This Car Brand is Shutting Down (Do Not Buy)

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rev up your engines well I don't say I didn't warn you what jobs are owed as Ford and GM change plans for massive Michigan EV batteries they say we're going to make all these batteries all the government's giving us money well they're really scaling that down now right if nobody's buying the cars there's no point in making batteries there's no point making 10 million batteries when people aren't buying 10 million electric cars right one of their plants in Oakland County was supposed to be a $4 billion doll doover to make electric vehicles well now they're saying wait until 2025 and who knows if that's ever going to happen right Florida shut down one or two production lines in their Dearborn Michigan Factory that builds F-150 Lightning Electric pickup truck they can build it but will they buy them and it's showing that most Americans will not buy electric vehicles especially electric pickups cuz that's a very specialty market right and almost all the needs the big pickup truck guys want aren't served by electric pickup trucks that's just the way that goes right maybe you can sell little cars and stuff get people in the inner city and stuff but people with pickups they want dependability reliability they don't want range anxiety they're not buying these stupid electric pickups it doesn't fit just like Budweiser when they did that advertisement with that crazy guy and then they got all this feedback saying we don't go for this transgender stuff we don't go for this right it's Budweiser beer what kind of an idiot would make a marketing campaign from the exact opposite of rednecks and use that as their campaign it'd be like telling Harley-Davidson and talking about flower power driving Harley-Davidson those aren't the people that buy Harley-Davidson just like pickup truck guys generally aren't the type of person that's even going to think about an electric pickup truck and now of course they're all finding out gee people aren't into this electric stuff and even Farley but listen to this I always love how these corporate guys frame things to make it look like nothing going on it's wrong oh look here's what he says about it we're taking advantage of our manufacturing flexibility to offer customers choices while balancing our growth and profitability GE we lost billions making electric cars last year hey if we want to balance our profitability we better stop making the stupid things that nobody wants to buy right they all jumped on the electric car bandwagon blowing Orange right now the wheels are falling off and they maybe that bandwagon wasn't very well made let's look for another bandwagon to push now now of course they're pushing the hybrid bandwagon which isn't as bad you don't have range anxiety they're still complexity and expensive buying the vehicles right and then when the battery goes cost a bunch of money to replace some stuff that you never would have to worry about in a regular car so at least they're started to jump off the electric car band Weg I see that as a good thing well here's a hilarious one now you can get used Model S is dirt cheap but would you want to guy bought a 2013 model S which supposedly has a new battery pack in stuff his net price was $4,500 when this thing was new it was a $95,000 vehicle now it's just like the old Mercedes right you pay 100 grand for an old one then when it's 8 10 years old it goes for 10 12 Grand because they're endless money pits right everybody realizes this and this was $14,500 for a car that's only got 50,000 miles on it they have no resale value they haven't except in fantasy Co land people know you can't buy one of these luxury electric cars when it's 11 years old it's going to be an endless Money Pit look at that could you imagine if you had paid almost 100 green for a car then one it's got 50,000 Mi you get $144,000 for it what a rolling pile of junk that is right and another guy had a 2012 model S he got it for under $20,000 and it had even less mileage on it you might be tempted oh I can get these things cheap just like ages ago I'd always warn my customers do not go buy 11-year-old Mercedes it's a money P and they're like but it's only $14,000 and the new one was $120 I said there's a real reason behind that and if they did buy them they found out really soon I was right and they should have never bought the stupid thing in the first place right learn from the past so history doesn't repeat itself well to try anything to sell electric vehicles now GM is hoping that a clutch pedal will make car enthusiasts buy an electric vehicle they want to set it up so they got one with a clutch pedal so they can have more input now it only makes sense one of the big problems with electric cars is fa range if if you had big electric motor 8-speed transmission automatic or standard then you got all those eight gears to go through so when you're going 75 80 mph instead of having an electric motor spinning real fast full speed you could have a transmission and make it spin slower and guess what then it won't be spinning as fast and it will be more efficient that's the name of the game now you might say oh Scotty it sounds so simple why don't they do it well they don't do it because they didn't design it that way in the first place right well now they're stuck with their stupid design and if they really want to sell these things to people they need to totally redesign it but of course they don't want to do that they've already put a bunch of money in Ford GM they've lost billions every year with these electric cars Ford loses like 35 grand every electric truck they sell they're bleeding money right they can't do a do over redesign the whole thing right to me absolutely hilarious because you can look at the history of motorcycles and figure out boy did they screw that up originally motorcycles Harley Davidson like a big engine right and they only had a drive belt there were no gears so the engine would have to spin real fast so even going 35 mph that engine was spinning so fast couldn't go any faster then Harley came up with the idea let's put a multi-speed transmission in with different gears then they could go a whole bunch faster and get much better gas mileage right well you could do the same thing with electric cars but they would have to be totally redesigned and they don't want to do it it would cost more money then they'd have to be more complexity electric cars are expensive enough as it is if you added more technology like Transmissions they would get get even more expensive to buy so they kind of gank themselves in a corner with electric cars and now GM's talking about hey we'll put a clutch in an electric car maybe they could make one if they totally redesign the stupid thing maybe that thing could go 6 700 miles on electricity then people wouldn't have the range anxiety they have they still have the problem they got to recharge it you got a big battery with a car that could go that far especially a big car it's going to take a long time to charge them up regardless of what anybody says y we can charge it up and 15 minutes and you look at the fine print well that's only a 20% charge if you charged it from 10% to 100% it would take two hours or something or even more at a supercharger and if you plugged it into your house at 110 volts it would take three days people aren't going to accept that stuff I'm reading this article and I start laughing again it's called Korea invents a new fuel we don't know about in US goodbye to refueling gasoline they're talking about hydrogen okay hydrogen can be used to run internal combustion engines the Air Force actually tried it for a bunch of stuff for years and they find out that hey it works perfectly fine but there's no infrastructure for hydrogen so why these people keep pushing oh here's a new thing to do it's still polluting the air and it's using an infrastructure hydrogen that doesn't exist some of these things are just patently absurd why would you build a vehicle that runs on a fuel where there's no infrastructure for look at electric cars they're failing because there's not enough electric stuff to charge on there's no charging stations costing more and more as the price of electricity goes up right and that's something that already exists a Power electric infrastructure imagine a hydrogen infrastructure there is none a guy in Hawaii just sent me a picture there is one hydrogen refueling station in all of Hawaii right and in California shell just shut down all their hydrogen stations they said we're losing too much money and this is a company shell that makes so much money makees head spin right but even they shut down the hydrogen think so why are they talking about making engines that run on hydrogen to me it doesn't make any sense and we're not talking about fuel cells we're talking about regular engines that burn hydrogen what's the point there's no infrastructure for it it's like people say well you know the ocean's full of water that's H2O right well no the bonds between hydrogen oxygen are so strong to break that Bond requires more energy than you ever get burning a hydrogen so it's a net loss process where you're just wasting energy there I don't know why they keep wasting time on this stuff oh yeah look we got a new motor it doesn't use gasoline it uses hydrogen all there's no infrastructure for it and are you going to waste even more energy making the hydrogen than you get burning it in the car it makes no sense well you think it's bad getting flat tires of course it is and lately in Tennessee we're getting a bunch of them cuz it's booming like mad they building houses and all these stupid screws from building houses and nails are getting in the tires of our cars you might new tundra one of the new tires got a screw screwed into it right well here's a new thing to worry about vapers people who Vape they're stupid little Vapes they throw them out when they don't work they throw them out of the window or whatever and they can really make a nasty hole in your tire people say vaping is bad for your health it's also bad for your car's health and of course indirectly your health if you're go down the road you H when you get a flat tire and get in a wreck or something considering that a lot of cars today don't even come with spare tires it's something to worry about you see those shiny little Vapes daylow colors you see when I roll get out of the way don't run over the thing they can puncture your tires Vapes on the loose on the road don't run them over or you may be sorry when it destroys your tire so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos remember to ring that Bell [Music] aahah [Music]
Channel: Scotty Kilmer
Views: 294,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: auto, auto repair, car, car diy, car repair, cars, diy, how to, mechanic, repair, scotty kilmer, car review, does ford make good trucks, ford, ford truck, ford truck review, truck, truck review, trucks, here's why, ford problems, new ford, problems with ford, I've had it with ford, is ford still reliable, ford reliability, should I buy a Ford, buying a ford, buying a new ford, car industry, fords, new fords, industry, announcement, shut down, shutting down, worker, workers, ceo
Id: d33Ac3d903k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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