THIS American Silver Eagle is Being Forced Out of Existence - Watch What Really Happens

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hey what's up everybody on this video today I will be discussing one of my favorite topics American Silver Eagle bullion coins I heard a rumor floating around social media not sure if you've heard this rumor or not but that rumor is type one original heraldic reverse design American silver eagles are being forced out of existence or if you wanted to buy them it's going to cost you a very high premium to get them and I would like to give you my thoughts my opinions some facts about that what I'm seeing online for the type one heraldic reverse design American silver eagles and what I've been seeing locally at local coin shops are the type one American silver eagles really being forced out of existence are they gone are they hard to find and if you can find them are the premiums much more on the type one American Silver Eagle or are the premiums lower on type one American silver eagles or back dat American silver eagles I will be discussing all of that on this video today please consider hitting that thumbs up but on the video and I would definitely like to hear your thoughts your opinions what you're seeing for the the type one American Silver Eagle are you able to find them are you finding them easily and are the premiums lower or higher for the type one heraldic with the John merante reverse design American Silver Eagle so let's discuss it but first let's talk about this American Silver Eagle the heraldic reverse otherwise known as type one maybe you just call it the original the classic reverse design American Silver Eagle the American Silver Eagle with this reverse with the heraldic reverse design designed by John maranti first was issued by the United States m in 1986 and this is one 1986 American Silver Eagle right here now I did add up up all the type one American silver eagles from 1986 until Midway through 2021 I believe the United States M stopped minting producing the type one American Silver Eagle in 2021 it was somewhere around April or May well here is a type two American Silver Eagle 2021 they did change these up a little bit on the obverse the font's different it also has ad off Wyman's initials on the adverse so many differences on the adverse but the biggest difference on the type two or otherwise known as Eagle Landing design American Silver Eagle designed by Emily damstra some people refer to it as the cut off Wing American Silver Eagle and the other difference on this is that it comes with a security feature some look at the security feature is not being very creative not a very good security feature but nonetheless it has that missing read as the security feature on the type 2 American Silver Eagle so there it is but this video is more about the type one American silver eagles that's why we have a bunch of type ones there may be a few type twos in there as well but the type one American Silver Eagle that was introduced in 1986 from 1986 through the Midway part or April May of 2021 the United States men I added them all up so you don't have to if you ever wondered how many American Silver Eagle bullion coins type one heraldic reverse design designed by John Maran how many are there in existence I added them all up today and it is a huge number it is 6,836 482 now it's possible I may have made a slight mistake with my math but that should be pretty close to the actual number if not exact actual number of how many American Silver Eagle type one coins were mitted from 1986 through 2021 then then in 2021 the United States me switched over from May or June in 2021 and they went to the type two and this went from Midway part in 2021 through the current time where the United States Mt is producing this American Silver Eagle so I like buying American silver eagles when the price is right when the premiums are right this is my number one coin to stack my number one piece of bullion silver bullion that I like to buy and that is American silver eagles like I said when the prices right and when the premiums are right for me now the lowest mintage American Silver Eagle is the 1996 the 1996 bullion coin American Silver Eagle is the lowest Mage American Silver Eagle with 3,633 186 still a lot of coins but this is the lowest Mage and generally it's going to be the highest premium American Silver Eagle that you could buy now we're talking about raw coins graded coins a little bit different I'm not going to get into that on this video but this is the highest premium raw bullion coin American Silver Eagle usually that you would find at any of the isine bullion dealers or your local coin shop if you can find them it's really hard to find these in really good condition usually they're going to be scratched up probably have some milk spots like this one has has some milk spots some other spotting on it but that's just the way it goes 1996 American silver eagles had a lot of quality problems which is why in a very high grade in a MS70 they are very very expensive so that's the lowest mintage American Silver Eagle the highest minage type one heraldic reverse designed American Silver Eagle was 2015 with 47 million American silver eagles struck that year now your lowest mintage American silver eagles outside of the 1996 is pretty much all the American silver eagles in the 1990s and in the early 2000s are in the single digigit million so 3 million 4 million 5 million 6 million 7 million 8 million it wasn't really until 2008 that the United States meant the demand was in the tens of Millions with the exception of 2002 and 2006 those were minted over 10 million but then it wasn't until 2008 through 2016 that these were in the tens of millions 20 million 30 million 40 million then in 2017 much lower demand and United States M I believe the number was just over 15 million American silver eagles I could have that number wrong I did not write that down but then once again starting in 2020 the United States started selling these once again over 20 million except for in 2022 the United States M only sold to them authorized purchasers 16 million American silver eagles they definitely in my opinion did not keep up with demand in 2022 for whatever reason the United States May gave lack of silver planchets they had a hard time getting silver planets supply chain issues whatever the case may be they only sold 16 million in 2022 and were unable to keep up with American Silver Eagle demand which resulted in extremely high premiums but that was the type two American Silver Eagle not the type one with the heraldic John merant design but I heard something the other day that type one American silver eagles are being chased out of existence and that you have to pay 35 37 $40 for any type one American Silver Eagle I heard that they are very rare and I'm here to say that that's not true in my opinion that is not true now if you want to buy the type one heraldic design American silver eagles for whatever reason I don't know what that reason is but if you look on any or most anyway of the online bullion dealers these are going to cost you over 35 maybe over $40 per coin to buy any type one American silver Eagle no matter if it's a 2021 now 2021s again for whatever reason seem to have a little bit of a higher premium even for the type two at then even uh 2016 and 2015 that had extremely high mintages over 40 million still very high premiums but if I go to my local coin shop most local coin shops that I've seen anyway are the very opposite it's cheaper to get the backdates than to get the current year American Silver Eagle last time I was at my local coin shop the 2024 type 2 American Silver Eagle and know by the way if I have my choice I would rather buy the type one American Silver Eagle over the type two I would rather buy a 2016 2015 2017 American Silver Eagle or you can throw any date in there for that matter I would rather buy a older date in the 1990s that had a way lower mintage about 7 million 6 million 5 million versus buying a brand new 2024 if the price is right I like to shop around I like to go to many different local coin shops and see what I can find what I can find for the best deal and the best deals have been the backd American silver eagles now these are not full tubes these are not sealed tubes these are not sealed Master boxes these are generally coins that they buy from their customers but unlike most of the online precious metal dealers were the type one American Silver Eagle are usually over $35 and silver spot price as I'm recording this video is right around $25 per ounce the last time I was at a local coin shop I bought type one American silver eagles for 27 between $27 and $28 per coin and that's when the silver spot price was just over $22 per ounce so are the type one American silver eagles with the John merant reverse design being chased out of existence is it very difficult to be able to find these do you have to pay very high premiums for these coins and the answer to that in my opinion based on what I've been seeing locally at local coin shops no these are usually cheaper to buy the type one and I like that I like that these have lower premiums than the newer ones because I prefer to buy the type one American Silver Eagle now I will buy type twos if they're cheaper but since these since the back dates are cheaper again they're not seal monster boxes they're not coming out of seal monster boxes they're not even coming out of sealed fresh tubes they may have some problems they may have SP in they may have toning they may have some tarnishing at then some of them may be near perfect scratch free but if I can get the type one American silver eagles cheaper these are the ones that I am picking up and I have been picking these up before the silver spot price went up over $25 I haven't been too a local coin shop recently but I think it is due time to go there and see how much these type one or American silver eagles in general are going for right now but are these being chased out of existence maybe one day but that day is definitely not today I mean let's look at it this way American silver eagles are constantly being traded they're being bought they're being sold they're being sold to online dealers they're being sold to local coin shops or they're being sold peer-to-peer now could there be coming a day when these are hard to find when they're all in stackers hands all in people's collections all in people's Stacks in their safes maybe that that could happen as of the recording of this video there's definitely better deals to be found right now at local coin shops maybe at a coin show make sure what you're buying if you decide to buy a American silver eagles that they're real that they're not counterfeit because American silver eagles are one of the the most counterfeited so definitely do your research do your homework get educated on what American silver eagles are supposed to look like and know that you are buying legit real authentic coins but what I found is you can definitely find better deals on the type ones on the back dates than the current year American silver eagles and that's as of right now maybe in the future that will change where the type one or the back dates are going to cost you more and the current year will be cheaper but from what I found that is not the case today and that's because it's costing local coin shop owners and coin shops more money to be able to get the newer dates in than what they're able to buy the back dates for from their customers across the counter that's my thoughts on that let me know your thoughts your opinions in that comment section below please don't forget to hit that thumbs up button on the video what are you buying if you're buying American silver eagles are you buying the type ones or are you buying the current date American silver eagles are you buying back dates or the current date American silver eagles and what are you finding the better deal on let us know all of that in the comment section below I do appreciate everybody for taking time out of your day to watch this video like comment subscribe please share this video with all your friends and on social media and I'll talk to everybody on my next video thanks L everyone
Channel: Silver Wolverine
Views: 11,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DQU9vlGi4L0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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