This $270,000 Rising S Bunker is a DEATH TRAP!

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"Well first of all, have you heard of an Explosion!" "Ya, gotta have what's called air flow" This guy is a bit overdramatic. Makes some decent points but he is being more of a salesman.

👍︎︎ 31 👤︎︎ u/engimanerd 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

If the air intake is above ground like that, wouldn't it be pretty easy just to plug it if you wanted to force people to come out?

👍︎︎ 32 👤︎︎ u/flamingbabyjesus 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

I'm surprised, rising S is the big name in bunkers.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

If you are dumb enough to spend this amount of money on a piece of shit. You have no business surviving a bunker type event.

👍︎︎ 35 👤︎︎ u/well_hung_stable_boy 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

That bunker costs more than two of the homes on my street combined (at least according to the current USD conversion rates it does)! What does an actual house cost up there in the United States??

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/TempRedditor24334 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2019 🗫︎ replies

This is inhabitable and a death trap. Proceeds to walk in with no respirator or CO/CO2/Other gas sensors.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Waffle99 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

Dude needs to spend the money on a shrink, not a bunker.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/datacanbeuseful 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

Paid cash annnnnnnnd cue the IRS contacting youtuber for more information.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

Since the guy in the video wouldn't say it, but did mention that "the competition" wasn't "rising to the top" so it's probably these guys who made the bunker.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/norsethunders 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] guys welcome back to another episode of Atlas survival shelters I love it when you guys come back you're the best hey guys guess what man I got another call from another guy that bought another one of those bunkers is what I'm gonna call him from now on pay two hundred seventy thousand dollars cast money for a bunker that is leaking like a sieve the air systems are made of plastic it's got a regular roofing hatch on it it's rusting the air systems not working there's water in the air pipes the engineering is just absolutely wrong so if you guys want to see a two hundred and seventy thousand dollar bunker that's not going to do the job then stay tuned to this video because it's actually a pretty cool bunker inside it's just not going to work the pleasure's all on this side of the table trust me guys I'm gonna teach you some things and maybe the people who made this bunker can learn this two generators put off something called carbon monoxide carbon monoxide is a silent odorless gas and it will kill you this is why when people pull into the garage close the door in the drunk and they fall asleep with the car on they find them dead because the carbon dioxide kills them so the last thing you want to do is have the air pipe where the carbon monoxide comes out right next to the air pipe that feeds the bunker because the carbon dioxide goes right into the air pipe and guess what guys the only thing that an NBC air filtration system will not filter out is drum roll oxide they didn't know that now they do you cannot filter out carbon monoxide through a HEPA filter or a carbon filter which is in an in DC air filtration system so if this guy would've ran his generator is spent a night in his bunker he would have probably died now the reason he didn't spend any time in his bunker because it was so covered in mold both white mold and black mold that he's never got to use his bunker and half the food and there he's had to throw away this is very sad but God there are a few experts in this country that have been doing bunkers for over 30 years that I look up to and when you want advice you call an expert now one of these experts that does engineering that builds concrete bunkers and he also builds those hangars and buddy's done tons of bunkers is a guy named Brian Camden out in Virginia so Brian actually called because the client actually called him and said hey I got a bad bunker made by these guys all I can say is this company is not rising to the occasion let's just put it that way well this party really died bar beware if any of you people have a shelter from this company and it's made like the last three or four that I've been to in the last couple of months you need to get your filter fix it is not gonna work you can't have an air intake and the air outtake within a few feet of each other they've got to be a once out of the bunker and the other on the other side of the bunker that way you have proper air flow and if you have little pockets that you're gonna sleep in and you close the door you create co2 chambers what that does is you're going to be exhaling co2 and you're gonna basically die in your sleep from co2 poisoning so guys this is just said I'm getting tired you know last week it was a five hundred thousand dollar bunker this week is a $270,000 bunker you know I'm tired these people calling me but gosh I'm bringing this to you because I don't want you guys to get screws so let's zip on over to Virginia and let's go meet with Brian Camden and let's take a look at this [Music] this is a s air intake and air outtake and they're all scrunched together when they when they first installed them they were like right over here okay and oh they come straight up right up straight up in they left well that's what they do so basically if you walk up to the pipe you pull off the 90 degree you can look down in the bunker right okay and one broke immediately and I have pictures of all this well I mean literally the first time we came back after the install when they finally came at her to fix everything it makes so they ran the co2 so what happens here the co2 is coming out that's being sucked right back in the other one if it will even suck the problem is with their system and the pipes being right over here I've noticed that it doesn't have enough suction power to pull air and to keep you alive will it turn on it will turn on if it took down but I can't hook it up because water leaks through it this is a this is the best I can house I've seen on a bunker but it's a roofing hatch it's just a thin steel roofing hat see the first step is always different in the second step but the stairs are very steep which doesn't matter but so you're leaking already oh man I could smell that mold there so you're leaking already of the seams because they bolt this with 3/8 bolts right here and this is the same thing they had on their other bunkers oh man that smell you can't be in here that mold smells just horrible but they bolted together these aren't even galvanized the other ones I've been to they're so rusted the bolts completely rusted out you need to replace all these bolts with galvanized bolts I don't think you can even get them off now because they're all rusted okay and then this is there a little trademark door with their little long thing okay okay so this is a shelf kind of a design hidden shelf to hide a door in here right which there's nothing wrong with that that's rust in there but it's not guessed tight so this is the this is inside of the interest here so you got a leaking problem there which is standard on pretty much all their shelters and we got the world expert Brian Camden here some steep stairs in that nothing's welded nothing as well that they I told you that now they've upon - yes they there's Oh gaskets they only bolt it with a 3/8 bolt and they put a caulk in there and they don't weld it I'll give them credit this time at least they use thicker England weather one I was at this ain't going was 1/8 at least this is quarter inch or 3/8 right there so they use a thicker angle I so the fabrication was better on this one but doesn't do any good if it's leaked and he got mold now make over these doors this is up these these doors yeah this is some flimsy 10 I've never understood this so the counters and you've got your burning alcohol in here no it's okay you got propane in your bunker that's illegal they built it with propane ok well that's the first of all have you heard of an explosion you come down here do you have one lake you turn on the light switch that switch right there blows up the whole bunker they are banning the use of natural gas in all homes and the band starts in January it's illegal in countries where shelters are regulated Switzerland Israel Finland Singapore is illegal you can't have propane or explosive gases in a shelter and the fact that they did that knitting would guide you on it is scary I'd never put it in my the fact that important alcohol in a stove or in the filter is scary too because if you have oxygen you have a co2 scrubber and he really socks doing it will explode immediately I just don't think these guys know what they're doing be honest with you you've got a propane bottle in your bunker connections there's there's their air system right there no that's the homemade air system that's their homemade system right there I haven't been in one that blows properly yet there's a bottle of propane in here I make you sign a contract that you won't do that that's illegal in most countries America counts no code is why you're getting away with that but yeah it doesn't fill my cup of propane you filled out in one sparking this thing's we're dead this is your high-tech bunker guys Wow so in that you got a master bedroom so you have the air system in here and the overpressure blast off in there okay do you understand you got to have an air system in here with a pressure valve in here you want them on far in so you have what's called air flow air comes at high carbon dioxide goes out low then you should have the second air system in here and the same thing the overpressure blast valve should have been down there and I'd have the air coming in because that's your sleeping quarters that way the air is passing the sleeping quarters carrying the carbon dioxide out there the overpressure blast off or the vent over there it's mechanical engineering is what it is but it's it's not rocket science either this leaks constantly and because I'm not here often enough what this Lincoln Casa that's how the air supposed to get out so if I open this valve oh you've welded it I had to because it was overflowing every time I came in this would flood the bunker thanks to me so we put this year so the water leaked out this is a water type style shelter but you don't bolt together a watertight shelter you weld it together in there but they want to get in and get out so I don't know if they have while missing with him when they installed it it doesn't matter that they bolted together but you got to go back and you got to weld it and I everyone said the same thing they just dump them and take off did you pay by cheque or did you pay by cash cash cash green Cash what's your feeling about having the vents up in the ceiling like that most of the air vents that we do extend all the way down to about four inches above finished floor elevation to pick up the co2 pick up the co2 and then just to ensure nothing else conduction going in again we're in this bunker do they have to give up living space to store everything so I can barely squeeze through the bunker right here there's water leaking everywhere for us then here's the other toilet this is a propane hot-water heater which is I will not the propane and toner and this is a weather color maybe their bulletproof doors I don't know this is made out of like 16 gauge sheet metal and this one over here is probably a 20 gauge sheet metal it doesn't matter it's just a door plenty of guns and ammunition this is where they weld it in here but they didn't weld the bolt holes so it's leaking around the bolt holes so you wouldn't put tar around this what's that is that salt coming out of the ground some sort of mineral some sort of metal there weeks there's a few the bullets at week and swimming there's one lake in there now wow I should have cut it back or take the motel and welded it but you know it's hard enough to get them on here that right there understanding waters from this scene within probably six days you just dried everything else six days ago I mopped it so this closes here so it looks like well that's actually pretty cool I can tell there's another bunker back there there's more going on oh yeah see how all that the shelter they had to give up all the living space for all the storage so where's your other first for blast-off where's the air flow I haven't seen this was right so the water eats the week from here and it flooded the bunker all yes still leaks but we put a drain in that you can open it and the water flows out all the way down and it was out the escape tunnel ready to drill a hole and dig a ditch out all so try to take all the water out no this is new right here I don't know where this is coming from just shadows lips it's going oh I see all the water on the floor amp I see I just cleaned it so it's coming from somewhere in there we're back and what is I say about this I mean how many times have you been out there try to fix it Banaras Verde ok the Skip tunnel and you see the hoser just right so it goes out about 20 feet ok so what happened was the seam with a signal script on yeah started weak yeah but I didn't know so they escape tunnels leaking well I didn't know right because it's under there I didn't look right so eventually the tunnel filled up with water ok I float into the sink and eventually overflowed into all this and eventually was about halfway up the bunker well the probe is they're not welding their seams are bolting them together in the powder stick the hydrostatic pressure from the water says going to push his way to the bunker and Huff words that go out and then and then when you come up is it does it come right to the surface no it actually goes out the side of Hillary so this door here is neat since the beginning you can see how they came back later and they tried to fix it we put the waterproof on but you can see it right here it just leaks that's driving it yeah so somebody is that weld yeah they came in but came back and they trying to weld this up with leak did that help it when they weld it okay you see the problem is you weld on the outside the but at least like the bolts they have to literally once they weld this they put me to pull the bolts in weld the holes well that's all that's obvious that's the same experience right there no what's this over here this is a generator room this is a generator room the problem with this generator room is I can't they use it the way it's designed because no main take valve oxygen well it's gonna choke itself and turn itself on right so this is an exhaust fan so you actually turn it on where's the make up there yeah but there's not one the way we do it the generator pod the air from the shelter goes to the generator pod we feed the generator from the air system right and then we exhaust it there this is there's no way to get hearing it was if I shut that door it's not getting air from that but generated gasoline no it's propane okay this isn't a gas type door this is just weather stripping here this looming gas tight door that's what you call a dirty mechanical room which is standard but you gotta have gas tight door yeah them gas valves feeding that for make up air there's there's thousand that are hook gas into but he does no way to get air into the room no I mean the regular make up air has to go through a gas valve okay that's the dirty that's a dirty room right in a shelter right how many years you've been doing this right 32 years [Music] rusty so this is skating that is different than the other one so this one has dirt on top of it if you open that it would kill you probably falling down the proper way to do it you have a six inch valve right here you do this and you have sand but the sands been taped off the sand pours out like an hourglass and then you can undo the bolts climb up and then dig out with a knife Brian must first drain some of the sand to avoid being smothered when opening the hatch there's water already in here right now so y'all cleaned it out but you still got water coming back in so where's it leaking it Litchfield okay through the phone to a little shower and then put a little longer so then we put I'm off film something so you know you don't have set off felt how many years ago this was his bunker done the last two years imagine what you would think about that they know what they're doing does it fly you see you got black mold in there you got black mold man this is some big night for an assaulter builder building the shelter throwing in this homemade air system right there and telling people it's a high-tech nuclear bomb shelter this is a it's a deathtrap it is you there's no way you can inhabit this area I would god I mean forget anything about a catastrophe or a disaster I mean just under a regular conditions I mean you can't live that easy it's been denied down here all right so we're leasing leaving this shelter or the step from here to here isn't the size of my fingers right there so it's very steep but there's no code out here the hatch is a roofing hats like you would find go into a roof right there you can see that the label I mean there anything wrong with it just means it's not a blast proof or a bulletproof hatch we've got their air pipes made of PVC pipes which they're leaking and flooding the bunker they got the co2 coming out right there with the air intake so that's a no no you can't do that as a bunker itself you would have to give it an F - it is it's a death trap in this present condition and it certainly doesn't meet any kind of air exchange codes even the minimum ones for any type of facility so guys you know that's sad you know I mean that's very very sad so what are we gonna do with this guys bunker is first of all I think he's just gonna sue them and try to get his money back and buy a properly made in engineer bunker pipes leaked the escape tunnel leaked the joints leaked the air systems weren't properly done there was mold the doors leak there was rust in there I don't think this competitor or this company shelters knows what the hell they're doing why didn't they get some help from some engineers they alienate everybody they attacked Walter McCarthy who actually wrote the book principles are protected which is the u.s. guideline for nuclear preparation it's a 700 page book more fact I'll show one right here this is the guy he writes the wrote the bylaws for it that the US government Falls yet they attack him like he doesn't know what he's doing and these are just some welders who dig ditches if you were in competition with us bunkers they consider you an enemy and they attack you and they attacked me as well don't be fooled by a fancy website fancy advertising and people doing pay per clicks over my name same better than Atlas they are not better than Atlas it says they're the biggest and the best well they're the biggest beaters and the best beaters that's about it all I can say I hate to do these videos but guys I'm out to look after your butt until this company starts making bunkers right or they stop making bunkers I'm gonna protect you guys come to my channel you will learn good things will learn bad things you'll learn about products matter of fact I want to say thanks to emergency essentials remember we have that special going on till the end of July you get 20% off the 30-day survival thing 10% off any water products and 5% off anything to do with anything else in the store remember always right there 5% discount code just use the code Atlas when you go to pre-prepared as always used to my EMP shield comm I'll put it right here go to my mp shield calm you don't have to email me no more just put in the code Atlas 50 and get 50 dogs each one of your EMP pills and guys they've sold a ton of these things from what I hear but guys it's always make sure you like subscribe share my videos when they're good hit that little like bell up there so you have ding ding ding so you know when it comes in the gaza is always Olivia see you on the next video
Channel: Atlas Survival Shelters
Views: 1,305,565
Rating: 4.7758846 out of 5
Keywords: Shelters, shelter, underground, protection, nuclear fallout, fallout, Atlas, survival, prepping, preppers, water filtration, systems, living, off grid, sustainable, safety, security, family, fun, travel, viral, fail, bunker fail, shelter fail, poison, deadly shelter, toxic shelter, bad shelter, shelter fails, bunker fails, big brother, doomsday preppers, storage wars, history channel, travel channel, discovery channel, brad coffey
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 27 2019
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