Thinking with Portals (FPL 3)[9]

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hello there and welcome to the Fords pro league and we're off to round one where here we have on the left hand side in the blue it is team Cannon Robert Fox and Pacho are playing as the spook Commander an interesting choice but one of my favorites they'll be thieving some money from their opponents while getting some Intel along the way as they'll be playing against their opponents upgrade Su playing in the red cypress and pile playing as the overdrive Commander now the overdrive Commander is an interesting pick because it's kind of polarized either you want to get weapons out early and upgrade them for extreme damage output in the early game or uh you're you're using them usually for economic upgrades which means very very late game play and we'll get to see which is which here coming up pretty soon given that it's already you know 80 Seconds into the match and we have zero Technologies placed I imagine it's it's probably it's probably not the um the early aggression strategy as we see them getting their technology down early or getting getting it down just now as they have gone up to full m economy first uh no upgrade sensor from other player here in the red we'll see if that changes anytime soon whereas their opponents on the other hand are oh oh Lord have mercy it's a early aggression ladies and gentlemen h not so early aggression it it'll be earlier than heavy rush but we're not talking about immediate death here um this is a strategy that we don't often see but is probably my favorite of all of them uh we're going to see some portal mortars guys remember back long long time ago in a galaxy far far away when you could uh angle your mortars and have them come directly at your opponent's face uh yeah that's what that's what's happening right now and let's see Robert Fox's teammate over here Pacho is going to be doing a little bit more map suppression we're going to see some Flack potentially other map suppressive type weapons harassment style weapons to clear the skies to make way for these portal mortars to get through now this is an expensive and obvious play we're going to see Team 2 react to this or at least have a good opportunity to see it coming furthermore this is incredibly expensive to upo into the well mostly to the uh the mortars but the portal is a hefty chunk of upkeep as well that's going to slow down any potential Firepower out of them so typically this kind of strategy rather than seeing a slow grind often wins in two or three volleys just by virtue of slamming six mortars directly into your opponent's core which is kind of kind of difficult to deal with it does look like we are seeing the later game option out of Team two here up on the right side side as we see the mines being upgraded this is what the overdrive Commander is used for similarly we do see machine Gunners and extra defenses coming out from the team in the red which are being immediately picked off by by Pacho here we have one player going for one player going for those uh suppressive weapons and here come the mortars first couple sh first couple rounds have been sent flying through the portal and it looks like like he's just uh getting a little extra energy going because he's going to need it there it is machine gunner trying to make the uh trying to make the difference and they help but it's not quite enough you see a swarm missile ready to fire from Pacho so they we're going to see some kind of mid game aggression here two more volleys punched very deep Cypress in danger not only losing his not only potentially losing his turbines but that core is not adequately protected from this caliber of mortars uh that said those machine Gunners did a great job of taking out an entire volley looks like Rober Fox is utterly incapable of sustaining fire from those mortars um struggling struggling something fierce about uh for energy production the mortars flying across landing on the sandbags doing a the smallest amount of damage possible for six mortars which is still substantial but nevertheless Cyprus Will Survive to survive to a reply in kind at least for this B we do see Cypress focusing on getting some more upgrades and increases to their economy this will let them uh outscale team team blue here team Cannon uh given this game continues on for a longer period of time an upgrade did an upgraded sniper at of Piva was starting to take out those Flack Flack and the machine guns Black machine guns and even a shotgun along the way very effective looks like P pile is going to be setting up some double doors on most of their most of their tools to make sure that doesn't get AP sniped which is the premium solution I'm sorry I love this strategy going with the portal mortars so nostalgic as we see another vault heading out towards Cyprus no no didn't have the energy for it fair enough it's got it now two more rounds taking out a piece of metal and a couple sandbags at this points it would probably be more coste effective for Rober Fox to aim directly to the front rather than risk hitting those sandbags sandbags are particularly effective at uh damage mitigation whereas just hitting Direct ly into the front uh means that uh you're dealing damage even if it's even if you got to dig through that much more defenses you're at least dealing consistent damage uh pile taking a hit from those mortars that was a lot of damage more than just more than just losing a few doors uh that was a beautiful shotgun shell pile keeping himself alive taking out three motors Point Blank talk about danger close there but he managed to keep himself alive in the process even getting Min Gunners out of this robber Fox is looking like they're getting some uh upgraded wind turbines to help out with the energy production the mortars make it across blow off all the doors on those shotguns but the shotguns themselves are still alive and they remain so for a moment looks like they're going to be keeping the skies clear the shotgun and machine Gunners taking those additional Rockets out of this guy but we're seeing some relatively early aggression out of uh Team Canon and it it hasn't it hasn't slowed we're way past Canon the clock now team team red upgrade here is well they've gotten their heavy weapons Tech but they're not near getting heavy weapons onto the field so they have the tech they have a substantial economic lead they just don't have the map control or the damage output currently and there's a lot of damage heading their direction we see shotguns coming from Top base suppressing a lot of that anti-air it's not enough to keep it's it's not enough for wow okay well upgrade here is still keeping themselves alive they still have plenty of anti-air to uh to keep themselves in the game as pile takes a hit onto their core the mortar is snaking through looks like pile's running a little bit out of metal they've uh spent all of their money despite having uh a lot more money than their opponents they just don't have the damage output and there's just constant damage incoming in their Direction look at that team team Cannon here on the left side they're not they're not going fast but they are slowly expanding slowly adding in additional weapons and that damage is starting to scale ooh oh that nuke going back from when it came nearly taking out pbo's rocket trees you see pile doing a great tactic here something you don't get to see in the lower leagues surprise sandbag erection uh works very well especially against those medium grade weapons like mortars right fire beam working both ways but still the mortars are taken and are Tak taken out of the sky now the mortar launchers themselves are intact so they'll still get to keep firing but it's going to be it's going to be a rough rough showing at this point look at that all six motors taken out once again despite having a near direct shot to their opponent we do see another fire beam under construction for pile here this is the goal for team red the right hand side they're looking to survive long enough to get heavy weapons out because those heavy weapons well they're almost guaranteed to deal damage when they deal damage they hit very hard that's something that uh that's something that team Canon on the left they're not ready to take those kind of hits a plasma beam coming out from Cypress here got to come knocking on the front door perhaps the foundations of Robert Fox and that's going to deal a lot more damage than Robert Fox is r to handle question is will it be enough to end the game no it does take out a couple a couple of those weapons just just sitting out in front it's going to immediately draw the anger of Team blue here as they're going to attempt to uh remove cyprus's weapon platforms so if they're able to do that that can keep themselves in the game cuz that laser gone unchecked will Whittle away everything that that The Blue Team loves all those sweet weapons be taken out one by one one laser beam at a time or at least that's the goal oh oh oh it's bad fire beam enhanced mortars crashing into Cyprus and Cypress just doesn't have enough defenses to uh-oh oh that was close I and just like that red team loses a player pile immediately reclaims his teammate's destroyed base but it's uh looking a little rough because all that focusing fire that was uh focused on the lower base is about to get redirected up toward pile's Direction it's going to be a rough a rough extra minute here as pile gets blasted from multiple angles look at that exposed fire beam a sniper going straight to the core there's not nearly enough ANS here to hold this line he's delaying his demise here and he's trying to expand we've got extra Foundation struts being added to the lower Fort but shot by shot pile is losing antier and losing components and being Whitted down look at that another shotgun blast taking out more anti-air sources those mortars got a better and better shot of making it through no substantial damage this volley But Here Comes the nuke once again and the nuke is always a threat nuke makes it mortars follow through shotgun Falls and there's that much less AA on the field Rockets taken out of the sky will it be I'm wondering what pile is going to do here it looks like they're attempting to redesign their energy production looking like they're trying to get rear turbines so they can hard wall the fronts and therefore keep the turbines more intact or at least get more space for antier along the front this is a good decision uh because defending those turbines through a open wind tunnel is a quick way to get yourself in trouble so yeah Bosa is still focusing that lower base position trying to take out that economic Advantage team team two despite being a player down still has a mineral or sorry a metal income Advantage like a substantial metal income Advantage with the commander active piles sitting at 112 metal per second income while Robert Fox and Pacho combined are sitting at what is it 52 metal income which is uh not the same but still look at that damage it's slowly it is slowly building up pile is being a ground shot by shot it hurts me so much seeing pile float this much metal but I mean it's so very difficult topend it this quick topend it quickly there's so much damage incoming there's so many different things to do you can only reconstruct so many parts of the base at the same time and there's just chunks of the base being blown off in every direction the AP sniper penetrating getting into the technology it's not going to break the technology and there goes another chunk as the motors come through disconnecting the expansion once again uhoh Min Gunners touching that battery it is uh yeah team Cannon's not really getting the ability to expand here they just don't have the economy to do it they don't need to because they win round one one [Applause] and we're off to round two ladies and gentlemen the sides have been swapped so here we have on the left hand side of this team upgrad Sal playing as the armor D Commander a commander that fits well with the same play style they used last round uh they get extra bonuses to their defenses and repairing is cheaper makes for great long-term play with some upgraded economy and tanking anything they can and everything they can which is well usually just about everything as they slowly build their way up to heavy weapons and gradually deal death to their opponents very common and relatively High win rate strategy as they attend to bring that victory in this match against their opponents team Canon here on the right hand side in the red team Robert fox or Rober Fox and Pacho are playing as the firebird Commander this is a commander we don't see very often but it's rather incendiary rather fun and oh my God they're doing it again ladies and gentlemen this is the portal mortar Strat one of my favorite strats but something we don't often see curious to see how they're going to handle it on this map uh the firebird Commander does enhance incendiary Motors makes you wonder if they're going to go straight to the heavy Motors or they're going to uh stay on incendiary for a moment I assume they're going to go straight to heavy Motors because it's just heavy Motors are that good this is the same this is It's just straight up the same strategy they went for last round I mean it worked for them last round even though was actually kind of close uh Team two almost stabilized but team two didn't quite get it that time upgrade Sante getting slowly ground out in the last round and uh taking down one shot at a time we see how they handle themselves this time because this time with the armor Dillo Commander they are absolutely able to hold the line much much easier it just doesn't cost nearly as much to repair and they can they can just take those kind of hits mind you uh they don't get the upgrade bonus and the raw economic power that they had previous round you notice they don't have upgrade centers which means no bonus economy we'll see how we'll see how things get handled this time around um we do see yeah they are opening with the incendiaries this is not terribly surprising to me though I do expect to see an upgrade Center coming out soon team blue is uh blue team is looking to get their antiair and defenses up they had more antiair uh before the mortars landed um but looks like looks like they're going to have to focus on their defenses uh one benefit of getting the incendiary Motors out this early is that they uh they can get more damage Dage output going the incendiary Motors don't cost as much either to fire or to construct so they can be fired sooner and get more damage out mind you um without the time spent on energy production upkeeping the fire rate still a bit much cuz portals are incredibly expensive and frankly affording five mortars alone is is also expensive mors as coste efficient as they are uh they've got a fast rate of fire and kind of rely on that rate of fire so unless you have a late game economy it's kind of hard to it's kind of hard to upkeep them just raw fire rate but the MTAR do make it across relatively short distance in this map makes it fairly easy to get those shots across especially at the angles that they're coming at Rober Fox currently expanding their energy production once again this is fully expected Commander active oh hello that's not something you see every day it's so pretty Commander active from Team Canon ignites all their weapons making everything incendiary but conveniently timed EMP out of Team upgrad Sal knocks out all the uh all the guidance from those tracking Munitions those laser guided Munitions and with that they just spiral until they're taken out of the sky as more mortars fly across fly across the open air the space between uh taking out cyprus's antiair once again po Cypress has not had a break here these machine Gunners have not lived long enough to get anything done they just are getting constantly bullied constantly destroyed um in part because Pacho hits them in part because uh mortars we do see Rober Fox getting the upgrade Center this will enable the heavy mortors a retargeting up to pile's base repositioning of the uh oh well he tried to re angle that that portal didn't work very well instead ripped off the entire portal position which is uh that happens sometimes yeah those Flack doing doing great work honestly just incendiary flak is enough to ruin antier a majority of the time like just Commander active Flack everything and just let the entire base burn and take with it all of the uh all the anti here this time however upgrade manages to get manages to get all the way to heavy weapons we have what appears to be a 20 mil which is not really a heavy weapon but it is at least something and it is on the field it's under construction and uh if team Canon doesn't ramp up the pressure extremely quickly they're going to have a problem here uh because cannons even if it's just a 20 does deal damage much more consistently than these mortars to uh case and points as every single mortar has just been taken out of the sky uh whereas the 20 Ms would absolutely make it across and deal real damage even if it's um not particularly efficient at doing so so just getting that that 20 mil out on the field is an excellent idea as we see the incendiary rounds igniting everything uh-oh fire run rampants remember the active the active ability of a Firebird disables the alarm the fire alarm for team for their opponents so team upgrad Sante does not have um does not have a fire alarm therefore it's it's a little bit difficult to know when you're on fire you have to be incredibly Vigilant keeping up with everything but it looks like that 20 mil is active and ready so we could expect to see some damage output oh a shot through the portal manages to hit Rober Fox's core uh I didn't expect that but it's not terribly surprising it's one of those rare shots typically any kind of shot the portal will generally hit the mortars cuz the mortors are so tightly clustered together it's kind of hard to miss them managing to miss the mortors been hit the court I don't think that's that's the ideal outcome for uh The Blue Team here but it it happened looks like those Motors being aimed at the cannon firing POS the cannon positions trying to remove the threat before it becomes too much of a threat as there's the fire beam coming out from pile the incendiary sniper is such a dirty weapon especially if you can get it upgraded to an upgraded to an AP sniper you know it's even dirtier weapon incendiary smoke we're just giving them the white fos for his treatment like you can't put out the fire until the smoke goes away which means Everything Burns and you can't stop it which is just unpleasant AP Min guns that's something I didn't expect to see here twice upgraded unique to armordillo they're just kind of expensive but you know I mean if you got a sniper that's close enough range which it is you can just kind of blow it up cuz why not see the uh heavy mortars firing and missing which is unfortunate for Rober Fox here uh looking to take out those cannons before they become uh a deadly threat fire beam out of Robert Fox you know that they are playing this slightly differently Rober fox actually spending the energy and money to get up to a uh to get up to heavy weapons Tech as a nuke flies across taken out by his own Flack but the heavy mortars do heavy mortar things and they destroy both Cannon Embers blue team suffering a bit taking some notable damage from from the uh the mortar array I'm wondering how much damage how much oh a beautiful shot a sniper straight through the door Rober Fox loses a mortar looks like no significant deformations that mortar can simply be replaced or not uh that'll be up to them if they're transitioning out looks like they are going to replace it he going to say cuz if uh Rober Fox is transitioning to the heavier weapons then spending the money on a replacement mortar is just not necessary if you can instead get an plasma beam onto the field you still have they still have what four mortars baring the one that theyve that they lost and the missiles expire the nuke once again not making it across is not a surprise given the amount of anti-air and general map control that team blue has had to maintain just to stay alive in the game uh worth noting that pile has been upgrading their mines they've been as is uh customary for the armadillo Commander working toward later game economy and uh outscaling their opponents so far team Cannon just hasn't been able to deal the damage despite having the extra damage boost and general Mala bonuses from uh the fireb commander they just haven't managed to get those shot landed I think it's probably owing to the delayed heavy mortors incendiaries as nice as they are even with the upgraded uh damage just don't they just don't hit as hard as the oh again good lord it's once again Cyprus loses all of their cannons which is just unfortunate but in the in the midst of that the canis did manage to get off a nice little death rattle there and hit Pacho top base for team Canon got him right in the core taking 25% taking taking him down to 25% HP which is not much HP on your core if you look at your base and it's at 25% that's not a happy number Robert Fox on the other hand taking his opponent to lumber mill cuz that's a lot of buz saws we do you see a plasma beam placed for Rober Fox it's about a quarter of the way completed now the nuke flies and the antiair is enough not even a swarm missile makes it across oh no the AP minigun shredding through the last vestages of uh of Poo's armor that's unexpected red team loses a player Robert Fox last standing with their mortar Abomination and uh looks like pile's returning the favor sending some mortars back to them in kind mortars not a particularly effective weapon against the lower base but uh they were constructed to defeat the top base and are now being wielded against Rober Fox themselves looks like team two's managed to re-expand their opponent's at once active base uh however I suspect it's not long for this world as the expansion is being targeted uh mostly by those mortars it would seem but the expansion for the moment they have it does actually enable them to use the swarm missiles and the nuke which hasn't been particularly effective so far yeah that's they're not going to let they're not going to let them keep it they're they're taking that out oh and losing their own minds in the process yeah this is this is bad Rober fox has the energy to fire their energy weapons and they do but no substantial damage there's just nothing nothing on cyprus's base can be hit the lower the lower team the lower player on the blue team's base just doesn't have anything they've been bullied so hard they don't they just don't have anything the only one with real weapons is pile the top player and pile's got a lot of weapons like a base destroy GED weapons like he's already destroyed one base and is starting to Scorch the Earth with the other once again the laser fires hits nothing passing through the base as there is nothing to hit the portals and the mortars still exist for Rober Fox they lost several of them but one but uh one full control group Still Remains there's still a proper cluster it is it it is active and can be used though I suspect oh oh well that's just it then um Rober Fox loses all of their economy all of their mines and will not be able to reconstruct them as we see their base um slowly get disassembled and not repaired in the process that laser beam firing what is likely it's a last shot looking to spite their opponents hitting an energy Shield reflecting back into himself as if as if getting blasted by uh as if having your minds getting taken out wasn't wasn't uh well suffering enough the energy weapons costing no metal to fire should be able to M oh well that's bad another solid hit actually Cuts pretty deep it's uh surprising to see it cut so deep through the opponent's base but as we can see there's just there's just no repairs going on in uh Red's base here and it's um only a matter of time before for blue team manages to grind them down enough mind you those uh fire beam Plaza games are trying desperately to uh deal any damage they can I'm I'm genuinely surprised they're still alive I I am truly surprised you're still alive it's like you can't you can't repair them like you can't do anything yeah okay here's the concede yeah this is this is well done this is the [Laughter] end oh ah and we're off to round three the deciding match in this best of three you guys know who's going to win well we'll find out soon just make sure to hit that follow button hit that subscribe button cuz we've got more content like this coming out every single week multiple times a week in fact as we jump right into the start of this Final Round Here on the left hand side in this mirror match it is team upgrade Sante playing as the overdrive Commander one of the few commanders where I can't truly predict what's going to happen based on the commander pick um are playing against their opponents team Cannon over on the right hand side in the red also playing as the overdrive Commander now team cannon in the past few rounds has been an quite aggressive with a portal mortar opener I wonder if they're going to go with the same strategy here or if they're going to switch it up a little looks like they're going for an aggressive play whatever it is uh it's not a surprise given the overdrive pick whereas over here on the left hand side I think we are going to see an aggressive play as well or maybe maybe Cypress looks like they're going aggressive pile I think is going for later game defensive play uh we'll see here we see here in a moment and we do see an upgrade Center and Flack is this the same strategy this is looking suspiciously like the same the same strategy see double sniper preset with doors or preset with door positions uh this is yeah this is totally it all right so they're going the same strategy they've been going going for uh in the previous two rounds it worked for them in the first round didn't work for them in the second round as we're going to see shotguns out of Pacho down here I'm probably going to see swarm missiles again we transition to those I imagine I wonder if it's worth getting a mine there at least temporarily just to uh just to get that eco boost because they don't Pacho doesn't actually get the Swarm missiles for quite some time and I don't know if it's worth getting a mine if that'll pay off an AP sniper oh that's that's close we see a sniper cheese the sandbag trying desperately to keep it intact he's two shots away but he does survive yeah okay that's scary that one that one is a fun cheese to do very rare that it works but against greedy opponents that sell off their base like you know literally having your core exposed uh it works pretty well just coincidentally didn't quite work that time uh luckily for Rober Fox they happened to have two snipers exposed and ready to retaliate uh that kept Pile in check for a little bit um delayed the fire rate by virtue of removing one of the snipers giving Robert Fox just enough time to construct the defenses at the shotguns once again start braiding Cyprus here uh just keeping his antiair at Bay making sure he has to be extra defensive with him keep it fully defended or else it gets blown up as Rober Fox is going straight to heavy mortars in fact he's already got them upgraded with those heavy mortars comes massive damage which will be sending out his sending out toward the opponent's Direction um doesn't have the energy uh I think he's got they've got just enough buils up they could fire if they wanted to but if they do so they're going to be stuck in limbo for a long time uh looks like they're spending that uh energy on energy production first I do send out the first volley as they add three more turbines motor is not making it across to deal notable damage pile hard Walling this is well I mean you're playing overdrive you've got your upgrade Center you've got upgraded mines you're fully you're full full deep in the economic uh development why not just hard wall everything off not participate in the match and just get all the toys because what you can do is get all the toys hope your teammates alive when you you finally get them and then um commit Mass destructions it's not the turtle the turtle Strat is not the worst Strat it just tends to struggle when your opponents are going full aggro which ah team Cannon I mean it's pretty aggressive it's not a super destructive timing the portal mortars are just kind of too expensive to be incredibly devastating but if left unchecked they will grind the player down and it looks like that's that's what's happening here pivo doesn't have a whole lot of damage output themselves they're relying near completely on those mortars to deal the damage and the mortars just don't have a high fire rate owing to the economic requ ments of them as Rob Fox still adding additional turbines uh the addition of the Rockets will make a huge difference is that will prevent that will prevent cypers here from properly reconstructing their base between mottar volleys um that's going to apply just enough pressure to bring bring Cypress down without assistance and I think I think piles files getting involved here because of that is they starting to add additional anti-air and three snipers which is an interesting decision uh snipers in AI War are premium anti-air but here not so much we're looking oh those are upgraded snipers looks like he's going to be doing the same kind of strategy against AO except instead of trying to cheese out the core instead just wipe out all the weapons as many times especially in these uh low economy games or these higher aggression games a lot of the um a lot of the players won't double door their weapons cuz they just can't afford to I mean they're sitting on two mines they really can't afford to double door their weapons so getting cheeki anti- armor sniper spam um can wipe out a whole bunch of weapons from uh Team two before they have the before they have the ability to uh to properly properly defend and it looks like Pacho is getting those defenses in place but not before losing several weapons those AP snipers will not be able to get any more damage done I be probably in a little while before pile recognizes that cuz the mortars are digging incredibly deep into Cyprus this is this is getting dangerous now especially with that smoke preventing proper rebuild Cypress cannot continue taking hits like this the fire beam is not even able to not even able to fire back because it's still enclosed can't even afford a door for it may just have to expose this the fire beam and fire at once which will cost it um will cost blue their fire beam but they can at least get one shot out of it which is potentially more than they may get otherwise now lots of an here opening up Pile in the top base for team blue is uh starting to really get their Weaponry onto the field pile's got so much money I mean they've got multiple heavy weapons in production right now multiple lasers which is a lot we do see some doors going down for Cyprus which means if they're allowed to keep them which looks like is happening then team blue is going to be in an amazing position because the mortars and the rockets from Team Cannon while strong can be mitigated uh uh well defeated by being shot down whereas these lasers are about to deal lots of damage fire beam Plazma beam combo ready for Cypress they just need the energy and they just got it we're about to see the first proper retaliation after 9 Minutes of getting beaten how deep does this go not very hitting a point where Pacha was well and truly ready to take that hit it does some serious repair it does some serious damage in terms of repair cost like that's something that pivo really really doesn't want to have happen more than you know once um but it isn't going to be slowing them down at all as we're about to see much much more damage output coming from Team two here coming from the red team here look at that we do see three plasma beams set up for team blue and a fire beam uh forever for that stat Worth fire Beam plaz Beam combo punching through exposing the weapon but not destroying it that's just a lot of armor as Pacho is looking like they're getting set up to add in a swarm missile potentially a nuke tell you what's what's really pile is just waiting to get that shot onto the uh onto the portal cuz if they can if they can get the shot through the mortar portal um that's just lethal just immediately oh massive damage finally penetrating the armor Pacho loses almost all of their minds and with it um most of their hope of surviving followup shots as one thing Pacho doesn't have is a strong economy they've been relying on slowly building up their armor over time so they could take a few hits and delay the uh delay the inevitable hoping that in by delaying those shots they can actually uh buy themselves enough time to deal game- ending damage with their current weapon set but looks like the tides have turned they've taken too long to deal that damage after 9 minutes it has only after 9 Minutes of getting pummeled it has only taken team blue 2 minutes to turn the tide almost completely and there's that shot through the through the mortar portal uh losing just about all the mor just losing just about all the mortars managing to not be lethal which is a surprise to me look at that laser beam just slicing off components of the base chunk by chunk team Cannon Falls as surprise it's uh multiple cannons an energy shield and there it is looks like pile wasn't prepared to take hits from heavy weapons the uh sudden Cannon switch a bit abrupt it would seem it's not super sneaky the Cannons had been constructed over time and fired at least once the pile was aware that they had to defend against cannons but simply elected not to owing to uh probably just because they didn't need to they've got plenty of heavy weapons and can risk risk it for extra damage output but Rober Fox is set up with a lot of economy at this point cuz they really didn't Focus heavily on trying to end the game but instead on upgrading their economy which is an interesting decision given their rampant early game aggression I like the decision but it makes me feel like that should have been that should have adjusted Poo's play cuz Pacho and the lower Fort didn't switch out of map suppression nor did they develop additional economy which makes me wonder what the strategy was as we see lots of cannons coming out for Rober FOX NOW cannons are devastating um the only saving grace that pile has here is that they've got five mines which mitigates a lot of the uh the Cannons the Cannons potential but that's still it's still quite rough especially as Rober fox goes up to additional cannons which is going to be a difficult difficult one for them to do given their current uh base layout and general lack of uh stability oh that was close exposing the cannon damaging the cannon but not breaking it if that Cannon had been destroyed uh this game would probably have been over as PBO does actually manage to recover he getting reconstructing their mines red team's lower Fort is alive and uh is still vulnerable to the lasers but isn't isn't quite dead which is a little surprised to me oh a door snipe oh that's huge pile loses one of their plasmas which is you know it knocks them back down to two plasmas which is still a notable amount of plasmas massive damage Pacho penetrated once again losing a battery taking some core damage losing some tech in the process process it's bad but it is survivable AO becoming the punching bag a bases on team on team one here The Blue Team very very thick very chunky very economy we see p actually managing to focus on getting their own economy uh restructured going from literally zero mines to maximum mines which on this map is six and four of them upgraded is a feat in and of itself but at this point I mean look at the difference in the lower bases between the teams we have barely alive but well solid has all the important things still intact versus the thickness here with multiple heavy weapons as where we have up here pile is just mass-producing heavy weapons reconstructing yet another plasma you see that's that's their strategy you know you you sit there you seed the early game you take hits you build economy and then you just pump out all the heavy weapons you want which at this point is quite a lot of them Rober Fox doing another tech switch here uh this is an interesting one this one is not one that you see every day uh we're going up to four swarm missiles and Howitzer keeping one Cannon the other two cannons sold off that's um kind of intense I'm not terribly surprised to see the Swarm missiles I am a bit surprised to see the Cannons sold off for the Howitzer um it's not a it's not a bad play it's just one that I'm surprised to see it's a bit riskier the reason for that is the Howitzer as you guys have seen is just it's just not guaranteed damage so it's not super consistent about it plasma beam failing to knock the nukes side of the sky but that's all right because there is just enough antier to clear every single swarm missile out of the sky which is impressive and is entirely the reason why I Su why I uh questioning Judgment of bringing the Howitzer out as much as the Howitzer is quite an effective weapon um but the reason Rober Fox needed detch switch is just because three cannons is insufficient to bring down pile here it's just it's too much a pile with this much built up builtup defenses and already sitting at maximum economy uh three cannons is insufficient to wear them down as you guys may know from previous episodes or streams uh cannons aren't really high penetration weapons if you have a weak spot cannons aren't particularly effective at breaking through and hitting those critical components now their whole gimmick is that they deal a lot of damage consistently so they slowly wear their opponent down uh just well causing an insane repair bill that their opponent just can't pay for and so while uh while the Cannons may not break the critical component at any particular moment uh they will eventually get it by virtue of by virtue of breaking everything else along the way uh which is very hard to do when your opponent has a lot of thickness to their base with extra armor already padded in and maximum economy the time it takes to whittle them down like we've had streams where I spent literally 45 minutes pummeling pummeling opponents with you know like four five six cannons and it's just their economy is so strong that it just takes them that long to get burned down so I'm not at all surprised to see um Rober Fox switch out of cannons here to something more devastating like say nukes and howitzers it's just the it's for specifically in this context because their opponents are so heavily entrenched with anti-air uh it's going to have an approximate DPS of zero which is substantially less than the cannon despite you know having a higher potential damage output Cannon colliding with the missiles midair literally no damage throughout all of that volley which is not surprising to me at all even though it's an impressively large volley here um Rober Fox does have a position for another Cannon though are they're probably worried about well collapsing their Fort it's going to be so many plasmas it piles up to four plasmas if they manage to coales those shots into a single spot oh no yeah that's it for death by laser Pacho Falls as their Foundation is once again sundered and sliced open by plasma fire and nuke doesn't make it once again you know you can never count a nuke out it's it's always got a chance it's always got a chance to make it across you know you just roll the dice enough of eventually it'll make it it's just the DC check for this one's a bit High you got to get that n 20 where it's just not going to happen and uh Rober Fox hasn't quite rolled that crit yet as we see two we're going to see three and not four pile doesn't have the energy capacity to fire all four of those uh plasmas I wonder if they're going to change that the cannon doing good work uh ly getting hits it's just a single Cannon is insufficient to break the opponent's base I'm wondering if it's probably worth firing that Howitzer before the uh before the nukes I mean Rober Fox doesn't have the capacity to fire the nukes and the Howitzer simultaneously like they have to wait once again every single missile taken out of the sky how it sir it makes it across taking out two wind turbines and dealing them small amount of damage to other components oper Fox utilizing the energy Shields to uh render themselves immune to all that laser fire not enough energy Shields too many lasers I do wonder if Rober Fox will develop additional Shields they've already got multiple shields uh and portals like they're sitting on pretty heavy pretty heavy energy costs just in general upkeep for the amount of portals and shields they're using but I wonder if they're going to invest in even more of them because the blue team here is literally only lasers uh which means that energy Shields render those lasers completely irrelevant so I mean that is that is the question isn't it cuz energy Shields are expensive and well frankly Rober Fox is struggling to uh generate enough energy to utilize all their weapons so taking more of that energy away in the interest of firing more weapons is uh little bit rough W uh once again another volume doesn't make it across the field uh more concerningly there's an EMP for the blue team and that made it clear across the field without without any kind of uh resistance which means the energy Shields are not long for this world in fact that new cled taking out the energy Shields and uh now we're going to see a lot of plasma fire all those hard spots that were immune to laser fire for the past little bit no longer immune to laser fire and uh Team upgrade knows this and or are they capitalizing on it more SW missiles flying across from both sides one sign's far more effective than the other funny enough Rober Fox getting those nukes out first launch them often and uh is the first to receive a nuclear strike directly onto the front of their Fort as here we see the fire beam penetrating the plasmas leaving the core vulnerable but it's not quite enough is it oh that's close oh it's burning oh it's still on fire oh it's still on fire okay he gets it that was that was Rober Fox survives this the energy Shield comes online just in time to defend the core from that recent from that next volley of laser fire oh there's so many lasers more lasers in a rave brutal laser missile defense system as the Howitzer is ignited flies across the sky and collides good damage good damage leaves the uh the fire leaves one of the plasma beams exposed to heavy weapons if there happens to be a cannon that can fire upon it I think that Cannon probably doesn't have the angle but I suppose it doesn't really matter as it's being sold off anyways the Howitzer finally does make it across and deal meaningful damage damage that is immediately repaired but nevertheless missiles ignited and burned out of the sky Rober Fox losing their swarm missile portal with it the last of their meaningful weapons and that's it ladies and gentlemen team upgrad salt takes it winning 20-0 in this best of three all right ladies and gentlemen make sure to hit that subscribe button make sure to hit that follow button make sure to hit that like button leave a comment below did you like the portals did you like the borders did you like the lasers and do you want to see more with that ladies and gentlemen I'll see you guys later [Music]
Channel: Project Incursus Gaming
Views: 50,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cCbwyKfAaw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 55sec (3415 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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