This Base was Griefed 100 Times - 2b2t

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why do we build on 2b2t it all eventually gets destroyed anyways whether it's a random player who just stumbled upon your base or your basemate turns out to be an insider at some point all bases on 2b2t eventually die it's just a way of life on a server that is anarchy but who says that if your base gets griefed it has to die what if briefing didn't even matter at all that is what a player by the name of hermetic lock asked himself in february of 2017 after leaving yet another base lost to griefers the idea came to create a base where no matter how many times it gets griefed the members will stay and rebuild something new on top of the ruins this became known as the world famous 2b2t spawn base like most new bases on 2b2t hermetic lock's spawnbase started on a relatively clean slate the site had no history of previous builds with any signs of griefing prior but there were a few things that separated this base from others it was extremely close to spawn hence the name and the base was completely open to the public at the time this was completely unheard of on 2b2t why would anyone even attempt to build a base without any effort put towards securing it in fact he actually posted videos to youtube of the base with his coordinates showing on screen and surprisingly for the first few days of the base's existence there was next to no griefing keep in mind this is an anarchy server but anarchy doesn't necessarily mean you have to grief instead players actually started helping build and expand the base so much so that players who've only played by themselves with bases in the millions died back to spawn just to be a part of this project however the initial rise of the space wouldn't last for long just three days later the base finally saw its first grief but it wasn't even that bad just a few bits of tnt and flint and steel and that's it so the building of the second iteration of the spawn base began and thanks to all the players helping out the base has become even stronger this time around many builds were created which included a farm houses a water slide and a giant windmill the players that built these structures were originally called the spawn builders guild which actually ended up becoming the foundation for what is now known as the spawn masons the infamous 2b2t group that is known for their huge projects like the giant obsidian spawn mason logo a few days later after all these builds were made well of course they were grieved and this time they were lava casts so if the ground was covered in cobblestone where else would you go well up of course so that's what hermetic lock and the builders did in fact some of the builders actually started incorporating their builds into the lava casts and this was just one of the many unique building styles seen at the spawn base so the cycle went on build grief build grief and the crazy part is that the builders didn't even care about the griefing at all in fact her medic lock was genuinely excited when he saw a new grief to the spawn base because every time it was he can start something new again all of this of course was a completely new style of playing on 2b2t as many of the server's builders build far far away to help prevent griefing from happening in the first place so what does the spawn base look like today well let's head on to b2t and take a look shall we all right now so i'm just approaching the spawn base and oh oh my gosh wow at this point it looks pretty darn griefed i mean oh my gosh it is just all just random cobblestone just from old lava cast but down here it seems like it's all been like flattened out but yeah oh look look underneath here let me just freak him here real quick it is just all blown up all the way down to bedrock this is just crazy and so what is this right here okay so someone has taken some mossy cobblestone and built like a some kind of hole i guess now of course the bottom level here isn't the only part of the base so let's actually see what's up there and oh my gosh is there just so much going on up there and oh okay so i can either scaffold all the way up there or i think i'm going to try to actually use my elytra so let's put these wings on and let's see if we can get up there there we are and nice all right so that structure right there is some remnants of an old dinosaur skull that was built here ages ago so let's take a better look at this let's try to fly down here oh no never mind they just the chunks weren't even loaded this whole thing is still here intact wow that is insane this thing survived through all the griefing and here's another good look of just the whole spawn base it is just destroyed that is insane oh there's a sign here let's see what this says the fortress of gold awaits you this way we gotta see this fortress of gold all right all right where is this fortress of gold where i i gotta see where this is so i followed this path here and it seems like there's some stairs going down so this might be where it is but we'll just have to see for the golden lands of glory um got some pressure plays here i i think this is leading us to the right place the sounds of these pressure plates are kind of annoying i wish they would have like used like gold blocks on the ground instead of these jeez all right so it seems like the tunnel is about to dip down here let's just take a look and okay we got a ladder here and whoa oh yes i know what this is and i can't believe it's still intact too okay what does this sign say to world famous hermetic lock spawn base no way the gold farm is still intact this is crazy caution watch your step oh geez yep that's a long way down you know what let's let's test out this gold farm uh so i guess we just have to hit them and then just jump and oh yep here they come oh my gosh this is a fully functional gold farm it's not even griefed yet well i bet you after this video that's going to change but still this is a working gold farm with 2t and yeah you can see how how slow the pigs are like approaching and falling that's just because the server is super laggy right now so we did miss an another area that was over here so let's actually head back down this ladder here so i was actually over here once before for a spawn mason meeting and this was actually somewhat recently but uh wow lots of the structures i remember being here are actually still intact and there's even some some map art here look at this what's that we got a chest here extreme bleaches do not touch oh well it seems like someone already touched it so even though this is like 500 blocks away from the spawn base it's really cool to see this area still intact i mean it's just so cool to see all right so i think we've seen enough here let's actually head back to the spawn base just for a last peek so there you go guys that's what the spawn base looks like right now it has certainly seen better days but you know griefing is just a way of life on 2v2t you just have to expect it for a base being this close to spawn so why did hermetic lock and the builders decide to build a public base so close to spawn with the intention of all of their work being destroyed anyways well there's something that hermetic lock likes to call the sand castle mentality as any player on 2b2t goes through the cycle of building and seeing their build get griefed that player will eventually learn and accept the destructive nature of the server it's like building a sandcastle nobody would ever expect that one would last forever either someone steps on it or the waves just wash it away it's something that all players on 2b2t eventually realize in conclusion hermeticlock created the world famous 2b2t spawn base solely based on the principles of the sandcastle mentality he didn't build there expecting his work to last forever he built there for the experience and in the end he didn't build physical structures he built friendships the builds themselves may have been destroyed but the friendships gained last forever
Channel: SalC1
Views: 788,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine, craft, 2b2t, world, oldest, server, anarchy, mason, spawnmason, logo, famous, base, salc1, fitmc, antvenom, hermeticlock, sandcastle, mentality, 1.16, 1.17, largest build, obsidian, history, dupe, duping, popbob, mc, project, ender chest, phoenic sc, builds, queue, client, hack, cheat, exploit, cobblestone, grief, tnt, lavacast, build
Id: d9qIaItoslI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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