The age old equipment shuffle.

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Brandon if you lose your vice grips I'm sorry where do I stand where is going to be the safe spot is that on that's not on let's turn that on 70 amp hold on [Applause] [Music] good morning welcome back to another video it feels like it's been a hot minute uh mainly because I did not post a video last Wednesday I took some time off from posting YouTubes and some time off from farming to uh go on vacation with my family uh we had a good time we went to the Old Smoky Mountains Gatlinburg Tennessee had a good time but we are back today um I'm in my planter and planting tractor here uh because today is the day where we swap the planners for the combines because it is about that time of year where we need to start going through the combines and making sure they are a hundred percent excuse me making sure they're 100 ready for uh fall time making sure they're ready to go so we normally go over our combines in the winter we go through them in the winter make sure there's not no major huge jobs that need done and then we put them away this time of year is when we kind of go through them and make sure uh filters are changed that chains are good shape we like to start off with new chains so if we didn't replace the chains in the winter we'll go ahead and replace them now um we'll go through them and make sure all the lights are working and the flashers are working and just just stuff like that make sure all of our settings are set right so we shouldn't have any major jobs on them this spring but I don't know we'll see when we get them out and get them over to the shop watch them on that side yeah I am yep slowly [Music] thank you oh yeah we're getting closer how we doing we're doing all right well we are getting closer uh can he see you Bruce here we uh how do we get past there no hold up don't move can we open the door [Music] even if we open the door am I made it [Music] go forward ah that wasn't close at all I can't believe you guys how did we get them in here yeah yeah you're good now I watched back here ow easy on the turning I think hold up let me rotate hold up now go a little bit nice and easy oh that's not what I was looking for Kenny likes turn that way and kinda not go so sharp [Music] um oh you're good none of them should hit anymore the little in metal one was just kinda banging around [Applause] I have no idea why but this Hider car is bouncing like no tomorrow and I know that's not my head it's on this header cart but I'm kind of thinking that that's my header cart because my header car pulled by far the worst like it was terrible foreign to get out of the way hold on a second I was wrong that's header cart pulls terribly because it's my header cart and it is my head actually yeah this is this is this one's mine I can tell because last winter there were two winners ago when we went to put it up uh the wheel broke right here the whole axle did and this header cart or the head slid off the header cart it was pretty wild but yes this is this is my head so I was totally wrong there foreign [Applause] [Music] switch was off but it was not so it's just that [Music] so since that other 9240 would not start our plan was to just drive mine over which it started but the 335 will now not start so I guess we're just gonna take the heads we got bring them back to the shop and uh I don't know bring a jump box back 192.30 would start I don't know we went over there to get several combines and several heads and we came back with two corn heads so it's not quite the hole we were trying to to bring back but it's it's something it's it's something if everything wasn't dead we would have we would have got a couple combines with the corn heads but sometimes you win sometimes you lose and then this corn head that is sitting right there that corn head was traded in like like two like not like before last fall like it's been traded in for a while and they were supposed to come get it they just never did so it's just still sitting there so I don't I don't know I guess they'll come and get it when they want it but I don't know it's it's just chilling been sitting there for oh I mean a while [Music] well we got uh one of them out now the hold up is this 9240 that still will not start maybe it's been long enough now that it'll start with the jump box I don't know I don't even know if there's 9250s we'll start we haven't even tried that yet but that one right there is definitely the hold up see We're not gonna change mine and mine's gonna be dead one morning this fall when we get out there what maybe I did we might have changed them at the shop I kind of feel like we did yeah [Applause] [Music] get out of here do you need a video on how the batteries go in yeah all right you're gonna have to wait till next Wednesday what is it positive on the far side [Music] hey get in there all right Bruce try to start it [Music] okay okay what hey here's your vice grip foreign [Music] well it is dead [Applause] [Music] [Applause] very dead it's definitely off or it's dead right now foreign foreign [Music] you can't talk bad about people or filming YouTube videos yeah all right he don't give a hoot whoa is that rat poison yeah yeah was it in the pan all right there we go this is a hog a hog I tell you [Music] so we're bringing equipment back over to Papa's to make room for all the combines that we're bringing over here is that's that's kind of what's going on here I don't know if that pan is up all the way I don't know how to make it go up anymore I've never really run it but I don't want to tear the stuff for the door it's not up it is not up [Music] what does that do yeah we have a metal track at the bottom for the door and I was about to tear it off is what I was about to do but we're gonna bring this 500 Bruce is in the 380 there he's going to bring it over to papaw's and then Brandon is hopping in a 340 that's in this Barn over here and uh we're gonna run these over to Popples and bring the rest of the combines over I guess because we got we got three combines over here but we might as well bring the other two and then I guess Bain and Welker is coming to pick up that head today because uh that's that's the main reason we needed the combines over here today I went ahead and picked it up it is sitting on my combine there attack on the size of the tires on this thing like it just never get used to it this thing is a monster you sure we put these tires on this tractor it was it already had big old bats on here they were fat but they were like straight bars ah he got in front of me they were like straight bar tread and uh when we put these tires on here these are a curved bar tread it's not the same Tire I think what was on here before was in uh firestones and real nice looking straight straight tread and we put I don't know what these are these might be michelins or something but they're that curve bar and the tread's a lot taller and I'm pretty sure if you crank it around there you can get the tread touching forgot how rough this tractor is when you first get it out the barn anyways we'll see you over at Papa's [Music] Why You Gotta Be a Jerk Grace foreign so we got for the combines moved back over to the shop we got the corn heads moved back up to the shop we got let's see three or four of the trap for the tractors moved back over to papaw's put away over there we ended up getting all four of the combines we got all four of them put away at the shop which is nice which is really nice I didn't know if we had room for it but we got all four of them put up so whenever a bay opens up in the shop I mean we got all kinds of projects going on we got a transmission out of a semi we got a 1086 that store apart um they were working on an 806 and a 1456 in the shop so whenever some of those projects get cleared up and that stuff gets pulled out we'll be able to pull combine in start going through the combine making sure all the gearboxes are topped off and and making sure they're ready to roll for this fall so it won't be long um the corn is slowly changing it'll still be a couple weeks but it is it is approaching quite fast but that's all we got for this video so thank you for watching um we'll we'll see you in the next one [Music] oh what are you still doing here it's time to go home [Music]
Channel: Farmer Johnson
Views: 23,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 96tRByYIU-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 38sec (1358 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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