The worst claustrophobic caving you will ever see. *TRIGGER WARNING

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now so right now I'm breathing out uh ah okay so I'm coming up out of this and if I get stuck I have this rock with me such that I can pop off some of these Knuckles which made it very hard to get into now I have to go slow that's that knuckle I'm gonna be shirtless shortly here warning the actions and stunts performed in this video were done so by professionals do not enter a cave without a cave tour guide yeah but it's okay I can get through ah a lot of people ask why we do this and you're just never going to get a sufficient answer why do you wake up in the morning you know what drives you what makes you want to get up and go study a subject or go to work or go out hang out with your friends it's really nothing right this is life and that's all this is our way of living it is not our way of dying it is our way of destroying shirts but our bodies are just fine today is mapping day and this means for the previously discovered cave she must now host an entire crew of cavers with mapping equipment ahead of them lies an interesting and beautiful menagerie of formations hallways and rooms however its entrance forbids all but the most mature of cavers willing to sacrifice their bodies for the task of creating an artistically eloquent and mathematically accurate map this is a big cave it goes quite a long ways it's very interesting to look at there's a lot going on a lot of knee formations but it's very hard to get into the entrance has two squeeze passages that are very very tight upon entering the cave it's immediately obvious that not all the cavers will fit through the tightest portions of the entrance the lead caver begins to chip away some of the more obtrusive rocks in order that the mapping team can pass through only a couple times I ever wish I had a mask in a cave and that was for a hantavirus interesting we were digging through you know rat Minion or yeah what do you think the danger of that is with rat and bat who after that chip I I did have some you know just you know congestion and stuff so this is where they were chipping is through this area here to make this a little easier to squeeze through this is a big cave but you got to get through this to get in there Gary elects to make the squeeze head first with both arms at his side this makes the body as streamlined as possible while exposing the front of the face and Chin to more damage along the rocks size of body is exchanged for leverage and comfort many cavers have a low tolerance for both of their arms trapped at their side small plastic pieces are laid on the floor to enable the cavers to make the tight squeeze Gary I'm gonna take a squeeze it's nice and high easy that's quite an angle goodbye Gary brick road he does not love that at all right you could concentrate he was saying that's true if I follow you Gary then I guess I know I can fit both arms forward velor arm probably can be yeah oh this is much nicer these sliders are great yeah this we could probably bring a sheet through here just leave it because this this makes this so much easier to get something for I'll snare step for a number of subscribers on your channel because we don't even ask we don't care people don't go to watch us this is actually this is I'm not even sure I would call that Squeeze Box well you know what okay so with the cardboard super easy the next cave down that's all I used to get to the hotel yeah because I got my loose shirt on and everything you don't get up no getting hung up in there would just take a lot longer to get through you're tired they've all made it through the first squeeze but they must regroup and re-plan as the second narrow passage is both longer and Tighter this is where even the most experienced cavers may want to rethink their strategy well the part that really got was like I assume this is the next next squeeze area yeah so you're like yeah you got it all this in here yeah I'm looking at it yeah I did so so that's this is this is afterwards is this okay that's a standing room and of course there's a couple plates I can get more if you want more uh no three sisters we're noting in here like formations that's something no it seems like is is the middle of his back is we can push you through of course you got this far before this is why this has been in he's in yeah well he just needed a little sibling rivalry and I just need that drill okay drill is coming now let's get Gary through there we get you bro it's also body twisting techniques to get through stuff some of it if you can twist your body you can get through a smaller space my shoulders by just holding one Superman okay we're coming it takes a moment for the other cavers to notice there's a problem do you want back on his first attempt to the tightest portion of the entrance all right one of the cavers has become stuck in the passage these kinds of Maneuvers can be dangerous if the caver is alone but with the team present assistance is always close by I will the caver is wedged in a small passage hands down and at his side he now has almost no leverage to move himself free Calvin moves himself into position where he can pull his team member by his ankles backward until he is free with limited space it is always a fight for leverage [Music] want more I'm Gonna Keep hold of this one that is long and narrow but after a few moments the caver is freed you're free here relief only lasts a moment as the team will work to Chip Away more of the basalt passage and try again no time to admire his own work Arlen makes the assault on the tiny passage is it shoulder so that yeah they come unstuck from the ceiling most of your clothes though hey yeah I mean that's why you got a wiggle here can it can definitely from the other side you can definitely Whittle it down more like this one with the uh yeah yeah that's right I cut all that where I live dumb I cut all those things out yeah it's already tight for me [Music] where does it get tight at so we use these for smoothness I'm taking the cover with me underneath me it feels great I can inch it along and if it ever gets real tight it's not not tight what's up well that's wonderful The Squeeze Master had to Exhale to get through and he's putting 200 pound bodies through this come on guys it's fun running running 20 miles a day is just good exercise it's fun everybody's still doing it you have to decide which way you want your head to be because once you're locked into position it's pretty much it yet okay okay this is fun I was hoping for this okay so I haven't really tried it it's still not that tight for me boy this cardboard makes a big difference is this wider right here or less way [Music] cost we could pull you through yeah I think I can get through it that's not a problem keep this card over there yeah you got it look at that that's a good squeeze no more expenses for anybody else [Music] foreign slick oh you made that no problem I would have been nicer if I had a little bit more cardboard yep let's put both those areas brought cardboard in the uh oh man pretty much I'm gonna have some nightmares about this one Gary you are the nightmare so you're the monster in the cave or somebody uh I wouldn't have done that unless there was a big support crew here that was awesome I feel like I can feel the cave wanting to take my pants out yeah the caving team has all successfully made it through both squeezes again a regroup is necessary to plan the course for the rest of the cave and begin the map so what about this little piece here yeah I know I'll do that yeah Under and Over oh that's just a little scared that they're lost already yeah actually it does look up here it looks a little bit lossy it's got a it goes a couple ways are you coming back to where I'm sitting yeah is that a dead end up [Music] and but look there's these everywhere in here it's Candle formations uh we call them lava candles and they're uh quite nice and uh this this cave is a little bit amazing it's pretty large and you can see the roots this means we're not that far we're not that deep yet so I'm in a tight little spot here but down here look at these formations I can't zoom in I will in a second but there are some big formations they're all some of them types they're like a foot high those are very nice that's a very nice set of formations now I was just guessing when I drew that in because yeah well well yeah but you know this all this stuff should somehow coincide with what we were around mapping not only requires technical expertise but good planning strategy and creativity the cavers put their minds together to decide The Next Step well no I mean I don't want to reshoot all the logs on it right hey guys so I'm just coming out of this and check out this room this is a huge room wow like 15 foot ceilings goes under that way who knows where the guys are mapping behind me they sent me up here because they said uh this was a cool room and indeed it is you so this is the back of the main portion of this cave and this room is large it's got 15 foot high ceilings it goes down passage comes in over there goes this way the mappers are here they're going to come out underneath this floor when they come from the details so there they are that was good timing we're not playing a little bit lost are you lost completely relatively grow huh I recognize this from the videos yes it's turned into the the left can we just rest a couple minutes the cavers take a short rest as they examine the map and make a plan for how to proceed well you see the Dilemma we got well when we get back to here we'll re we'll re-survey on the way back we need to look at this more carefully this area down here when we leave we have to um we'll be all tired and not want to do any of it but this is this we need to fix this part I'm in the back of this cave and I'm trying to get further so I have my rock chisel and a few items but uh my clothes are going to get shredded here let me set this down quietly so what I like to do is I I can pull my shirt up way high like this and then I I drag myself into the shirt so that is a way that uh I like to drag myself through these cakes visually I look it looks like I can get through but you know I don't know for sure until I stick myself in the passage okay so it turns out um you know I was just guessing at what was happening this is the beginning of the cave so we found a way where it loops around and reconnects and so this passage that I'm jammed in I they didn't know they're they're mapping the cave and the passage loops and it looks like it goes uh near the entrance but there was a little tiny crack which I'm in right now and it comes out at the entrance so if we can fit through this we can actually get out at this portion of the cave it just snagged my clothes that's see it's no big deal but I wasn't sure Gary could do that because it would get snagged up yeah oh you got cardboard that's what I was yelling for I was like cardboard Oscar follows through the loop which connects the entrance the connecting passage means the cavers do not necessarily have to leave the exact way they came unfortunately the tight entrance passage Still Remains there's other two squeeze are much worse the weather longer yeah that's just a little duck on and you can chip that off who's next yeah you want me to grab that yeah sure all right I didn't have cracked ribs it might be easy oh that's right how's your face uh John's still broken yeah is it just healing yeah it takes about six months six months but they didn't have to wire it shut at least Arlen recently had a biking accident resulting in cracked ribs and jaw for this reason he's only taken a light caving day oh like your teeth don't match yeah thank you I keep leaving Oscar work with my I leave stuff behind of course I got your phone once yeah [Music] you're making it easier yourself you can't take that cardboard you can slide right through it's nice one exit squeeze down one to go now on the right of just say it's real easy no big deal anyone can do it it's important for the cavers to keep their body up higher in the passage resisting gravity to pull them down as the wedge shape serves as a catch trap if they slide lower [Music] see that's not bad just keep yourself up against the wall except we're like right there is the tighter spot okay I'll get it around now [Music] are you trying to collect your cardboard as you go yeah I'm sitting here facing this way too so if you slide out I can just collect it up hand it up well I got the farthest one behind me yeah you could actually just keep kick them with your feet the data necessary for the map has been collected the caving day is coming to a close the map once finished will serve as a guide for future cavers wanting to observe the beautiful menagerie of formations and passages this cave has to offer if they're willing and able to Brave these terrible entrance tunnels these could almost fit in the back of a backpack they do they have other little ones in my backpack oh I worked up an appetite in there caveman makes his way to the surface no I'm tired that's comprehending you look like swiss cheese thank you okay where'd you find whoa what happened to you you're dripping sweat off your nose and you're all tore up oh you should have had that on film folks no you're supposed to it's a kid jump into a Sleep Tube yes it is yeah it's it's it's fiction under the Earth shall guide for the deepness is my home here lie the quiet Riches of Dark Worlds unknown thank you for watching our video adventures if you enjoy the video please feel free to hit that button which is for the subscription or share with your friends family and Neighbors however if you didn't like our video please feel free to leave a very negative comment about how we completely forgot all safety protocols as well as dislike and block us we consider that to be High Praise and for more in-depth caving videos please visit our second Channel even darker and see you underground these are my clothes from the cave this is from the other day I went this is a new one it's ripped in half uh and just tattered and this was my outer shirt which actually was the one that lasted me the whole day but as you can see these clothes are done uh one cave so that's how that works for us thank you
Channel: Caveman Hikes
Views: 17,434,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: John Jones, Nutty Putty, Hell Hole, Hellhole, claustrophobia, claustrophobic, scary, nightmare, cave, caving, caveman, mapping, Lava tube, Volcano, spelunking, cavers, hiking, backpacking, family, adventure, discovery, mr beast, mr balin, Mr Balin, Internet Historian
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 30sec (1290 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 15 2022
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