This BROKEN Bunker made my base Insanely OP in Rust

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okay people of the internet welcome get him evil today I'm building a really nice solo base I don't know where I want to build though that's the only issue I haven't looked at the map yet um yeah as you guys know I was going to experiment with bi-weekly uploads but to be honest I just love uploading weekly for you guys I I I can't not do it I really can't not do it and if you want to help me out with my little Adventure I'd greatly appreciate a sub or a like I'd greatly appreciate it helps me out more than you would ever imagine I can't believe that missed there's a guy running down to my left right here oh nice this base I'm building I've seen bunkers like it before but I personally haven't tried them out and I think it's quite an uncommon thing as well I don't see them much should probably get a bag down some point to be honest I mean I'm quite happy to live somewhere around here this could be quite a cool spot Fair terminal which is a monument I never ever go to I don't think I've ever actually looted that place satellite thish is a good Monument I like it yeah maybe we base around here could be quite cool oh there's a guy with a bow are we going to get into a fight I don't think so oh this is a beautiful spot man yeah this is nice nice and Scenic as well I'm build it up here sorted this would be my home for the wipe turning this Hillside into an incredible solo base if you want to check this base out as always it will be linked in the description yeah this should be fine yep I think this is okay nice after establishing my build spot I wasted no time in completing some classic solo progression massive the TC placement for this base is a little weird you just got to bear with it there we go yep quite interesting I know do we head straight into a monument I think we do okay oh my the lag [Music] what got some goofballs over there [Music] dude there's some stuff though I appreciate it if we can Farm up just a little more we get a tier one which is is going to be very [Music] good oh thought I killed him was it worth it absolutely not I probably shouldn't be doing this I don't have enough HP [Music] I need to get out of here man it's just fresh naked spawns [Music] everywhere it's time to go it is time to go this run gave me enough for a tier one workbench this early on into wipe for a solo was really good all I had to do was get home getting an early scrap run in like that is actually really good cuz I'm sure this run from Fairy terminal to my base is going to be much harder soon yes yes oh nice I missed that first Arrow I thought I thought I messed up [Music] man going to go back and get the rest [Music] cool let's get some nodes get a furnace going and do a little base expansion just wo this in like so and then you need to make sure this stays twig this has to be twig sweet just put this up top for now nice we can definitely live out of this for a little while as well which is a good thing definitely should be okay yeah here we are equipped with a crossbow we have a little bit extra power now hopefully we can make the most of this cuz I think I'll probably outar a lot of people right now and that's a good thing of [Music] course military CR ooh nice it's actually quite a good Monument I like it so far I've only been there twice but there's lots of stuff to loot and of course the fast respawn times I shouldn't overstay though nuh [Music] ow my God this place is so underrated bro very nice guess I'm just going to go farm some wood naked go make some tools you know what we can actually do in the morning I'm going to go for a mining run and I'm going to craft myself a revolver I think that seems like two good things to be [Music] doing so many notes I'm going to deeper and then come back out I don't want to lose it all if I do end up [Music] [Music] dying [Music] nice nice nice yeah nice nice Savage a that's really good we're looking really good I'm going to get some more scrap head back into I guess fairy terminal honestly it's actually a nice Monument I like it a lot that hurt so bad wow huh what the oh that this was him okay honestly I'm just going to going to Depot this this is actually quite a lot and the hazmats really nice I love getting hazmats let's get straight back out there the goal is to get a tier two obviously so I guess we just continue on what we were doing it was working so double bar [Music] ah a miss [Music] ni there we go I guess we should craft another revolver right two players down here [Music] oh my word oh my word those guys were loaded oh well that guy was loaded I wonder what his teammate was like I guess he just ran away it would make sense if he was just as [Music] loaded the loot is just pouring in oh my God we're actually kind of loaded I need to expand base I think so far we were doing absolutely amazing countless times I had come back to base with my pockets filled with loot besides that one hiccup versus the double barrel at fairy terminal I was super happy okay so let's just drop down here quickly and add this like so it basically means that this twig floor in here can be destroyed and it can just be easily replaced and it means I can place a garage door in this slot here cuz this is fundamental this is like you need to have this here and then we do some very basic honeycombing all the way around just the Classic you know like so and to be honest I think I'm happy with leaving it at that for now just some simple honeycomb what we could do in fact is sheet met the roof that could be quite good and I think to match the brick we'll do a nice red [Music] color there we go and let's head out slam a few nodes and I guess we can just continue with the second story of the base yeah I feel like we should do that yeah let's do that someone just jumped somewhere it couldn't have been that guy no way maybe it was no I see him oh my God he hits those oh what I knew I heard someone man [Music] nice that was [Music] smooth that very smooth cool let me just make this extremely overpowered loot room real quick another metal door down definitely not pay to win no not at all this is rust nothing's pay to win right guys so broken that's a really nice loot room though I really enjoy making these oh I'll take a med out I have the BP so I may as well I could barely see him man cuz of the sun that's a poor excuse but it is true it's the truth [Music] [Music] I looted the rest of fairy terminal and recycled some of my spare components this run allowed me to progress to a tier2 workbench and with that I crafted myself a Thompson okay now this is pretty epic let's go see what kind of trouble we can get ourselves into I want to shoot oh [ __ ] it I didn't want to shoot but I couldn't hit him oh it was worth it oh my everyone is actually Juiced bro these power lines I'm living next to as a cheat code actually wow I should have silencer BP yeah it was still very early on into the wipe and shooting would attract unwanted attention so crafting a silencer would allow me to be slightly more sneaky dude he actually hit that gangster nice damn okay you know what we're going to do we're going [Music] to W this out here perfect time to add some G doors I think su3 yeah and actually we could definitely also make a ladder hatch to go in this little slot here that would be good [Applause] ah [Music] no I want my [Music] wood we cooking baby we are cooking I've changed my mind as well I think I want to go for a for a green I don't know why I'm just feeling it you know uh wait what's this color that could be [Applause] cool oh that definitely matches much better as well yeah that looks [Music] good oh that's pretty cool satchel [Music] Asma as well sick I feel kind of bad though n but he's been farming [Music] comps oh like yeah poor guy that don't have to be quite a good run [Music] actually another Salvage ice pick wow having such a powerful weapon so early on into a wipe near like kind of fresh spawn is it should be illegal it really should be oh another night cycle not much to do on a night maybe I'll stay on top of getting some Woods don't really know yeah why not why not can fit another one of these in here surely yeah it'ss like a glove lovely maybe we should do some more of the base or should I what the H should worry about that in a bit I'm not sure yeah three cloth let's go is he dead [Music] Okay jeez Louise dog that better have been worth it that was such a horrible fight uh not really it's okay I guess cool I'm L tap fire Timmy right now bro oh my God what the what the flip God I almost had a coughing fit looking at that Holy Smokes we made it we made it we made it okay it's time to do some basing I think I had gathered so many materials from farming and killing people it would be a waste if they were just sat in my base so to make my base even stronger I added a third floor which would soon be my living space and some extra honey protection damn that scared me I'm lucky he didn't have a gun honestly oh he gave me stone dude I needed that I needed that what the hook am I witnessing right now what the hell perfect once these base upgrades were finished I decided to continue exploring the Wilderness someone to my right ninja suit oh God he's down I believe I saw his name through the thing that was so [Music] weird don't know where his crossbow teammate is I have no idea think maybe he just ran yeah oh hello dude this is silly I got just come back oh my Lord [Music] okay oh my word I think I'm going to ro ninj suit P2 P2 crossbow because I don't want to waste like my durability on the Tommy is already halfway and I'm just fighting primitive players hello sir you look like he had a pickaxe in his hand oo I'm just getting loot deliveries bro at this point I'm very lucky that he didn't just catch me off guard caros oh fair enough honestly I didn't even know you can go through that GG's to that guy no taken out again my area was slowly but surely gaining a lot of population and sooner rather than later things were going to get slightly more difficult the good thing is I'll start remembering most of the names and in due time get my revenge over the course of the wipe got him no way loot [Music] delivery his teammate there he is oh this is just going to be so so awkward I'm going to take all your stuff boy I do not [Music] care that was terrifying that was the [Music] guy maybe this will make up for that loss I don't know let's see not [Music] really okay could barely see him what is going on everyone just running around at night time or what I'll come back for you I'll come back for you Carlos revolver oh that reminds me actually getting killed by the M39 is the Advent calendar like Christmas thing still a thing it is currently January but don't know how else you would have got an M39 no it's not ah they must found an air drop or something okay [Applause] fair bang bang and bang oh my God what the hell do they live here y they do oh we head shot each other unless he doubled me I don't know you do it oh that was a bad idea mate is he going to crash yep oh my God this is bad I think he might be [Music] dead think he's dead no I didn't get the S okay we got 250 scrap we made it out that's good enough aim was a bit shaky there I won't lie any need to uh need to focus a bit more that was good [Music] [Music] nevertheless that was such a stupid play for me to go straight for that body I'm so lucky I didn't die [Music] [Music] I should not still be here I don't think this is really bad should try and deer that guy dead I think so if not I'm killing him oh no why was that W rotated no [Music] [Music] let's go that's the guy with the M39 that killed me I remember hey it's my Tommy yeah that was pretty clean though that was a good little like rebound I need to be quick cuz I saw Jo coming after me perfect after some amazing PVP I decided it was a great time to add my first external to my base that should work pretty well I think yeah that'll be good that caught me off guard oh there's some gears perfect oh [Music] oh as player does he see me I'm not entirely sure bro almost whiffed man oh my word no way that guy had a jack com he definitely had a jackhammer I don't know where it is though he must have dropped it sweet dude oh my word I don't have space for any of this man oo code locked as well and they're online I'm going ra it I'm going to ra that what why did that what they have a t oh he's plac a tier two in the door dude that's unfortunate that is unfortunate man it br the tier two no way oh GG's dude honestly GG's actually oh what the dude no way oh my god you're kidding [Music] me no GG to them I feel like I could have played that much different maybe I don't know that was an unlucky attempt for sure I wanted to raid it but I just had to wait for sulfur to smel up in my furnaces so in the meantime I contined to roam around the surrounding area there we go [Applause] oh [Applause] it's quite a nice door skin you know let me use it [Music] and most all of that was happening my sofa smelted so I crafted what I needed and headed over to raid them okay that's quite good oh yeah I'm happy I'm happy with that 100% oh yeah oh yeah 100% happy they did lose my Tommy as expected transferring the loot home I then decided to call it there for my wipe day which is where I get to showcase the coolest part of the base to you guys the bunker okay to seal this bunker is very simple come inside place a wooden triangle through here and some spiral stairs there you go you cannot get through even if this is gone you can't get through pardon the voice I am currently ill yeah it's a pretty neat bunker of course destroy both of these for it to open I'll demonstrate it real quick I guess and there you go it disappears pretty good bunker and just so you guys are aware if someone was to shoot the twig floor beneath the ladder hatch it wouldn't break the bunker as the main stability is coming from the other twig triangle and with that said the bunker is sealed I logged out to Mark the end of day one hopefully I will see you for day two tomorrow [Music] [Music] that's what I like to see oh yeah soon after logging on I heard a fight down by the train track so I went over oh [Music] [ __ ] sure that guy had a saw Tomy dude was clothe baiting oh my word I've seen it all wonder if I'm just going to get camped for eternity now or what they're still outside man la la la do I just like push out with a DB or something there's a shelter here what the freak is there actually stuff in here small box on a bag I'm going to raid that I don't want that down the hill from me no [Music] way oh it didn't even break it oh okay oh no poor guy oh God I think he must have just died or something and then comes back to his house just being burned [Music] [Music] down lovely [Music] and I've also been told to try out these these Peaks where you place the Embers inside rather than out cuz apparently you get better angles I'm not sure how true that is but it must be if I've been told that I think we can make a turret up there actually oh that could be really cool have a turret upstairs do I have cameras and laptops I do have a laptop I have a camera as well oh perfect Outpost was a few grids north of my base I needed Tech trash so I could craft a battery so I took my spare laptop extra comps and stone so I could trade it for wood and make myself a compound later get out of here man shoot the bear shoot the bear yeah oh my word finally and we made it oh that feels good to get in [Music] nice I also decided to make the third floor the one below the roof my new living space and we can put a bed in here I think [Music] oh question is where is this battery going to live I guess back here right I can pick up this fun [Music] yeah put the python in it nice put it to 10 oh my God 10 and there we go turning on sweet so yeah here's the here's the new living space I've basically transferred everything I'm going to need like on a on a day-to-day basis sort of thing like I'll transfer over the good stuff down into the core when I log out of course but while I'm just playing I can have it all up here should be relatively [Music] safe [Music] [Music] H I think they live right [Music] here yeah they do okay he had a s in his hands then GG it's unfortunate no way no way oh my God what the [ __ ] I don't know I don't think I can loot if I die I die holy [ __ ] that was insane no I think I traded they're not even together oh my god oh look it's right here let me up let me up please please please let me up please let me up legendary I deserve that loot for sure I don't even care but now do I try and loot like I don't [Music] know it's never clear maybe three please don't die okay all in all this isn't actually terrible terrible considering the situation I was in fighting at like people's bases so I got a Tommy back I got a full kit back and I gained two SS on a custom yeah actually that was okay that was actually [Music] fine sort we're ready for a [Music] compound I messed up [Music] man [Music] [Music] farmer outside I don't want to do it but I'm going to sorry [Music] [Music] I think I just have enough the perfect amount maybe yep the perfect amount that is sick let's go that's [Music] awesome I had most BPS on this server and I wanted to do some C4 raids the one thing I was missing was Tech trash I went to the Metro where I unfortunately didn't find any so I headed towards furry terminal but something caught my attention why can I not wo there it's three of them one more oh there's four of them oh oh I'm not I'm not going back I can't fight a fourman dude this altercation led to a massive fight so fairy terminal was off limits instead I headed towards another Metro station but again something stopped me in my [Music] tracks oh oh my Lord [Music] [Music] yes yes finally I got home safely made my 2 C4 and then my target was this base so I headed over to sus it out the wood all frame no another double door frame oh no another double TC's in this one I think TC's here cuz there's no double door frame but there's one there there and also the I'm get yeah I think TC's in this one I'm stood on I'm going to go for it oh my God it destroyed theing ladder GG it this no way no way oh my God yeah this thing was flipping loaded I can tell you I can't believe it for no meds yeah that's over for me and they just go to Depot in their car drive back home safely I hate cars man they're so overpowered but I just killed them all and they'll be hurting any second now I didn't even kill the Hazmat he's in his nah bro I hate this [ __ ] I got back with some kits but I fumbled the raid massively I went back but their whole team was there with a roof camper so to no avail in his car in his car oh my God I can't this this is insane he's getting look like there's a car here he's being looked over by his teammate I'm dead I of course wasn't happy about this raid so I was going to do another one in the meantime I wanted to get into a bit more PVP before I decided to raid H man pleas please you can take yeah I know it oh my word I prepared myself an AK kit for the raid and then I headed straight back out dude I am the biggest Dingus I swear I wasn't recording look at all the stuff I've just got I killed two farmers so I got both of that filled up all of this all of this like the wood and stuff and then all of this what the hell man and also a three man has moved in right here like what the hell okay we got the do Evil coming up but I don't know if I feel comfortable raiding just yet think I'll leave them in there for now I have no idea where I killed the first guy thing is I only downed him that's the problem yeah my neighbors burst is so awesome on this gun wow oh no I saw someone behind them or behind the base like folat yeah look he's AK I swear he's AK he's AK he's actually AK [Music] yeah that was AK I think I'm pretty sure and I know he's alone yeah it was let's go Hollow as well I waited for night time and then I decided to raid a 2 by one that was just down the hill from mine I saw a coffee can running out of it earlier so I figured it would be the perfect Target I don't have a flashlight oh my god oh I had fumbled again as you can imagine I was very disappointed in myself and couldn't wait to come off rust only problem was I still had an AK and I wasn't going to let it decay in my base what God damn [Music] it [Music] probably live there I'm probably [Music] scude GG oh his teammate his teammate was telling him where I was and that is where I left it for the wipe as always I leave you with a base store thank you so much for watching I really hope you all enjoyed I'll see you next week for another solo rust Adventure for
Channel: Cali
Views: 113,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rust, rust solo, rust console, rust solo base, rust bunker base, rust solo base design, rust pvp, rust pvp highlights, rust zerg, rust funny moments, rust base building, rust movie, best rust base design, Cali, calirust, rust huge loot, rust 10000 hours, rust raids, solo rust, rust solo survival, survival games, rust build, rust best start ever, rust wipe day, rust progression, rust chilled, rust vibes, rust gameplay, rust 2022, rust survival, i built rust, rust game
Id: y6yAKaU1Qvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 34sec (3814 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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