This Achievement in Hollow Knight is SOUL CRUSHING

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if you're wondering how hard the most difficult achievement in Hollow Knight is oh okay all right no no way it's it's pretty rough fortunately instead of you having to suffer through it you get to watch me do that instead because today I decided to try something that I thought I'd never accomplish unlocking Hollow Knights artist achievement but unlike the games that have previously covered on this channel there isn't an achievement that stands Above the Rest in terms of difficulty there's actually two of them one title embrace the void is for completing a gauntlet of all 42 bosses in the game back to back without dying and the other pedals Steelheart requires you to beat the game wait that doesn't sound that bad also without dying and with 100 game completion now I love Hollow Knight more than team Cherry loves not giving a release date to Silk song but these are some pretty insane Feats for a normal player both achievements are insane but this video will mainly be about the Steelheart playthrough and it'll be pretty apparent why soon enough even to the void truthers that being said there was nothing left to do but start my descent into hallownest and I wasn't coming out until I had my achievement it was just one issue I was hopelessly lost I probably should have looked up where I need to go before uh doing all this then again that's no fun and I think the funnest part of these games is Adventure I think I'm going the wrong way I'm in the crystal Caverns yeah okay [ __ ] it seemed as though I was the Roanoke Zorro of hollow Knight pretty good sword skills not a lot of sense of direction I'm here I could have just gone left then oh brother so it was very fortunate that after a couple wrong turns I met up with cornifer who sold me a map of the area for a pretty reasonable price and now I knew exactly where to go that means I go down and more down and more down okay just kidding the map isn't actually filled out so I got lost again but eventually I did make it to the first minibus now I'm gonna use the introduction of this boss as a nice little segue into a new reoccurring section of the video called book facts as we know Hollow Knight's world is filled with characters based on real life bugs that are drawn in a very adorable way uh moving on because of this I'm going to give a fact about any enemy or NPC I find interesting in the game starting with this one the Gru's mother this enemy is interesting because it looks intimidating at first but it's actually a bunch of vertically challenged cruises in a big Cruise costume so it's not as scary as you might initially think now since I've recorded this run back in mid-april I had to make a quick stop to save the shopkeeper from the devil's lettuce then I was on my way to the first main boss if I could find my way of course was this where I was before where am I going eventually I did find the boss room and began doing battle with the false Knight bug fact this boss is called the false Knight as it's really just Casper the Friendly Ghost possessing a suit of armor if you're unaware of who that is however it's because no one ever saw him again after I got done with him and there we go soon after this I got my first stability and proceeded to get lost again where am I where am I on the map that's a fantastic question so in order to stop looking like an idiot I finally made the wise decision to return to the surface and purchase some navigational items but then proceeded to forget to equip them uh I need to put on the thing I forgot jokes on you viewer nothing will stop me from looking like an idiot by some miracle I did end up making it to Green Path which is a bit more perilous than the area before specifically due to the acid you can fall into no [ __ ] oh okay I understand that there's acid down there see we learn from our mistakes on this stream and I feel like that's a very important aspect that I will never make the same mistake 10 times foreign okay I can't make that got it good to know once I made it pretty far into the area I met up with corner for again who charged me double what I paid for for the last map I knew inflation was bad but this is ridiculous it didn't even stop me from getting lost again so this way isn't gonna help where where do I go where am I during my confusing journey I did pass by zote bug fact zotes a giant [ __ ] but I needed to rescue him for game completion after our lovely conversation I managed to make it to the next boss Hornet as well so I didn't really have a difficult time with did I get hit that entire time I don't remember where I took that damage from so if I did I mean sheesh I couldn't even go the feeding Hornet also gave me the dash ability which allowed me to get lost even faster than before but all of this so far was just preparation for what I consider the hardest boss in the game just look at the technical prowess required to beat it there we go that's what I'm expecting yeah foreign after somehow conquering that demon on my first try my directional skill suddenly came back and I was able to make it to the fungal wastes where everything is gassier than me after a trip to Taco Bell I guess there's another big guy anyway oh my gosh everything explodes there's a lot of guests now there were a couple major things I needed to do in here before fighting the main boss first I needed to grab the map from cornifer even though he raised the prices again that snake then I needed to attend a mushroom metal concert in order to get a charm Notch this would allow me to equip more special perks also known as charms at benches and finally I had to get the most important charm of the entire run this charm specifically gives you a big damage boost and breaks upon death but since you're not supposed to die for the achievement anyway it's definitely the most valuable item you can get in the playthrough it will break if the bearer is killed good thing I'm supposed to not die this play through now now we're getting into the actual game with these errands out of the way I felt confident enough to face what is considered to be the first challenging boss in the game the Mantis Lords bug facts the Mantis Lords are actually based off of praying mantises and the reason why these mantises pray is because they're praying I don't find another reason they come back down there after the ass whooping I gave them oh Apes together strong once you make it to the city of Tears this is when the game starts to open up a little bit which means it was time to put my 100 completion strategy into effect my plan was to focus only on paths and bosses that would lead to new abilities both boosts and strength upgrades then I would work on any remaining charms and optional bosses after my character was incredibly roided out the following that line of thought I got my nail upgraded then headed over to the soul sanctum to fight the soul Master this turned out to be pretty easy too thanks to the amount of strength that acquired already let's go all right we did something unfortunately though all the strength in the world could not help my platforming skills oh okay all right everything's fine you know as someone who has not a lot of life to spare I should probably I should probably be a bit more careful oh oh hold on a second where where is the bench but at this point other than that nothing had really given me any trouble thus far I capped off day one by defeating the crystal Guardian bug facts by the way this dude has to be made of talc because this was the softest boss I'd fought so far and then I got the dream nail upgrade I'm not gonna lie my confidence was brimming during the start of day two and I was wondering if this was really gonna be all that hard little did I know at the time that this hubris would be my downfall I began day two following my initial plan to a t i was purchasing upgrades from Merchants having my money stolen from Rapid inflation and fighting only the mandatory bosses that would give me upgrades afterwards but then I made my way to the Royal waterways and everything changed a path I was taking led me to an optional minibus that I didn't need to take on until I was far more upgraded but since I had yet to struggle with anything the game threw at me I thought it would be more efficient to take on the boss now instead of having to come back later this turned out to have the opposite effect oh my wait wait I [ __ ] up no no oh no wait I'm oh why did I do that why did I do that then that doesn't make any sense why oh this is actually so much worse than the Coliseum I need it you go upgrades man I need to go for our Grace first what am I doing get the get get all this stuff don't fight side bosses what are you doing this death was a very sobering experience unfortunately it came at the cost of five hours down the pooper so I had to create a new game and make my way all the way back to where I was before but tilted uh optimal route optimal route optimal route don't do it unless it's actually necessary uh okay do some let's do some critical thinking shall we all right my first thought don't do that I'm not gonna go over everything that I did on my way back but I will mention the things that changed for one I found out that zote doesn't actually need to be rescued for 100 so I let him take on the big fly by himself like he said he wanted to earlier next I almost choked horribly to not only the Mantis Lords oh my [ __ ] god what is wrong with me stop stop throwing but the small mantises as well their prayers were definitely working overtime this run oh my God clearly not [Music] a heart bro I don't know if I would have been able to take it killing the Mantis Lords wrapped up day two and I began day three catching up on the remainder of the things I accomplished last time in between I also changed my setup to what it is today in case you were wondering how old's footage was progress oh we'd love to see it truly brings a tear to my eye with everything else done there was only one place left to go back to the waterways thankfully it seems like this time I was prepared or was I because I was doing everything according to plan this time I got complacent there's no way I could lose to an easy boss like the dung Defender I said I could beat him in my sleep but Hollow Knight has this funny tendency to give you a wake-up call when you least expect it and boy when I say I wasn't expecting it I will never be able to emphasize it enough foreign oh my [ __ ] god I'm an idiot [Music] i i i autopiloted i brain litted I I did I I [ __ ] I I [Music] know it's only been two deaths so far but I kind of felt like I hit rock bottom at this moment when you think about it I was now more [ __ ] than that guy who lives in [ __ ] I really didn't know how it could get worse from here ripped dude I'm a [ __ ] idiot oh yeah I could die to a couple random enemies back in greenpath that actually would be worse now I think about it oh that's actually the by far the worst I've ever done I've done it has two Moss nights more times than I can cat I've died I think one more time than I would like to them I need a mental reset so like before it was time to grind back to where I died lamenting all my deaths along the way could you can you believe that uh I was so confident that I was gonna get it first try like I was dead ass so prepared to just kind of like laugh in everyone's face because I'm a giant [ __ ] and just be like oh you steal Soul yeah it wasn't that bad I got it at first try and here I am uh three deaths later once again I got back to where I was before but with a few alterations I upgraded my sword a second time so that my damage output was even better than before I also got a stronger ability for my rematch with poop boy and finally I fought a different optional minibus because apparently I didn't learn my lesson the first time actually that's not 100 true I did stumble upon a couple of these mini bosses accidentally oh my gosh why do I why do I keep doing this why do I keep going to mini bosses but that was because I was taking every optional path possible that didn't lead me back to the sewers so at this point of the game I fought a bunch of bosses on the easier side of things here's a few bug facts about each of them for you to enjoy oh beautiful [Music] oh everything's fine nothing to worry about all right nothing so with all that boss practice under my belt I finally felt a bit more confident in my abilities oh my gosh actual wizard frame perfect hits right there except they weren't frame perfect but we'll pretend they are so that it seems more impressive and not only were my combat mechanics getting better but my combat upgrades as well it was actually now the platforming sections that I was almost dying on which still wasn't good but it was an improvement but what might have been an even more important development was the discovery of Steel Soul gin it turns out she pays the big bucks for any rancid eggs scattered throughout the game wow what she gives you 400 which then allowed me to purchase basically anything I wanted from the merchants I was Now Rich strong and not dead unlike zote I guess he kind of needed my help after all so I thought it was finally time to have my rematch with the big guy who crushed my soul long ago all right [ __ ] it we're getting out of this series okay Let's uh let's pray g a little bit Chad okay please allow me to beat this game without dying again the last three times were enough I I've repented all my sins and I just really really really want to beat this boss and beat this playthrough so I can edit it and post it to YouTube and get like four views well I've done all I can do chat and so with my fate left in the hands of the bug Gods I began my biggest battle thus far oh my God how am I not dead [Music] [Music] oh it blocks okay I can heal I didn't do that last time [Applause] oh my God I got him once so much time gone because of this stupid [ __ ] eater oh dude with my greatest rival finally slain I was able to get the last ability I needed to reach my remaining objectives it was then that I decided to turn my attention to slaying two of the three Watchers whose deaths opened the path to the final boss the first one was located up in a large Tower like Rapunzel but since bugs don't have hair I was forced to take the elevator up instead which was far more convenient than climbing golden locks to be honest right before the top though you have to fight The Watcher Knights but luckily I have a bug fact for you one of these Knights is allergic to a giant chandelier falling on top of them so if you do that it makes the fight much more manageable oh my okay there we go that's what I'm [ __ ] talking about dude after my princess was freed from her Tower I moved on to the next Watcher in deep Nest this area is fun because it reawakened my innate ability to get lost all the time bro where am I going I'm back down to where I was before oh my that was really the only difficult part of getting to this Watcher though since there's not actually a boss guarding at this time only some Jonestown cosplayers suck I'll suck you a try that's another one down shot let's go other than the last remaining Watcher there was nothing left that was mandatory to beat the game so my focus now is to do things that would get my completion percentage up something I haven't mentioned yet though is that you don't actually have to do all of it the achievement requires you to get a 100 completion percentage there's actually 112 percent available thanks to the Xbox version of the game coming with all the DLC this allowed me to skip a few of the things that might have given me more trouble than they're worth like the final Coliseum the god home pantheons and a couple charms I couldn't be bothered grabbing bug facts by the way this is Leonard and he thinks you look very cute today with this in mind I decided to split the rest of what I wanted to do into chunks first I focused on buffing my character so I upgraded my sword fully maxed out my soul rescued all the grubs and grabbed as many good terms as I could I have more notches now though yeah hold on I can equip long nail too oh this is just the best day of my life the final thing I had to do during this part is deliver this beautiful Little Flower to a grave site but those of you that have played this before probably already know that this took me by far the most time to do uh Queen's Garden screenshots I gotta go down all right cool no no no dude oh I'm so [ __ ] stupid I'm sorry I [ __ ] up that's my bad Ah that's uh that's 100 my bad no oh dude I hate everything ah oh wait I wasn't expecting enemies here no no no no no no no no no no no no oh wait no what I know I know I you look look lady I I get it I get it I [ __ ] up I [ __ ] up four four times you're right but no one's beating me up more than myself it's right here right let's go oh thank goodness with this lengthy side quest now over it was time to move on to the next chunk bosses now that we're pretty late into the game we've arrived at the part of the playthrough where all the bosses are just hard fortunately for me the hardest ones of the lot are dream bosses I say fortunately because contrary to popular belief if you die during a dream boss fight you don't actually die in real life so I was never really that worried going into them but before I could move on to the last part of the game I had one more Grudge Match that I needed to take care of okay I get to have health and I immediately evacuate all right much easier the second time this is the guy who killed my first run are you kidding me I Hate Everything the ghosts of my past were now fully behind me and it was now time to slay the last Watcher and the penultimate boss umu bug fact umu is a jellyfish I have no idea why she's in my bug game umu is also kind of a pain but it's really just a matter of waiting for your anime protagonist NPC friend quarrel to come to your rescue yes let's go oh wow okay that was not too bad at all I was dreading this bike I was dreading this fight the last Watcher was down and my 100 completion was finally achieved so I made my way to the final boss this is what I had been dreading though I was already pretty nervous about losing my 11 hours of progress to this point but what made it even worse is that this was the only boss I was out of practice on this fight had to be reliant on my mechanical skill rather than my memory of Boss patterns but there was nowhere else to go now so I stepped into the arena and started what I hoped would be my final fight [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] oh my God wait [Applause] wait wait wait wait wait wait wait [Music] please nerves so we're definitely getting the better of me here and they put me in a rough enough spot that I needed to pause and recuperate oh surely surely not like this right there's there's no way there's no way there's no way I got this but I knew in my heart that I could do this uh oh no no [ __ ] what is he doing [Music] [Music] just kidding could you imagine I actually swapped the footage when the pause happened here's how it actually ended foreign [Applause] uh please please please please please please please please [Applause] oh my God I [ __ ] did it oh that got so dicey by the end holy I I was I was throwing I was there's nothing left to say I was throwing I thought I was down to three right oh my goodness that was that was almost the choke of the actual Millennia oh my [ __ ] God I did it after after all this we did it [ __ ] holiday [ __ ] boss so one potential choker the Millennia later I was finally the proud recipient of the Steelheart achievement and it only took me four tries but by doing it in so few attempts it begs us to revisit the hardest achievement argument from the beginning of the video some of you might be saying slam you did this in four tries the pantheon 5 achievement must be the hardest in the game so let me put it this way although the Steelheart achievement took me four attempts embraced the void took me two I am not kidding I died once to Champion zote must been holding a grudge or something and on my second run I managed to somehow take down Radiance I even managed to radiant all the bosses which basically means to kill each of them individually without taking a single hit that wasn't even for an achievement either that was just a flex I streamed both of these things too so I have witnesses so at the end of the day I personally found Steelheart to be the harder of the two and that's why I wanted to make the hardest holiday achievement video about this one also side note apparently Steelheart is completely absent from the PlayStation trophy list what the heck is up with that why do I have to do it and if you want to try this yourself I'd say go for it it's tense it's fair and Hollow Knight in general is the top five game of all time for me so if you do end up attempting it let me know how it goes in the comments I can assure you the end result is well worth it and uh side side note I didn't do it but you can actually quit out when you're about to die and respawn back at a safe place I'm only saying that because it would be just awful for you to accidentally ruin the sanctity if you're run like that sorry dry eyes and finally if you haven't quite gotten your fill of hard achievements yet check out this video right here I'm sure it'll have exactly what you're looking for see ya
Channel: Snamwiches
Views: 827,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hollow knight, hollow knight playthrough, team cherry, hollow knight silksong, hardest achievements, achievement hunter, achievement hunting, achievement hunting xbox, hollow knight steel soul, xbox, xbox series x, hollow knight achievements, hollow knight walkthrough, steel soul hollow knight, steel heart hollow knight, embrace the void hollow knight
Id: hUeuFu44Lso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 47sec (1547 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 28 2022
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