Blindfolded Pokemon Card Opening Goes Terribly Wrong

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today i'm gonna be opening up an entire booster box of brilliant stars but i'm gonna be upping the ante by adding in three vintage packs and i'll be doing all of this blindfolded are we recording okay good so let me explain i have a box of pools that i'm going to keep and a box of pulls that i'm giving away and of course i'm going to have no idea what's what because i'm going to be doing this blindfolded but my goal here is to keep as much good stuff as i can and then anything that's in the giveaway box is going to get given away to three lucky winners today so to enter the giveaway number one smash the like button number two make sure you subscribe with notifications on and then number three down below in the comment section let me know how you think today's video is gonna go so let's get started with pack number one and i'm gonna see if i can still do this so all right um we open it and then that's the code card right and then it's four from the back to the front okay so let's go through this and see if we get something good perhaps uh we're gonna keep going we're gonna go straight through it and then we should be at the rare okay i'm gonna give this one away wait which one's the giveaway uh right right yep right all right let's continue next booster pack how am i doing so far um okay so we open it and then code card right one two three four and then we're just gonna start flying through this one and i'm gonna get to the vintage packs like randomly throughout this video so just keep an eye out um i'm gonna keep this one because this is probably a good hit where are my sleeves okay i think i got the sleeves and we're putting this one in mine that's mine right next booster pack let's go here all right let's see so we do this and then we do pack trick is what am i i feel like this doesn't feel right wait is that okay i think it i don't know what's happening all right we're gonna go here and then we got the rare and we're gonna put this one into my pockets this is probably a good one as well sorry guys i'm just gonna keep all the good stuff today ah got it okay i don't i feel like i did something wrong on that last one i'm actually forgetting how to do stuff wait distinct pack this the code oh my god what if that was like uh okay we're gonna go through and we get to the rare what is it i don't know but i'm gonna give this one away because it's probably not good that one goes over here that's the giveaway one right all right next pack am i doing okay let me know down below in the comment section i am gonna check this is the code right that's how you do it uh i'm gonna check the comments as well once we get to this point in the video so let me know how what was that oh my god it scared me i'm gonna uh i'm gonna just check and i'm gonna check and see how i'm doing but yeah at the end of the video i'm gonna go through and see what we got uh this one i'm gonna keep why i don't know i just feel like it's probably a good one come on baby get in that sleeve come on baby come on why is this not working oh my okay go in here right right there i'm really sorry there's a slight chance that i'm actually doing this completely wrong because i don't know for some reason like this should be the code card right i'm just gonna hope okay and then one two three four and let's roll baby let's go come on i'm gonna get all the hits today all the hits today what's this um i'm gonna give that one away this one's garbage i gotta give you guys the garbage i'm sorry you guys know i like to give stuff away but today i gotta win this thing all right i'd say we do a vintage pack here like soon so code right two oh my god how many is that one two three four and then uh yeah we'll do a vintage pack here in a couple i would say in a couple in a couple come on baby give me the goods what do we got um okay this one's actually sod i'm sorry i gotta keep this i gotta keep this one and that one's going right into my pile all right here we go next booster pack am i even doing anything right here i can't even uh yeah that's a code i guess and then one two three four from the back to the front and we're just gonna fly through these and we'll get to the rare and i'm gonna keep this one too um where's my sleeves oh i can't can't find sleeves that is probably like the best card you could pull in this set all right i'm gonna do this one more of these and then we're gonna move into a vintage pack all right so that should be the code card i think i'm figuring this out one two three four and then oh okay we'll just fly through this and we'll go here and then i'm gonna say i'm sorry i'm just gonna have to keep this one too i know i keep keeping all the good stuff but like come on get into sleep oh i'm sorry i'm getting frustrated i should put i'm gonna throw these upside down i'm gonna put them upside down um okay so now we're gonna do one of the vintage packs here and i don't know which one i'm doing we'll do this one this one seems good okay so let's do this pack and i'm gonna crack this open this is um yeah it's gonna be cool and i think the pack uh i'm gonna do two from the back to play it safe because i actually have no idea i need to oh i'm scared okay i need to put these like over here on the other side i can't see though i want to keep these like separate in case i messed something up you're gonna go over there okay here we go i've never opened the card like this before uh yeah so we got rare old cards hope you guys are enjoying these ones and um i guess i'll know what they are later in the video i don't know and i hope i do this right um okay so oh my god we got it we did it we got something awesome oh i'm gonna keep this one sorry guys i have to be so careful right now but yeah i gotta keep this obviously thank you guys very much okay so yeah these should be there and then okay i'm getting a feel for this get it you get it cool all right i think that there's probably four people left watching this video oh my god how many was that four i think it was four all right let's continue and we'll go fly through here and we get to the rare and it's amazing card i'm actually gonna give this one to you guys so here you go got it am i doing good right now i'm actually kind of nervous that i might be screwing up something i'm nervous that i might kind of not be doing this right one two three four yeah okay we got a rare i'mma keep this uh we're moving through the box i actually have no idea how many packs are left i don't even know if i'm doing this right i don't know if anybody's even watching the video at this point uh i have to do the pack trick so maybe i'll just go through it quicker just so i can get to the rare and then put this in the sleeve and we're good this one's just gonna go wherever it goes all right so that's what i'm gonna do for the next couple ones i'm just gonna throw the card and whichever one it goes in one two three four is who's gonna get it i guess or whatever what it gets closest to because i'm probably not gonna miss all the hits all the hits all the all the hits i take is that normal people talk like that i don't know but here we go job okay next we have another pack actually i kind of like this method this is the new improved method one two three do i have to count every time i do that probably not cool card not even gonna sleep this one not even gonna sleep this one all right next up oh my god wait oh my god no i forgot isn't there there's a subset in here there's a subset in here so oh no wait that means that the second to last card could have been a hit like all these times and i just had no idea oh no oh well let's keep going wait so oh the trainer gallery dude how did i forget about that oh my god there's oh my god i probably there's probably so many cards that i just didn't even realize anyway let's keep going ah what is that i keep getting the mic i feel like there's like a spider crawling in my mouth every time i touch the mic by accident what's that for um what what's happening all right we keep going and we get to the rare and we're just gonna put it in i guess that's the new method moving forward at this point i really have no idea what's happening i honestly ow i feel like i cut myself on that i honestly don't even know fully if i am doing the pack trick correctly uh or if i'm just like showing the cards backwards like i have no idea it's getting darker in here um okay so we should do a vintage pack again soon i don't even know what's happening i'm just gonna throw stuff in here there we go okay good uh yeah let's do a vintage pack um we'll do this one here we go a pack that's probably from either 1999 or 2000 got to show the there's no code is there one two three i can't believe i just tried to show a code card back i actually i want to be more careful with these there's no way i'm throwing one of these all right here we go boom boom boom we got a cool card there very cool card there oh my god we got we got a cool card you got another cool card that's cool that one's all right that one's and it's kind of lame i'm about to throw this one no i won't throw it you guys can have it though come on baby get in the sleeve come on baby get in the sleep why are you not working on the vintage one all right i'll be careful with that um all right we'll continue on the brilliant stars i don't know what's happening anymore one two three four what is happening to my channel why am i doing this and we got to the rare that's mine all right continuing and i can't believe i actually still forgot about the subset i should probably start keeping some of the this i'm gonna do i'm gonna one two three four i'm gonna start keeping some of the cards that are second to last as well here um so like is that here okay yeah so we'll go like this next up why am i screaming one two three four okay because you know what it is i'm trying to like i'm trying to focus here um ah trash and then this one is amazing that's for me i'm gonna throw that i'm gentle with that one i'm ready to get to the end of this thing and see that i literally have like i did everything wrong and it's just like a random comment in every box or something and the rare we still have another vintage pack left one two three i have to do the patrick on each of these so that i know where the rare is and we are oh we pulled it oh my god you can have that too all right oh what am i doing one two three four next one it's going to be amazing oh my god we got it it i don't care okay next one sorry guys i gotta give you all the bad hits and you know it is what it is one two three i actually should probably start sleeping cards i don't know why i stopped sleeping them and i'm actually throwing them into the bin that's kind of not not really what we should be doing all right i'm going to teach you guys something here you always want to sleeve up the rare no matter what so hopefully i didn't screw up i really should be more gentle all right next one what do we got code card one two three four let's keep moving and we got it oh my god yeah let's sleeve each one of these up come on give me a sleep give me a sleep slave it oh my god why does it always happen to me there we go all right i'm gonna keep this one that's a cool card i hope i'm even throwing it in the bins right am i throwing them in the i don't even know if i'm throwing them in ow i feel like i keep cutting myself all right next up we huh wait uh yeah we'll go like that all right i'm gonna be so freaked out if i like throw a rainbow like arceus out of here um all right and then we got to the rare i'm gonna sleeve it of course gotta be always a sleeve why is this happening and then you guys can have it i'm giving away the good stuff today i can't even remember if the right side is the giveaway one or not one two three four how many more of these do we have one two three four five i don't know i'm counting anymore um so the rare i am gonna just put that one in mine um okay so we have we don't have many more packs okay so we're gonna do a vintage back here soon and i really should not even be allowed to open vintage packs while i'm doing this this should kind of be like illegal for me to do but we're gonna keep moving and we get to the rare oh my god you guys can have it there's a lot of packs in the um booster box it feels like there's more than usual are they just like do they keep because for me it's like i literally see nothing right now and it's just like i'm trying to keep myself i know i'm like supposed to keep you guys entertained but like i'm just keeping myself entertained right now because i honestly don't know how i can do this and it's like i have to do the patrick so i'm like limited to how quick i could do this but i'm also blindfolded so i don't know what's happening uh i don't know what i'm doing anymore i'm still doing the first trick uh i'm gonna keep that okay there can't be that many all right so add to this pack let's do a vintage one and then we'll end it out and then we'll uh we'll see what happens i'm sure i won this thing easily easily and there we go and i'm i'm really kind of scared i'm hoping that i didn't get any trainer gallery cards because if i did i feel like i missed all of them or not maybe not all of them but like most of them but yeah maybe there's a trainer gallery in this one so we'll keep the second the last one just to be on the safe side so here we go all right we'll do it like that you guys get the trainer gallery i'll get the hit and then we got oh okay i think there's two more packs you know what let's keep these ones sealed i'll take that one you guys take that one i think that's it and then we yeah why are there cards sitting here okay uh we'll figure that out later but now we have this last vintage pack so let's grab this one and no pack trick no there's no no code card but there's a pack trick three from the back i gotta be careful with these ones all right so i'm gonna do it like this why am i saying like that all right here we go baby come on baby here we go here we go not the last last okay um this one is probably good actually this is probably amazing and i'm gonna keep this come on getting to sleep okay there we go i'm gonna be careful with that one all right i think we're good wait sixty percent of you that watch the videos are still not subscribed to the channel so you better subscribe right now so we can keep the lights on wait no i was actually kid i was joking i was joking all right i also have these two pieces of paper hopefully i'm doing this right i just want to cover these so i can't see anything yet are we good oh it's so bright i hate i did this last time and i can't see anything okay give me like one second oh my god i definitely messed up for starters there's an artillery just sitting in my bulk right now like on the top bro are you kidding me i definitely screwed up i think i think i screwed up so bad right now all right anything that i i missed is gonna go in the giveaway pile oh my god there's cards on the floor too okay where do we start let's start with my stuff that i'm keeping all right and then like i definitely missed some cards that i threw oh thank god okay that's nothing good that's nothing good the flygon went flying that's fine so which box had the best pulls we'll start with my hits here we do have this pack we'll do that in a second but first let me just start grabbing these out one at a time i don't really want to see them until i get to them a mother garbage why would i keep that next card oh my pickle but it's not asleep why was i why was i putting cards in not in his sleeve that's just not smart oh my end okay but we got a good hit it looks fine though next card here we got a non-hollow what was i thinking on that one okay next couple are in his sleep ah what is this we got a pizza bro pizza hollow from jungle oh my god bro that could have been really bad if i didn't sleep that up no i think i definitely sleeped up all the vintage ones so this is another really good one that we got okay let's keep going i don't know who's gonna win this thing let's see what the next card is it's a raptor nothing good there gonna grab a bunch of cards now charizard baby let's go no way oh my god thankfully i put it in the sleeve all right that's another win for for me uh yeah okay whatever two non-hollows don't care about that just gonna grab more handfuls of cards we have a oh my god that's the base set two card it was a trainer not hollow alchemy i sleeved that one up for no reason lucario hollow whatever bro that is an incredibly bad sign that means i did the pack trick wrong and i could have had something really good um lapras whatever or whatever whatever there's not much left in here of course i got the luminion v and the muck non hollow i actually didn't get too much good stuff besides the jungle hollow in the charizard yeah there's nothing else in there besides the pack all right let me crack this one open not blindfolded we'll just go straight through and alan i can see what we got here and it's just a regular hollow oh all right giveaway pile goes there but now i gotta go through this bulk because i i really must i think i definitely i had to have missed stuff so i'm gonna sort through this and we'll probably stop once i get some big things that i see or if we see anything big kind of don't want to see anything good in here honestly no no way oh that's actually such a bad oh my god bro i can't believe i did that i cannot believe i just did that you're actually kidding you're actually kidding i oh my god that's like one of my favorite cards in the whole set please going to sleep are you okay i think it's completely fine i think it's completely fine all right well i said anything i passed would go to you guys i feel like you guys are probably going to be winning this thing let's continue and see if there's anything else that i screwed up and passed on because i'm really nervous about that energy that was in there that means that a rare went into here could have just been like a non-hollow or something but that means i passed it no another really cool car please don't be messed up oh my god that one's actually not bad i think we're good evie how are there two hollows in here what was i doing ah flareon2 larry on two bro why is it all the good ones that i just missed why is it all the good cards ah lyrion are you okay dude it's completely fine okay we're good flareon i'm sorry we're going through bulk still which could be something good i have no idea how that got there i don't know how that got there i must have missed so many rares i don't understand what i was doing all right i think that was all the stuff that was in the bulk there's some really crazy stuff in there i'm gonna put that to the side that's going in the giveaway pile but now i'm just so nervous to see what is actually in here all right so let's just grab handfuls of cards right now without looking um no no ah ah what did i do why is this not a sleeve why is this not a sleeve was oh my god was this don't tell me this was one that i threw where's the sleeve where's the freaking sleeve i gotta say though these are still completely fine but how did i let that go i think you guys already won this thing to be honest with you the riku v also not in a sleeve not as big of a deal but still like yeah that was a bad move on my end oh my god how did i not say that how did i not see that oh my god it's not hot it's hollow bro this one went into oh thankfully this one was in his sleeve as well dark machamp hollow from rocket okay um some how do you guys have reverses okay oh maybe from the i was thinking it was in the sub set i have to be really careful i'm really nervous okay okay okay good good i'm doing good here was a cop v i it's not that big of a deal okay what else let's just go right into it we got the pack for you guys too that that oh i'm doing good here oh zamasana v all right i think you guys won this to be honest with you i actually let me know down below in the comment section do you think won this i mean there's something crazy in this last pack that we'll know for sure with you guys i'm done i should not be doing this ever again
Channel: PokeRev
Views: 654,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon cards, opening pokemon cards, pokemon cards opening, blindfolded, pokerev, pokecave
Id: H33AhcwHjQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 37sec (1297 seconds)
Published: Fri May 13 2022
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