THIS Is A Miracle of Stupidity! w/ Dr. Jordan Peterson

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foreign one of the things we say around Ramsey all the time is personal finance is 80 Behavior it's only 20 head knowledge and getting the guy in the mirror to behave is is the battle and and you've you've got a lot to say uh on that subject so talk about what you've discovered around the correlation between just a mental uh stability and mental maturity mental health maturity and and that how that correlates to wealth well people it's easy to presume that the reason people are poor is because they don't have enough money but that's an oversimplification very few complex things are attributable to a single cause um I had lots of clients who were much better off when they had no money at all those are often people who had addiction problems because as soon as they had any money at all they're just in the bar and into the cocaine until they were face down in a ditch and so there's there's all sorts of causes of poverty and certainly one form of poverty and one cause of poverty is absence of a plan I mean you need to develop a vision for your life and that makes delaying gratification for example and not engaging in impulsive momentary pleasure worthwhile because you're building towards something that you actually want to attain and we're very very bad at in our society like appallingly and miraculously bad at helping people develop a vision we don't do it with students in school for example not at all and it's it's really like I said it's a miracle of stupidity so it is it truly is it's the it's the number one thing we should be teaching people and we don't do it at all I want to be and what do you want your life to look like in five years what are you building towards why are you gratification assuming you are why are you saving for example or working like what what's your vision what makes it worthwhile and how do you even come up with a notion like that and the strange thing the strange thing is when you have a vision that's very very clear and high definition uh burnout just kind of goes away you get tired like your schedule has been horrendous but you're not burnt out you're probably tired but you're not burnt out yeah well I mean look all the positive emotion we feel that uh except for the type that is just a consequence of basic satisfaction you know the sort of satisfaction you might have after a big meal all the enthusiasm and excitement and hope and curiosity essential meaning in life all of that all of that is experienced in relationship to a goal when you see yourself moving towards a goal then you're inspired you have you have hope you have enthusiasm you have energy um you can communicate effectively and enthusiastically no goal you have none of that no vision no goal so you're not going to get tired and and feel what would you say hard done by if your sacrifices and the difficult things that you're endeavoring to do are clearly worthwhile by your own definition one of the things I do I have an exercise online called it's at called future authoring and we built this to help people develop a vision and one of the things we ask people to do is just to sit for 15 minutes write for 15 minutes badly here's the game imagine you were taking care of yourself like someone you cared for so imagine someone you care for and pretend that's you maybe it's a son or a daughter or a friend now imagine five years down the road you can have what you want need you can be who you are but you have to figure out what it is what is it what do you want what do you need and and don't worry about getting it right just get it down for 15 minutes that's a good start the whole exercise you can do in about 90 minutes but we had students do that say before they went to University and just doing it for 90 minutes developing that Vision drop their dropout rate 90 or 50 percent 50 percent and increase the grade point average 35 percent and that just shows you how badly it had been done before because students went to University with no vision they have no idea what they were doing there and so of course they didn't half of them didn't succeed because they had no idea why they were doing anything well that's not helpful or wise and the reason that's the case by the way is because our school system was set up to produce mindless obedient workers by essentially by fascists at the end of the 1800s that's well documented historically it was based on the Prussian military model and they wanted to produce obedient soldiers and we haven't updated our notion of what schools are for for 140 years yeah Ken Coleman says we've not made Pathfinders we've made test takers we're not even very good at that well Dr Peterson I'm curious Pathfinders we have so many similar principles we want to help people avoid the pitfalls of education and debt and we're both kind of Truth tellers in a world gone mad and that can be counter-cultural controversial offensive at times what is the secret sauce to really connecting with those people and getting to change a paradigm and actually getting out of debt or doing that hard thing well I think a huge part of that is to get them to start conceptualizing themselves as people who could be pursuing um a goal that they found compelling rather than people who are driven by circumstances I think it's 35 40 percent of Young Americans now feel they have no agency in their life and you say well how do you you have to entice people into I suppose the hypothesis of a vision and you do that with while this this meditative exercise for example that I describe just imagine for a moment that you could have what you needed and wanted man and I mean literally imagine that Daydream like you did when you were a kid now you know you want to bind that with a little bit of intelligent rationality you you know you you don't want to be if you're starting it from scratch maybe you don't want to be thinking that in five years you're gonna inhabit a 350 room Mansion you know in in Malibu although stranger things have happened to people you know you wanna foreign you want to develop your vision within the realm of possibility but that doesn't but and you and you should be honest enough with yourself so it's actually something compelling to you you know the other thing we ask people to do and I'm talking about this because it's very practical you might say well I don't know what I want it's like okay well what other people have that it seems to work for them you probably want a relationship what's your vision for that you probably want to have something approximating a family of some sort what's your vision for that even if it's your parents not children necessary not even a wife necessarily some family connections some friendship some job or career some educational goals some strategy for dealing with Temptations that's five things some conception of how you would use your time intelligently outside of work um some conception of how you might what would you say uphold your civic responsibility yeah there's there's sources of meaning that people that people generally have
Channel: The Ramsey Show Highlights
Views: 1,339,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the dave ramsey show, budget money debt cash, real estate, insurance, how to make money, dave ramsey, save, credit card, compound interest, buying house, buy, snowball, THIS Is A Miracle of Stupidity! w/ Dr. Jordan Peterson, jordan peterson
Id: y8R0D6SSLXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 30sec (450 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2023
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