Procreate Dreams VS ToonSquid | Which One Is Better

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when procreate dropped dreams the hype was immense procreate was revolutionary in the ibad illustration field naturally people had high hopes for its animation counterpart but unlike procreate seeming dominance over the illustration realm dreams isn't alone in the animation one toun squid has its territory so animators might be confused about which to get let's compare both and try to figure out which is best let's get to the juicy stuff the interface dreams is pretty similar in interface to its sister software procreate the first thing that pops up when you open the app are your projects with a plus sign in the right corner to start a new project once you set up your project template it will open up the window where the animation actually happens the interface is Compact and Slick fitting the needs of an iPad's limited screen it's pretty much our old good buddy procreate just with a timeline at the bottom this can be super comfortable and familiar if you're coming from procreate and the animation field as a whole as this is how most animation software are built you also have the option to bring down the timeline and make it vanish it will be replaced by small windows for each frame you had this is called flipbook mode the interface is black with a minimalistic approach and its design tun squid is very similar to dreams or is it the other way around since T squid came out before dreams anyways it opens up the same you have your projects and a plus sign to create a new one the editor opens up and you have the timeline at the bottom the main differences are that the drawing tools on toun squid are on the left with the brush lighters at the top and the color layers and undo and redo options are on the right playback and onion skin options are at the bottom the design of the interface is black with white lettering and detail it's thick and compact just like dreams so for this section both software are pretty similar time line procreates timeline is any regular timeline with a bit more minimalism to it your frames stack horizontally in chronological order right above it is the time stamps for the animation which upon clicking you can pop up a widget called the stage options where you can Tinker with the onion skin options and background color on the right you have the toolbar where you have the playback triangle on the left alongside other buttons for other purposes those being performance mode edit mode drawing mode and the plus button to add tracks files and photos on the left again the little rectangles icon with the name of your project next to it takes you back to the projects menu or as dreams calls it the theater toun Squid's timeline is a bit different you have your layers on the far left stacking vertically like any layer system with the corresponding frames for those layers facing them directly the frames on the other hand stack horizontally like most animation timelines just under the layers is a plus button that lets you add a layer a group a transform layer or camera options at the top of the timeline itself are different playback buttons an onion icon to activate onion skin mode the curved arrows icon next to the onion icon is the loop button that lets you play the animation on a loop add drawing is for adding frames and extend drawing is to extend a frame's duration magnet icon helps helps Define how you edit your frames in relation to other frames when it's on you can edit your frames duration freely and other neighboring frames will react accordingly when it is not on your editing of the frames duration is constrained by what's around it next to the magnet are transform layer options and key frame activation options drawing and animation tools procreate has been known for its amazing brushes you'll be happy to know that those same ones are are also available in dreams from sketching to inking painting and calligraphy brushes they're all there you can also easily drag the brushes you have procreate to Dreams by having the app side by side and just dragging the brushes from one app to the other there are also the usual and basic smudge layers eraser and color tools however in dreams you cannot use the usual lasso tool and freely transform parts of your drawings in order to make modifications you have to exit drawing mode and they'll be constricted to what you have on that specific frame all of it is selected and needs to be modified together dreams has key frame options text options onion skin mode filters and effects such as gushan blur and HSB and you have the ability to animate them there are also camera movement options and the most impressive to me at least is performance mode basically performance mode lets you play with a given frame however you like transforming and scaling it as you like and Records your movements turning them into an animation in itself when it comes to importing image sequen say dreams does not import them in order which is quiet a nuisence as you would have to manually reorder them as for exporting you can export the files in video format or turn all your frames into images or expor the project as a whole as for toun squid we also have plenty of tools tun squid has a plea of brushes with the option to import and create your own with plenty of brush editing options some of the more interesting brushes are the vector and pixel brushes much like procreate we have the basics with smudge fill Color Picker and text there's also an onion skin mode key frames with many property options such as position rotation scale and opacity and which are subject to change according to the selected object the key frames can be edited individually and you can introduce basa handles to them creating a curved motion another really interesting option is the transform layer which has what is called transform hierarchy which basically allows you to link out elements together such as different body parts of a character which if used in tandem with key frames can make for a smooth character animation experience when it comes to exporting toun squid has many options you can export your animations as MP4 or MV videos gifts images image sequences or even as a project with all of its data intact it's also interesting to note that tun squid Imports your image sequences in order unlike dreams performance users have reported that both apps can often run into crashes however procreate tends to be more responsive and faster than T squid which can be slower the bigger the files are for this section it is also good to look at the background of each of the software prre dreams is developed by a fully established team called Savage interactive with 46 people behind it they have the development and maintenance of brade behind them this may mean that the team's knowledge may be limited when it comes to animation since they specialize in illustration but it also means quicker bug resolving and updates which can also explain why procreate is reported to be faster than toun squid toun squid on the other hand is only developed by a single person kwin donard I hope I didn't butcher that kwin is a software developer and some of his other projects are quicksort a brain stimulation exercise game and evolution learning creatures an app where you can create joints bones and muscles to build creatures Kayan says quote I am working on it Tom squid in my spare time in addition to a full-time job and other projects so I can neither give a time estimate for when the exact update will be ready nor whether and when any specific feature will be added end quote this means that tomb squid might be slower to respond to bugs or provide updates price progr dreams costs $20 while toun squid costs $10 not much to say there except if you are looking for affordable options tun squid easily wins this but it's also important to note that dreams has a dedicated team behind it while T squid only has one person so which one to get the general consensus from users is that tun squid has a lot to offer it's been out for way longer than procreate dreams and is tool and feature Rich while dreams seems to be lacking and feel Barren compared to toun squid users also find dreams to be less intuitive than toun squid and I think this is because procreates design philosophy is minimalistic they tend to hide a lot of their features and compact them away from views since their product is mainly for iPad and this minimalistic approach helps a user not feel their drawing spaces crowded while tun squid exposes their tools so clearly which might be helpful to animators who are used to traditional animation software interfaces this can be a plus for you if you're coming from using procreate and want to explore animation in the same fashion procreate allows you to explore illustration users also tend to note that dreams seems to have been released earlier than it should have and might need a bit more time to get to where toun squid is and they're working on it as they are actively listening to users and adding features with time if your background is in animation we suggest you get toun squid it is the more tools and feature Rich of the two for a lower price and keep an eye on dreams as it evolves with time if it starts getting more tools and features maybe you can consider getting it but who knows maybe at that time T squid would be way ahead if your background is illustration and specifically with procreate but want to dabble in animation procreate might make more sense to you and that was that for our video let us know what you think in the comments below and with that said we hope to see you in the next [Music] one
Channel: InspirationTuts 2D
Views: 4,506
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ToonSquid, Procreate Dreams, 2D animation, procreate dreams versus toonsquid, keyfram animation, toonsquid, best ipad animation app, procreate dreams masks, procreate dreams review, procreate dreams techniques, animation ipad, ipad animation, procreate dreams preview, procreate dreams app, ipad animation apps, animating with ipad, ipad pro animation, frame by frame animation, procreate dreams frame by frame animation and masks, ipad pro, Procreate, Procreate Tutorials
Id: AGrd0FG592Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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