I Built the coziest, most efficient solo base in Rust

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[Music] hey spoing under water that's awesome what's up ladies and gentlemen welcome back today we're going to do something a little bit more lowkey I think not not low key that's the wrong word I'm just going to have a good time you know just have a chill time I think that's what what I meant to say with no really intentions going into this wipe I just wanted to have a good time and although we did that living in a great compact solo base this wipe was nothing short of chaotic I really hope you guys enjoy go on give me a bow go on oh I'll take that though that's [Music] huge did he see [Music] me [Music] nice dude these like early game kills are awesome I love getting them cuz before you know it you're just slowly stacking up so much truly truly wonderful I worry about getting somewhere close to where I want to live I'm thinking maybe satellite dish around here cuz I got Outpost there as well yeah it's kind of what I'm thinking should be good with my build spot in mind I just had to make my way towards it yeah as expected a lot of the barrels have gone around there I mean hey I got a guitar that's at least 100 scrap right 50 wood five cloth may as well be 100 scrap no way he in the safe Zone ah oh he had nothing anyway so yeah somewhere up here I think will be a nice nice spot kind of chill kind of lowkey got a road Lighthouse satellite dish Outpost no oh my God I did the wrong transaction bro oh was [Music] [Music] fine that's crazy that's crazy that's crazy I don't want to die no no no I head shot the wrong person this is not good this is not [Music] good bro what is this start right now all right I need to get a base down to be honest I need to get a base down right [Music] [Music] now okay you know what let's just go C let's just go now because you're not getting overconfident you're just overstaying and you need to get a base down after quite a crazy beginning to this wipe I finally got to the area where I wanted to begin my cozy solo base Pig just spawned on me bro go away oh [Music] my I don't mind building just here honestly this is a cool [Music] spot very nice very very nice indeed this has actually been a Flawless start this is [Music] amazing [Music] with my base secure it was time to venture out and begin farming scrap I need to check bro okay okay I'm sorry oh recycle so kits it's actually kind of huge and uh we'll get out of here fronto awesome how much scrap do we have oh we do have enough oh hold up but we'll make a furnace and we'll smel the metal however we obviously need to wait for it to smel to make a tier one so yeah in the meantime we'll still go to the road I would need metal to be able to craft my tier one so as I waited for it to smell I headed to the road to continue farming [Music] components well while I'm climbing up this I haven't actually told you much about the base one of my favorite kind of bases to live in compact quite small kind of out of the way and it has a bunker you know it's kind of cool it's kind of a win-win it also has a lot of deployables that you can have in it so you can have an oil refinery vending machines loads of storage every deployer you can think of pretty much yeah it's definitely my my favorite kind of Base personally I'm very excited to build [Music] [Music] it we Med okay I have a med I should win this fight I just get a first hit oh my God no way oh I hit him three2 he [Music] gone oh was a projectile in valid on that guy would have killed him as well I got him down to 20 hp as the sun sets I'm going to get some nodes or at least try to because I really can't live out of that for much longer okay never mind that the only node I'll be able to get I'll have to wait till morning oh this H cloth okay awesome so yeah so many notes here man this is [Music] perfect this guy's a teammate oh and a revolver three of them oh I'm dead I'm so dead I'm so dead three guys up my ass [Music] man oh no oh my God [Music] [Music] oh GG I think I'm putting up a good fight but I'm dead yeah oh man it's unfair it's on unfair a good effort versus a three man having a nail gun would have secured me this team wipe but I didn't have enough scrap to craft one but before worrying about my scrap situation I decided to expand my base slightly adding the bunker to my one by one and I actually have changed my mind I think I'm going to go I'm going to go brutalist it's just so clean okay so we just bang bang ladies and gentlemen welcome to the most common bunker in Rust but also probably one of the best bunkers I love using it I knew I heard someone bro picking up the [Music] mushies what the heck he didn't fully die and then we want the stone texture in the bottom left like so can upgrade and basically just repeat it that looks good and then if we connect this to the outside also boom and then 10% which is awesome we can destroy this in fact and if we place this roof and it breaks we've done it correct voila I messed up and I couldn't demolish but luckily you saw me make the bunker and the one by one so I just remade it a few steps away but I got slightly distracted but it's even Cozier than before oh I need a nail gun to pair with this um crossbow man for [Music] sure get greened up yes sir and because I'm lazy and can't wait for things to smell I'm going to buy some [Music] [Music] metal that scared me bro I holy ohoh okay bro I see you scared me man that actually like fully scared me too there is the CRI and we made it and as the morning came I finally finished the bunker oh I tried nope nope nope nope oh brilliant brilliant now I've got to redo it luckily I was finally able to complete it and make the second floor to my base making it much much stronger 10% should be absolutely fine if I place that it will destroy yep and we're going to leave this one wood so I can use it as roof access later on very nice and with this I finally got back out into the Wilderness oh oh what oh tried to get an arrow out a towel and I think this is him here isn't it wait is this him oh it's not oh this is him comeing there boy yeah bro and he was out of arrows because he was stupidly shooting them at [Music] [Music] me Jackhammer no it's all I ever want from this world is a jackhammer is that too much to ask I don't know how that Arrow missed I'm going to keep it real I actually don't know how that Arrow missed okay now we're farming that wolf with a bow knife that took away too long I am going to run to Outpost and we are going to recycle a lot of this stuff that we have here frees up space and get me scrap win-win living so close to Outpost is amazing it allows me to make transactions like scrap for metal and stone for wood which is two of my favorite it of course is also a great place to recycle and with me hunting for a tier 2 workbench this was hopefully going to speed up that [Music] process you can't actually place the WF frame here you have to go down here place it then delete in case you were wondering and if you were going to build this base I think we should get another furnace going I really want metal pickaxe really badly I need to see how much it costs on attch tree I'm getting it like I it's going to save me just so much just hassle I hate farming with stone tools that's good so in the morning that will be our [Music] mission a a a he nah don't there he's not going to try to kill me is he he is I people are unbelievable [Music] man a much needed Farm trip I'm going to craft another furnace in fact no we'll delete that one cuz for now this can be our furnace room wonderful wonderful [Music] [Music] perfect [Music] okay take a spare crossbow why not would have preferred a jackhammer ah classic Outpost move jump on the heads hey 100 scrap run something that I will not be complaining [Music] about br she saw [Music] me oh my God get out of here let's go the revolver was a blueprint I didn't have however I was so close to a tier 2 workbench that I wasn't too worried about researching it instead I continued crossy nail gun and would only use My Revolver when I really needed it [Music] [Music] this gu's farming out of The Spar go go go go go I'm coming for you boy [Music] should I jump off here screw it oh perfect a didn't really have anything but take [Music] it dude I just got back from a little break I sealed the bunker and someone just R my jump up I don't have a rock I wish you could just head but trees DK DK let me do a [Music] blue and you know what if you don't have these bags just just get them they're so pay to win they will this will fit in that little space I guarantee you yeah there we go oh just so oh there's another yeah [Music] uh-oh oh [Music] oh whoa oh that caught me by surprise luckily came out on top don't know why he doesn't just use the revolver in the first place I don't understand it's all right right we can upgrade this use as our jump up okay we can surround that with twig walls that way we'll know if someone's coming we won't get jumped let's demolish out this way yeah [Music] cool make a little balcony sort of thing and I would say the base is 75% done I think this base was coming along really nicely and I couldn't be more happy we would of course still need to Honeycomb add a compound external TC's and an expansion for the oil refin binary but that could all wait for now and because I now had two revolvers I finally decided to take one [Music] out okay I'm sorry Jimmy kills a kill right [Music] now classic Outpost strategies here we go drops one scrap this is the life of an outpost man drops one scrap look at this cheers mate yeah 350 scrap 150 needed I'm going to get some Stone because we're going to need it realistically oh what do they have I'm seeing I think I'm seeing a nail gun and a salvage ice pick armor a Duo very good uh and of course I don't know know where the farm mag went are you kidding oh he only has a crossbow oh I'm just going to leave all right let's uh let's try again this time let's get some nodes hopefully oh my God I missed I'm just going to let him live what the oh never [Music] mind I was going to let him live cuz I missed like a bought but what tool is that am I tripping [Music] huh oh very nice very nice any translators in the chat just can't wait to get this tier two man garage doors is just so good oh my God I'm going to [Music] die oh my God are you kidding I got to go back to the base I thought that was n for me okay let's try that again oh my gosh in order to get the remaining scrap needed for a tier 2 and some gears I decided to head into the Metro as there was a tunnel station right behind my base oh my God man same [Music] people [Music] okay so far this has not been worth my time at all there's absolutely no crates pretty much not good oh my God I almost bled out oh bed nice oh yeah this probably wasn't worth my time I probably could have got this just by hitting about Five Barrels oh [Music] yeah that's fine this one's fine this one's okay and the way we make sure that it's going to be done correctly as we do this it's kind of a long- winded process but it needs to be perfect cuz if you mess it up yeah you ain't opening your bunker still 28% so that actually worked first time which is kind of rare I'm quite surprised I'm very grateful though upgrade that demolish that and the honeycomb is done very nice with the components I got from my small tunnel run I decided to head to Outpost and recycle them allowing me to get a tier 2 workbench oh my God ignore me bro please I didn't want to do it because now I have to wait oh yeah we get enough right here to for sure sweet man oh no [Music] way just so the bow guy doesn't hit me just don't really want to fight unnecessary fights especially when I have almost 200 scrap and 750 cloth you know beautiful yeah that's a Calo luckily I don't need a bag down here really I mean it's nice to have a bag down here but I don't need it luckily I can open the bunker from above uh porcelain very nice oh we got the tier 2 down this means that first thing tomorrow we will 100% craft up a could craft a s maybe a saw maybe a P2 and um yeah we'll get to work with that and with that wipe day was complete for me it was getting quite late so I sealed the bunker and headed off for the night perfect now we can rest unless I've been absolutely pummeled from the side I think I'm okay yeah amazing to get my day going I crafted a P2 and decided to farm some nodes well that was a decent Farm run I didn't really find too much in the area that's the problem with living kind of near fresh spawn is that most of the nodes are usually [Music] gone very nice I now had space for an oil refinery but in order to craft one I would need a little bit more low grade so I haded to Outpost to smelt some of the crude I had been collecting okay I think he turned and head shot me so respect it's kind of crazy right I'm not going to need a large battery [Music] realistically all right perfect okay honestly that's all I need I don't like waiting [Music] around good thing I got [Music] [Music] naked uh this guy got the cap maybe even farming barrels oh he has a laptop for me I respect that that's a nice component okay let's try this out barrels I guess we'll do three to begin with if we you can only get three Barrels in here by the way I'm going to be so sad oh no way it went blue there we go yes oh no way they you can't place them through cauldrons like like larger boxes you know what I don't think I can fit two I can't even fit two next to each other here I'm pissed these things aren't even that good the hit box on these suck oh my God it's awful I'm so disappointed I'm so disappointed okay no they don't suck I'm sure there's really good like orientations you can put them but yeah screw that like how is this not fitting in that Gap there's so much space yeah like I said I'm sure there's some good orientations that you can put the barrels but I haven't looked into it and I can't be asked to look into it maybe I can have a secret barrel room that'll be for a vendor [Music] machine come on come yes yes yes okay okay come on don't [Music] [Music] yes oh oh let's go let let's go this was an awesome Heist however I had no low grade and there was no low grade in the mini so I kind of had to abandon it after half an hour of sitting in it luckily the AK kids left so they didn't get it back it was at this point where I decided to craft a P2 and a nice wolf headdress [Music] kit [Music] Run come here boy bro had 44 arrows he was actually [Music] scheming [Music] scrap acquired okay I just need that and Molotov boom now I had Molotov I could do a few flame raids looking for some good profits and luckily I found a potential candidate not too far away from me never mind very unfortunate I just crafted five more wallet sub and I had it back I'm the one to shoot in the back this time finally it's my stuff as well yeah here's his base I want to raid looks like it could be gun of juice uh never mind I I thought it would ooh ooh hang on okay ooh look at this box damn that's nice [Music] it's my P2 I don't know where this Sr guy lives but he is annoying after a great Molotov raid and hopefully first of many I decided to set up a simple electrical furnace circuit [Music] [Music] lovely yeah new base right here bro I was this loed why the did you kill me I'm sorry bro I'm sorry brother oh my base got raided look oh my my starter base okay guys I present to you Callie's Crib in here we have some junk in here we also have a bit of junk just a bit of junk just a bit of junk we go down here these bad boys love them bit of junk nothing major some decent stuff you know decent decent bit of food don't look at that that's a sad sad box our gun box is looking very dire I'm I'm not pleased with it we have a row of pistols like yeah that needs to be worked on and then we have our lovely lovely components with a few few Deployable stuff and our TC's looking pretty healthy as well I finally had some metal to spare as my electric furnaces were smelting quick time so I crafted myself a [Music] sar if he's not dead he is one [Music] what oh my gosh I was going to say Jack ah yeah a teammate shot in the back again well that was short Liv wasn't it I still wanted to do some Bas related stuff like compounding and external TCS but for now I was feeling pretty good with the P2 so I continued roaming around for a while [Music] [Music] oh no [Music] way what he's still not dead I hit him five times oh my God this is horrible this is horrible this is horrible and there's my SAR I think I don't know meds [Music] no we go back out of course we'll go back to that same same area as much as I'm despising it [Music] [Music] jeez hey M hey why you kill me hey now run now run no for kill knet man don't kill net so you die did you see oh wait I just realized it's a raid hang on okay oh what a mess S I know that's you boy kill me man man kill me kill me please kill me damn bro where'd that saw go oh never mind we die show in the back show in the back show in the back I found it my area was so so grubby so I took the S out to a different area to hopefully get a bit more success before doing my external [Music] TC oh man H what the hell is [Music] [Music] this I again decided to run the Met for some extra components such as gears and just scrap in general and I would come across a jackhammer which was pretty awesome oh Jackhammer I think the game is trying to tell me something as well with these two items here we can make a mini compound a nice cozy little compound that would be cool we got so so much wow I also found a spare solar panel so I hooked it up for some extra electricity [Music] to get some wood for my compound I decided to farm some Stone and trade it in an outpost seeing as I lived so close to it of course getting some metal on my travels as [Music] well okay 350 scrap I like that a lot 13 WS that should be okay I think 13 it's bit of an unlucky number but hopefully we can work with it oh where in the boo was that [Music] from lovely lovely [Music] [Music] lovely oh I may or may not have messed this up a little bit that ain't good I know I always mess up compounds and that is the reason when I went to recycle I kept some blades in case I needed to use barricades and well clearly I do problem solved I'm going to get another one and place it on the the inside too maybe we can place one here for coolness maybe we place them for aesthetic purposes so it makes it look cool you know yeah yeah that should be fine boom I actually quite like this this is actually quite cozy yeah you can't go through there I know again it's but it is cool perfect airlock nice dude with some base Shenanigans sorted I decided to head back out with some Molotov to look for some more flame raids oh two molotovs fine this is going to be such a dud such a dud raid I'm telling you there ain't going to be nothing in here okay yeah I forgot you see through there's there is there actually is nothing in there there's a tool cupboard oh my God I'm I'm so I'm so bricked I'm so bricked it's whatever man oh my God it's a bricked move that's a bricked play what the get out of here staring at my base and that's guy that killed me I don't know what I was doing for that sard death a minute ago I'm on 4 hours sleep so maybe that has something to do with it hopefully this guy chases me I just go over to there should be able to get an angle on him he wouldn't expect yeah easy peasy there we go that's a good uh good rebound I guess oh what the oh as if he just stopped no and now I don't have my saw because I thought it was going to be like a Close Quarters quick kill oh man that timing pretty bad yeah that's terrible timing oh there's three of them this is impossible I don't know where the Arctic went oh yeah unlucky I didn't realize there was a three man living there to be honest there they all are oh no there's four of them would' you reckon this guy's got a lot of comps I reckon he might uh o interesting I know what I'm going to do I have one Satchel in base I'm going to Chuck it on one of the walls here goes nothing oh I should have bought a Molotov for the TC oh well let's go that's huge huge profits I'm not even going to open TC there's no point I'm going just continue on my day think it was just one sorry for your inconvenience oh thought you had a saw leave can you leave some stuff OG sir yeah leaving it all bro I'm leaving it all don't you worry another crossbow H okay I actually am seeing someone to my right and he looks pretty geared hang on okay oh okay two of them yeah oh n [Applause] wow that aim was awesome C good job dude this was actually a really nice set of kills I got a good road sign set and a Thompson that I would soon use [Music] can I have an AK an AKO I want an AK what the hell what the Bush W man Bush W oh my gosh whatever man yeah I'm not I'm not this will be part of the fourman it I take responsibility for the first spr it wasn't like deadly accurate but the second one I was on him man I was on [Music] him oh man I really am I'm fed up of getting shot in the back I don't think you guys understand how frustrating this has been to be shot in the back every single [Music] death oh well I think I found where he lives he teammates with the LR kid that was my kit and probably my toght me as well sick well I know I have four spare molotovs and this base just popped up out of nowhere [Music] so H okay [Music] hey wait is this that base That Base they are loaded I'm dipping out see you that would't even destroy it either that that last one I'm going to have to make [Music] [Music] more [Music] oh my God I'm never raiding High Foundation wood bases ever again took me seven Molotov just to get into here and it was not worth it at all I can already say that no actually okay actually wasn't even not bad oh my God what is this oh sick dude what is going on all right I'm out you when I now this was where I actually had quite a couple of embarrassing deaths and to top it all up that's where it goes I guess what is he doing in there what is he doing in okay that was going to be my final room I Tech Tre down to extending mags and crafted a really nice kit but I got shot in the back the story of my wipe honestly man I think I'm done that's that's so annoying that that just that actually just sums up my wipe I craft a nice kit I even put extended mags on my gun I don't even shoot a bullet or maybe I shot one because I'm shot in the back yet again yeah I can't deal with this bro turning night time as well perfect time to start editing this wipe on the bright side very very very cool base so that was that my cozy base Adventure had come to an end I really hope you guys enjoyed thank you all for your support as always It's amazing And of course a special thanks to our channel members you guys are the real goats anyways I'll see you next week for another solo Russ Adventure
Channel: Cali
Views: 54,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rust, rust solo, rust console, rust solo base, rust bunker base, rust solo base design, rust pvp, rust pvp highlights, rust zerg, rust funny moments, rust base building, rust movie, best rust base design, Willjum, Cali, calirust, rust huge loot, rust 10000 hours, rust raids, solo rust, warrior rust, rust solo survival, survival games, rust build, rust best start ever, rust wipe day, rust progression, rust chilled, rust vibes, rust gameplay, rust 2022, rust survival
Id: gI4n9t6ogs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 40sec (3400 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2023
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