Abp Viganò: Vatican 2, Fatima & Our Lady in Civitavecchia

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ship Carlo Maria vegan Oh out once again this guy doesn't stop more info more info he recently wrote a coy stirred nun and he talked about the cancer that had broken out after Vatican 2 from Vatican 2 he speaks of a causal relationship we'll explore that today and then he also recently came out with a statement on the destruction of the family betrayal of priests from inside and a Marian apparition that I don't fully know how to pronounce Matt gaspers how are you Matt Gaspar's doing well it's a Larry happy into constant ember Wednesday that's right that's right so ember Wednesday and the octave of Pentecost even though it was suppressed once upon a time so we're gonna talk about vegan Oh today we're gonna talk about Fatima Matt gaspers I always like to talk about Fatima Third Secret of fátima how that helped us understand what's going on in the world and then archbishop vegan Oh throws into the mix this Marian apparition I'd seen this image the white statue of Our Lady with with the blood tears before I didn't know what it was our Lady I'm gonna give it a shot folks and y'all can all make fun of the Texans but I think it's Our Lady of citta Vecchia there are a civet of ekia exhibit divested yeah Civita Vecchia v2 Vecchia Civita Vecchia it's like the first time I ever did a show on archbishop vegan oh I was reading the newspapers they didn't have an accent on there right I said Vigano the first video and people go back and watch that first video like what an idiot he didn't even know how to pronounce again maybe we didn't know I'd never heard the guy for nice you know unless you knew him in DC right so there should be a good show a lot of text has been written and published by archbishop vegan Oh in the last I guess it's really been a week right Matt yeah it's unfolding quickly I mean he as I wrote recently for Catholic family news it's in the the June paper that just came out and I just posted it on the website as a preview to the print edition my article is called vegan Oh vindicates traditionalist and fatima stand it's kind of a chronicle a brief summary of his transformation that's happened over the last couple of years where he's gone from being just this kind of relative relatively obscure retired Vatican diplomat to on the front lines almost like a new archbishop with Evan it's it's crazy to see the it's truly a work of grace there's no doubt in my mind about that yeah that's an interesting transformation and then I've also just noticed you know since the first epistle or missive that came from vegan Oh until now I've also seen a lot of emphasis on tradition and liturgy correct he's starting to he's starting to emphasize in this started last summer which I kind of chronicled at that time last fall that he's starting to see and very rapidly starting to see now that the clergy sex abuse crisis is only the tip of the iceberg that it goes it has much deeper theological philosophical moral roots to it which he's starting to point out good well let's get this show going and the best way to do that is to ask God to be part of what we're doing here so we are gonna pray the Our Father the Potter no stare the prayer that our Lord taught us to pray together and of course we'll pray that in Latin Matt he's still good for the second half yes sir all right all rainbows in nomine Patris et filii ET spiritus sancti amen bacha Noster quiescent chalese sang to be chaser nomen tuum adveniat regnum tuum Fiat voluntas tua sicut in cello at antara Panem Nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie a at Damita nobis debita Nostra Secret at nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris at nanos inducas in tentationem sed libera nos a Malo amen how many par threes at fede its spiritual songs I mean all right and as we get started here and ask everyone please like the video hit that thumbs up that always helps us also please share the video that's the most important thing you can do so right next to the thumbs up while you over there hit share and with one or two clicks you can do shared on Twitter or Facebook really do appreciate that is gonna be a good show today and subscribe subscribe here on the channel make sure you turn notifications on because these are life gotta get notified when they're live today we started at 10:05 so you should have got a notification that we were going live okay vegan oh I think we should start first with the letter to the cloistered nun what say you sounds good alright let's do it so a letter was written by a Koi stirred nun - archbishop vegan oh and this is one intense little nun from her letter she she's hardcore it's it's good to see that we have these consecrated virgins these brides of Christ that's right who are zealous for the family they're zealous for the family of God if I recall our part of the message of Our Lady of good success is that these consecrated Souls really do make up for a lot of what the rest of us are failing to do and that without them we would be if we think we're in trouble now without them we would be in very serious trouble yes yes I mean do we want to go over her her letter yeah absolutely there's there's you know she talks about the Antichrist one one particularly good part was where she says as a Koi stir not I believe in very different strategies supernatural strategies yet notably escape the notice of most organized and totalitarian forces she also kind of that's right but the problem is that the time seems to me to be sure and in this regard I am pleased to let you know that our Mother Abbess often reads to us a table you're lucid and well outlined interventions whenever the voice of rectitude and love for Christ and His Church is heard one cannot help but recognize it so this is kind of interesting the Mother Abbess is is reading spiritual reading and she's she's reading some archbishop vegan oh yeah yes I reminded ich tin monastery in Clear Creek Oklahoma back in 2005 when I was discerning the possible vocation and I remember that during the meals they would always do spiritual reading and yes it's awesome that we can that a current prelate of the church is actually offering something worthy of being read at a monastery during mealtime as spiritual sustenance yeah so we got down Clear Creek there's an Oklahoma just north of Texas I've been there too they do the spiritual reading but someone told me that they were there and they are reading for the monks at lunch I believe what he said a history of Oklahoma because a lot of the monks are international a lot of the much from other places but they're living in Oklahoma so I think they said well we should read a history of Oklahoma so this guy was visiting and they do it in rec Toto know Momo Momo and the reading that day on the history of Oklahoma was on the successful musical hit country-western hit by Merle Haggard titled okie from Muskogee talking about a beard and okie from Muskogee great song if you've never heard okie from Muskogee you need to get on spotify and listen to that today because it's a classic that's right so hopefully considering what's going on in our country right now i yeah actually okie from Muskogee is a great rebuttal of what's going on in our country right now so go listen to Merle Haggard okie from Muskogee great song so something else from this good sisters letter which kind of jumped out at me you mentioned that she brings up the Antichrist she says quote it is most probable that in the near future the preparation for the manifestation of the Antichrist will become ever more imposed and oppressive also due to the steps that bergoglio himself will decide to take in preparation so she's a she's taking it for granted that he is on the side of the Antichrist that's a pretty strong statement it is and the text I have has of bergoglio in brackets that what you see I am I'm reading from the the text that LifeSite published and it's not in brackets in that version of it okay the one I'm has brackets I'm wondering if that's added by an editor or translator well because be part of the text that's an excellent question because that's a pretty significant thing the note why is that in why is that in brackets in one version hmm but still you're right now as an aside I would say that that's one one boy ticket hold on a second up in the up higher it refers to Broglie oh and then down lower it's in brackets so it might just be carrying the idea along but I mean in one part here she does refer to forego glio and she doesn't say Pope shouldn't say Pope Francis yeah I also took note of that I'm kind of wondered about that yeah yep and you know I did that show last week with dr. ed maza great not that I agree if doctor had everybody thinks oh take them on to show with this person that's his new idea no I'm just giving the thoughts out there and trying to understand people are saying right so I don't agree with dr. ed masses thesis though I think it's fascinating and of course I think it's possible I don't I don't throw it out altogether but you know and he was talking about this idea that's that's growing amongst people in the ranks that bergoglio is just bergoglio he's not the Pope and it I don't I don't know if this means you know her references here means she holds that or not right but it's interesting so she seems to be a well-formed write of Christ and she also I think she started out her letter by kind of framing it in terms of praising Archbishop V you know for his appeal that appeared originally on May 7th correct she says let's see I'm writing to you after a conversation I had with our spiritual fathers I'm guessing the priest who cares for the religious community our conversation concerned your latest appeal which has gone around the world to awaken conscience is about the imminent danger that is underneath the mask of the quote coronavirus emergency we ran the full text of the appeal in the Jew paper because it is a very important text yes that's fantastic text and it was good to see people getting behind it okay so the really great part is is this response yes by Archbishop The Vegan oh and you know I I was attracted to what he says I said I'm sure you've noticed your sister the instances of so many prelate s-- and of Catholic media on the presumed necessity of a New World Order Cardinals and bishops have spoken about it as well as and then he names a bunch of Catholic news sources who were able to say things that are once unheard of in Catholic circles thanks to the protection they enjoy but unclosed with the ability that wicked to move and act to conceal their intentions it's much less than first thought so I mean this is archbishop vegan Oh has referred to my book vegan out I mean to infiltration yep so I think he's credit and this points to Cardinals and bishops as infiltrators yes they're holding up the veil while people on the other side are doing naughty things and betraying the Catholic faith betraying the Catholic laypeople and ultimately Matt betraying our Lord Jesus Christ yes and when he I also noted what he said picking up where you left off they are so certain these infiltrators are so certain of having already reached their objective that they have openly revealed their intentions with arrogance and ostentation laying aside the prudence and astuteness that formerly permitted them to remain hidden so in other words they don't even care anymore they're just revealing their whole hand because they think they've already won I mean look at look at Archbishop Gregory yep in DC these prelate I don't even want to call them Archbishop's anymore these prelate s-- you know Nancy Pelosi parades around and prances around in the churches receiving Communion Joe Biden all that these prelate swith their red caps on do nothing Matt they smile and they shake hands and they take photos and they let these evil men and women who have betrayed our nation betrayed the church and betrayed babies walk around with the free pass in the Catholic Church and then Donald Trump holds up a Bible in front of a non Catholic Church and they're ready to crucify the man suddenly they're all ready to condemn a politician and James Martin he's got his webcam fired up he's sending out dailies let me be clear this is revolting yeah ridiculous so you're right they have had seven years of Papa Francis and they're feeling so good so true they're drunk on on the power and prestige and the influence that they've been allowed to have under him I think yeah absolutely absolutely talk about the neo-paganism is there a port a point in this letter that jumped out to you that you wanted to focus on I think the main the the crux of it is definitely a few paragraphs a few paragraphs in where he says and this is what he you know he makes this his essential point quote I believe that the essential point for effectively conducting a spiritual doctrinal and moral battle against the enemies of the church is the persuasion that the present crisis is the MIS metastasis of the conciliar cancer yep I got that highlighted if we have not understood the causal relationship between Vatican 2 and it's logical and necessary consequences over the course of the last 60 years it will not be possible to steer the rudder of the church back to the direction given it by her divine helmsman the course that it maintained for 2,000 years those are the words of a true Shepherd of souls well and this is this is where a lot of people are gonna get off the vegan oh train unfortunately gonna say way second vegan oh we liked that you were exposing mckarrick we liked even that you were exposing Cardinal Wuerl and that you were telling us who are the the bogies and the boogieman at the Vatican that was great but now you're touching something that we just can't allow we can no longer talk about you at our conferences we can no longer mention you and our homilies we can no longer print and print anything about you because you just said conciliar count cancer you just touched the sacred cow you said conciliar council and then you said vegan oh if we have not understood the causal relationship between Vatican two in its logical and necessary consequences over the last 60 years 60 years of apostasy and decline causal relationship following Vatican 2 mm-hmm you know in 2016 when I started being open about my concerns about Pope Francis and started being much more open about my attendance at the Latin Mass and my concerns over vatican ii guess what happened gasps bird wasn't invited to conferences wasn't invited back on Catholic Answers live everybody took three steps back they said oh yeah I had gone over to the rad trad fringe and this is I mean vegan Oh has been accused as before but now he's actually used the term Vatican 2 and conciliar cancer yep and this is his transformation in which I refer to as an astounding transformation in my new article at Catholic family news.com linked in this notes yep thank you this is exactly why I chose the headline vegan Oh vindicates for additional lists and fátima swill get into the Fatima connection later but what's so astounding about this is that this transformation has happened relatively quickly if viewers remember and I wanna call this in my article so beginning last summer dr. Robert Monahan of inside the Vatican magazine began publishing via his Monahan letters which are regular notes like missives to readers and he detailed in a series of those his then recent conversations with archbishop vegan oh he had lengthy conversations with him last summer and he's he said he was working on a book which was due out last October it must have got delayed because it still hasn't been published but he's still working on it I'm hoping that it might be something similar to like what Dian Montaigne did with Bishop Athanasius Snyder increased acid in sheet that would be my my guess as to what it's going to be like so if they're looking forward to that but anyhow Monahan shared about their lengthy private conversation over the course of a few of these Monahan letters and here's what how Monahan introduced this he said now with the passage of a year archbishop a year since his original testimony so we're talking about August of 2018 is when the you know issued his testimony concerning mckarrick and the whole Roman Curia and Pope Francis so last August is when this came out now with the passage of a year this is Monahan Archbishop vegan Oh has a still deeper concern that the clerical sexual abuse crisis is only one aspect of a deeper and wider crisis of the Christian faith in our age the deep this deeper and wider crisis viga no believes involves theological II and illegitimate rejection that is not a legitimate development of traditional Catholic doctrine yeah but what's interesting is that early on in this process of Monaghan revealing his his conversations details from the conversations with Archbishop T you know as I note in my article his Excellency was still apparently adhering to Benedict the sixteenth so call hermeneutic of continuity concerning the documents of vatican ii and for those not familiar with that phrase it means that the entire council in all of its details can be interpreted in a manner consistent with tradition this is what Archbishop D you note told dr. Monaghan last fall so what happened quote so what happened after vatican ii ended in 1965 was absolutely the opposite of a policy of continuity which would have been the correct interpretation of the vatican ii documents instead there was another interpretation of discontinuity promoted by all the huge machine of media propaganda end quote so that was last i believe that was last August fast-forward a couple months to last november's I just want to say Matt this is a great that you've you've documented this this development I love it it's great it's something I've sense but to hear you articulate it and give the dates it's awesome please please keep going sure great so fast-forward from August last year to November of 2019 last year and here's he published this devastating critique of the Abrahamic family house initiative just so just everybody give two thumbs down not to this channel or show but did these Abrahamic ecumenical house of worship for muhammadans Jews and Catholics no thank you right we worship the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost amen amen so here's what Vito said and I linked to the to the critique in my article quote in the garden of Abu Dhabi the temple of the world synchronistic neo religion is about to rise with its anti-christian dogmas not even the most hopeful of the Freemasons would have imagined so much and he goes on to say and here's the crux of the matter he's clearly at this point rejected the hermeneutic of continuity when it comes to certain documents of the council because he called he started out by quoting earlier in his text he quotes from pius xi smart aliamanu MOS the encyclical and we think it was 1928 on the nature of true Christian unity in other words that non Catholics need to return to the one true Church of Christ that's the only answer for so called a humanism it's not coming together and come by and pretending that we're all you know this artificial unity no unity is in the truth so vegan oh says pius xi have alerted and warned us referring to mortally Amani most but the teachings that preceded vatican ii have been thrown to the winds as intolerant and obsolete the comparison between the pre conciliar Magisterium and the new teachings of Nostra Aetate a which is the declaration on non-christian religions and dignities whom on a the declaration on religious liberty to mention only those these documents he says quote manifests a terrible discontinuity which must be acknowledged and which must be amended as soon as possible end quote so just within the matter of a few months he's gone from basically defending the hermeneutic of continuity to rejecting it outright and saying no there are some serious problems so in other words he went from being a conservative to a traditionalist this was this was my own experience - as I started I joined a parishes of attorney of st. Peter and started attending the Latin Mass in 2010 so 10 years ago but even then I was saying okay we can't reject Vatican 2 it's on the books we have to accept it but obviously there's errors in it anyone who studied Catholicism pre-nineteen you know 40s you know if anyone's ever read I don't know a hundred pages of Thomas Aquinas right you know knows that there's there's problems here so my my position it was sort of like our job was to go on Catholic Answers and to go on all these places and anything that was inconsistent in politics JP to be 16 which is extinct even have branches to get folks here's the problem yeah we had to go and say well then he really kissed the Quran maybe that was a Chaldean book of the Gospels or maybe he didn't know what was presented to him and then at Vatican 2 yeah I mean it says that you know muhammadans worship God and that Buddhists can attain perfect attachment and all these things that you know Saint Teresa of Avila was barely able to do in her mystical prayer life and interior castle these Buddhists are all being able to do it according to the Vatican 2 documents so but what that really means is and we would just do all these shell games basically we do linguistic stretching to make everything Orthodox but then in 2013 Francis came in and it was no longer we could no longer say well be 16 to mourn pontiff accom look be 16 is wearing an ancient papal vestment that hasn't been worn in 40 years look how rad he is right we no longer had that and so suddenly you know going on Catholic Answers live or go into a conference and people say what about this and what about that you just you can't do it you can't do that hermeneutic of continuity anymore because Francis is appealing to the problems in Vatican 2 he's healing to Paul the six canonizing him appealing to these problems in jp2 people are freaking out about Pachamama s-- jp2 did acc1 yeah pagans polytheists idolaters inviting them to invoke their false religion and their false gods in the Basilica of Saint Francis of Assissi Assisi that's right and something else both in else that I reminded myself of recently I forget how it came up but you know people are rightfully up in arms about Francis's just insane frankly support of Islam and saying things that are just factually untrue about the religion that it's a religion of peace and non-violence etc etc well I recalled that in in March of 2000 John Paul the second visited the Holy Land and this is what he said on March twenty first two thousand while he was in Jordan at the end of an address he said quote may st. John the Baptist protect Islam yeah so this has been a problem for much longer than Francis something another great quote that comes to mind is from a talk that Professor Roberto de Matta gave the the Italian Catholic historian author activist our friend and colleague who said at the 2018 Catholic identity conference so that was the year before you spoke that you spoke last year and he said in his address which is titled church in crisis the final act of Vatican to quote the pontificate of Pope Francis certainly represents a leap forward in the process of the church's Auto demolition following the Second Vatican Council however this is only a stage the last one of this process we could say that it represents its ripe fruit so the pontificate of Francis by the ripe fruit it's very ripe like an old diaper yeah my moderator Dan Kay he's the one who does the highlights channel by the way if you you should you should subscribe to this channel dr. table Marcel but there's Taylor Marshall highlights Daniel takes all the best parts from the shows and puts them into mini episode strike I don't want to listen to an hour do that but he just sent me I said hey you got to send me the horse picture have you seen the horse picture I don't think from a new continuity are here it is hermeneutic of continuity I'm gonna send it to you via Skype okay so you ready it is this hilarious hopefully it comes through for you everyone watching Matt can't see what y'all see okay you see that Matt let me see I'm looking here hermeneutic of continuity so you got a really nice drawing here of the Hinds of a horse and then you basically have a kid drawing this is how I came to understand hermeneutic of continuity its it's laughable it's obvious that there's not a continuity moving through did you see it Matt oh here we go yes okay that's pretty certain point I mean you can stand there and you can argue that this is a complete and consistent drawing of a horse look at the head it has two ears two eyes a mouth a nose it has two front legs it has a neck clearly this is a horse but also anyone in their right mind looks at this and says clearly the artist on the back part of the horse is not the same artist that's the front side of the horse yeah and we can jump around all day and say well come on it's clearly a horse if you take it all together but we also realized something the guy who was doing the the charcoal art on the on the rear end he got up and went to go get a coffee and then his three-year-old sat down with a pencil and finished it up right exactly right and a lot of people I mean they are gonna hate my guts and your guts mad and they're gonna you know take this part of the video and say oh my goodness these guys you know but Paul the six and this is in the chappy but you have to accept well you have to accept Vatika to Paul the six said Vatican two does not have the mark of infallibility period hang up the phone yeah that's it that's right not cool it's an ecumenical council I know it's a weird ecumenical council where when the thing was over the Pope said yeah it's a pastoral council it's not doctrinal doesn't have the mark of infallibility yeah well that was it was that to be as you know when you document an infiltration it's that was said by John the koch's at Vatican two at the very beginning the opening address john xxiii emphasized that it was a quote Pastoral Council which in and of itself is a complete novelty in the history of ecumenical councils because provide defining dogma is a pastoral activity that's not opposed to it and then Paul the sixth again I mean actually during the council when they were debating lumen gentium and collegiality that's when you got the the nota previa I forget the full Latin text but basically saying that the council only can only be interpreted infallibly if when it explicitly says so so essentially if it's only if it's repeating already defined dogma because they never infallibly defined anything else yeah I mean when Vatican 2 says that Mary is the Mediatrix I say yeah I agree it's great I'm not saying every single line in Vatican 2 as a problem with it but I'm saying when you look at what Vatican 2 expresses regarding collegiality acumen ISM the rights of infidels to worship false gods that's not a right rights come from God God never gives you the right to take a mortal sin correct a set moral theology and it's it's in contradiction with previous Catholic teachings so you know when you look at these you know collegiality false dignity of human or false idea of human dignity collegiality these kind of things it's like the horse you see on the screen it changes you could say it's kind of a horse it's got a peg leg got a it's got two there's a hoof you know there's and there's ears it's a horse I mean if my little girl Margaret brought this home I'd say oh yeah is it a horse oh yeah well it's a great horse good job but I would not be hanging this on my wall and I certainly would not be taking it to art class to teach people how to do art right just like I would not take the teaching of Francis abu-dhabi document amorous and teach my teenagers that correct I would not allow Francis to teach my teenagers exactly this is a processor said yeah this is the problem why you know why would we allow false teachings to be taught to our children even they come from the Pope st. Paul said even have an angel of heaven were to teach you a false gospel you reject it that's right and that's I I interviewed earlier this year professor de Mattei who published a book years ago and first an Italian and it came out last there's 2018-2019 I know I've referenced it before during shows with you apology of her tradition from Angelus press and it explains in that book that put the the preeminence of tradition over the the living members of the Magisterium that that the Pope and the bishops are not above the word of God they are subject to it that's that tradition preceded them and therefore they are subject to it by the will of God so very Rd ins and stewards yes they're not the kings it's like in Lord of the Rings right there he's a steward you know the guy hides himself on fire on yes Lord he's not the king he thinks he's the king because the King's been gone so long but he's just the steward keeping keeping the keys to the castle one day the King comes back and we've got this messed up idea from Pope's that while Jesus has been gone so long I'm the king I'm the Pope I can have change faith and morals to modernize it to the time I can say death penalty is inaccessible I know all the previous popes didn't say that but they're not as merciful as I am yes that's craziness this is yes this is your sanity this is insanity and any and there's you know there's people in the chat saying well no no it's in full continuity no it's not even Francis says it's not folks if anyone I mean and I want to be respectful because I know this is a process it takes it's taken us years so we have to remember that and be patient with people I just read myself last night I had read parts of it but I was rereading it in preparation for today so Archbishop our excuse me Bishop Athanasius Snyder's book Chris Deus Vinci has an entire chapter or not in yeah I think it is a full chapter devoted to this subject you folks you really need to read what what the Schneider has said and he's also very humble and admit I just want to read a couple of key fully admits that he used to hold the hermeneutic of continuity I mean most clerics do in his generation because that's what they've been taught so he says you know he reveals or shares how he would receive when he was a young man circular letters from the Society of st. Pius the tenth that he would that I'm on page 118 in the book and he said he would always read them my intuition as a 16 year old youth told me that the that Archbishop what Archbishop Lefebvre council text being abused by the Liberals and on the other side it seemed to me in those years that the criticisms of Archbishop Lefebvre exaggerated but then the next page 119 he says instinctively I repressed every reasonable argument which could even in the slightest be be a critique of the council texts nowadays I realized that I quote turned off my reason however such an attitude is not healthy and contradicts the tradition of the church as we observe in the father's the doctors and the great theologians of the church over the course of two thousand years yeah so that I just dog you at that page yep so I highly recommend and here's another great quote from page 121 he says an honest examination shows that in some expressions of the council texts there is a rupture with the previous constant tradition of the Magisterium that's simply acknowledging a fact yes it's it's a matter of fact this is not speculation this is not conspiracy theory all you have to do is compare certain texts with pre conciliar papal teachings and there there's flat contradictions yes it's different it is different it's just like look at the bum ass take go online and watch a papal mass from Pius the 12th they're out there they're on YouTube I should actually do a commentary on one of them to be kind of cool so people could see it and then look at a papal Mass today and tell me it's the same it's not it's changed look at just go to your local parish Novus Ordo and then go to a Latin Mass tell me it's the same well yes I know they both say lift up your heart and they both say body of Christ and they both you know I know that you know cure ala son but you have to also acknowledge this is different yep and why is not because freemasons and Protestants had input in the liturgy yes and the problems are not simply these abuses are these aberrations from the official text of the Novus Ordo as I've recalled on your show before Cardinals Ottaviani and Bochy wrote their their letter attached to the critical study of the new order of mass that was the new mass in its pristine form right as my predecessor John van re Catholic family news God rest his soul would always say yes that their critique and they said I forget the exact quote but something like the new mass represents a striking departure from the theology of the mass as it was formulated in session 22 of the Council of Trent that statement was in reference to the new Mass in its pristine form not with not with a woman preparing the gifts at the altar like my song all three girls and leotards dancing up and down the aisle and bowls of incense carried her this was the new mass in Latin yes now basically like the like the Anglican yes great service right and Al Thani and all these guys you know they put the intervention together that was in 68 69 I believe it's an infiltration I document the dates on how that down and they then just looking at the text not even seeing the Novus Ordo celebrated but just reading the text said that there is a move towards Protestantism in the text yeah and you know basically the response from the mainstream was well yeah we're trying to get Protestants and Catholics together so we made our we took some things that were too Catholic out of the mass like the offertory prayers ejected right praying not aints in the configure ejected yeah things like that anything that the priest would have as a private devotion or a secret prayer ejected called about community Matt everybody hold yeah and I know I've read somewhere an account of so there was a relatively small group of like superiors of religious orders and certain members of the Roman Curia who had a private like first viewing of the new Mass and they are their job their jaws were on the floor they were just dumbfounded you know I think Chris Ferrara has often mentioned that Archbishop Lefebvre there for that and his reaction was is this for real well I think it was I can't remember who exactly said it in this episode but they said whoa boo Nene this means that mass I mean with everything taken out of it it can take like 12 minutes and booty news like that's a good point we could always put something back in so to him it's basically Legos right you know like you can you can take stuff out you can put stuff in if you want to go longer use Eucharistic prayer one if you got to get to breakfast use Eucharistic prayer to this is a modular of liturgy and the priest he has the Legos and he can snap it together and make it into his own creation and here we are 2020 and we're seeing horrible liturgical abuse mm-hmm okay well let's get back to vegan oh we get we kind of got into hermeneutic of continuity and we saw the horse picture I mean we had too much fun I think it was I think it was a good cig or good it's the right word where you can kind of trail off for a little bit yeah tangent tangent there you go well it's because even I you know when I considered myself traditional I still felt this obligation that I had to make this remedied economy work why because I was living under Benedict the sixteenth and Bennett the sixteenth was telling us we must push the hermeneutic of continuity and I like Benedict and you know we want to be faithful sons of the church so when the Pope is saying that and you say to yourself what is possible you're saying there's a chance that Vatican two could fit on ok well let's make it fit you know we can we can widdle and we can hack at it and we can you know remove some part or stretch some parts and we can we can make this thing try to fit seven years into Francis guys come on come on right so again I highly recommend for folks who are still on the fence or who are still very adamant about the hermeneutic of continuity please get a copy of Christos Vinci and read what Bishop Snyder's very astute very honest candid analysis of the hermeneutic of continuity and he's and he's not saying nor did even Archbishop Lefebvre the continuity they're simply saying we have to identify that certain parts of it are and that's simply a that's simply a matter of fact yes it's just like the Novus Ordo mass I don't think everything in it is bad of course not when people say lord have mercy to the Lord the Lord has mercy doesn't matter I mean it's better to say at nine times and it is to say it's six times the traditional mass has nine the nine sort o has it six so it's better to have a nine six but God still when a people when a person with their heart prays lord have mercy God has mercy we believe right he doesn't absolutely doesn't say well that's the Novus Ordo six fault I'm like you have a mercy on that person right no he does have mercy when someone praised that when they pray the gloria in excelsis that God hears that yes it's the same you know so now what our problems is is you know for many years in America we had the Lord be with you and also with you right yeah yeah you know or in the Nicene Creed one in being with the father which has some problems in English yeah right so in the rubrics the rubrics in the Novus Ordo or probably someone should do maybe we could do a study not just the text but the rubrics and how sloppy the rubrics aren't how much freedom the priest is given in the rubrics traditional not in mass zero freedom and the rubrics no room for creativity Novus Ordo all kinds of freedom and then you look into the the the general instruction for the roman mass the germ all kinds of freedom based on the local community and pastoral needs alright let's get back to vegan oh this shows about you know right so in the the same kind of lengthy paragraph where he talks about the persuasion that the present crisis is the metastasis of the conciliar cancer further down he says and he kind of gives his mission that he's taken on right now this is our duty today to open the eyes of many people both clergy and religious who have not yet put together the overall picture limiting themselves to looking at reality only in a partial and disjointed way as soon as we have helped them to understand the mechanism they will understand everything else end quote so I think that's ultimately our goal with this show is also you know with with humility and charity by God's grace to help people understand that there are some some flaws in the council itself not just it's being misunderstood misinterpreted miss applied whatever so it's very encouraging to see Archbishop vegan Oh has taken this mission on for himself he's really I think he's a beacon of Catholic sanity and hope in a church and a world that has gone mad yeah we're not when our cities across this country are literally burning burning and in now in Europe it's happening in Europe Wow sanity so just when we thought that 2020 could not get any more insane we have all this all this horrible stuff I really think they're after well I did a video yesterday on the tech the tech polity tech politics and Bill Gates and all this and I really think they're after Trump because they want to be able to put in a full national international tracking system so they have our healthcare our bank accounts our purchases our thoughts on social media this is this is the new tech society the tech dictatorship when I think that's what they were I think they were banking on that in 2016 and we're so shocked for the come to pass and then they thought well Trump will screw up so bad that we'll get it back and now his numbers were looking good going into 2020 so then we have Corona hype and now that didn't work so now we're just gonna burn and loot and the impeachment we off right we have the implosion I was reflecting on 2020 has had an insane amount of historic events started out with the impeachment trial or as our friend Mike church calls it the Sham Pietschmann trial then you got the coronavirus the churches closed down public masses canceled basically for the first time in history in this manner anyway and then you got this horrible incident in Minneapolis I watched the footage yesterday at just the the office I mean I want to be very clear the officer who was kneeling on the I'm George Floyd's neck that's just despicable I can't it's bad it's terrible but then it the whole situation being taken advantage of by the anti feh terrorists and it's just crazy I mean it this is horrible that this man was killed horrible and we should we all condemn it if someone kills one of my relatives actually Floyd's brother made this point I believe I can't go lewd a target right that doesn't follow no it doesn't follow and I understand you know another thing in this whole burning and looting episode is who are the people who were most punished during The Cove in nineteen towns it was you know Walmart was open Costco was open all these big in Amazon made a ton of money because everybody stayed home and just ordered all their stuff home yeah Amazon killed it their their q2 numbers are gonna blow up through that devastated local small businesses the local florist the local Baker the local specialty kids clothing shop all those people the the middle class entrepreneur business owners got throttle big time her who else got hurt minorities if minorities depend on these local businesses for their employment mm-hmm they don't they don't jet set into Google and work for Google they work at these local businesses these small businesses and then for example black and um unemployment was so low moving into 2020 mm-hmm then all of a sudden jobs try up because of Cova 19 so again there's a lot of angst going on yeah and who wins yet again with the burning and the looting the big big tech companies the big big-box companies they win right in other words the elitists who pretend to care about the minorities the elitists when yet again go everybody go watch my video yesterday Trump verse Bill Gates the billionaire battles the Tet Wars I did that video yesterday go watch that I break it all down and its quality vegan oh tap into this he is that sure he says that modernism is the spiritual Cove at night team yep I love that quote that's so cool he says modernism and Cove in nineteen are part of the same brand that's gold that's gödel gold so in his appeal that he made a lot of people were critical of it because he was kind of getting off the faith morals doctrine liturgy Ryan he was going after politics and he was writing you bishops you Cardinals you Pope are bending the knee to the state and what he was doing was simply defending the traditional doctrine of Libertas ecclesiae that the liberty of the church that the state has no authority over the church to be dictating to her how she can run her internal life basically yeah exactly all right now let's let some pivot here and let's talk about his new interview that I did with LifeSite News and he talks about our lady of civet civet what is it civet to Vecchia civet to fine thanks to Civita Vecchia beautifui ax Civita Vecchia so this was an apparition in the 1990s Matt and I talked before the show we're gonna put up a big shoulder shrug here I don't I don't this was completely news to me I have never heard of this before there was a apparently a passing reference to it which not now that I think about it I remember when you and Chris Ferrara talked about vegan o's interview at the Portuguese website that came out in late April and there was a passing reference to this mention of in life cites first question but other than that I kind of dismissed it or not dismissive but just forgot about it because I'd never heard of it so this new interview is a very detailed account of what all has transpired yeah when it comes to Marian apparitions my opinion is it's just my opinion doesn't mean anything to anyone it's just my opinion I don't accept them I have a very strict apparition policy and that is I just don't accept them unless they have papal approbation so you'll see me all day long Our Lady Guadalupe Our Lady of Lourdes Our Lady loss Our Lady of fátima you hear me talking about that all the time anything else hey my aunt talked to Mary I'm just like peace out you ready not not interested at all show me some miracles and then show me some ecclesial approbation and I'll be there now the only exception that I kind of make sometimes Matt is Our Lady of Akita right and that does have a bishop approbation and been in 216th talk about it so but even then I don't I don't go full out on it so when I see this new one and I see you via Goodell making all these conclusions I'm interested great but I'm not full in yeah I think I'm funny as mad everyone can say Oh Marshall at that new video he's all about that new apparition now every time every time you see Marshalls all about the new video and a new apparition now that's gonna be all over Twitter in about five hours and I'm saying I'm not all about it but I am interested in what vegan OHS trying to say because this apparition says that the the third secret is about to happen here's what I put together the third stick you're it's about to happen the final battle was the attack on the family which is Akita and also can be derived from Fatima and this apparition from the 90s also has the betrayal up by the priests inside the church right and apostasy within the church and a pot so Fatima and that's what really piqued my interest about it is that the direct connection according to to Archbishop V you know with Fatima that our lady allegedly talking to this family it's a mother father and two children and I think the little the little girl Jessica was just a couple she was so what vegan oh says I'll just give a little background info from his interview he says on February 2nd so Candlemas day 1995 at 4 can I even say something that's interesting here yes the apparition of Our Lady of Good Counsel which talks about the betrayal of priests and a future apostasy that fee stays February 2nd as well mmm very interesting we're not familiar yeah where this is very interesting so what I mean one thing that does give me some confidence is Archbishop vegan oh it sounds like he's based on this interview that he's had direct contact with the family and he gives very specific details as he always as he always does so he says on February 2nd 1995 at 4:21 p.m. even noting the exact time of day you know he had those times with Cardinal surgery well whatever you call it vegan all he's taking notes that's right Matt Gaston called me at 11:05 a.m. I picked up the phone he said this I said that yep so you better watch your P's and Q's when you talk to me you know because gonna be a good record of it so he says at 4:21 p.m. February 2nd 95 Jessica Gregori a little girl who was not even six years old was about to go to Holy Mass with her family when for the first time she saw a small statue of Mary most holy crying tears of blood in the small stone grotto which her father had recently built in front of their home Fabio her father was putting his 18-month old son Davide into the car when he heard his daughter crying out repeatedly so this I mean my take is that this is just an ordinary you know devout Catholic family they have a grotto at home and out of the blue this the statue of Our Lady in the grotto starts weeping blood tears of blood so he says further down from that day on the phenomenon repeated itself a total of 13 times in front of crowds of witnesses until February 6th so from February 2nd February 6 1995 numerous public security agents who were promptly called by Fabio were also present uninterruptedly during these days to guard the sacred image and would also give sworn testimony about these events during the investigation so he goes on to explain that the parish priest then got involved and he was a witness to these events so he informed the diocesan bishop a Monsignor Giro gear Alamo griot but the bishop did not want to know about the event and he tore up the first report that was written by the parish priest himself so initially as be you know recounts the bishop was not interested at all maybe he shares your concerns about you know just kind of the default setting is all this camp this is no good what I want to get it's a safe default we always it that's like saying I your I reject but I'm willing to be persuaded right it's like with dr. Maas the other day I I don't accept it but I see that as possible right you know it's like the bishop at Guadalupe he said yeah I don't think so Juan Diego once you go back and ask the lady to give you a miracle right he goes back he gets the flowers and then boom on the tilma is that image which is right behind you above your right ear yes Ahmir we do yeah we believe it now we believe we have to be careful about falling into credulity and fidei ISM that our faith God respects the nature that he gave us and he gives us reasonable proofs like Vatican 1 taught that he confirms his word with miracles with signs with prophecies so that's reasonable to want those things as confirmation that it really is coming from God so V Genoa continues his explanation the statue of Mary the one that was weeping blood was confiscated by the bishop and kept in his own home where it continued to weep blood in front of various witnesses until March 15th of 1995 Bishop griot himself told me what happened that day here's where kind of take a turn and the bishop gets on board it was 8:15 in the morning after celebrating Holy Mass Bishop griot acceded to his sister's request to pray before the sacred image which he had been keeping in a closet with the people who were present that day Bishop griot began reciting the hail holy Queen when they said the line turn then most gracious advocate dine eyes of mercy toward us the statue began to weep blood the shock says vegan Oh was so great that the bishop had to receive first aid from a cardiologist oh that way at the end of the prayer we say we hit our chest three times Oakland love sweet Virgin Mary go get that get that ticker pounding that's right that's right by the way that's my favorite line of the hell holy queen turned the most gracious advocate thine eyes of mercy towards us yes beautiful so yeah so seeing the miracle for himself the bishop started taking it seriously obviously I think any reasonable person would at that point so the you know says further down john paul ii gave a tangible sign of his support and closeness to the family and what was going on on April 10th 1995 he sent his close friend Cardinal not gonna Andres Maria de scre to preside over a prayer vigil and the diocesan cathedral in reparation for the seizure of the statue on that occasion the Cardinal also blessed on the Pope's behalf a second statue that was identical to the one that had cried which was then given to the family and even so now we have a second statue and viga know says subsequently this statue the second one would also display phenomenon of exuding a very fragrant oil before numerous witnesses all right so we scroll down and then the same statue wept tears of water during the days of the final agony of john paul ii yes that's right yes you know that's right so the next part of the the interview LifeSite asks what are the main messages of Our Lady to Jessica who is the daughter the the little girl who first saw the statue weeping and to her father Fabio Grigory and vegan Oh explains beginning on February 6 1995 shortly after the thirteenth occasion of weeping note the 13th interesting Fatima connection Fabio heard an external voice talking to him and it goes on to say annamaria his wife had already previously been the recipient of revelations in the form of dreams so I guess beginning on July 2nd 1995 a series of apparitions began to happen of Jesus Mary and the angels including numerous messages ending on May 17 1996 and according to Archbishop Egan o the Blessed version also appeared again recently giving a message on December 23rd 2018 and he says when Jessica was asked about the central message given by Our Lady in Civita Vecchia she replied quote the main message is that they meaning I'm assuming the enemies of the church want to destroy the family she could also be referring to the devil the demons yes and she goes on and then the apostasy in the church and the risk of a third world war end quote that kind of made me think of you know you did shows recently on the prophecies about the great monarch and the angelic Pope and a lot of those include you know preceding their time a great worldwide crisis of some kind including wars persecutions of the church exactly like what our lady said at Fatima yep I mean so it's interesting here that that vegan oh is is throwing in his lot with this Italian apparition 1995 to 1996 not that long ago pretty much unfamiliar to we who are to us who are Americans right I had never heard of this before yes now what kind of got got me interested here is she said that the daily rosary is a powerful weapon to defeat Satan pray the rosary every day or you're not on the team in other words so I like that I like here and pray the rosary every day that's a good message but there was also something in here I'm scrolling through it about Fatima yes to that because that was that was interesting as well I want to give a a little background so life side in their interview maybe half way through roughly says since you mentioned the role of Cardinal touch easy Alberto name of your recent interview and that's a reference to that late April interview in Portuguese with that website Dias ear a right life site asks could you tell us what he tried to do meaning Bertoni tried to do when Bishop griot though he was not obliged to do so asked the Vatican to undertake its own investigations of the investigation of the apparitions in Civita Vecchia so just a little background information Cardinal Bertone a is a bad actor wait got to be very clear about that from the get-go you don't trust him no he he's acted been very actively involved in covering up the whole truth about Fatima he worked closely with Cardinal Sodano on that I've written about that in the past and dr. Marshall writes about that and infiltration so yeah very bad actor we're dealing with here and Antonio as Archbishop vegan Oh mentioned in his interview back in April he cites Antonio Sochi has really done an excellent job of exposing Bertoni in his book the fourth Secret of fátima yes that's an excellent expose on the cardinal birth and what makes it all the more powerful is that Sochi as he admits in his book originally did not you know denounced the so called Fatima Staz being just nut cases and and unreliable and such I quote this in my new article at Catholic family news.com the vegan ov indicates traditionalists and Fatima s-- let me just pull up a quote here to give some background to this let's see here okay there we go so he says in his in vegan house interview back in April he said he mentioned Antonio Sochi who has carefully investigated the third secret and unmasked Cardinal Bertone hmm he is referring of course to Sochi's groundbreaking book the fourth Secret of fátima the account of his voyage into the greatest mystery of the 20th century that's how Sochi describes the message of Fatima throughout which he ends up being converted from the Vatican party line on Fatima to the position of the so called Fatima sand I guess you and I would fall into that category he says Sochi says a result that seriously contradicted my initial convictions and that surprised and impressed me so Sochi chronicles his conversion from believing the Vatican party line essentially that the Third Secret was fully revealed on June 26 2000 in the in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith booklet the message of Fatima that the consecration of Russia was completed in 1984 all the points of the party line and throughout his study Sochi comes to the exact opposite conclusion and he says ultimately in the end I had to surrender to the evidence so it seems that vegan Oh has done the same yep so back to this new interview with LifeSite so vegan Oh makes a passing reference in his April interview to Cardinal Bertone a and I just want to read the that quote real quick here pulling it up because that's the first mention of this these events at Civita Vecchia sorry pages loading it up I'd like to say you know people say well what was infiltration about what your book infiltration olt I mean it's that the church has been infiltrated since the 1840s there's always been an infiltration in the church that goes back to you know Lucifer Satan falling before the creation of of this of our world and also Judas Iscariot but the key to it is is that Fatima Fatima is the key for our time this is what I'm always saying for the rose every day I believe Fatima is the key to understanding the current crisis and I don't fully understand it right but May 13th through October 13 1917 is the key it's how we understand what's going on and I'm thrilled to death to see viga no saying the exact same thing and whether we we accept this new apparition from the 90s or not Fatima is key that's right and as he as vegan o pointed out in his April it was published April 22nd the English translation that I'm reading from is from inside the Vatican magazine so vegan Oh released said this bombshell in the interview first of all the third part of the message that our Lady entrusted to the Shepherd children of Fatima so that they could deliver it to the Holy Father remains secret to this day yep and he goes on to say quote in 2000 during the pontificate of john paul ii Cardinal Sodano named but I just have to mention that's been passing carp both Cardinal Angelo Sedano and tortilla Bertoni are named by Archbishop V&O as being part of the homosexual current in the cat in the church trying to subvert the Church's teaching on homosexuality he said that in his original testimony August 20 18 so he says in this interview back in April in 2000 during the pontificate of John Paul the second Cardinal Sodano presented as the third secret a version of his own that in several elements appeared clearly incomplete so he's talking about the vision of course but what's obvious what his version of it is is his interpretation which is not binding on anybody as our friend Chris Ferrara has done emphasizing and documenting as Chris often says it is inconceivable that Cardinal Sodano is the Oracle of Fatima the same man who covered up the crimes of Marcel Maciel and the Legionnaires of Christ so he goes vegan oh goes on in his early April interview it is not surprising that the new Secretary of State knew at the time Cardinal Bertone a who succeeded Sodano in that role sought to draw attention away to an event in the past meaning the assassination attempt on jp2 May 13 1981 to cause the people of God to believe that the words of the Virgin in 1917 when she appeared had nothing to do with the crisis of the church in the decades after 1960 and he goes on the marriage of modernists and Freemasonry that was contracted behind the scenes at the Second Vatican Council antonio sochi who has carefully investigated the third secret unmasked this harmful behavior on the part of Cardinal Bertone a and here's where we get to the part about Civita Vecchia vegan Oh says in addition it was Bertone excuse me Bertoni himself who heavily discredited and censured the madonna della la creme a Madonna of tears of Civita Vecchia whose message perfectly agrees with what she said at Fatima yes so now we'll go come back to this new interview with LifeSite where they're asking life sides asking since you mentioned the role of Cardinal Bertone II in your recent interview what I just read could you tell us what he tried to do when Bishop griot asked the Vatican to undertake its own investigation so here's what Archbishop the you know explains on again very specific with dates and everything On February 17th 2005 Cardinal Bertone a who had been archbishop of Genoa since 2002 intervened on the National Rai television network to declare that the Vatican Commission had expressed a judgment of non-constant meaning that the apparitions were doubtful not credible the following day the diocesan bishop bishop griot publicly declared that he had never received notice of such a pronouncement by the commission and I think here it's important to note that when it comes to apparitions as I understand it anyway canonically the local bishop is the first point of contact and authority when it comes to determining the authenticity or not always so in other words Bertoni was trying to usurp his legitimate role in this process of determining the authenticity so vigan Oh continues there was never any follow up with a written document that confirmed bertoni's statement so it's basically just hearsay moreover vigan Oh says griot later confided that he had previously heard of a propensity of the Commission for a suspensive opinion but that Cardinal ruine II who had communicated this to him later asked him for silence on the matter after he learned of john paul ii relationship with the affair remember i said earlier JP ii had expressed an interest in it and kind of a closeness to the family a second statue right exactly so bishop selay was able to confirm to the vice president of the diocesan commission father Flavio who Bodhi who's written a book on all of this that's one of the you know sources so father who bode the positive attitude of the Vatican Commission regarding the event so LifeSite goes on to ask since it is also known that Cardinal Bertone II was heavily involved in the Fatima debates what do you think is his purpose why does he try to undermine such an Orthodox and Catholic message and here's where it starts to get juicy from Cardinal or from Archbishop vigan oh he says quote Cardinal Bertone a in a press conference on the third secret held in April 2000 so that was two months before the message of Fatima cdf document was released Bertoni made an astonishing declaration that ended with these words and i had wasn't aware of this until reading this interview quote the third secret has nothing to do with the apostasy linked to the council the novus ordo of the mass and the conciliar popes as the integral aend for decades Bertoni apparently said that during a Vatican press conference in a sport Sonia we trust you yes now right so vegan oh says let us try to compare these statements with the surprising statement made by then Cardinal Pacelli the future Pope Pius the 12th sixteen years after the apparition of the Fatima apparitions and I know you have this quote pretty sure in infiltration I'm sure you do it yes so this is what Pacelli said I am concerned about the messages of the Blessed Virgin to little Lucia of Fatima this insistence on Mary's part on the dangers threatening the church is a divine warning against the suicide through the alteration of the faith in her liturgy in her theology and in her soul I feel around me the innovators who want to dismantle the sacred chapel destroy the universal flame of the church reject her ornaments and inflict regret on her for her historical past and the you know concludes this prophecy about the suicide of the Catholic Church has meanwhile been largely fulfilled through the satanic Masonic attempt to Protestant Dyess Catholicism reducing it to one of the many religions that are part of a single world religion Wow nailed it yep direct hit nailed it ten out of ten and he's not even done he has he goes on I'd like to change you went when in this life site interview he says there's a serious warning of Our Lady I'd like to share that with people to kind of sure wake you up listen to this guy's I am giving you painful news Satan is taking over all humanity and now he is trying to destroy the Church of God by means of many priests let me pause here so how is Satan trying to take over the Catholic Church through the priesthood he's infiltrating the priests just because father or Monsignor so-and-so says something that doesn't mean it's legit well father said in the confessional that if it's my conscience I can use contraception no infiltration got lie too he goes on Satan knows that his time is running out because my son Jesus is about to intervene I believe the words allegedly of our lady yes yeah to this family yeah I beg you help me do not do not let my son intervene because I your mother want to save many souls and bring them to my son and not leave them to Satan pray that God our Father will grant me some more time because this is the last period granted to me by God my mantle is now opened to all of you full of Graces to place you all close to my Immaculate Heart it is about to close then my son will deliver his divine justice a danger looms over the Holy Father a fierce attack by Satan now this would have been 95 so that I guess that would refer to jp2 john paul ii yeah so here it's talking about some final countdown if this is legit I'm not saying it is legit I'm not giving this equal footing to Fatima but there's a final countdown Jesus Christ is going to enact a judgment upon earth and the church herself is being infiltrated by many priests many priests that's the message and this could very well line up with you know what you talked about in your show regarding the prophecies of the great monarchy angelic Pope the minor chastisement that precedes the triumph of Our Lady's Immaculate Heart that's probably what this is referring to yeah yeah the idea would be that there'd be a minor chastisement is that three days of darkness or something else who knows and then after this there would be a consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart and then a time a period of triumph on the church in which the papacy would be restored orthodoxy would be restored Christian civilization Christendom would be restored for a time and then comes the final tribulation and the Antichrist yes so a little bit further down we have an account allegedly of what our lady said I believe to Jessica the daughter so LifeSite asks it seems that the message of Our Lady of Civita Vecchia is also one of hope could you tell us how and this is how Archbishop eg no response the last message given on December 23rd 2018 the most recent one seems to me to be the best answer to the question excuse so on that day he explains in the shrine of the statue of Our Lady the parish church of st. Augustine so they have a little shrine set up in the parish church with a statue of the miraculous statue the holy virgin appeared to Fabio and Ana Maria so the husband and wife on the family during Holy Mass and gave this message and this is the alleged message of Our Lady the Church of my Jesus is clouded by the smoke of Satan and many consecrated people called to preach his word have fallen into Satan's traps just as Judas also fell but Jesus loves them and hopes in their conversion and salvation to you we have entrusted a task so to this married couple to bear witness to the truth Jesus Christ to the point of ascending Calvary and being nailed to the cross with him this is just an ordinary married couple this I mean this is ultimately what our Lord and Our Lady ask of each one of us so I'll go on you are asked to bear witness to what we have entrusted to you to be always faithful and obedient to the Church of my son Jesus bearing witness to the truth and rejecting the why he asked you to carry the cross the road will be long torturous and suffering but then the light of the Lord will shine forth and you must bear witness to this light in the normality of daily life by your words and life and I think that's something that's words for every single one of us yes yeah absolutely yeah and and this comes back to if you're confused if you're scared if you don't know what to do take a deep breath and go back to the catholic norms of piety which is when you wake up say a prayer say your prayers say your prayers before and after your meals when you go to bed say your prayers and do an act of examination of conscience pray the rosary every day go to Mass every Sunday go to confession every two weeks to two months probably one month is an outer limit if you can read the Bible right Jesus is the Good Shepherd and he's going to guide you as the Sheep home you just have to be close to him and listen to him and follow him we are not all called to figure out everything Matt and I read about this stuff all the time we're reading everything and then trying to break it down explain to you we don't get it I could die of a heart attack at lunch today I have to be in a state of grace I have to make sure that my children and my wife are in a state of grace I need to lead them that's it take care of your little garden and make sure that the flowers and the fruit and the vegetables in your little garden grow okay it is important to see the signs of the time Christ talks about that make sure that the fruit and the flowers are growing in your garden yeah the domestic church be the Maccabee and your little sphere of influence that's right that's right because when you stand before Jesus who were talking about it's not just an idea he's not just for apparition estancia and visionaries you will every single one of us will stand and look into his eternal eyes and he will either say depart from me I never knew you or well done good and faithful servant now you might have a little purgatorial sentence attached to that she still made it in that's what it's all about that's what it's all about now we're called in this time to carry our burdens and our crosses in to somehow fix this problem and it might just be because you prayed the rosary or it might be because you're an archbishop and you're making a stand but each of us are called in these in these ways to be faithful in the the basics such as read the Bible pray the rosary say prayers before lunch breakfast lunch and dinner it's got to be hitting those note on the consistency don't freak out about all these big things if you're not doing the daily routine the daily norms of becoming a saint yeah actually that can be a huge tool I think in in the devil's toolbox of trying to distract us and get us to think that the little things so called don't matter where as we read in the gospel our Lord tells us that those who are faithful and small things can be entrusted with larger things so we got to get our own little things in order first if we're gonna be of any use for building up the kingdom on a larger scale amen amen to that good let's go show Matt I think yes up there good good nice and I got a little practical advice and everybody take a deep breath yeah there's burning and looting and kovat and all that but also your heart and your soul is to be a little cathedral and inner kingdom where the King lives and that's how Christ wins the kingdom I have another quote from the end of the interview that's really kind of a final exhortation from Archbishop V you know a word of encouragement that I'd like to share if I could yes please so he says may the church in her militant little remnant that's his description for folks like us and everybody watching may that may the church in her militant little remnant fight and resist unyielding to any compromise with the world and it's Prince indifferent to the approval of others insensitive to flattery always absorbed in God like Mary lost in him and faithful that's beautiful true devotion to Mary right there true devotion which always leads us in a quick easy way to Jesus the Savior alright we'll wrap it up there and then ask everyone some eat if just ask Taylor how fast can you post this video so I can watch it over again usually when these live videos are over within five to ten minutes the video is available on YouTube to watch again if you missed the first half and then Daniel K our moderator who does all this great work behind the scenes to make this possible he posts the audio version over at my site Taylor Marshall comm which then gets dispersed to iTunes and stitcher and Spotify so if you go to any a podcast app now Daniel has those coming up within an hour to three hours after the live the audio version so if you need to get in the car or go on a run you can listen to the show Matt and I just did on the audio through your your earbuds when you want to get to see the hermeneutic of continuity funny horse you won't see that part you got to see the video to see that cool stuff sure but you will get to hear all the all the things that were discussed today so everybody thanks so much for watching and I would ask you to do a favor for us and that is please hit the like button and please share this video on youtube or on facebook whichever one you use more just pick one hit the share button and then choose Twitter or Facebook and you just click button again and it automatically shares it from your account it's a big help it brings new people to the show and if you want to share this with people but not say hey listen to this you just put it on your Facebook people see it it might check it out it's good also please subscribe to my channel dr. Taylor Marshall show I do appreciate that turn notifications on and if you use a iPad or a phone make sure your notification settings are on also check out Matt gaspers he's on well at Matt gaspers and then you also need to be reading and checking out Catholic family news I've posted a link to Catholic family news just below this video in the show notes also the link to the preview article that Matt mentioned earlier vegan Oh vindicated or vindicates traditionalists and Fatima's so make sure you click on those and maybe become a subscriber at Catholic family news lots of good articles interviews book reviews right yep we also have a YouTube channel and we pre produce a weekly news roundup my superior dr. Brian McCall and I try to summarize major stories from each week usually released on a Friday afternoon Friday evening so if you can subscribe to our YouTube channel watch those videos like and share we would greatly appreciate that awesome so you need to subscribe to three channels this channel dr. Taylor Marshall Taylor Marshall highlights and give them the name of it against they don't forget Matt Catholic family news our our website as Catholic family news.com and we're on YouTube as well Catholic family news perfect and then pray the rosary every day we've already said it like two or three times a day pray the rosary every day if you don't pray the rosary not on the team you can't get afraid you can't get freaked out you can't leave the church and all that you got to pray the rosary the rosary anchors you to Jesus the beads anchor you to Jesus so it's hard to pray folks all of you know this no one says oh it's easy for me to probably oh pretty three hours a day no that's hard that's harder than running a marathon it's hard to pray and so in the Catholic Church we have this training wheels that teaches us how to pray how to pray the vocal prayers and how to meditate on the life of Christ it's called the Rosary and it makes prayer easier so that you can get in 15 to 20 minutes a day that's a pretty good chunk 15 to 20 minutes you can get that in in prayer every single day the rosary is what's going to help you and hopefully maybe one day you're that pious grandmas praying three hours a day but I guarantee you pi scram began first on the Rosary pray the rosary every day now we're gonna close in prayer will do the Ave Maria the hell Mary will do the glory be and you got second half's on these well sure yes yes I'll do that well let's do it and let's let's pray we don't do this very often today we're gonna pray for our live audience so we'll pray for everybody watching re-mose how many part three said fille de @ Spiritu sancti amen Ave Maria gratia plena Dominus take home Benedicta tu in mulieribus at Benedictus fructus centuries to the Aces Santa Maria Mater Dei Ora pro nobis peccatoribus nunc et in hora mortis nostrae amen Gloria Patri at figlio Spiritu Sancto secret erat in principio at noon Katzenberg at insa classical Orem our mailman nomine patris ET spiritus sancti Oh ma'am are you right thanks for watching like subscribe check out Matt Gaspar's and remember that our Lord Jesus Christ that you were the light of the world and the salt of the earth so go out there and be salty till next time god bless and Godspeed sign it off
Channel: Dr Taylor Marshall
Views: 98,032
Rating: 4.92486 out of 5
Keywords: Dr Taylor Marshall, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, Our Lady of Fatima, Third Secret of Fatima, Our Lady in Civitavecchia
Id: xlVoad77YD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 12sec (5532 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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