I gave my producer an actual tattoo.

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There's nothing more I can do to prepare for this. <font color="#00FF00">Then let's go for it.</font> <i>(heavy sigh)</i> Okay. Not convinced by how shaky my hand is. If all goes well, in a few hours' time, I am going to be tattooing someone. This is Tash and Gaia. <font color="#FFFF00">I'm Tash, Gaia. We're from Lost Fox Tattoo.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">And we're gonna be training Tom for the next few hours.</font> Do I need to say, "Don't try this at home"? Because not only is it unsafe to do this without all the facilities we've got here, we had to go through legal, and insurance, and permitting stuff, to do this. If you don't have that support, do not try this. As for who I'm tattooing... This is Han. <font color="#00FF00">Hi!</font> You might recognise her from the background of a couple of videos. Han is on the production team for this channel. <font color="#00FF00">Yes, and this video was entirely my idea!</font> <font color="#00FF00">I've got a few tattoos already,</font> <font color="#00FF00">and I just thought it would be fun to see if Tom can give me one as well.</font> So, just to be clear, don't do this. And if any of us aren't comfortable at any point here, we won't be doing this. With all that in mind, should we try it? <font color="#FFFF00">Yeah.</font> So, hands washed. I assume everything else here is going to be sanitised first. <font color="#FFFF00">Yes. </font><font color="#00FFFF"> Yes. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Alright.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">So, gloves on.</font> Gloves on. <font color="#FFFF00">Gloves on first. You've got yours down there.</font> So... I'm going obviously from zero to hopefully tattooing in one day. How long would this normally take? <font color="#FFFF00">Depends on how brave your friends are.</font> That's— Right. <font color="#FFFF00">You've got lots of willing friends</font> <font color="#FFFF00">from early on that are like, "You know what?</font> <font color="#FFFF00">Yeah cool, you can give me one."</font> <font color="#FFFF00">'Cause the sooner you start on real skin...</font> <font color="#FFFF00">...it kind of accelerates it.</font> So the quicker you get to actual human skin, the better. That sounds really weird when I put it like that. <font color="#FFFF00">When you stop, like, tattooing the neighbourhood cats,</font> <font color="#FFFF00">and you start tattooing humans, </font><font color="#CCCCCC"><i>(laughter)</i></font> <font color="#FFFF00">that's when you start getting really, really good, really fast.</font> And this is synthetic skin then? <font color="#FFFF00">Yeah. </font><font color="#00FFFF">Yeah, it feels really weird.</font> Oh yeah, that's... <font color="#FFFF00">It's weirdly skin-like, yeah.</font> <font color="#FFFF00"><i>(giggles)</i></font> <font color="#00FFFF">If you look closely,</font> <font color="#00FFFF">it should have kind of pores, almost like real skin.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">There's still a very big difference,</font> <font color="#00FFFF">because it doesn't stretch in the same way that real skin stretches.</font> Right. <font color="#00FFFF">But it's a good place to start.</font> Okay. <font color="#FFFF00">Mhm.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">This is the machine.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">It's a... </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Huh.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Like I said, it's a rotary machine, so it's just got a little motor inside.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">So this doesn't look like your standard...</font> No, I was— <font color="#00FFFF">...what you'd expect.</font> I had a picture in my head of what a tattoo gun looked like, and that is not it. <font color="#00FFFF">Yeah, this one is very streamlined. This is called a pen style.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">So you literally just hold it like a pen. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Hold it like a pen.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">It's a far cry from the sailor coils</font> <font color="#FFFF00">that you used to have to wind up with pound coins.</font> For some reason, that scares me a little bit more, because like, "Oh, this is not a different thing." I feel like I'm gonna be overconfident if it's just like, "Hold it like a pen." <font color="#FFFF00">Yeah, it's just a glorified pencil. You'll be fine!</font> <font color="#FFFF00"><i>(giggles)</i> </font><font color="#00FFFF"><i>(chuckles)</i></font> <font color="#00FFFF">So now, we're just wrapping the part that you hold with some grip tape.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">This is just to help you grip it.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">And it also just secures everything.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">You are holding something that is shaking,</font> Yeah, it's a motor with an offset needle in there. <font color="#FFFF00">and you're trying to do a very straight line.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">So the grip tape sort of helps...</font> <font color="#FFFF00">...swallow some of that vibration. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Alright. <i>(chuckles)</i></font> Can I hold that? <font color="#00FFFF">You can.</font> My gloves are still safe, so... So I've just kinda gone into my normal pen hold there. Is that right? How do I need to hold this? <font color="#00FFFF">The way that I usually hold the machine</font> <font color="#00FFFF">would be more like...</font> <font color="#00FFFF">...kind of, you got a tighter grip on it than you would a pen.</font> Okay. <font color="#00FFFF">And... making sure that you've got a lot of... coverage on it,</font> <font color="#00FFFF">rather than just holding it like a pencil like this.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">When you're writing, a lot of what you do comes from your wrist.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">But when you're tattooing, it comes more from your elbow.</font> Okay! <font color="#FFFF00">Because it keeps it straighter.</font> Then I think the— <font color="#FFFF00">So if you hold it like a pencil,</font> <font color="#FFFF00">the temptation is always there to like, <i>(swishing)</i></font> <font color="#FFFF00">Like this. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Oh yeah.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">But when you're pushing, it's better to have it like...</font> So if I have two fingers there and a knuckle wrapped in there, is that...? <font color="#FFFF00">Yeah, I mean it's...</font> <font color="#FFFF00">There's no hard-and-fast rule, is there?</font> <font color="#FFFF00">It is what feels— makes you feel more confident.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">More in control of everything. </font><font color="#FFFF00">In control.</font> Alright. <font color="#FFFF00">Exactly, exactly.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">If you'll give the whole bed a good spray.</font> Alright. Oh, I just got a massive static shock off that! <font color="#00FFFF">Yeah, that happens. </font><font color="#CCCCCC"><i>(both laugh)</i></font> Obviously, a lot of tattoo artists will work freehand, but... ...presumably you can print out a design and then... ...follow the lines along for someone like myself? <font color="#FFFF00">Oh, it's actually pretty rare that you would freehand.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">I'd say in 99 percent of instances, you would use a stencil.</font> Okay. <font color="#00FFFF">It'll be designs that you've kind of drawn up beforehand,</font> <font color="#00FFFF">And then people will pick that design,</font> <font color="#00FFFF">and then you'll just have it printed out and ready to go.</font> Okay. So we've got everything cling-filmed. <font color="#00FFFF">Yeah. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">We've got the soap, towels,</font> tattoo machine, ink... anything we're missing? <font color="#00FFFF">Nope, this is all you'll need.</font> Alright, and a needle presumably. <font color="#FFFF00">And you need a cartridge.</font> <font color="#FFFF00"><i>(giggles)</i> You need a needle!</font> Needle in the cartridge. <font color="#FFFF00">That would help.</font> Alright. <font color="#FFFF00">And so...</font> I'm already nervous, and this is artificial, fake skin! This is just plastic. <font color="#FFFF00">As soon as you do it, you'll realise,</font> Okay, okay. <font color="#FFFF00">"Okay, this is all right, I've got this."</font> <font color="#00FFFF">We'll take them out of the casing in a minute and have a look.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">We can push the needle out and see all the individual needles inside.</font> 'Cause right now, that just looks like one thick needle. <font color="#00FFFF">Yeah.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">So now, if you have a look, we'll just push the needle up.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">And you can see... </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Oh!</font> I mean, I can't— I can just see, at the very top, just a little— looks almost like it's a serrated edge or something like that. <font color="#00FFFF">Yeah. Yeah. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">So that's the individual needles.</font> It has just kind of sunk in for me... ...that this is like an actual... ...effectively a medical treatment device. Like, this is— This is a really serious thing, that if all goes well, I am going to be piercing someone's skin with in a few hours, and that has just hit me! <font color="#CCCCCC"><i>(others laughing)</i> </font><font color="#EEEEEE">That's just arrived in my head!</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Are you— Are you ready? </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Yeah.</font> <font color="#00FF00"><i>(giggling)</i> </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Yeah, sure, sure, okay.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">So, grabbing the machine. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">So, pick up, make sure—</font> Get in a decent grip. Make sure I point it... that way, so I'm facing— yeah, so I can see the needle. It's coming out that way. <font color="#00FFFF">Yeah. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">And it's gonna be over here.</font> And I'm just gonna try and draw a line... ...that way. <font color="#00FFFF">So you wanna dip into the ink just a little bit.</font> Okay. <font color="#00FFFF">And you'll see it shoot up into the cartridge.</font> Oh, yeah. That just fills the cartridge. <font color="#00FFFF">See?</font> Again, I don't know if that'll have shown up on camera, but it, like, bloomed up. <font color="#00FFFF">Yeah.</font> So that's now loaded and ready to go? <font color="#00FFFF">Yeah, so you wanna just give it a gentle wipe on the paper you've got.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">So that's just getting rid of a little bit of excess.</font> That's suddenly terrifying. Okay. <font color="#00FF00"><i>(snickering)</i></font> <font color="#00FF00">So then you wanna grab a little bit of the Vaseline,</font> <font color="#00FF00">put it down onto the skin with your little finger I'd say.</font> Yep. I just need to keep that away from me. <font color="#00FF00">Yep.</font> So how deep? <font color="#00FF00">You wanna make contact, and then you wanna go maybe a millimetre.</font> Okay. <font color="#00FF00">Lower than that.</font> Wow. That... I expected more resistance. <font color="#00FFFF">Mm...</font> I expected much more resistance to that. <font color="#00FF00">"Ow."</font> That... That felt like it was too deep. I— I felt, like, resistance off that. <font color="#00FFFF">Was it the noise?</font> Yeah. <font color="#FFFF00">Sometimes the noise can be</font> <font color="#FFFF00">a bit... scary at first.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">But I don't actually think that that did look very deep.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">You might be moving a bit too fast.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">I also think the reason it's making that noise is because you're not stretching it enough.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">So what's happening is it's just vibrating with the machine.</font> Okay. <font color="#FFFF00">And you're also going very fast.</font> Okay! <font color="#FFFF00">So it's sort of bouncing along,</font> <font color="#FFFF00">because you're pulling so fast, and the needle's, "b-b-b-b-b-boom".</font> Okay. <font color="#FFFF00">Like this, yeah.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">Wow, that was really good!</font> Really? <i>(chuckles)</i> <font color="#FFFF00">Yeah! <i>(giggles)</i></font> <font color="#FFFF00">That was really, really good, wasn't it?</font> That felt... right. I don't know why. <font color="#FFFF00">Well...</font> <font color="#00FFFF">A lot of tattooing is just feeling.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">You can feel when it's wrong. You can feel when it's right.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">That's brilliant!</font> <font color="#00FFFF">That's really good. </font><font color="#FFFF00">Do you want a job?</font> <font color="#CCCCCC"><i>(group laughter)</i></font> I mean, it's not a straight line. But... it's a solid line. <font color="#FFFF00">Yeah.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">And also, you aren't a printer.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">You can't draw a perfectly straight line. It's not possible.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">But that's a very straight line.</font> It's really rare when I do one of these things, it turns out I... I'm not immediately terrible. I'm not used to this! <font color="#FFFF00"><i>(laughing)</i></font> If you go too light, you can go over it again if you're really precise, right? <font color="#FFFF00">Yep.</font> What happens if you go too deep? <font color="#FFFF00">So if you go too deep, there's less that can be done,</font> <font color="#FFFF00">because you can end up with a blowout.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">A blowout is when too much ink enters in the same place,</font> <font color="#FFFF00">and doesn't have anywhere to go, so it spreads.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">So yeah, lighter is better than too deep.</font> Can I try doing a curve? <font color="#00FFFF">Yeah.</font> I'll try doing a sine wave along there, or something. <font color="#00FFFF">Yeah, so with curves, you do actually wanna utilise the wrist.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">It helps to kind of plant down,</font> <font color="#00FFFF">and then you can use the wrist to create a natural curve that doesn't waver.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Because if you don't have anything kind of planting you down,</font> <font color="#00FFFF">then you are more likely to wobble as you go around.</font> I guess I've just gotta spend a long time making a lot of lines. <font color="#FFFF00">Yep.</font> <font color="#00FFFF"><i>♪ (bluesy dubstep-rock)</i></font> That is not a circle! <font color="#00FFFF"><i>(music ends)</i></font> <font color="#00FFFF">You're doing it without a stencil. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">I am.</font> So let's talk about stencils. How does that work? <font color="#00FFFF">So it's literally just... we print it straight from our iPads to the printer.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">So anything that you've drawn on there will come out with stencil ink.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">You transfer it onto the skin,</font> <font color="#00FFFF">and it'll just kinda stick-on transfer, and you can just trace over it.</font> Right. <font color="#FFFF00">And so these are some stencils that I've printed out for you.</font> So I'm not tattooing that ink in. I'm still using the same ink, same needle, same everything. This is just a guide, and that's just... <font color="#FFFF00">Yeah, it's— </font><font color="#EEEEEE">...safe to use.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">Yeah, it's a guide, and it's specially formulated for this exact purpose,</font> <font color="#FFFF00">and this exact purpose only. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Alright.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">Obviously this is backwards at the minute,</font> <font color="#FFFF00">because when you cut them out, you're gonna put them on this way.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">And heads up as well, it's gonna be way harder to do that...</font> Okay. Alright. <font color="#FFFF00">...than it will to do normal skin.</font> Let's start with— Let's start at the top left. Let's start with the name. Why not? <font color="#FFFF00">Yeah? Cool.</font> It's got some straight lines. It's got a <i>very</i> not-straight line in there. So, on the skin. <font color="#FFFF00">Mhm.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">So first, we spray some alcohol. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Alright.</font> And I'm gonna put this up top here, so I can stretch the skin properly. <font color="#FFFF00">And this is the part where you would shave the skin as well, but...</font> It's not really necessary here, yep. <font color="#FFFF00">Seems a bit superfluous in this instance.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">So you just want one little spray of that.</font> From about there? <font color="#FFFF00">Mhm. </font><font color="#00FFFF"> Yeah.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Just rubbing it in until it starts to feel a little bit sticky.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">So then you just wanna place that on, making sure not to move it around</font> <font color="#00FFFF">as soon as it's touched the skin. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">It needs to be exactly the right place.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">Mhm. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Got it.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">Yeah. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Okay.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">And then you're gonna wanna peel it off.</font> Uh-oop. Little bit leaky there. <font color="#FFFF00">Yeah, it's really hard on fake skin.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">That would've come out perfectly on normal skin.</font> Alright. And... Oh, that was wobbly. <font color="#00FFFF">I know exactly why it was wobbly.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">I saw you lift your elbow.</font> Right. Let's try the O. <font color="#FFFF00">Ah, that was awesome.</font> That felt so much better. <font color="#FFFF00">That was so good, wasn't it?</font> With a guide to go, that was so much better. It's not— I tucked in a bit there, <font color="#FFFF00">That was really good.</font> and I shouldn't have done, but... <font color="#FFFF00">That was inspired. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">...that felt a lot better.</font> I should've refilled with ink before doing that, and I started too far to the right. I mean it does look a little bit like a serial killer writing their name at this point. I'll take it, but it's not the... It's not the straight lines I had right at the start. But, practice. <font color="#CCCCCC"><i>(giggling, inaudible crosstalk)</i></font> You okay there? <font color="#FF99FF">Yeah, the serial killer line really killed me.</font> <font color="#00FF00"><i>(giggling)</i> </font><font color="#FFFF00"><i>(tittering along)</i></font> <font color="#FF99FF">"Did a serial killer write this name?"</font> Am I wrong?! <font color="#00FF00">Not entirely(!)</font> <font color="#00FF00">By the looks of it, you're feeling a little bit more comfortable with those?</font> Yeah, yeah. <font color="#00FF00">Yeah, I mean— </font><font color="#EEEEEE">The straight line's solid.</font> It's matching it, and it's stopping at that point, so it doesn't look like someone's scratching away! <font color="#00FF00">Getting that— Yeah. The curve on that T looks amazing.</font> <font color="#00FF00">So I think, you know, little flower with... some petals and...</font> Are you sure about this? <font color="#00FF00">One hundred percent sure. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Okay.</font> <font color="#00FF00">I wouldn't be doing this if I wasn't— </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Okay.</font> <font color="#00FF00">So I've actually already got something a little bit similar</font> <font color="#00FF00">to what you're gonna do, that Tash has already done for me.</font> <font color="#00FF00">This is Benny. He's my raccoon. </font><font color="#EEEEEE"><i>(chuckles)</i></font> <font color="#00FF00">And he's got a little flower in his mouth.</font> <font color="#00FF00">So we thought we would replicate that. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Alright.</font> So... We should just make clear, this is tattoo, like, very very basics, 101, simplest thing there is. <font color="#00FF00">Yeah. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">I'm learning the very first step.</font> Don't try this! <font color="#FFFF00"><i>(tittering)</i> </font><font color="#00FF00">Do not.</font> <font color="#00FF00">I'm absolutely comfortable where we're at, seeing what you've done here,</font> <font color="#00FF00">and knowing that you'll be doing this exact stencil</font> <font color="#00FF00">over and over and over again.</font> <font color="#00FF00">Yeah, I feel very much comfortable, very happy.</font> Alright, so I'm just gonna drill this over and over again. Same pattern, get it in my head. <font color="#FFFF00">Mhm. Yep.</font> <font color="#00FFFF"><i>♪ (upbeat indie rock)</i></font> I don't know why I looked directly at you. I realise how dorky this looks, but I'm not gonna take any risks with this! Let's put some more stencils down. Hey, that's not bad actually. <font color="#00FFFF"><i>(music ends)</i></font> Those all felt good. <font color="#00FFFF">They looked good.</font> I mean, it's the last one here. I know we can just put another sheet down! <font color="#FFFF00"><i>(laughs)</i> Something symbolic about that. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">But that felt good.</font> I'm just gonna turn the... ...turn the tattoo machine off. I mean, of course I'm gonna be critical of it, 'cause I'm critical of everything like that. I can point out a dozen things wrong with that. But we've come a long way from that wonky one just there. <font color="#FFFF00">Yeah!</font> Han, how are you feeling? <font color="#00FF00">I think it looks great.</font> <font color="#00FF00">Like genuinely, and you know, this is going on my skin permanently.</font> <font color="#00FF00">And so... you know...</font> <font color="#00FF00">I've got fun tattoos. I've got silly tattoos.</font> <font color="#00FF00">But I wouldn't put something on my skin</font> <font color="#00FF00">that I thought in however long, I was gonna go,</font> <font color="#00FF00">"That looks like trash."</font> <font color="#00FF00">That last one you did, that looks fantastic.</font> <font color="#00FF00">It looks really, really, really good.</font> It's not gonna be perfect. <font color="#00FF00">Yeah, but if you look at some of them,</font> <font color="#00FF00">like this one... </font><font color="#EEEEEE">That one was lovely.</font> That was like the second one I did! <font color="#00FF00">I know, it's amazing.</font> <font color="#00FF00">But in all of them, there are bits of it where you go,</font> <font color="#00FF00">"That's remarkably good."</font> <font color="#00FF00">There are bits that maybe </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Yeah.</font> <font color="#00FF00">you might wanna do a little bit of touching up on.</font> Yeah. <font color="#00FF00">But as a whole, like, yeah.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">Okay well, you stay and practice all of these,</font> <font color="#FFFF00">and we can just set up a separate bed.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">And no pressure. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Alright.</font> <font color="#00FFFF"><i>♪ (upbeat hard rock)</i></font> <font color="#00FFFF"><i>(music fades)</i></font> After hours and many little drawings of flowers... What do you think? Can I do this safely? <font color="#FFFF00">Yes. I think that you have nailed the health and safety.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">And you're really nailing it. You've really taken it all in.</font> So Han, I am confident that I can do this without hurting you. <font color="#00FF00">Yes.</font> <font color="#00FF00">Well... beyond the extent that tattoos do.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">"Harming you." </font><font color="#EEEEEE"> Okay. </font><font color="#00FF00">Harming me.</font> The thing is, each of these lines... I've got maybe a 70, 80 percent hit rate on each of these lines. The trouble is, the design requires eight lines. The odds of me getting all of these spot-on, the first time I'm doing it on actual skin... <font color="#00FF00">It's not 100 percent at all.</font> <font color="#00FF00">And the fact that in all of these designs,</font> <font color="#00FF00">there doesn't ever seem to be something that's not fixable.</font> This was one I was gonna ask you two about. Like, how would you fix these? Could you fix these? Can you fix this? <font color="#00FFFF">All of these are definitely in a fixable state.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">Yeah. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Okay.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Obviously we're gonna be here, we're gonna be watching,</font> <font color="#00FFFF">and if there is anything that you're not comfortable or confident to touch up,</font> <font color="#00FFFF">we can do that for sure. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Alright.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">I'm happy, and I've already set you up a station over there.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">It's all correctly set up, sanitised, ready to go.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">So we're just gonna move you from this bed to that bed.</font> Alright. <i>(chuckles)</i> <font color="#00FF00">Let's go!</font> I'm glad you said it, not me. So, the first thing we do is... <font color="#00FF00">Disinfect me. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">...disinfect.</font> <font color="#00FF00">Thank you.</font> Thank you. I've got surgical assistance here. Thank you folks. Alright, so that's... ...disinfected. And then... ...razor? <font color="#00FF00">Yeah.</font> You okay with that? <font color="#00FF00">Yep.</font> Think we've covered that. <font color="#00FF00">I've got pretty smooth arms.</font> <font color="#00FF00">But that's, yeah, looks pretty good. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Alright.</font> Spray of the Stencil-Prep... ...which gets rubbed in. You're gonna have to remind me of all the steps as we go through this, you really are. <font color="#FFFF00">You're doing really well.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">These are all the steps so far.</font> I'm-a place it just here then. <font color="#FFFF00">Yeah, and then hold it on nice and tight.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">Make sure there's contact for all of the design, yep.</font> <i>(sharp inhale)</i> That's the cleanest stencil we've had yet! Okay! <font color="#00FF00">And it looks really cute. Thank you. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">I'll hand that over to you there.</font> Alright so, one more time. Are you 100 percent okay with that being there? <font color="#00FF00">Yes. I'll do what you always do when you go and get a tattoo,</font> <font color="#00FF00">which is you go stand, have a look in the mirror,</font> Okay. <font color="#00FF00">and just go,</font> <font color="#FFFF00">Take it for a test drive. </font><font color="#00FF00">"Yeah, yeah, I think that suits me."</font> <font color="#FFFF00">Take it for a spin around the block. </font><font color="#00FF00">So I'll pop over to the mirror over here.</font> <font color="#00FF00">Yeah.</font> <font color="#00FF00">I think it looks very cute!</font> Okay. <font color="#00FF00">I think it's very cute there.</font> And I'm just gonna be clear, that's been printed on an inkjet printer. That looks perfect. <font color="#00FF00">Yep.</font> I'm sure I can do this safely. You guys are sure I can do this safely. <font color="#FFFF00">Mhm.</font> <font color="#00FF00">It's not gonna look like that. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">It's not— <i>(laughs)</i></font> I'm gonna do the very, very best I can. <font color="#00FF00">I have no doubt that you will. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Alright.</font> <font color="#00FF00">So yeah.</font> <font color="#00FF00">I'm very happy, so, you know.</font> Let's do it. <font color="#00FF00">Let's do it.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">Yeah? ♪ Cool ♪ </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Let's do it.</font> <font color="#00FF00">So if I'm here...</font> <font color="#00FF00">How's that? </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Yeah.</font> <i>(sigh)</i> The sk— <font color="#00FF00">A tattoo feels so much more surgical</font> <font color="#00FF00">when you have three people around you!</font> <font color="#00FF00">It really feels like you're about go into surgery. </font><font color="#FFFF00">"Are you all right?"</font> <font color="#00FF00">"Shh, count backwards from ten." </font><font color="#FFFF00"><i>(laughing)</i> Exactly!</font> <font color="#00FF00">"Think happy thoughts." </font><font color="#EEEEEE">I mean, the thing for me is realising</font> — and this is obvious in hindsight — your skin is curved. <font color="#00FF00">Yes.</font> <i>(heavy puffing)</i> <font color="#00FFFF"><i>♪ (tense music)</i></font> Okay. <font color="#FFFF00">Yeah?</font> So I'm gonna just— So, stretch the skin like that. I mean... ...what more can I rehearse? <font color="#FFFF00">It's go time. It's go time, baby.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">Yep. </font><font color="#FFFF00">Yeah.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">Bonza. </font><font color="#00FF00">You got this.</font> <font color="#FFFF00"><i>(snickering)</i> </font><font color="#00FF00">You got this.</font> <font color="#00FF00">In an entirely unironic way, like, you got this.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">It's gonna be great. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Okay, so.</font> First thing, Vaseline over the whole area. <font color="#FFFF00">Yeah. </font><font color="#00FF00">Mhm.</font> About that much? <font color="#FFFF00">A little bit less, yeah.</font> So we're just gonna go... like that. <font color="#FFFF00">See how it doesn't smudge as much on the skin.</font> It doesn't smudge anything, and that's just visible. Okay. <font color="#FFFF00">Mhm.</font> So we're stretching the skin there, we're stretching the skin there, and I'm following... This is probably a bad time to say my hand's shaking. <font color="#00FF00">It's okay. The way frequencies work,</font> <font color="#00FF00">when the thing's shaking, they'll cancel each other out</font> <font color="#00FF00">and it'll be perfectly smooth.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">Science.</font> Alright. There's nothing more I can do to prepare for this. <font color="#00FF00">Then let's go for it.</font> Alright so, we're gonna fill up the ink. <font color="#FFFF00">Yep. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">That's filled.</font> That look okay to you? <font color="#FFFF00">Yep, just wipe— Exactly.</font> Just wipe. <font color="#FFFF00">Mhm.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">And have at the forefront of your mind,</font> <font color="#00FFFF">you want to hover, not sink in.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">You want to go slow.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">And you want to look at where you're going.</font> <i>(sigh)</i> I'm not convinced at how shaky my hand is. <font color="#00FF00">Okay.</font> <i>(heavy breath)</i> <font color="#00FFFF"><i>(sting ending)</i></font> <font color="#CCCCCC"><i>(shaky breathing, sighing)</i></font> <font color="#00FF00">How was that?</font> <font color="#FFFF00">♪ Sick! ♪</font> <font color="#FFFF00">Well done! </font><font color="#EEEEEE">There's more wobble than I'd like.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">It's all right! </font><font color="#EEEEEE">But that was not...</font> That's— That's— I can see where my hand shook. <font color="#FFFF00">Mhm.</font> But we got a line. <font color="#FFFF00">I'd say dab that now to get rid of any excess.</font> <font color="#00FFFF">It's not gonna wipe the stencil away. </font><font color="#FFFF00">Yeah.</font> <font color="#00FF00">From my point of view, that felt like every other tattoo I've ever had.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">Mhm. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">That—</font> <font color="#00FF00">That wasn't more painful. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Alright. Alright.</font> It's not... perfectly inkjet printer smooth. <font color="#00FF00"><i>(chortles)</i> </font><font color="#EEEEEE">But it is on the line.</font> <font color="#00FF00">I'd be a bit freaked out if it was.</font> It's on the line. <font color="#FFFF00">You're not an inkjet printer.</font> <font color="#00FF00">Yes. </font><font color="#FFFF00">You're in the wrong career if it is.</font> Yeah, I'm also not running out of ink halfway through and claiming— Anyway. <font color="#FFFF00">Oh Tom, that was brilliant! </font><font color="#EEEEEE">That felt good.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">That was so good! </font><font color="#EEEEEE">That felt good!</font> <font color="#FFFF00">That was really good— Sorry. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Gonna wipe it.</font> <font color="#FFFF00"><i>(giggles)</i> </font><font color="#00FF00">That was wonderful.</font> <font color="#00FF00">I'm not looking at it til the end. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">That's a solid line!</font> I said it was about, like, 80 percent chance on each line. <font color="#FFFF00"><i>(laughing)</i> </font><font color="#00FF00"><i>(chef kiss)</i></font> So far we've got a three out of five. We've got— I think that's about the best you're gonna get here. I'm happy with that. <font color="#00FF00">I can't wait. I'm so excited. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Let's try the other side.</font> Let's try the other side. Okay, don't get overconfident. Calm, same pace, same depth, same everything. <font color="#00FF00">Yeah.</font> Do I want to change my angle on this? And follow... That felt a little fast at the start. <font color="#FFFF00">That was a bit fast.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">Have a little wipe and see how it went in.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">Not bad. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">It's a little patchy at the very start.</font> I think I'd leave it that way for a professional, <font color="#FFFF00">That's absolutely fine, yeah. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">rather than try a second line on that.</font> Now the petals. Alright. Five lines left. <font color="#00FF00">And a little squiggle in the middle. Colour in the centre.</font> <font color="#00FF00">You just have— </font><font color="#00FFFF">You don't want to forget that little squiggle.</font> Alright, here we go. <font color="#FFFF00">Mhm? </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Not sure on that one. We'll see.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">Little bit light on the start. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">Little bit light. Let me just...</font> It's all there though. <font color="#FFFF00">Mhm.</font> It's all there. So that is slightly smaller than the petal design. So I'm gonna try to make sure that if I'm gonna make an error, it's gonna be the same kind of small error. <font color="#FFFF00">Mhm.</font> The same kind of— <font color="#FFFF00">Mhm.</font> The same way, you know what I mean? It was okay. <font color="#FFFF00">Mhm.</font> Stretch the skin. <font color="#FFFF00">That speed was much better.</font> That speed was much better. I'm gonna go for the next one, 'cause I'm set up for it. Alright, number four. <font color="#00FF00">Yeah, happy.</font> No. Sorry, Han. I missed on some of that. <font color="#00FF00">It's okay. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">I just flat out—</font> I was not deep enough, and your skin was moving away, and I didn't realise it. So, I'm gonna wipe that. <font color="#00FF00">That's okay.</font> and I'm gonna see if that's a thing I can patch up or whether give it to you. <font color="#00FF00">Yeah. Yeah, happy for you to try patching it up.</font> <font color="#00FF00">If you know exactly, you know...</font> <font color="#FFFF00">Oh yeah, you've got that.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">That was a clear— That was like a total miss.</font> That was just a total miss. <font color="#FFFF00">So you can—</font> Yeah, I just forgot that skin is three-dimensional. That was on me. I'm gonna sweep this way around on this. <font color="#FFFF00">Mhm.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">Excellent.</font> <i>(sigh)</i> I'm not sure— I think I still missed that last part. <font color="#FFFF00">That's okay, 'cause that's where you're gonna put the dot, in the middle.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">So that's all right.</font> That's now a continuous line. Alright. Okay. Last line. <font color="#FFFF00">Woo-hoo! </font><font color="#00FF00">Last petal, and then the dot.</font> <font color="#00FF00">Let's go!</font> Agh! Sorry, Han. It's good— It's not a disaster. But again, the skin's three-dimensional. It got away from me. <font color="#FFFF00">Alright. </font><font color="#00FF00">It's okay.</font> Let's wipe that. We started so well! So I just need to... That felt better. That felt better. <font color="#FFFF00">That was excellent!</font> <font color="#FFFF00">That was a really good touchup.</font> Okay. So the last bit is the very centre. <font color="#FFFF00">Mhm. </font><font color="#EEEEEE">And I just need to, small circle.</font> <font color="#FFFF00">Yip.</font> I think... I think that's it. I think that's it! <font color="#FFFF00"><i>(anxious shiver)</i></font> You know what? I think that might be the best one of the flowers that I've done. <font color="#FFFF00">Yay!</font> It's not perfect, not by a long way! There's a little bit of wobble here and there... ...but there's nothing in there that I know you can't fix! <font color="#FFFF00">Yeah!</font> Han, do you wanna have a quick look? There's the mirror... <font color="#00FF00">I'm really excited.</font> <font color="#00FF00"><i>(gasp)</i> That looks so good!</font> <font color="#00FFFF"><i>♪ (emotional acoustic music)</i></font> <font color="#00FF00">Like, genuinely so good! </font><font color="#EEEEEE"><i>(chuckles)</i></font> <font color="#00FF00">Yeah, and they're... Some of the lines are a bit squiggly.</font> <font color="#00FF00">But as a whole...</font> <font color="#00FF00">...that one whole-ass tattoo!</font> Thank you, Han! <font color="#00FF00">It genuinely looks so cute.</font> <font color="#00FF00">I'm very, very chuffed.</font> <font color="#00FF00">Look at that!</font> <font color="#FFFF00"><i>(chuckling)</i> <i>(exhausted laughing)</i></font> <font color="#FFFF00">Well done! You did good! </font><font color="#CCCCCC"><i>(group cheering)</i></font> <font color="#00FF00">That looks so good.</font> You know what? Now I'm not close-up to it, yeah it does. Thank you, Han. <font color="#00FF00">Oh, you did so good!</font> Little bit closer to me. <font color="#00FF00">I love it. Truly.</font> It's two weeks later. We are filming something else, and... thought you might want a quick update. How's it doing, Han? <font color="#00FF00">It is completely healed.</font> <font color="#00FF00">And it is looking as good as it did when you did it.</font> <font color="#00FF00">I think that's often a good tell, is...</font> <font color="#00FF00">Do bits kind of fade or peel off when it's healing?</font> <font color="#00FF00">Oh, no. It looks fantastic!</font> Thank you! That's such a relief. Thank you, Han. <font color="#00FFFF"><i>[Caption+ by JS* caption.plus | @caption_plus]</i></font>
Channel: Tom Scott plus
Views: 640,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tom scott, tomscott
Id: JYsDN6-XRrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 15sec (1635 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 03 2022
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