This 13-year-old fashion designer is on a mission to make his clothing line a household name.

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I'm powerful I'm strong I'm successful I'm a leader I'm a winner I'm a billionaire and I won't stop and I have an impact that is changed in the world and I say that every single morning to myself I get my day started off great my name is Trey brown I'm a 13 year old entrepreneur I'm a young CEO and I got my own clothing brand class Virgo [Music] Spergel is a luxury designer clothes and it's just giving you like a lifestyle bill [Music] I started Spergel at 12 years old January 13th and 2018 the reason why I started square go was because it was just like a lot of violence going on and the city of Philadelphia it was kids killing kids and I just wanted to show to youth like look you could do this you could get on the jet without being violent without touching any jugs it's coming your way that special moment that's gonna change your life it is coming keep working on stop I came up with the name Spergel combining a word sports and heroes and I edit the geo at the end because whenever someone throws we're going I want them to feel like I'm gonna go for the day non-stop and we're gonna make some moves today we're gonna pull some deals today and I added the lion to my logo because the line is they can't get a jungle and it was like really really powerful swear go started off as a book and I asked my mom could I start a clothing line and she said yes yeah it like this money like spread out like wanna on the bed and I just kept walking my peak in my feet into this I reached out to Nehemiah Davis I always knew him you know just from being around helping people start businesses and he sent me a course and I spent long hours just receiving all their knowledge about branding and marketing he came back to me with like four pages of knew he knew what type of shirt he wanted to gain he had a list of different places for us to go to get printing I used my birthday money blog on my first 16 white t-shirts I'm I promoted them during Instagram and I sold out the first week I went out the barber shops and I was hustling them and I would say hello my name is Trey brown I got this clothing line a represents power strength and courageousness and I would give him this bill and we sold out that week as well and we just kept selling out and my story I was shipping to Germany Africa from Yuta and my first stages of Spergel he's gonna be that kid will be a millionaire and a billionaire heart I believe that wholeheartedly like he gets successfully makes unhappy what's next I had that like momentum I mean I want to take no money I didn't take no money and I just cared reinvested in the business and I was like oh man they go where my shirt and they say we're going there and they got the line on there and I just felt like the man just did a billboard on Times Square to see my face up there um it was like a really really really great experience when I met Meek Mill and I was on a phone like with Sean Combs and I was on the phone with Diddy before and you know just like a proud moment for me and I was like yeah I'm gonna take a serious because longer hard work just keep on having me and I like to see that I am built oh nothing like you might get a hold of your childhood of mine let's get it you know I moved around a lot growing up with the South Philadelphia Northeast Philadelphia 10 different homes and nine different years I always just had like an old respira I would you know just read different books and I was always interested in like always learning more me being a CEO Spergel right now I'm managing everything like I'm shipping I'm at business meetings I'm doing interviews you know I'm promoting a brand handling both social media pages you know getting up early late nights I'm just working hard looking for creative ways you in order to enhance the world no I don't sleep well Eugene just time to get up and chase Eugene if you work in a nine-to-five let's work a fight or not also because you entrepreneur you won't stop let's get it out for more positivity every day that's what I'm all about you never know what people are going through like a lot of times in Philadelphia where I come from there's not a lot of possibility show them that as possible to you know do great things my family drives me I lied on my mentors date they drive meetings and they doing great things that inspire me yeah I could do this too as long as I work hard I'm dedicated I could do it I got desires I got dreams oh my gosh I'm gonna Empire bill I'm building me a spare boats where I'm building me up a warehouse I got that yet I got teams and goats take a break for what I'm I was very good to be a big brand worldwide brand you getting at me going in a barber shop cyan't believe I could do it um but when I did it you know it came out big and it came out major as I look back to them days I'm like wow that quality you know at that time it wasn't it wasn't the best now I look at my new stuff like wow like we really came up now I know anything is possible so anything that I want to do I'm gonna put my foot forward because the sky is the limit and that's how I look at it I wanna have like a lot of different businesses or not and I got in my mind what I want to do in the next 10 years I'm gonna be a billionaire and I'm gonna make sure it happens for sure [Music]
Channel: In The Know
Views: 20,808
Rating: 4.9548531 out of 5
Keywords: Fashion, Business, Motivation
Id: fuFCtdGyINQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 43sec (343 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 19 2020
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