This 13 Resource Outpost is a MUST Have Location!- Starfield

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hey everybody welcome back to the channel I am Joe usual and today I want to share a very special Outpost with you it's got 13 different resources and materials that you can Harvest from one location and send them back wherever you want to send them so uh now there are only 46 resources in the game that you can Harvest and there are 36 materials that you can get now you can't even you can't even Harvest all of them like for example kmass oil you can't you have to you have to buy that so I believe I don't think you can Harvest kasm bass oil anywhere but anyway the whole point is we can do 13 of the 82 right here on this one base so let me go ahead and show you this is what I call the baker's dozen base okay and this is it right here I'm going to go kind of slow as a pan because uh there's a lot going on here and my game doesn't seem to like to work with me because I put so much in one place and be aware this could be an issue for your game um for your for your system I don't know how good your system is my system's pretty good so um anyways so there let's go ahead and start with the let's go and start with the harvestable I mean the minable resources so I'm going to go ahead and go like this and we're actually going to jump up and as you can see we have a water of two types we I'm not only counting water as one though okay so we have water vapor or we have the water extractor I'm actually extracting water you can extract water anywhere here anywhere you want you can extract water as close up to your uh your other equipment as you want to not an issue all right so and then as we have floor we're just going to go down in the list I've got a big patch of Florine in here look at this Florine man I can only get to about 2/3 of it but it is a big patch and if you put your if you put down your your marker in a little bit different location you're going to get a little different result obviously because your because your your radius is going to be different but I have uh I only have one Florine I don't need a lot of Florine so uh this is not as big a deal for me but tetrafluorides and ionic liquids are because that's my coolant and so Tetra fluorides right here guys I have this little baby patch right here and I've got three big extractors right there I could I might be able to fit a fourth one maybe but I only have three there but I also have another patch of tetra fluorides over here and I've got three more over here okay um I had to put things on top of things because I didn't have any room for things so and then ionic liquids we have uh right here we've got this big old patch of ionic liquids look at that look at that man I'm so happy the coolant the coolant is real at this base coolant uh production is real at this base um matter of fact I don't have enough stack built for all the all the coolant that I'm pumping right now anyway so and then we also have copper now copper is not as big we have a little patch of copper here I think I might have another patch somewhere else yeah there's a little B baby patch over here so I so there's two patches of copper two patches of freaking um tetrafluorides there's a big patch of ionic liquids a big patch of Florine and water you can get anywhere so that's five separate minable materials that you can get on this base where I'm at and I'll show you where I'm at in just a second just bear with me I know you want to know I'm going to let you know just hang on so anyway let's get over the green houses and I'm going to show you what I've got in the green houses so Greenhouse wise we have a ton of materials on this planet and also for the zoo I I I put in the Zoological uh the The Zo the the the habitats I'm not using them right now right now this is a fiber Farm um and I'm just I'm just producing fiber and I'm off I'm shooting it off to another world because I have another resource that needs fiber and water actually I'm pumping fiber and water from this base uh to another world because I've got I've got a special resource that exists that you can you need you can only find on one planet and you need fiber and water to get to feed that animal anyway so this one right here we have um we've got antimicrobial fiber nutrient ornamental and and sealant all right those are five more material resources that you can Harvest from the green houses so the fiber is the big one okay so and that's that comes from a plant obviously it's a greenhouse so uh super excited about that the only other fiber plant that I know of that you can put you can grow in a greenhouse is on gemson and that's from the the little little stick uh little stock looking thing with the thing on top like a candle it looks like a candle I forget what it's called but gson has a fiber plant too that's the only and that's a level one planet too so if you want a fiber Farm that's probably your best bet to start but the this is a more of an advanced Planet uh so yeah you're going to want to you're going to want to up your your uh your Outpost leveling when you come to this one so anyway that's five more and then the the Zoological side of things uh by the way be careful there are scorpions here and they are dangerous uh but I've built enough around that it's not that big a deal these little guys over here they're not those are the uh hurting Pearl Walker grazers they're defensive but they don't really they don't really bother anything unless you like get unless you hit them or get too close to them for too long but I still I jump over the boxes because we do have scorpions that are running the perimeter I've got turrets out so you know they do a pretty good job but those these scorpions are like level 100 or whatever so they're pretty pretty tough guys now for some reason it rendered in all these rocks on top of my my zoo I don't know what that's all about but so we'll go to the second zoo over here the third one and I'll show you what other ones we got hang on bear with me the floor isn't lava but it sure feels like it so these are the uh these little guys right here these are the um antimicrobial uh the coral heart herbivores and um I think that's what I have equipped right now is these guys but the other ones over here that are dup not duplicated uh see uh is met uh metabolic agent uh sedative and structural so that's your other three so that's your 13 resources that you're getting from the uh you know this one location so and then of course I and I have just enough room for a couple of pads I could probably fit in if I move things around no let me go let's go Sky let's go into the sky again right quick so if I move things around Actually I don't even have to move things around I could fit another pad right here I've got four pads pads five pads I could and know you're allowed six so I could have one more pad right here and still have room for boxes if I do towers and so anyway so so where we're at okay I know you're dying to know where we're at so hang on and so oh okay I I'll show you the planet so the planet we're on guys is pron 3 proon 3 is where we're at and it is located in the praan system praan a system as a matter of fact so if you go out zoom out so the soul system is here it's just kind of southwest of the Soul system so Alpha centu is is southeast of it so it's Northwest of that so it just it's a little it's a little isoceles triangle between soul and uh uh Alpha centuri I think it's an isoceles triangle anyway so in the procon a jump in go to pron 3 now this is a the water is a chemical I don't know it's a level 10 Planet I don't know if this requires you to have any levels in um because I'm I have I have level four in planetary habitation you may have to have level two in planetary habitation or or level one I'm not sure you may have to check it you may have to level your planetary habitation to get in this it's kind of a even though it's only a level 10 Planet the Scorpions that I'm coming across are like some of them are level 100 80 to 100 there so it's not easy but where I am when Baker's doesen is right here so this looks like I don't know a warped Alaska maybe I don't know no no no we don't want to do that let's show our resources all right so this is where it's at you're going to want to see this little snake like thing here and then I am right here I went ahead I just planted myself in between the um the ionic liquids and the Tetra fluorides and I got lucky with the copper okay so I put myself right here in between the two remember remember your greenhouse and your Zoological is going to be no you're going to plant those anywhere right so just plant yourself in between now I can't really tell you with have Wetlands they're all Wetlands I think this is all Wetlands it's all Wetlands all of it so you're going to have water no matter what um if you plant yourself in between the uh Tetra fluorides and the ionic liquids you're probably going to be good and the fact that they put these two together is amazing to me because that makes coolant and I when I saw this I couldn't believe my eyeballs I was like what that's crazy and then You' got copper and of course we have Florine as well and I have Florine on here as well so this right here in this Northwestern patch in here is where I'm at um I I can't really remove this without getting rid of the base to show you but I'm going to show you the couple of uh the couple of things you're going to want to look for if you want to get right where I'm at and these are actually man-made but they're not I didn't make them see those four those four wind turbines right there I didn't make those wind turbines I'm using I'm using um reactors so this is actually a a pre a pre-rendered thing so if you find these you're close and then if you look over here there's another pad right I'm stuck there's another pad over here there is another thing that looks like a crane of some kind that's right here I didn't build that that's that's something that is just here and then we've got the the mountains in the dist over here walk up here of course you got these little egg pods looking things all over here there's a tower right here oh that's a landing spot oh that's a ship if I'd have seen that ship I'd have tried taken that ship before I didn't even see it it's okay anyway so this structure it's not telling me what it is of course it's probably going to be random for you but there are some there are some uh some dishes over there but these I think these wind turb are going to be your your your key to finding where this location is and like I said g go in between your uh your ionic liquids and your Tetra fluorides and you're going to be able you're going to be able to find this place I think I'm pretty sure I really hope that you build here because I really enjoyed this uh in my time in this universe and I'm going to start a brand new game so or not brand new game but I'm going to start a new game and uh so this would be all be fresh and new and you'll probably see me build it on my channel but if you'd like to uh if you'd like to check out any of my Starfield field stuff I've got a bunch of long form content I'm going to start doing some shorter form content so anyway guys that is my Baker's Dozen base hopefully you all enjoyed it hopefully it helped you out if you did give us a thumbs up and if I've earned your subscription don't forget to hit that Bell icon for notifications as I always say I am my usual me you be your usual you and we'll see you in the next one thank you so much for watching guys I'll see you later [Music] bye-bye [Music] oh
Channel: MyUsualMe - Daily Games
Views: 42,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield, xbox series x, xbox bethesda showcase 2022, starfield gameplay, starfield news, starfield trailer, starfield guide, starfield contraband, starfield contraband sell, starfield contraband items, starfield playthough, starfield tips and tricks, starfield walkthrough, starfield 2023 gameplay, starfield review, starfield game, starfield my usual me, starield outpost location, starfield resources
Id: A_Lsc47Sz4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 26 2023
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