Third Secret of Fatima & Our Lady of Akita

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Our Lady of Akita when did it happen what is it about and more importantly how does it relate to Our Lady of Fatima and the threefold secret today with me is Timothy Gordon and we're gonna discuss Our Lady of Fatima and Our Lady of Akita and see if we can bring some more clarity about the Third Secret of fátima based on what we see in Our Lady of Akita because we know that Cardinal Ratzinger reported that the message of Our Lady of Akita in Japan is the same as that of the third secrets we're gonna be doing some compare and contrast and bring some light to it Timothy Gordon my co-host welcome back give us some facts on Our Lady of Akita for people who have never heard of it first fact it's a great operation or the building of personal faith and you know the continuation of of the personal faith and and for anybody interested in Marian apparitions this is a key one that gets overlooked some or traditionally historically has been overlooked some it's it's getting a little more of it to do I would say in the last couple of years so I like that much the seer in the case of Our Lady of Akita is a Japanese nun named sister Agnes Sasagawa sister Agnes was was deaf at the time that the the tri-fold apparitions began they began in 1973 in the summer she was deaf she'd been deaf in one ear her whole life I think her left ear she began going deaf in her right ear close argue some people say related to the apparitions themselves other people say no but before July 6 1973 which was the date of the first apparition at Okita she was deaf in both both ears that much is certified and ended up as she'd been to Lourdes which is interesting and had tried Lourdes and she with some measure of success for her deafness but um so the reason that her personal you know physical limitations play into this is because she received temporary grace from Our Lady of of healing nevertheless though she was converted Buddhist she's from a Buddhist family Japanese family and really really particularly many of them are all of them are really but but a beautiful example of a convert to Christianity or you contrast sister Agnes with sister Lucy from Fatima and you know sister Lucy was just what you would look at is a great cradle Catholic right or an ideal cradle cap sister Agnes is a great convert and a beautiful be just a beautiful story any time I look into her biographical information a little bit in the case of Akita though know this is the last bit of setup I'll give I'll kick it back to you is the the interesting thing here is it's not like a Lumina torii vision or anything like that like it at Fatima it's a physical object it's a wooden Japanese styled statue of the Madonna and God that's where the locations were coming from and and that's where the message the three-part message came from so it's it's really it's a different one it's it's like the Japanese version it's like you have you ever seen the ring you know the horror movie will look at its Japanese counterpart Ringu you know this is the the Japanese counterpart to Fatima lots of there's a lot here too there's a lot to unpack yeah I had never really heard of it and what sparked my interest was the the message of Our Lady of Akita that prophesized that bishops will be against bishops yes and we'll talk about that later in the show because we've kind of seen that happening this de factos ISM in the Catholic Church really since the 1970s post fabulous - and so it's interesting to see that this apparition happens in 1973 and it relates to a not just something that's apocalyptic but to sysm apostasy heresy in the church and the hierarchy quarreling yeah so so it's kind of a big deal it's you know it's way out east it's in it's in Japan and I'll put a picture of Our Lady of Akita there on the screen so everybody can see what we're talking about and you can you can see the Our Lady of Akita it is Asiatic and I also going to add to this too I'm not a huge I am a huge Marian apparition fan I love fatima lourdes guadalupe been there twice got the mug but generally when it comes to to Marian apparitions I'm a skeptic if they're not if they're not approved and they're not on the church's calendar I really have no time for them I'm like let's read the Bible let's read Thomas Aquinas let's go read agustin church fathers Cappadocia and father's we have all the stuff that we know is legit and it's gonna take me 80 years to read and understand ready yeah so why would I go and chase chase some Marian apparition that came out last year in such-and-such a place you could waste precious time studying a false prophecy so I just want to say that I'm generally a skeptic and I would encourage other people to take that position but as I read Our Lady of AA heeta and I see the approvals maybe I should just mention those real quick to him before we move on I think so yeah just just so people don't turn this off as crazy oh let's see so it was first consulted in in proposed in 1975 and in 1984 it was declared that it didn't have any elements which are contrary to Catholic faith that was the local bishop and a number of other statements basically stating that this is a private revelation that is it's not a public revelation to prior revelation that's worthy of our attention yeah again this is not Dogma you as a Catholic are not required to believe this it's a private revelation but there's there's nothing sketchy you know Sister Agnes you know wasn't a wasn't you know getting rich off of this or you know there wasn't disobedience and things you see like in magic gory or anything like that this all looks like holy people seeing holy things talking about holy things for the edification of other believers so that's right I give it a thumbs up that's right and and and Cardinal Ratzinger did as well when he was in charge of the Holy Office lasting as a fan yeah yeah so that that's really important on the other Marian apparitions the non-approved ones you're gonna get at least you know six or eight people in the comm box or Cerner joist or thirty you know angry why why don't you accept you know whatever are ready of all nations are blessed Catherine Emmerich or whatever we're not saying they're false right it's just that there's I like dr. Marshalls point about there's only so much time in the day and so when one consults Marian apparitions as a source of sort of borrowed faith right because that's what we're doing that's what a private revelation is we're borrowing against my gift given to the seer yeah okay you we have to we have to use only the highest most soundly vetted ones and and in Akita there used to be people in the 80s that would try to challenge its credibility it is beyond reproach as it turns out that's why we're that's what we're dealing with it we're not saying that every non-approved apparition is fake they might be real but they're not really worth your belief until there if I trust you had verify as Reagan famously said right so right it's it's not that it's just it's a very it's a philosophical verification problem they might be real but they're only valuable well after we know they're real precisely and in the valid inauthentic Marian apparitions the Blessed Virgin Mary or if it's another Saint or Christ always always ask the seer to verify the the vision or the message with the local ordinary with the church all right so arlene ever comes down and says hey let's rebel against the hierarchy let's take over yeah right yeah even at Fatima we don't see that which is one of the most hardcore ones you know so again I think I think we're on we're on solid ground here so shall we let's take a look at the messages shall we what's sure okay so you get the first one there Tim like word word for word the first message I think it's less it's it's an interesting structure because it's not it I've got it let me Dobie okay yeah it's basically the very similar to what our lady says in the first Secret of fátima that's what's interesting but this is the right they parallel the three secret to Fatima so the first Secret of Fatima is the vision of hell basically pray the rosary you guys appendix and here in Akita she says pray very much the layers of the rosary I alone am able still to save you from the calamities which approach so it's a it's a salvation and it's a pray the rosary message which is an interesting feature I I alone and able to save you from the calamities again pray pray to Jesus through Mary this this is Our Lady you know mediatrix of all graces and and you know the the meekest woman on earth and and you see this time and time again throughout the scriptures this is our claiming herself in a superlative equipoise right this is her saying I am the most at something I am the most able at this point I in fact I'm uniquely able at this point to offer you help with regard to my son so I think that that sticks out not in in terms of contradiction but just in terms of being a superlative she is remember what you're always saying she leads with hell in Fatima that means something that means something that means something which it does I think this means something here that we are now whatever it is you know 46 56 years after Fatima and we have our lady like all right you didn't basically I read it as you didn't listen to me whereas before the father was angry and my son wants this now she's saying it almost sounds like they're more angrier now even the sons angry now you have to go you're relying on me and even more or you know crying way I I know that there's I'm surprised in the comments of all the Protestants who are watching our videos Tim and I having been a Protestant I know that this is gonna make their hair stand on end because we have language which seems soteriological salvation based and our lady is placing yourself as the subject the one to save and so right I want to camp out on that just a moment to explain what that means because people I think could freak out about this and even even Catholics could say well wait a second Our Lady is I'm still able to save you from the calamities which approach isn't that the role of God so of course we don't believe Mary is God or a goddess we believe she's a human she is the highest human but she is the means by which Jesus enters the world and Jesus didn't just put her off after she delivered him he included her as part of his sacred ministry all the way to the cross remember she stood there the Apostles except for John ran away Mary is there praying and she knows her son is the son of God and she knows that he's innocent that he's sinless and so in this moment she knows that he's making a Passover sacrifice for us right and she's okay with that even though it hurts her so she brought into this this mystery and she's there at Pentecost again praying with the Apostles when the Holy Spirit comes down so she's she's quietly present in all the key moments of the actions of our salvation and so that's why you know the Church Fathers will talk about you know and use language like mediation intercession and even salvation right because look if Jesus didn't have body and blood he just it was like the logos hovering in front of a cross that does nothing the contradicts it contradicts the point of the incarnation yeah the point the very baby in a certain sense it props up one of the forms of Aryan is a monophysitism right if Jesus was just a hovering logo spirit thing without a body then without a body then that's not that's not the embodied second person of the Blessed Trinity the whole point Protestants out there know what you always miss is that for Jesus to be fully incarnate as fully man you guys accept that the Council of Nicaea as much as we do basically he's fully God and fully man that means he has a fully human mother that was requisite and these and they'll say well yeah yeah but she's not the mother of God she's the mother man yes no except those two natures are what are the other councils right around kalsa Don and they're inseparable yeah but are you guys there because his two natures are there which no one diggers with no Christian sticker with and then they're United that unites and solidifies Mary's role as other's mother and she's citerior like she's a cetera logical scenic one on yes because she is needed in order for him to become an installed body like a human body like us yeah and his ontological connection with all of humanity and you and me and everybody watching he is connected in his humanity to us through Mary right right right I mean God could have just you know gone into the garden somewhere and formed a human body and made Christ incarnate in that body right that human that humaneness that God created out of a second time if he did hypothetical would not be genetically connected to any of us he'd made a new that new thing so God and his wisdom he derived to the humanity of Jesus he assumed it through the Virgin Mary from the Virgin Mary right the heretic Valentini is in the early church he said that Jesus came to us through Mary like a straw like a straw you drink through so he just kind of passed through like a tunnel but the Catholic said no Jesus actually was born X from the Virgin Mary he derived his humanity from her DNA from her egg from her flesh right he looked like the Virgin Mary so that's what we're saying here and you know there's a there's a passage in scripture where st. Paul says that you know he becomes all things to all men so that he might save some now if Paul the Apostle who is very christ-centered said that he can save some why wouldn't even more so the Blessed Virgin Mary be able to say that even preachers or priests could say yes through the sacraments I save people or through my preaching I save people or people were saved at you know our meeting or whatever we can say that but we don't mean an absolute way we meet in a relative way we mean wait God used me as an instrument to bring his salvation to another person what is the greatest instrument that God has ever used to bring salvation to Planet Earth the Blessed Virgin Mary like you said she's the scenic one on yes we don't mean it we only would mean it in when we speak of the Godhead in a primary immediate sense but in a secondary immediate sense yes evangelize they even effective evangelization which are pointing out with st. Paul is you and going hey did you did you save that guy yeah I mean or a priest hearing a confession right he could say that he is saving people he's you know he's bringing him out of sin out of hell he's kind of doing both because he's doing he's acting in personam Christi right so that would be the primary sense and then him as a man being like I wanted to pull in extra hours with his own good will I want to do extra confessions tonight so I get into my into Persona Christi extra hours tonight that's the secondary sense that's his yeah that's an interesting concept but I mean the the the precise reason I like where you're going with this dr. Marshall the precise reason that evangelical American Protestants have been very good at being evangelical which gives them part of their titular now I'm not sure if they how much they own it butts are called evangelical because they're good at evangelization and because they believe we need to go out and save souls yes this this is this is God's action but it comes through the vehicle of you and your good will this is true at a higher level with Mary it's just not that complicated you know if you save someone who is drowning then it's it's the same context right it's really the Lord who wishes all good things that is the the formal and final cause of that good action but but it's it's still fine for you to say hey I got a medal I jumped in and I saved someone from this from this steam steam boat wreck like in Huck Fame you know like this it's not misleading to say you're just we don't always speak in terms of ontological primacy which gets its deeper but it's confusing and it doesn't attach to everyday life more so Mary is being just direct and speaking in the everyday secondary sense which is how most people speak I am still able to save you from the calamities with which approach I alone she said she doesn't mean I alone with respect to God she means I alone with respect to the remedy heal many other calamities you know an analogy out that helps us understand this is when it comes to Christmas time my kids want to get gifts for their mom my wife joy right and so I take them to the store I pull out the money right I bring it home I wrap it I put the tag on it and then for the little ones I write their name on there from Elizabeth then on Christmas morning they walk over super excited in hand the gift to my wife Jo and say I got you a present mommy and she opens it and she gets the hug well you know is it true that Elizabeth got her a present absolutely it is true but all the causality except for the little instrumental part of carrying it over to the mother was me that's right I drove there I paid for it I grabbed so I did all the work and that's very much in the economy of grace how things work in Salvation God chooses to use his little infants as little children to bring messages of salvation to one another in a big way through the sacraments and a smaller way just like conversations and friendships yeah and in the Catholic Church we understand that the the efficient cause and the final cause is you know remotely it is God always but God loves to use instrumental causality he loves to use people as instruments that's just who he is he could he could save everybody directly through an apparition of Jesus Christ that appears in their bedroom at midnight he could do that to every single person humanity he is chosen instead to use human instruments to bring about the message of Jesus to the whole world and sometimes we do that well sometimes we do it horribly but you have examples of st. Patrick you can say st. Patrick saved Ireland right we know it was Jesus we know is the you know the Holy Trinity right you know and maybe there was another missionary there that was helping Patrick so we know that there's other auxilary elements to it but it is accurate to say st. Patrick once saved Ireland right did he travel there in a boat because it was also the boat it's like we yeah but that's not how people talk you might say st. Patrick and this little boat you actually could say that you could say so the captain helped saved Ireland if you want you could say hey what's wrong I was part of that team you know yeah part of the Patrick Ireland team of course and in the Catholic Church we understand that when you lose your car keys you say say Anthony hand me for my car keys he's not he's not operating distinct or broken off from the beatific vision that's right he's getting the info on the keys and helping you out we believe because he's talking to God he sees God and in God's omniscience he can see your car keys are under the bed incidentally quick sidebar here so you don't you said you usually don't have your your younger kids do the the crappy crappy kid rap job I go with the crappy kid rap job no we have crappy kid everything but here's the deal I have these twin daughters that are teenagers and they do everything beautifully so if there's anything crappy going on they would come in and they would just make sure it looks good oh really yeah in fact that sounds a fish happy right job is actually me I usually have the crappy crap I can handle the kiddie crappy wrap job right about that log yeah well you see you're just adding more of their own instrumentality into the process which is very divine like of you to do that that's what I'm trying to do okay so that's the first message we had a lot to say over two sentences and then of course pray the rosary you know the rosary is the gospel and beads the most important part of the Rosary is not saying the Our Father or the hell marry the glory be it's the meditation on the mysteries yeah you know it's it's meditating on you know Christ in the garden praying sweat drops of blood scourging at the pillar or crowning of thorns carrying the cross crucified like spending 15-20 minutes just camping out in these mysteries changes your heart in your mind makes you a better disciple of Jesus Christ and so the Rosary is a form of of if you want to use modern language guided meditation your guide is the Blessed Virgin Mary and she's saying hey let's walk through what my son went with where I went through and you be there with him and you do that every day starts to change you if you do a guided meditation with the rosary you you become a better person you become a saint and just for the sake of focus I like to try that I don't know this is almost an interesting topic to open up I do just because I've done so many rosaries now over the last two to three years when I've really been trying to do it daily that I'm trying to focus on a detail that I haven't thought about before so I'm like yeah Linda Jesus you know carries the cross I'm trying to think of another character that's covered somewhere in the Gospels for a movies perspective I can consider it so yeah yeah it's all about the meditation another thing Protestant okay that's like putting yourself in the movie to use a contemporary way of speaking right you're at the air at the foot of the cross it's like well this time I'm gonna pretend that I'm John right or this time I'm gonna be a Centurion or this time I'm gonna be a Jewish priest and think about it how they're experiencing what's going or that other thief on the cross you know so you can kind of play with it in your imagination and interact with Christ from all these different perspectives and you know as a Protestant before I knew about the rosary you know we read the Bible and we knew the stories and all that but that intimate way of interacting with Christ through the scenery like I said being in the movie is really helpful it's really profound yes okay so Jim should we do that let's let's do it all right you got it or do you want me to read yeah okay this one this one makes me laugh a little bit people bear with me you know I like to find the humor where it might not have been intended our lady says many men in this world afflict the Lord I desire souls to console him to soften the anger of the Heavenly Father I wish we have my son it's that language for souls who will repair by their suffering and their poverty for the sinners and ingrates now what there's not really anything funny here and I'm a weirdo or whatever I just said I think it's funny I just like the opening line right like many men in this world afflict the Lord so many men piss the Lord off is basically what you say many men bother my son like you bother me no I just think it's funny I think it's kind of hilarious phraseology and what and she means it literally though so there's nothing funny about it it's all the more serious that she means this angry kind of terse brusque phraseology to use the term Pope Benedict would always use she uses it literally she's not trying to be funny so it makes it actually unfunny I you know a lot of people that are living right now are are really really making my my son really upset yeah that's not good things do now this does not end well yeah right without without clothes matching of her words mimicking of what she's saying to do yeah do you do you think that again I'm just I'm just thinking of skeptics again as I hear these things so often we hear now that you know Jesus is is tender he is the mercy the king of Mercy I believe all those things 100% but well we don't here is the expansion of that that he is merciful in light of justice in other words there is a hell there is damnation people go there etc Jesus doesn't want any of us to go there who's doing all these things to ensure our salvation so again like we saw in Fatima we see here Our Lady's pretty Frank doesn't mince words you know you might expect Mary to come down just gave everybody hugs like we need hugs I'm in a hug ministry Blessed Mother coming out just get everybody hugs no she's coming Ives or high fives I'm okay you're okay and what we see I mean this is the woman the mother who stood at the foot of the cross and watch her son devastated so she's coming to the world she's like we stopped afflicting my son scourging whipping spitting on him punching him pressing the crown of thorns in his forehead we since yeah we here successfully will you please knock it off and she's saying yes Jesus is merciful he's tender but people are going to hell and men are afflicting him they are hurting him will you please just knock it off stop stop sinning can we yeah maybe maybe it would be potent at this moment to put up that that me my set you I think it's hilarious of the - yeah you know let's put us on the screen there it is there's big a couple weeks ago with the the you know what you really need is a helping hand which is in the metaphor grounding so yeah yeah you you're drowning and someone just gives you a high-five and you go down that's what critics actually point that's what critics actually want Mary to do they're like why doesn't she just high five US as we drown yeah no she's here to tell you just spoke to Jesus because not happy yeah it doesn't like this your your you're almost out of luck this is your last chance yeah Jesus you do with your kids she says here's some solutions let's fix it right right she doesn't say he's really really mad and you're screwed she doesn't say that she's like he's really mad here's here's what what to do here as a matter of fact this is the the ground for my apparition here today with you all so yeah I think I think I I guess it's difficult to not be a broken record and to be harping on something that at the same time you know people are missing in in popular preaching popular homiletics even you know the papal homiletics they're all they're all missing this so it's like yeah we we say it a lot but what do you want from us you know this is right this is what you have to do because people don't understand that mercy does not exist in in contradiction with justice with God's justice Jesus is merciful because of with reference to God's justice he doesn't say I'm gonna die anyway I'm gonna do I'm gonna abolish the game for you the game is on maybe got that is that directly from which Gospels Ephraim the game is on baby Jesus the the rules are there in and there they're there for all of us and they no one's bigger than the moral rules the Decalogue the natural law you know the gloss Jesus put on all these things the mercy and the graces are there to help us win but he's like my father in heaven will be paying attention to who is winning and who is losing there's still a dub and there's still a now that will be according to each person yes absolutely love that and then the in the end here in the second message she says I wish with my son so we see here as a companion of Jesus which is great for souls who will repair by their suffering and their poverty poverty for the sinners and ingrates and I was just thinking in my mind okay the second message of Fatima was of course pray the rosary do penance but also the consecration rusha she asked for and that the holy father will suffer many things so we see this whole idea of making a consecration and also embracing suffering it's a little loose I realize it's not a one-to-one but the theme is still there I wish with my son so there's this idea of her being consecrated within or alongside Jesus and then for souls who are gonna volunteer like Sister Agnes who receives these these visions these words rather to suffer and to take on poverty for the sake of sinners and ingrates I like that and I think all of us right now Tim me everybody watching or listening through iTunes however you're consuming this am I willing to be one of those people and it doesn't necessarily mean that you walk through the streets and Fog yourselves or you wear a hair shirt 24/7 if you're a mother it can be as simple as waking up with the children and tending to them and offering that as a beautiful sacrifice to the Lord feeding the hungry you know maybe the kids are up at 5:00 a.m. on Saturday morning and you wanted to sleep in you wake up you make them breakfast you fed the hungry I just fed the hungry yes you know that's just for mothers and four dads you know the the going to work and the all the things you do for the priests who are like man I want to go sit in a confession again for three hours but they do it for love of God so sometimes in our Catholic imagination we we go to the extremes and we think why need to sit on top of a pillar for 90 days or need to wear a hair shirt right or I need a pray and get the stigmata and some of these you know we're talking about the point oh one percent of what we read in the lives of the Saints but for most of us it's just doing our daily duties with the spirit of joy and a spirit of sacrifice spirit of service and offering those in prayer to Jesus as sacrifices not only for ourselves but for every other people you know for those who need redemption they need mercy I like the point a lot it's it's sort of counterintuitive to put it this way while we know that it's true not every but people hopefully are getting into heaven without wearing hair shirts cuz I've never owned one not in years not since the 70s Christmas my data hey Stephanie if you're listening you wants a hair shirt for Christmas please they're just good fashion from people no I mean yeah so I guess I'd never thought about it in the turn in the stark terms you just spoke about it dr. Marshall like people better be getting into heaven without wearing their shirts and with it was self flagellation and all of that because I don't do either of those things and I never have so it makes the point kind of like a championship basketball team like we talked we tend to talk about you know the only winner is the Finals MVP the best player on the winning team and that's not that's because we're not socialists right it's most interesting to talk about them same thing it's most interesting to talk about the Saints not a couple guys you know with raising their families wearing regular shirts Under Armour I guess but but except the rest of the team has a job to do and to discharge the duties of your job well even though they're less glorified in in this sense it's anti glorification but even though they're less grabby than the MVPs job you know is is still a make-it-or-break-it distinction you still either discharge your suburban or urban or rural duties to your family or to your flock if you're a priest well or unwell and you're judged on the whole so I really I really like what you're saying there with respect to the second part of the secret here all right now I get to the juicy stuff all the all the meat this is everybody's way like okay okay just get to the bishops against bishops and Cardinals against Cardinal that's what you want to talk about but it's important that we fighting right yeah we have to preference we have to we have to go with what our lady said in the order because it's kind of like when we get to bishops against bishops that's what happens when you don't do everything she just said yes you don't want to proof text just because it's more interesting the same thing I just same point we just made yeah a lot of secret - yeah we got to go in order that's good okay so let's do this I'm gonna read it and then you just interrupt me on a point you want to make okay so we're doing now the third message of Our Lady of Akita this is the juicy one bishops against bishops it begins like this quote my dear daughter listen well to what I have to say to you you will inform your superior I'm gonna pause here again our lady wants the seers and the visionaries to conform to their superiors this always happens in true apparitions consistently yeah as I told you if men do not repent and better themselves the father will inflict a terrible punishment on all of humanity it will be a punishment greater than the deluge such as one will never have been seen before go forth do you do you hear what she say I mean this is a valid operation accepted by the church worthy of worthy of belief and she's saying more than the flood more than the ark and then just to underscore the the emphasis here to re-emphasize she says so if you don't know what that means you know the flood Noah's Ark that was that was number one before you know the the Covenant made there after was a rainbow that they it's so it's not gonna be a flood we're gonna find out in a couple lines what this will be but it's gonna be worse than the flood this is serious business yeah it reminds me of you know in the Gospels that there's a baptism of water I mean there's a baptism of fire it's almost like Noah's Flood the deluge was the baptism of water and here we're talking about the baptism of fire because she goes on to say quote fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity the good as well as the bad sparing neither priest nor faithful oh good so hey pretty justice your priest you're you're in it man yeah I mean this is kind of like for people that are holy but fear a natural death way too much for a holy person this is just a temperament thing sometimes I follow this category I can fall in and out of it but just because you know like a friend of mine well-known Catholic it would always say like you know anxiety is crypto atheism secret atheism because it means you're not caring about things the way you should that's that's catchy and I don't disagree but when I slip into thinking about natural health natural death too much I you know I don't think it's that I've slipped into crypto atheism I think it's just a temperamental thing you know I can get through I can get I can be a little bit choleric it at times where I get anxiety but the point is that this kind of ends the dispute between those of you out there who might talk about a natural death you know good good faithful people as something to fear something to you can't avoid it you already knew that much but now she's specifically tying it back to soteriology and what she says in 1973 is specifically that look you're soteriology your salvation is tied to your good acts but but your good acts will not save you from the natural chastisement of by actually supernatural chastisement of the third part of the a key test secret if you're gonna give your gut if your numbers up you're gonna go you know scary good in the bat together priests good priests and bad priests together is what she probably meant to say absolutely yeah and then she's in that she says the survivors will find themselves so desolate that they will Envy the dead now this reminds me of the Third Secret of fátima 3a the part that was revealed not the part that we don't have because we see a city you know half desolate bodies everywhere so remember folks Cardinal Ratzinger said that this vision is the same as the Third Secret of fátima it's at this point where we start to see the overlap right right yeah exactly there's something apocalyptic of dead bodies destruction truly truly seems global right well a city of ruin remember to go back to 3a from Fatima a city that's laying half and waste witches could describe the Roman Empire any time after like the fourth century but but with assassins all around and your dead body is all around this sounds like the kind of situation where the survivors might end be in the dead and be like well this is really bad I almost wish I were dead yeah I sit now the the fire from above if you'll pardon my you know gallows laughter fire from above sounds like you might have and be the dead even a little bit more you know if you're sure earth is scorched and heaven heaven only knows it's it is it is on par with 3a but it sounds like a an uptick right by a distinction of degree it sounds more and and by the way sister Agnes didn't have access to 3a right oh yeah that's true yes she didn't that when she when this comes out in 73 3a is released in 2000 that's true so so she's not like you know copying or doing anything you know that she knows about trying to make her third secret of a key to match the Third Secret of fátima so it's kind of late you know post hope to see wow this stuff lines up and also since we're pointing out context that's a good point I'd never really put that little historical trivia together it ends up being important also I believe she was the only member of her Buddhist family to convert so it's not like you got it's not like you got this Oh Fatima Akita Lourdes La Salette from your mom like like she got it from her grandma great that it's it's all new it's as new is the gospel mister it says foreign to her a Japanese woman as the gospel would have been so I I don't know point she's not a cradle Catholic we can say that much certainly whether or not whether or not heard the ret anyone out of there any other members of her family converted like I can't say with certainty I'm just going on memory but yeah it's a different thing fundamentally for an adult convert to be the seer I what it's just a just a hell of a thing well my mind you know runs back to Our Lady of Guadalupe we have Juan Diego he's an adult convert he converts later in his life I think you know after his wife even dies so he's 40s 50s I don't know the exact age but he's a convert in Our Lady guesses him so again not a cradle is his mind isn't imposed with all kinds of things that he's learned growing up just Catholic culture that we you know suck in as sponges for kids of all the Marian apparitions and the catechisms all that like he said blank slate totally new yes sir yeah okay so that's the difference so the next part she says quote the only arms which will remain for you will be the rosary and the sign left by my son each day recite the prayer of the Rosary with the rosary pray for the Pope bishops and priests the work of the devil will infiltrate even into the church in such a way that one will see Cardinals opposing Cardinals and bishops against other bishops I'll pause there Tim this is the good part this is the money shot yeah I mean um I guess the start at the beginning the sign left by her son could I be that either the be the sign of the Cross mm-hmm right the crucifix it could be I mean we wouldn't say if in the sense of like signs and wonders what what we used to call the miracles of the gospel could be anything I always thought of it as the cross what what do you think it is well I think you know Signum Inlet and like the sign is either the sign of the Cross that we make at every prayer but sometimes it's used for the creed so it might be the creed or the profession of the faith I don't know I mean I I think back to how the Japanese for you know I think was over a hundred years the church existed without priests so they would just baptize and marry one another and they would recite the Creed and recite the Rosary because all the all the missionaries were kicked out of Japan and so it's like she says the only armed will remain are the Rosary in the sign left by my son so it's almost like in this period you may not have masses or confirmation or maybe you I don't even know you know it's all you have is the sign and the rosary I hope that's that's not the case but yeah she's sayin me it is your tool belt is greatly restricted but she pray the rosary and she says pray the rosary for the Pope the bishops and the priests the work of the devil infiltrate even into the church now Java Satan smoke estate now that that a similar parsing of an almost identical phrase had been selected and used not a full year before this by Pope Paul the sixth remember in late 1972 when he says by some Fischer the smoke of Satan has entered the sanctuary strange everyone's getting the point now this is three years after the new mass has been released look at that what you weigh eight years after Vatican two closes eight years after the close of a deacon to all of the funny business I mean this is the most serious sense ironically in terms of what happened between the close of the Second Vatican Council in 1965 and the actual release of the new mass think about many how much chicane or he subterfuge was happening in those five years right in those five years between 65 and 70 you have Louie boo yay and Cardinal Ratzinger two friends who had been on the concilium to write the new mass from the the council document sacrosanct I'm Concilium coming forward and telling Pope Paul the sixth holiness this guy you put in charge of the concilium boo nini he's wack everyone looking him up out there he's totally he's totally bonkers maybe a Freeman is going off the rails maybe a freemason which it ends up looking like he was the guy that wrote the Novus Ordo and we have to leave this is such a personal moral crisis if you if you don't remove him and we remove ourselves so they they left the concilium I don't like that Tim it reminds me of Ratzinger many years later he these shades of I don't like what's going on I'm out right right I I just want I think we got to be in there and and throw some elbows and and win it back we can't agree like those darn it's kind of like you know we talked about it Halloween and holy days we can't just let the pagans have in back well I don't like how you're doing that I'm leaving it no people like don't be the Maccabee organize your mend go back and take it it definitely ate the the Gordon Marshall way right if the stir instead of Ratzinger Ratzinger boo yay I also respect Louie boo yeah but but same same critique of his parallel action where Gordon Marshall I think I think now with a little bit of history we know okay what you have to do is stay in fight and I mean Benedict should have known it by 2013 but then he might have fell it because they went and they started via a commune you right yep they went and started a new journal and they were did so they were it was a little bit less like pure retreat I Pro I think staying and fighting is is now it's more clear that's what's needed but they went they started like an alternate journal and they kind of worked against from outside so it's arguably yeah it's not as good I agree with you yeah but nevertheless this is one of the things that people don't understand the one of you know the Pope Benedict who knows what's going on right now more than anyone maybe he's not doesn't have a mind of God but he knows where the bodies are buried he knows why he he resigned he knows whether or not you know he alone can verify whether vegan owes speaking the truth he knows that document on the lavender mafia he knows who the Freemasons are in the Vatican he knows all of the funniness that happened in the late 70s and early 80's he knows about Fatima he knows everything and and he was in this position and and and this happened is it's one of the minor facts him and boo yay leaving the concilium that I think people need to know about it's easy to overlook also between 65 and 70 you get the Rogues getting communion in the hand you must be you get the the removal of the oath against modernism right before the mass was released in 1969 Pope Paul the sixth took away the oath against modernism in all the universities and seminaries that's that's odd you get the when you get the removal of the st. Michael's prayer at the for the new Mass you know at the end you which is a mini exorcism every time you you had the one loss to the libs in the Church was 1968 and and Humana vitae but even that was was he you know there were so many other victories afoot for the Liberals in the church that they they felt like they could openly rebel and they know basically have ever since then and they never really followed it without any kind of punishment so it wasn't a pure loss for them because they had a sizable enough majority not to fall so all this is happening Lee and then and then what happens after the new mass is released between nineteen seventy and seventy two people in the faith has got it right people stopped going to church fifty to sixty percent of people I'll put the graph on the screen look at this folks look at what happens between 1965 and 1975 look at the look at the young people how quickly they abandoned the Catholic Church no more people suing ms it's it's it's so sad we've talked this before it's like when coca-cola put out a new coke and everybody hated it they didn't just say new cokes up better new cokes better for 50 years like oh we should go back to our old ways cuz that's what people liked right it's numb look at these numbers look at this graph it's like crazy so yeah I like how you kind of published this timeline timmi 1970 we have the Novus Ordo of the mass that was the same that was the same year by the way that the Society of st. Pius the tenth started with Church approval under Archbishop Lefebvre excommunicated but they were around for years with approval of Rome as a priestly Society so that happened in 1970 as well in 1972 Paul the six abolished minor orders oh yeah which was a big thing in the in the seminaries and then in 73 we had the invention of Eucharistic lay ministers of Holy Communion so you have another 73 yes he had laypeople actually touching the Eucharist for the first time before I just always assumed that's in 1973 that's so that's the same year as the Akita visions that we're talking about and then seventy-seven although what's happening in like Belgium and in Holland and Germany commune in the hand it came to America in 1977 so before that we had commute on the tongue 1977 right we also also in the secular world 1973 is the year of Roe vs. Wade that can to make Jesus very happy effort for us but we're the light of the world right I mean that that's the leading nation in in the world in terms of moral moral prowess and I don't know well not I mean good moral they had bad morals nowadays yeah well I mean up until that point right I mean this is just the means the first world nation to first of all nations at that point and that's really when we handed in our badge yeah with with with Roe versus Wade wow I didn't know some of that other stuff yeah we should maybe do a video let us know in the comments do you want to do a video of timeline I think it'd be really good to do a timeline from you know just go through dates for maybe 90 from Mike maybe leo xiii Doug be good all the way up to our present day of just of changes and modifications in the College of Cardinals liturgy divine office just to see how he went from in a the past hundred years so much change and we're all that happens so let us know in the comments you want us to do that will do it I'd be a video where less commentary I think would be requisite because yes it's a loquitur right that the facts speak for themselves we it's like yeah boom here's here's what's happened in the last under T I I think we should do that you know at categorically yeah that's a good idea alright so moving on so we have a Cardinals opposing Cardinals bishops against bishops I mean we should say something here Tim I mean there were Cardinals opposing each other at Vatican two we know that we know that bishops were also having words just one another over the mass you see that with LaFave lff has deep concerns he originally had a lot of sympathy within parts of the hierarchy especially places with seminarians and priests in France and then extension to America America became a leader in that you know traditional movement and then now we're kind of seeing it in the last since the Dubya brothers came out we're starting to see it even more any other examples that come to mind well I just want to say I've always strongly felt since since the even before the time of the Doobie Brothers since 2014-2015 since you had say Cardinal Burke and and others empower in them sending their little essays to all of the the Synod fathers in 2014 and the Vatican Post I was trying to get it and they're having to sneak too but that was the first time I really looked at Akita I was like this must be what they're talking about and all of the fallout from 2014 I mean remember let's do a little timeline what was happening in 2014 you had the four Dubya brothers and Cardinal Cafaro would always mention these words bishops against bishops and Cardinals against home those who did I remember that yes he was fighting at Akita yes exciting ah kita and he's saying this is what's happening now he received a personal letter in the 80s from sister lúcia fatima and she said she told him something about bishops versus bishops you know yeah everyone knows it by now and she also used the expression that the final Santos Satan's final attack would come on the family so there's a lot of info packed into that bit of that line and so you combine those two facts that it's gonna be a bitter struggle between bishops and their confreres and the idea that the struggle will come over the family and then all of a sudden you have the Synod on the family and a bitter struggle between a minority of good guys and what appears to be a majority of bad guys ostensibly anyway and I have always strongly said ah kita in its third part I think this is the key line for our times really is talking about not not even Vatican 2 but the the full instantiation the full embodiment of Vatican 2 which has begun in 2014 I'd say second year of the pan Francis papacy that's what I've always thought yeah and last week when we did our video on the USCCB meeting we were we were pointing out that there are bishops who were standing up and saying why do you have a guy like James Martin going into your diocese so we're seeing Bishop starting to call each other out it's it's in America it's more subtle it's not like Karnataka fara but we're starting to see it and it'll be really interesting to see what USCCB meeting 2019 looks like if more bishops start to say you know what we got to start being apps tallest we got to start being vocal and explicit about what's wrong not just making generalities I mean people out there watch these videos everyone knows what I want right I want them being more than apostolic I want them being prophetic I want them standing and yelling if they need to do so at these meetings you know yelling yes shouting shouting the gospel against the walls if that's what is required yeah if I was not what yeah I mean good for good for all the bishops that said the right things you know earlier this week but it's like there is a way of saying the right thing as as kept not tempered ly as gingerly as you can you know and so you're like okay this goes down on text but I was basically whispering this I feel like I strongly into it that's what was happening and even the words weren't that tough so again I'm not beggars can't be choosers we'll take the heroes as they appear but I'd like a more angry fashioning of of a hero that's gonna yeah I'd like him I mean according to Akita this is gonna be a real conflict I'd like it to get a little hotter a bit on there I want the whole world ashamed of itself which is you know you gotta have some prophets you know if I find to get what I want here so yeah let's see it let's not yeah I was thinking of when Cardinal Mahony the criminal stands up in front of the USCCB and lectures everybody on abuse when he's paid out 720 million dollars I'm like every one of you bishops has a Crozier that thing that somebody on the left side of the stage had to put that out and gone around this neck and drag them off like in the old comedies right oh you're a dud dude we got her a crook yeah and you were pulling you off the stage but didn't happen maybe next year it'll happen so Carnales against Cardinals bishops against bishops and then she goes on to say by the way we have now moved beyond the 3a first part of the Third Secret of fátima and we're now getting into some teaching and this is what I think 3b actually says thank you I think what I think if if akita this third message of Okita is the same as the Third Secret of fátima we are now getting into 3b the text the words of Our Lady at this point we're moving into the transition she says good I think yeah the priest who venerate me will be scorned and opposed by their confreres churches and altars sacked the church will be full of those who accept compromises and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord the demon will be especially implacable against souls consecrated to God that's the religious the thought of the loss of so many souls is the cause of my sadness if sins increase in number and gravity it will be no longer hardened for them with courage speak to your superior he will know how to encourage each one of you to pray and to accomplish works of reparation pause their churches and altars are going to be sacked and desecrated they already had been right there happened yeah I mean in the what in what was that in Italy was a move-on it was Venice I think it was Venice this Muslim guy got up on the high altar and started dancing and breakdancing his friend videoed it you know dough yeah in Ireland there was a priest fornicating with another man I think it was on an altar I mean really so these things are happening but I think this is not just talking about a handful of things this is gonna be systematic well what I meant is you spoke with father Dwight the recently right walking tree my moniker yeah and father father longenecker wrote an amazing amazing but it's not even that long he just had all the right pictures and it was about pre pre VC two altars and post VC two altars and it was just a bunch of pictures and then he had some really great one-liners in there right around 2015 right on the second Synod and that I forget what the piece is called I've looked it up recently I can't remember it it was just really good I should email him but that's the Sakic sacking has this term to write the sacking of altar it's like the you know the Colosseum was not originally known as a limestone structure right it was it was marble and it would they pulled all of the finery off of it that's the right eye I think the primary meaning of sacking so the altars had already been sacked by this 1973 I don't know if all around the world it was such a thorough thing but now it's pretty much 99% of churches have none of the fine metals never hardly Italy you've been in Italy a lot you've been to Europe to him I have to you go into these amazing Romanesque baroque churches the detail and the expense to put these churches and cathedrals together is unparalleled you walk in there the high altar is just you want to pass out if it has some name akia particle would alter yeah that's positioned 30 feet out from the high altar floating there and the transept and you're like we need to lynch somebody who put yeah yeah the this this altar was was made out of plywood or particle wood and it took one day to make and about $600 and it's just junk you tell me that's not diabolical what you're describing pinky it's being junky IKEA furniture in the place of gold gold hardware in the background yeah that is the work of the devil who were these people sorry baby breweries yeah the people on watch during the 70s and 80s what is the matter with you alright I had to get that out but yeah that's like Thanksgiving someone my wife you know puts out the fine china that we got for a wedding and the silver and the everything the candlesticks and everything like goes all out she spends days getting all polishing the silver with the girls and all that and that I come in for Thanksgiving and I say oh wow it's great but we're not gonna use that she's like what like yeah I bought this card table from Home Depot and we're he's gonna we're gonna eat on that with paper BC cups yeah when paper plates and breakups tissue would you be offended yes what do you mean like you'd see me yes yes and why is she why is my wife doing all of that because she loves our family and she wants to celebrate it she's thankful it's Thanksgiving eucharistia thank you right she's saying thank you to God and when we say thank you to God we try to give him our best that's what Catholics did for 2,000 years they said you know what I'm gonna take grandma's wedding ring and melt it down and give it to the church you know or I'm gonna go and volunteer and chisel chisel marble yeah or donate marble or give our best so that for generations we these glorious churches and you go to your renown it's just sad it's sad that's a great analogy because people watching this think oh no one no one would do that you know no one would actually come in with dixie cups and paper plates say is what we're gonna do this is what they were doing in the 70s and and it had already done some before before akita and what they did I think at an accelerating rate after akita they took all this beautiful the beautiful altars and they sacked them like a bunch of vandals and Jose Goths it's disgusting and again shame on the people that sat by and saw this sorry say shame on that generation what is the matter with you how could you what I'm this mad and I'm mad hearing that once our churches didn't look like Applebee's right no suburban churches are are actually no no I got it wrong they're frame more like a macaroni grill right I owe a lot of them have the flagstone and the set that 70s look I was like am i waiting how are you gonna serve me like an appetizer if I'm waiting here like what are you why does it look like this and then that's just how it's been my whole life aside um I go to the Latin Mass but were the people can you imagine how Matt and I get mad can you imagine if if you had actually been 1020 years in the church with the beautiful just the real church on a trickle were Madol are people left I know it's hard not to imagine myself being one of the people that I I'm glad I'm glad that I was born a couple generations later cuz I get this mad over just looking back how could you know yeah I don't know I don't want to say something I mean look at what do not look what she says she says churches and altars will be sacked the very next line the church will be full of those who accept compromises and their payment the demon will press many priests and consecrate souls to leave the service of the Lord right so yeah you know people either they accept compromise or just say I'm out I'm not gonna serve the Lord anymore I'm it's too crazy I'm sick of coming you know and you know Tim's since we've been doing these videos together I've heard from a lot of priests a lot of priests and they're saying we priest my brother priests we talk we are so discouraged right now really we are so discouraged and so I just want to ask all the all the people out there pray for our priests because laypeople or discouraged I mean these guys have given up and they've fought through some pretty crappy seminary situations to become ordained priests and to serve us and to serve the Lord so pray for the priests and for all you father priests out there we're praying for you love you keep fighting the fight keep fight do not let a demon to press many priests to leave the service of the Lord there's the nest there's a certain esthetics about this right I mean they think of think of a really touching drama why do we love rocky one it's one of one of them the giving movies I always watch given to you like I said in my time ya know I mean we like it because it's an underdog like that's what that's what the holy priests oh they're underdog fighters yeah nothing is more inspiring to a man dog fighter then doesn't care it's like he's giving a middle finger to all the bad guys and he's like I don't care like you can you know all I want to do is go the distance the famous rocky thing I just want to fight my fight you say Paul's expression I want to run my course and you know what like you can this is this is this is what I think about all of y'all like that's that's what those pre you need daily inspiration to do your job and these these priests need daily encouragement not only from one another but from the lasing hey that's great be angry fight the angrier you are the prouder we are our digit 32 preach preach it Robert Bellah Minmei reach it righteous anger just do it we need them the righteous anger we don't we don't need to mince words we don't have to say all I'm preaching this and share it it's like no forget that this is there's no there's a time and a place for what's gonna leave we're gonna lead with beauty or all these things no just can I do a straight talk like Jesus talk like John the Baptist so and then she says you know the thought of so many soul the loss of so many souls is the cause of my sadness so was I mean loss when it was Souls loss of so annoying but no one goes to hell I thought okay exactly yeah there we hope dear we hope we hope yeah yeah alphas are it's garbage it's car fiercely Mary yes as Mary in ah kita and in Fatima if you hear priests saying that don't listen to those priests there I said talk and talk to him after mess be like hey hey wrong guy you ever heard of Akita or Fatima or the Gospels or the floor sensors no no no si Virgin Mary yeah yeah or the book of Revelation which depicts people in Hell right so it's all their initiative this is kind of you know this is the closing part Tim where she says speak to your superior again just like she said to Juan Diego you know go and talk to the bishop elect of Mexico City right go we got it we got to make this regular you know just like she informed Lucy at Fatima she was like I don't want you revealing this to anyone except your Bishop if you're sick or whatever whatever they call me out she always says to operate now this is can we talk about this some yeah because the set of a contest they're not gonna really jive with this they're like no with it and it's it's difficult because like when the message is that the majority of Bishops will turn right there will be the devil will work into the church the smoke is Satan and will will convert up I guess a strong majority to the bad side it's interesting because it of the demon that is interested it's kind of an interesting way of speaking there anyway well I wonder what that I wonder why not she did say was a verse a she says of the demon right the demon will be a special and especially implacable so she's anyway just did I don't have anything to say about I just it's noteworthy it is noteworthy but I mean you see what I'm saying where it's like I it is there is not not to sound like a said a far be it for me to sound like I said it but it is interesting that there is there's not a contradiction here but there's a little bit of tension between hey the hierarchy is gonna get corrupted that a and then a prime part of the message is and work within the hierarchical structure talking about superior talk to your superiors I mean I'm again I'm kind of connecting Akita and Fatima more but it's like it is also interesting that whatever we think happened with three be and cover up not cover up well what's a nicer word than cover up go find a euphemisms mental reservation mental reservation Antonio so Chi we want to talk to you Antonia socio good dude but so all of all of this aside she's saying work within the church and it's kind of miraculous that the church approved both Akita and Fatima isn't it given that it's like there is this tension your your critique in the hierarchy and you're asking the hierarchy to ratify the document that's because there's people in the hierarchy who realize that it is true yes by grassing her yes they look around and they see churches sack they see ultra sack they see religious confused and discouraged and and despairing and you know they say you know we need to we need to push this one through so people know that's true hey there's one of the king of mind you look like we were talking when the sacking of churches and I lost the thought but it just came back to me have you noticed when you're in especially in Italy I noticed it in Italy a lot there's these altars you know these akia altars and they don't put the candles on each end of the altar they put them off both on the one end of the altar you notice this oh yeah I did they do it drives me crazy you know I did it's a symmetrical yeah yeah they put and you see it sometimes in America probably priests who went to Europe Nicola that's cool I should do that but it's just you're in this church where everything is symmetrical and it's been designed that way like a platonic form and then there's just this record screech right in the middle of the right the vision of it all of this IKEA altar and then the candlesticks are like on one end of the altar together yeah and this is sometimes there's a plant on the other end it's like what dude who was doing this I've never seen the planet but that's too modest and you're like no and so we lived in San Lorenzo which is the attack the tiny little neighborhood about a mile east of the Colosseum and we're actually between the square formed by the corners of San Lorenzo Santa Maria Maggiore Santa Croce was really close there's actually even closer than San Lorenzo that's my favorite Church so your favorite I've got like my favorite and then San Giovanni which it faces the church is built by Constantine and his mother I trained for the room there thought I ran that ovular part between San Giovanni and Santa Croce it was doubt but um I ran a lot of coats did you you know the gelato cup is no I don't know it was my son and I did it with seminary American seminarians so around Vatican City is I think it's a little over two miles it's uphill one side down hills at the other side and you run around a nation cuz Vatican City State is a nation that's Hilarion whoever wins it gets a giant cup full of gelato just down the street at Oh bridge I told me about it but I eat he just said that he was running he some people who are joggers on there in Rome they'll go and run around Vatican City just to say I ran around a country nobody so we run it and I never want it my son got pretty close he's pretty fast runner but some of the seminarians were good shaped good runners but so I can't climb the Rome marathon just the gelato around the world that's a lot of around the walls of Attica City because that can see the walls that's right 21 21 feet yeah big walls yeah but yet note so anyway yeah I only would ever see the off-centered one sided candle and our little local parish but usually we went to either santa croce san lorenzo said what was the local parish that you would go to i forget it was literally just around we were lucky enough to live almost right above like a smallish american-style grocery which was just sheer good luck because we didn't want to like shop seven times so he clicked the Romans so and right behind that was just a little parish and it was literally all like 80 year olds and above and they thought we were they thought it was so neat to have to like bambini you know to middle 20s to middle 20s aged couple that was married married in their 20s they'd call when Steph got pregnant out there with our first daughter they would call her a ragazza madre like a child mothers like she's like you know middle 20s and they'd be the Arrested Development is staggering yeah so I only say you you just reminded me of something I hadn't thought of in a long time I've never seen that in America by the way of what what that the das the statute and wife's you know it's very rare but I've seen it here but he's our priest yeah there's some got some Monsignor went to Italy and got a good idea by seeing it but in Italy yeah it's all over the place it's like it is trendy thing to do since 1989 is to put the candles on one and everyone out there in the comments you've seen this just let me know I think it's an interesting phenomena I'm trying to figure out who thought of this hey Stacey Madrid its yeah I'm here so okay well let's just finish up the unless you got something more to say about candle okay so he says it is Bishop Edo who directs your community so again we're talking about a bishop here you have some you have still something to ask today is the last time that I will speak to you in a living voice from now on you obey the one sent to you and your superior pray very much the prayers the rosary I alone am able to save you from the calamities this which approach those who place their confidence in me will be saved end quote end of Our Lady of Akita so just a really sweet admonition to be faithful to your superior and your bishop right right which is not always the sound like the takeaway of what we're saying here but but it is it actually is working it out is a little bit complex so that's why we have hour and a half shows but it is we still work as lay parish priest still work as as ordained men within a hierarchical structure we're not Marxist we're not advocating getting rid of the hierarchy we want to prop up and dignify reading defy the hierarchy make the church holy again yes make the church holy again got to get those hats we want some major trouble you're gonna add command think it'd be dope yeah right to be great yeah yeah well there it is Our Lady of Akita if you have any suggestions for future shows let us know in the comments and of course as we always say please like this video why I like it because if you like it that tells the YouTube robots to share this video around on YouTube and more people will see it so if you want more people to see this go ahead and hit like also you can hit the share button and share it on Facebook you can text it to someone else just let other people know about it because a lot of people are confused and they need some direction they need to know what the words of Our Lady are Akita Fatima and everything going on in the church so please like it share it subscribe to the channel and hit the little bell that'll notify you every time we have a new video out and thanks for watching god bless you and we will always say pray the rosary daily let it be known that Tim and Taylor say pray the rosary it is the weapon for our time it is the gospel on beads it is meditating on the Gospels of Jesus Christ the birth the life the death the resurrection the glorious Ministry of Jesus Christ all right god bless everyone see the next video
Channel: Dr Taylor Marshall
Views: 153,734
Rating: 4.9251084 out of 5
Keywords: Dr Taylor Marshall, Third Secret of Fatima, Our Lady of Fatima, Our Lady of Akita
Id: 7W096JKxTfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 2sec (4802 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 07 2019
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