The Internet’s Most Popular Camera - Fujifilm X100V

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today's video is brought to you by skillshare this is dominated the internet on just about every social media platform the 100 V is trending its popularity has not only resulted in it being sold out it has challenged a supply to the extent where Fujifilm had to announce they will not be taking any more orders and on the resale market prices for the x100v have hit eye watering figures almost doubling its already premium retail price and this is all happening to a camera that actually launched all the way back in early 2020 it's three year old Tech the first time I held the x100v was at a faulty walk back in 2021 I enjoyed it and I considered it as something that would be nice to have I think to all Fuji fans at that time nobody quite expected it to get this popular in a few years but now that it has become so popular I think everyone who's held one before probably understands why if you're a Fujifilm user however a second question almost instantly pops up why this Fujifilm camera in particular you see the x100v is one of the few Fujifilm x-series models where you cannot even change the lens and while it is true that the straight out of camera shots look amazing with basically no further editing required the same applies for every other Fujifilm camera this is also not the only Fuji camera that Sports a retro inspired design nor is this the most affordable Fujifilm camera so why is the x100v in particular so popular well let's first take a closer look at the camera this is actually the fifth version of the X100 cameras it's a fully digital camera that was designed to look like an analog rangefinder camera but operates with the conveniences of a modern digital camera so it's got a nice tilting touch screen for instance yet you would dial in your exposure by turning a dial with the actual values marked on it one glance and you can see all your exposure values even if the camera is turned off it's actually very tactile in a way that is not just a number on a screen yet modern conveniences you can still see these settings in the optical viewfinder's heads-up display or the electronic viewfinder at the flick of a switch what's beyond this eyepiece is one of the coolest things about this camera in Optical mode you look through a window which is offset from the lens with a rectangle box representing the edges of your frame if you wish you can call up a small digital window which shows you a magnifying view of your focus point a genius digital take on the classic Rangefinder but if guesswork is something you'd rather eliminate from The Experience flick the lever in the opposite direction and your ovf gets replaced by an evf what you see now is what you get but then you find out this design is not actually exclusive to the x100v the X Pro 3 for instance does all of this in a package that's even more premium so again what is it that makes the x100v so special I had my suspicions that fujifilm's marketing had some role to play in this sudden popularity but considering how they basically told everyone to stop buying this camera I think this popularity caught even Fuji HQ off guard for me though this is a perfect case study of a camera that literally sold itself its popularity of this round is of course a direct result of its overwhelming online presence and that was an area I really wanted to learn more about not just for the story behind this camera but also an area of improvements for my own business one of the first resources that came to mind was our sponsor for this video skillshare you may know skillshare for classes in photography filmmaking and illustration but skillshare actually has hundreds of career-focused classes as well I wanted to improve my branding as well as manage my social media better in terms of content so I took this class by entrepreneur Sonia called starts your creative career build a sharp smart online presence and it was exactly what I needed in one of the modules Sonia breaks down the elements which make up the actual branding for her own business she covered things like how to carefully select colors and typefaces which represent your brand and then there's also this module which covers how to save time yet be effective when it comes to posting on social media there were many tips within which I found very applicable for my own Instagram accounts these skills can genuinely be very helpful if like me you want to continue growing your business or you're looking to start one I encourage you to explore some of these courses for yourself especially since skillshare is offering one free month to any of my viewers who use the link in the description box but for the month of April only they are running an even better offer you can get 40 of your first year using MyLink I'm leaving both links down below so you can choose the best offer for yourself now the internet is not gonna fall in love with the camera for no reason there's got to be something special about it and believe it or not the fact that you cannot change the lens on this plays into its attractiveness I know that can't possibly sound like a good thing to Pro photographers but to somebody who just wants to buy a camera it gives more reason to buy it because then you'll never have to worry about lenses it's been sorted out for you period imagine guessing for example the xe4 body instead as a completely new user the thought of choosing a lens for your camera body and potentially more lenses down the road from an entire ecosystem of lenses sounds not only daunting but also uncertainly expensive the x100v is a one-off it's definitely not as flexible but to the right buyer it is less fuss and thanks to this fixed lens design it gets to use a shutter mechanism that is quite rare indeed among modern cameras it's called a leaf shutter instead of a loud Slappy shutter curtain in front of the sensor the x100v shutter is in its lens it's a lot more delicate and very silent a gentle click is all you hear every time you take a photo and because of how uncommon Leaf shutters are it makes the x100v that much more special but to truly understand why so many people fell in love with this camera I had to First understand that this isn't a camera you'd buy for work it's a camera you bought for enjoyment it's clearly been designed this way and then it all instantly made sense to me the reason before every single trip I would consider packing this along first and not my faster more powerful cameras because using this did not feel like work its charm is enough to make even the most result driven of photographers to really take a moment and enjoy the process it's not just about the photos you end up with anymore it's the experience of taking them when you take a photo using the x100v's optical viewfinder for example your view is completely different compared to your final photo not nothing you see now the colors the depth of field resembles your final picture heck there's even a bit of Parallax as you're framing up but it is that exact discrepancy between what you see and what you get That's so exciting that element of surprise after every single shot that's what keeps you coming back to this camera it only makes sense that a camera designed for the enjoyment of Photography over sheer performance is popular among the mass Market but that's absolutely not to say that the pictures aren't stunning The 100 V is packed with fujifilm's signature x-tron sensor aps-c 26.1 megapixels it's the best sense that Fujifilm had at the time of its release the very same sensor they put in their xt4 and X pro 3. to users unfamiliar with the Fujifilm system the built-in film simulations may come across as a bunch of gimmicky filters but that cannot be further from the truth it has been a temple feature on Fuji's digital cameras and with fujifilm's Heritage of film manufacturing these simulations are as close as you can get to a film block without actually going analog where the x100v stands in 2023 it's got 17 out of the 19 film simulations currently released by Fujifilm missing out on nostalgic negative and eternal bleach bypass but even with the existing 17 film looks it's plenty fun and you can choose how far you want to take your look with settings for film grain and color chrome you can also thank the 23mm F2 prime lens for the lovely images this gives you a full frame equivalent of 35 millimeters it's distinctly tight enough to set the photos apart from that generic point-and-shoot look while giving you a healthy dose of Boke at f2 it happens to also be just wide enough to not inconvenience you in tighter spaces as icing on the cake the lens cap for the this is color matched fully metal and perfectly lined with fuzzy padding a simple nod to detail and quality if you want my short answer as to why the x100v is so popular it's simply satisfying to shoot with that's it I believe popularity and genuinely good products go hand in hand and while the popularity for the x100v might be a little delayed it certainly is deserved [Music]
Channel: ZY Cheng
Views: 64,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: i2cQjWNHF8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2023
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