This Blindfolded Opening Did NOT End Well

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today i'm gonna be opening up pokemon cards blindfolded and there's actually a twist let me take this off for a second so i can explain on the left side here is the box of hits that i'm gonna keep on the right side are all the hits that i'm gonna be giving away and since i can't see anything there's no way that i'm gonna know which hits are good and which hits are bad so i'm just gonna have to cross my fingers and make the best decisions i can and if you didn't know this is the set that we're opening up evolving skies the hits are absolutely insane like this could get crazy one more thing left to do before i put my blindfold on i'm definitely not trying to play with knives while i can't see anything that's a recipe for disaster putting the blindfold back on here we go here we go all right i can't see a thing i'm just basing this off of uh muscle memory from doing this so often here we go pack number one i'm gonna go like this the code card should be back here i think that's right anyway one two three four and we're gonna go straight straight if i could talk straight through this okay hopefully i could see uh or like i can't see hopefully you can see what's going on here i have no idea and i think that we are on the rare okay so um i'm just gonna give this one away because this is probably nothing good so let's put the sleeve put the sleeve on and put it in the box there's the butt that's the box right that's the right one yes okay all right next back here we go i'm gonna be like i'm just gonna be a pro at this right off the bat i think what's gonna happen is i'm actually just gonna be able to keep all the good stuff and i mean look i'll give some good stuff away too just because i want you guys to have some stuff but like this is true this is a game of uh i don't know what i don't know what i'm saying it's this is a game of something okay so the last card should be right here this is this is this is good this is actually a better hit so i'm gonna keep this one saving these up not able to see is is weird okay that's definitely the left one oh yeah i should probably let you guys know how to enter the giveaway number one smash the like button number two make sure you subscribe to the channel with notifications on and number three leave a comment in the comment section down below let me know how you think we're gonna do with today's video all right um yeah yeah i got one uh this one okay here we go so i was just informed that the camera was not set correct let's continue oh i did i you see this is what happens when your cameraman decides not to show up to work and i have to man the cameras myself i have to man the cameras myself and you know what take this too i don't want this take it anyway let's continue you know something about opening packs without being able to see what's happening one two three four there's no pressure right now like i could just fly through these get to the rare and then i'm just gonna keep it because i know that this is the one for me i'm gonna keep it actually i don't want this and i want this one i don't want it you guys can have it just take it it's nothing good let's just keep moving yeah let's keep moving okay anyway uh this is the code card right and then one two three four oh my gosh wait what if i didn't do the pack trick on i might have forgot to do the patrick i don't know what's happening what if this isn't even recording i'm uh i'm gonna keep this i'm gonna keep this one i'm keeping that put it over here thank you this is dangerous i've had this open don't play with knives please i'm also starting to think that i'm gonna have to go through the bulk at the end to make sure that i didn't like accidentally screw up not do the pack trick like you know just left something behind because who knows what's happening right now i still don't need i'm still not even 100 sure if you guys could even see the cards on the screen okay um you know what uh i'm gonna keep this one too i feel good about this one this is probably like one of the best pokemon out there if you think about it like the top ten pokemon i would easily keep this one at the top ten um i don't know necessarily like top five but definitely top ten so yeah like if we're not doing this whole video correctly um i'm sorry like if you're just looking at not actually looking at the cards facing up then uh you know i'm sorry i just want to apologize to you guys because i can't see anything right now so i'm just going off of like um you guys can have this one like there's no way this is this is gonna not all right let's continue here i think we're good you know i think everything's going according to plans so i'm gonna keep rolling one two three four and we're just gonna like honestly just go straight through it get to the good stuff like this is this is honestly what you guys want but i'm gonna you know what like this card honestly on a scale of one to ten it's probably like a three or four i i might have kept that but i'm just gonna give it to you guys you know it's starting to get up there a little bit but you guys can have that and then wait where's oh here it is and then i'm just going to keep going yeah so here we go um oh my god which way is the front uh wait my brain isn't working that's the code card obviously and one two uh yeah something and then uh yeah that's the rare okay so we're gonna put this one into i know this one's this is such a bad card i'm not even going to sleeve it so i'm just going to put it in for you guys all right let's continue so we're going to grab the code card like this and then we're going to uh do four that was four right i did i actually didn't count that and we're gonna go through the junk junk junk junk junk junk and more junk you guys can have this one too um it's another one where it's like probably a one or two on a scale of one one to ten so you guys can keep that and like no no like i love giving stuff away don't get me wrong but like this is an actual competition so i have to do my best i don't know what the this is the back this the code card one two three four and i you know i have to do my best to try to win because if i lose i mean if i lose i i don't want to lose i want to win so i have to i have to keep the best stuff so i'm sorry i have to keep this and this one is going into the sleeve as you can see and it's going into my box that one's mine and um you know what this pack this pack is probably not not this pack's so bad i can already tell just on the feel this pack is so bad that i'm not even going to open it you guys could just have the pack i'll we'll open it at the end like we're going to see at the end here what was that something fall oh my god that's the box oh it's because i'm taking everything from the left right side i have to start taking it from that side that's fine all right so anyway we're gonna keep rolling code card going out one two three four buckle my shoe uh five six seven eight here's the rare and that one is you guys can have this one honestly i could tell this one's probably a non-holo just by the feel so that's going in for you guys and i'm gonna get my score back up here my score oh no is this the code card that's probably the good card i mean obviously one two three four and we'll go to the rare that one that's actually really good that's a really good card so i'm gonna sleeve that and i'm gonna put it in there got it okay oh i gotta remember to take from the left side uh just because you know it's it's kind of it's getting a little lopsided that was four right yeah okay um and we're going through we're going through blah blah blah get to the good stuff that's what we want that's mine that is a banger um honestly again like another probably top probably not a top 10 but like a top 20 pokemon easily wait 60 percent of you that watch the videos are still not subscribed to the channel so you better subscribe right now so we can keep the lights on wait no i was actually i was joking i was joking all right let's continue here i'm gonna open this one up you know and i'm gonna give you guys the code one two three four easy okay um so let's see uh this is a pidgey rattata uh we got a spheel we got a uh lunala we got a pikachu we got a weedle we got a caterpie metapod oh we got a uh something and then the rare is a non-hollow unfortunately so i'm gonna have to give that to you guys all right remember we gotta take from the right side we don't want anything to fall over again um so code card that's the code card that's four and i'm gonna go you know i'm gonna go straight to the rare because this is the banger right here this is the one that you guys all wanted to see and i'm actually pretty happy with so i'm gonna keep it is it getting hot in here it's i think it's getting hot in here i feel like it's very hot in here i don't even know if we're recording that's the crazy part um junk junk and banger i'm keeping it sorry it's a competition so you know i got to do i got to try my best and i love giving stuff away to you guys i absolutely love giving stuff away to you but there's no way that i'm losing this one two three oh gosh one two three four that's yeah we'll just do this ready this card right here i'm giving it to you guys i'm giving this one to you guys right we'll have little quick peek boom you like that pretty shiny all right put it in there all right let's let's share i'm going to keep the one on the left and you guys keep the on the right and then we'll just see what those are later that'll be like just a little wild card obviously everything is going according to plan for me and we're going to just continue with this uh this kind of one-sided opening i'm sorry it's just i'm getting the w's all day and boom that is for you guys i'm gonna give it to you there you go nothing good um so you know we're probably about like we're almost through this opening um so that's the code card right one two three four and i'm just gonna start going through the rare because like i don't i don't want to take too much time and i'm gonna look through we gotta look through the bulk at the end of this because like there might i might have just like accidentally did i don't know what i'm doing i'm just kidding i know what i'm doing this is for you guys though um and then we're going back in we're going back in and there's probably honestly still a bunch of good hits one two three four we don't need those take that that's what we want and sleeve it up and i'm keeping this one um i would i would assume this is a full art rayquaza alternate artwork all right i think i got this i'm not sure what's happening anymore but this thing just keeps falling so all right you know i changed my mind i'm putting this in front we already know which box is which now so we're gonna leave that there we're gonna just um we're gonna continue so there's the code one two three four and then take the rare and uh i don't think anybody wants this card to be honest with you guys i mean i we're just gonna we're gonna put it over here like right here nobody wants that car i'm not going to give it to you guys i'm not going to keep it like it's just not a good card at all so let's uh do that we'll do four of those and we'll just keep doing that we'll just take the rares out at this point like you know i'm not even gonna sleep this card i know how terrible it is so i'm gonna give it to you guys sorry again it's a competition so i have to do my best and i'm just gonna keep doing what i you know i'm gonna win this thing i'm gonna win this thing rare another terrible one goes to you guys sorry but that's just the name of the game okay so i think we're actually we're almost out of packs yeah we're almost out of pack so like i can't just go straight to the rare i have to do the card trick one two three four so i actually know where the rare is um that's actually a crazy good card that's probably like psa 10 you're talking like 50 100 bucks that's going to me right there okay yeah we're almost done this has been a pretty crazy opening but i think i got the win pretty easily code card four and rare rare goes to you guys again that's a that's that's a card a non-hollow that i don't want i'm not even gonna sleeve it all right let's continue here and oh this feels like a good pack hold on one two three four i'm keeping this one this one's all that one's mine and that one's going in the sleeve that one's going in the sleeve ladies and gentlemen congratulations to my box my box that's my box okay i'm gonna wait i can now at this point i could just get the rest of the packs nothing left in here these are the rest of the packs one two three four we're almost there we're gonna be able to see what happened at the end of this thing i hope you guys uh are excited to see all the fall i guess you already saw the polls i don't know oh no which way's that's the code card that's that's the good card this is the rare and it's not that good you guys can keep it you guys can keep that one three more okay final three let's go so yeah blindfolded opening up packs oh no is this the code card i'm gonna have to we're gonna look through the block too because if i if i mess up um you guys can have this one i'll throw you guys this one it's probably like a scale one to ten it's probably like a five maybe even a six so you guys can keep that one it's a pretty cool card i'll let you guys get at least one good card here today um one two three four right rare uh i'm just gonna put in mine i don't really have time to sleep this uh mine right mine got it all right the final booster pack here we go code card four one two three four the rare i will put this one face down um i'll put it down i'll just gonna drop it face down whichever one it goes and it goes in here you guys can see it not that great i know okay i don't know what happened all right let's uh reveal what everything that's happening oh it's so bright oh my what my hold on i have to wait for my eyes to like adjust to this oh it's so bright why do i have these this right of lights in my openings um okay i guess i'll look through the bulk later we'll just i'll check it at the end after we go through here but first i'm gonna check out all the good stuff that we got in the keep pile so let's see oh oh wait this was the one that nobody wanted i was right see that's nobody want that one yeah smeargle nobody wants that one okay so we're gonna start with the keep um okay let me just can i just go like there we go okay i'm just gonna be able to pick out one at a time here and just see so first card oh that's not a good sign that's a reverse i'm gonna have to look through this bulk i'm gonna have to look for this bulk bro what what was i doing what was i doing don't tell me that was the whole opening okay next card that i that i'm keeping it's gotta be this has to be a rare please this has to be a red it's a rare non-hollow ah that's not what i wanted okay keep going keep going keep going next up that's another round okay okay i did it right i did it right maybe i just messed up once but um why why are there not any big hits where's the big hits okay next card is ah come on this is a non-hollow artic or regular hollow articuno why would i keep that why would i keep that what is this oh here we go this is a booster pack okay um i think i guess i just threw this in here let's see what this is really quickly um okay it's a hollow whatever hollow oh v max okay nice nice we got a vmax on ours very cool okay i'll take that all right what else did we have a non-hollow okay whatever yeah yeah not hollow i need to start grabbing a couple at a time here here we go first one glacier v okay let's go we got a glacier see i knew it i knew it what's the next one sharp keto not hollow why would i choose that terrible oh umbreon v yo okay okay and a high dragon actually that was like that was like three three really good ones two or three really good ones what else do we have i'm just gonna grab these i guess face down yeah here we go oh altery hollow no lily can't no shift tree no those are bad why would i pick those well is that all like bro what i don't want to look in that one right now um now i'm nervous what did i give you guys what did we okay okay um let's flip it let's flip it around so here we go let's start wait i want to see anything let's start with these i'll open that pack in a second uh lily getting a house see i was on it with that yup that's the non-hollow oh my god it's not even in his sleeve bro what the heck am i doing oh my god sleep it sleeve it no no no okay you guys got the rayquaza fine it's just a regular v it's a really good regular v but whatever regular that's just a hollow v-max okay um yeah i mean not the best v-max but like i should not have given that in there okay i don't know what i was doing sharpedo yep easy oh my god why is that not in his sleep oh my god we actually wait i don't think i've ever i've definitely pulled at least once but like i feel like i barely have ever pulled this thing bro why would i give that away why wouldn't somebody okay i was getting it i know it goes in the giveaway and then um yeah this was this is the pack that i was probably like you know what it's probably a dud you guys keep it whatever yup drampa grandpa knew it okay i'm i'm afraid to know what else is in here i'm also kind of afraid to uh see if i accidentally like just like tossed really good cards in the balls okay so we're good can't really see okay um what's this card what the what you already got i get okay this is really looking bad for me i honestly think that you guys like the giveaway might have already won like price wise i can't really tell because i don't know what's happening smeargle easy yeah whatever regular hollow not hollow bro what the heck dragon soul phoenix that's a terrible sign that means that i put the rare somewhere in this bulk it's piled up everywhere that's a very bad sign and that's a good sign regular a regular non-hollow okay should we just reveal the rest of this right now shut up shut up yeah i think the giveaway spy probably won by now uh are you joking this can't be good okay flat bully i'm just giving all the flapples away talonflames oh and there was another pack in there i don't remember that i don't know how that happened oh okay let's see hey ampharos that's a non-hollow okay i found some more on the floor too so we gotta sift through this and see if we can find any okay that's a terrible sign wait why was that even in there how'd that even happen oh wait no i think the hollows i put to the side i don't know what's happening uh oh okay there's a hollow uh no sleeve i'm gonna assume i accidentally threw that one in luckily it wasn't anything too crazy uh okay i guess if there was like nothing in here um then we can just cut to the end of it oh my god bro oh bro no i'm so sorry how did that happen oh my god bro what the not even like that's jokes that's actual jokes that is actual joke stormy mountain gold card just got thrown into the bulk oh my god what no all right that that goes to the giveaway total story mountain's go um i should probably retire after that without knowing the exact total i'm just gonna go ahead and say that the giveaway box won this battle but thank you guys so much for watching the video if you enjoyed it don't forget to smash the like button on your way out also feel free to click on one of the two videos at the top there hit that subscribe button as well i hope you guys have a great day and i will see you on the next one
Channel: PokeRev
Views: 2,425,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon cards, opening pokemon cards, blindfolded, pokerev, pokecave
Id: x3HIHdUwTa0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 19sec (1279 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 21 2022
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