font color="#00FFFF">This is the wet bit where I said that I wished you were here.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">And now you are here. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">This is the endpoint. This is where you got to.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Yes, this is the endpoint. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">This was— So I—</font> <i>(cackles)</i> I was about to say, I can get in the water. But the answer is... <font color="#00FFFF">Mind your audio!</font> I can just slip over and fall in the water, and it's fine! <i>(cackles)</i> <font color="#00FFFF">Do you need a hand?</font> I'm fine. <font color="#00FFFF">You're okay? Good.</font> <i>(laughing)</i> <font color="#00FFFF">He's enjoying himself. This is brilliant.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">This is... the endpoint.</font> I mean, that's the best way to end it, isn't it? Just... I made it, I fell in the water. <font color="#00FFFF">Yeah. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Thank you, Elise!</font> <font color="#00FFFF">It's alright, it's been a pleasure!</font> Let's get out of this cave! <i>(laughs)</i> Folks like you, people who watch my videos, tend to be the type of person who learns best by watching. I've seen my channel statistics. My viewers watch documentaries and hours-long video essays. Which is why this video has been sponsored by Wondrium, which might be exactly what you're looking for. 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If you go to or click the link in the description, you can start your free trial today, support this channel, and maybe find a whole new thing to be interested in. I'll be glad to get this water out of my shoes. <font color="#00FFFF"><i>[Caption+ by JS*]</i></font> <i>(chuckles through panting)</i> Thank you, Elise. <font color="#00FFFF">That's okay.</font> <i>(chuckles)</i>
Channel: Tom Scott plus
Views: 417,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tom scott, tomscott
Id: qG04nqjL_iA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Sat May 14 2022
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