Swinging Into Action! (FPL 3)[10]

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hello there and welcome to the fors pro league and we're off ladies and gentlemen welcome to round one between team Gat and team dnip where here we have on the left hand side in the blue it is team Gat playing as the warhog commander the quintessential late game fire power team I'll see how they handle things looks like a pretty standardized build so far A little bit little bit shy on the economy side a little bit uh little bit heavy on the tech side we may see something akin to a very heavy weapons rush you I saw that trying to sell off your your mind there for a moment it wasn't actually selling off the mine it was selling off the uh selling off the wood behind it this is this is the kind of build you do when you're trying to sell off literally everything to boot strap your early game as much as possible and they're going to need it cuz they're playing against their opponents on the right hand side in the red it is team dnip playing as the overdrive Commander overdrive Commander quite popular quite uh going to describe them as promiscuous cuz they're everywhere with and lacing with every strategy looks like we're going to see some early game aggression uh overt drive one of those commanders that works well both for late game and for early game kind of struggles in between typically typically we see it with ear early game because uh it gives the option to actually get out get out those upgraded tools pretty early and actually survive long enough to make the mid game looks like Jim and tar are gearing up for what is probably a rocket rush I imagine a few shotguns mixed in well it's possible they're going to be going late game with it but uh given this this build order it's looking it's looking pretty uh pretty rocket rushy to me the other side we do see oh wow interesting switch up so Gengar over here in the top is going for laser Weaponry whereas butter dog down here is going for this is going to be a nuke Rush quite a quite a quick one at that too interesting combo um the lasers and the Swarm missiles tend to work pretty well together as swarm missiles defeat energy weapons or swarm missiles defeat energy Shields and lasers are able to penetrate through the uh shut down hole that the missiles leave behind similarly the uh the nuke with its massive AOE does a lot of damage weakens a lot of struts making the uh penetrative Power of the plasma beam that much stronger interesting note we are seeing economic play out of a heavy economy play out of team red team dnip here while they do have some Flack and some antier going up they are actually just going straight to heavy weapons I'm a little surprised because they had a they had a build order which typically presents itself as a typically presents itself as more aggressive play but one of the joys of overdrive is well with the bonus the bonus upgrade speed they can just kind of mass upgrade their economy which is what they're doing now and then go straight to heavy weapons because with the maximum economy they can pretty much do whatever they want cuz they can afford everything you see you we still have some pretty uh pretty lightweight bases here for team G barely any defenses but they don't need them at this point in time because well red team doesn't have any offenses so they can get greedy with it and indeed they are we do see butter doog and lower Fort having sacrificed two of their mine positions for weapons they are now upgrading their mines to make up for it bringing them back up to something closer to a uh closer to a four M economy compared to you know tar who sitting there with five upgraded mines which is just kind of a lot of upgraded mines Flack coming in to save the day nuke shot out of the sky not even making it halfway across the field which is exactly the thing that team dnip wants wants to see we do see the difference in timings here as uh the red team doesn't have any of their heavy weapons placed or even close to it really whereas over here in blue team has their has their first plasma 2/3 of the way completed this is a fairly substantial difference between the teams so team Gat is going to have the first shots fired at least for heavy weapons that could make a massive difference for those you have seen just managing to gun down the other opponent's heavy weapons while they're still under construction is a massive massive uh benefit joys firing first we see buz side doing some good damage uh showing some weakness in Jim's base but I think it's probably not yeah it's not going to be enough as the uh the nukes just can't make it across the field uh Team Gat just doesn't have the map control needed to actually to actually get those weapons reliably through the Open Air Team D snip just has quite enough quite quite sufficient antier and uh Team G's going to have to do something about that before they can actually get the missiles across might even the EMP is getting across we do see a sniper at of butter dog or at least well obviously there is a sniper because the missiles are being launched we do see the sniper being used and more offensively now trying to Door snipe some of that antiair as it's opened additionally we see an upgraded sniper coming out as well the nukes fly we'll see if the fire beam comes to make a play it does it keeps the nuke safe for a little bit but it's not quite enough we'll likely see the plasma being utilized here in a moment to try to uh break through just through the front of some of those antier nests just to shut them down entirely on the fire beam and one of the perfect compliments for the nuclear weaponry as it allows them to clear the sky burning out any and all antiair and flag projectiles and in doing so uh preventing the nuke from getting shut down which is what we're about to see here fire beam oh but it's not enough the nuke gets hit out of launch and goes wild slamming into the underside of butter dog's base dealing some technically dealt core damage but it dealt less than half a percent of core damage meaning that the UI did not update and that butter dog uh still reads is having 100% Health that talk about a close shave managing to get hit by your own missile four damage but not taking perceptible amounts of core damage it's kind of funny I don't think I've seen that before we see the counter laser fire gar attempting to Door snipe tar doesn't quite make it this time that buz saww flailing wildly at the opponents but the uh the team D snip is fully defended against such things once again a beautiful showing from the fire beam slam com into T's base no significant damage taken tar is a blade of armor meant for take those kind of hits similarly Gengar took a hit from Jims Howitzer uh nasty repair buil but no substantial damage received that's going to trigger an antier response for team Gat is that they now realize they're going to have to defend against the Howitzer a beautifully placed energy Shields Gengar reflects T's fire beam back from whence it came once again the Howitzer flies heavy hit but oh oh a lot is happening right now the nuke makes it across tar takes catastrophic damage losing both heavy weapons and secondary explosions knocking out some of T's HP in that midst of that Gengar lost a fire beam to a counter sniper so a door snipe so with the exchange team dors snip here on the right hand side in the red definitely got the shorter end of the stick they're not out of it just yet Gengar did receive some damage in the process and will be not able to fully defend the nuke although the fire Beam still exists but it's not enough once again tar takes another hit directly to the front of their base tar goes down to 47% HP re reeling in damage from that heavy explosion remember that team Gat is playing as the W hon Commander so whenever they press that button launch that nuke it does even more damage than it would normally it's going to deal extra chip damage to T's core at really anywhere it hits tar now has to be incredibly careful as they are once again rebuilding their heavy weapon in the place where it once was but it's close enough to their core that when it explodes it's going to deal damage to themselves like the secondary explosions there are threats the nuke flies we see sacrificial sandbags placed on T's base this keeps the nuke damage away from the core and anything else critical empowered plasma beam reflecting off an energy shield and running wild dealing all kinds of damage all over the place but nothing focused no deep Cuts as it were now he once again flies oh now that's a lot of damage Gengar getting bisected losing uh just about every weapon they have the fire beam from butter dog managing to get out their own energy weapons igniting the nuke along the way causing it to deal extra damage that it impacts T's base another Hefty repair bill but once again nothing of value is lost Gengar are looking a little unhappy with their current living situation forced to take how it's around after how it's around as again tar just takes a just a little off the top or perhaps a little off the bottom of butter dog team blue uh seem to be getting chopped off at the knees losing everything below below their core uh which is not a great experience but at least in butter dog's case it was mostly just an anti-air dangle as their Primary Weapons are their nukes once again the fire beam doing a wonderful job of letting the do cross and once again tar catches it with an outcropping of sandbags tar at this point is just the testing range the firing range just eating missile after missile which is not a fun experience to endure but it is T's challenge at this point it is worth noting that due to team door Snips choice to develop weapons later and instead focus on their economy they've had a substantial economic Advantage for uh the entirety of this match and that's going to leave them with level of inevitability such that if team butter dog or team uh sorry team Gat does not does not change the status quo we're going to see further and further developments out of out of Team D snip that's just going to outpace their opponents you can kind of see that here we can quite clearly see that here actually good example is gim's base here look at how much metal is present compared to Gengar who has a single piece of metal it's a metal door that's it um obviously metal is not the most coste efficient armor cost efficient way of Defending however it is tanky and it doesn't have to be replaced it can be replaced with wood if uh if push comes to shove and that's oh Gengar losing almost their entire core to automatic anti-air fire from their own team um well that's just unfortunate g go getting knocked down all the way to 51% from that little burst little Outburst as the nukes fly once again a heavy hit and powered Warhead does a lot of damage tar hitting zero monies not able to fully repair it's going to take him a bit to uh recover from that God that how would sir it hits so very hard once again buzan's flying across the field doing a little chip damage surprised to see anything on either of any of the dnip base that can take damage from the buz saww at this point given how much metal they have just laying around the fire beam unable to protect unable to protect the nuke this this time but still a little bit of damage splashes around T's base not enough to make the difference but certainly enough to uh to keep them to keep them at Bay for a moment tar still only has one plasma beam although they're working on producing more they currently have a fire beam and a plasma beam in production right in front of their core right where the nuke is most liable to hit as a second Hower is being produced for JY uh a second hoarder spells death for uh spells death for their opponents oh another heavy hit that's such a hefty repair Bill Rockets shut down once again team Gat doing a bit better job of controlling in the uh controlling the airace between the forts Jim's Rockets just not just not doing anything at this point but once that second Howitzer completes being able to Fire Two Rounds oh my God this man's going up to a third Howitzer uh well you know I don't blame them um jy's been left to their own devices for quite some time as most of the fire seems focused on tar that's mostly owing to the position of the nukes and the angles from which they come fire beam can just protect a bit better tar using the plasma beam to burn the nuke out of the sky which you know I'm a fan of that especially given that tar is fully aware that Jim's getting lethal amounts of Howitzer on the field the thing about howitzers is they penetrate a few slices of wood before detonating so what ends up happening is if you have multiple howitzers the first one digs a hole and leaves a lot of Splash damage the second one because of the damage struts and damaged base in general after the taking damage from the first uh goes very deep like over penetrating the base deep so when you have this kind of this kind of Base here uh or you know big thick and chunky it just it all goes away and the and the Howitzer detonates inside um that's just kind of how that works so going up to three howitzers is very often Overkill cuz it's just that much damage but you know with a base as thick as Gengar I mean why not go up to three start blasting usually the reason you go up to three is because uh one will get blasted at the sky as you see and just like that Gengar Falls team Gat loses a player and with that player down butter dog's ability to land their Warhead and swarms just decreased substantially again but butter dog does have a fire beam of their own and still have a chance and where there's a nuke and there's always a way to win the game and the second habits your followup detonates on the external energy Shield that'll keep better doog in the game for a moment that moment is passing as the Howitzer third Howitzer f follows up and leaves everything destroyed [Music] ladies and gentlemen team Dorset wins round one and we're off to round two where here we have on the left hand side it is team dors snip the sides have been swapped as team dnip is now in the blue playing on balls the map more interestingly they're playing as the shakuna commander rather interesting Commander uh they're going to get to have a little bit of fun because their opponents are also playing shakuna Team Gat here on the right hand side in the red get to see some interesting strategies here one of the benefits of shotgun a you mostly see them with the heavy weapons or I suppose more hybrid style weapons is they take the lighter ver variance of the heavy weapons things like fire beams 20 Ms things that I generally consider I tend to describe them as hybrid weapons and it temporarily upgrades them into heavy weapons this means that you can get the effect of heavy weapons while only paying oh Lord have mercy it's a success after all these years we have a second player who has successfully managed to do the ball swing oh my God and they're both doing it oh he didn't make it get uh-oh oh lord it's bad you got to Grapple on uh actually you might want to Grapple on down here now yeah I was going to say you got to O you got to focus on dangling yeah because that's that's going to happen and it's gone all right ladies and gentlemen if you want to see some more top tier plays from Top tier players make sure to check back on this coming Saturday in just a few days as the release of this video we're going to be starting the playoffs for the forts pro league so make sure to check it out because we've got more madness more top tier plays more top tier players and uh we'll get to see how these players handle this absolute Madness of a rat of a of a of a round here uh it is worth noting that despite despite Jim's loss of their core they are not entirely out of the game just yet one of the abilities of Shaka Commander is that it allows them place a barrel which acts as a second point of control for the uh for the well now deceased player um for the purposes of participating in the game uh the barrel allows them to well continue but what it doesn't do is it doesn't count as well Jim still being alive so once tar Falls Jim is it does it just doesn't count as being alive so the match will still end oh that's bad yeah I think team Gat knows what's up here and they know that if they destroy either of these then uh Jim is out of the game like forever because he won't have enough storage to get anything done which is really unfortunate for Jim given these circumstances at least still has enough uh enough income to continuously build things it has been so long the only other player I've seen pull off ball swing in a competitive scene is Eaton and they won their match so this is this is lovely that we get to see it again I'm so happy uh typically doing this kind of thing is rare not because it can't be done but because doing so sets you behind some substantial amount uh if you compare this this's compare T's base As Nice and defensive as it is it's playing against uh opponents who already have heavy weapons Tech and their weapons on the field I mean he's going up to Triple fire beam here already and wouldn't you know it it's triple swarm missile so things are not things are not particularly uh going in team dors Snips favor here I'm going to to see just how just how far away things actually are for them and just a moment here like to see the barrels everywhere given this is a mirror match we see barrels on both sides just all over the place a barrel here to protect to allow connection and control over these missile silos just by losing access to this fire beams launch energy Shields Galore I think tar knows full well that it's lasers given the well lasers are not even hidden soar is keeping the energy Shield there thus keeping their course safe not that there's a great angle cuz that's that's that's fully behind like deep be just deep behind the ball poor Jim here uh struggling to uh struggling to develop anything going to a general lack of economic capabilities would love to see a sniper out of gym a sniper is easily the most cost efficient thing they can uh they can use in terms of well it's cheap to place cheap to cheap to Fire and it does devastating damage in the hands of any High TI player such as you know such as gy interesting that we see mortars out of tar here like going straight to the heavy mortars I imagine this is to apply some pressure pressure under their opponents as going straight to heavy weapons well at this point would delay any kind of pressure out of Team door snip a few extra minutes and that is asking for trouble given that team gon has already managed to uh have 7 Minutes being completely uncontested which is a lot of time poor Jim doesn't have a core anymore he already been destroyed and yet is still taking a majority of the damage which to be fair is probably the best case scenario for team dnip as that allows tar the option to uh do anything they wants oh that's bad uh bad for Jim that is Jim losing three out of four mines and here come the mortars almost perfectly aimed nearly taking out that barrel uh this could be a lethal amount of mort here this is a notable weak spot on the balls if that spot is hit massive damage oh yeah yeah yeah all right so yeah they're just use they're literally using the uh the heavy the heavy shots expensive as they may be to delay the inevitable slam of those Motors because Gengar was not safe Gengar was very close to receiving be full damage there and there that was that was team Gat reacting immediately saying hey we need to burn we need to burn everything to give us just a few extra seconds cuz otherwise Gengar is going to explode that's un that would be particularly unfortunate for red team but alas team Gat survives intact little worried for them for a moment there fire beams burning on through tar not able to defend against uh Firepower of that magnitude yes unfortunately Jim Jim losing access to so many things it does a lot of damage uh it is worth noting that tar traded traded bases here uh Jim lost their economy and was going to be effectively out of the game as they're sitting on one mine so tar gifted the this middle ball over to over to Jim granting them access to all this economy here and in doing so enable them to reconstruct their basic Goods o losing two more mines at this point at this point Jim does have these mines down here which will enable them to stay alive for the moments as they still sitting on a four mine economy but it's looking not good it's looking not good for gy here cuz those Motors are trying to take out that Barrel team Gad knows where that Barrel is and they want it gone uhoh okay so we finally do see some proper heavy weapons coming out from tar these 20 mm will upgrade to cannons once dors snip activates their their Commander ability and that can deal actually strong damage damage to their opponents here I liking the sniper here it's just managing to hit the managing to hit the nuke might be able to get it here actually yeah it does one launcher down you won't be able to get more than that at least not with that sniper position but that will delay delay Devastation or Le mitigate some of it for a moment oh did he get the snipe and gets the door sniped I'm telling you man snipers just amazingly powerful they do they do great work all the time and there's another attack of the fire beams these cannons have been revealed and so the fire beams want them gone Gengar applying notable mortar pressure but the antier from door snip is enough to do it enough to keep things intact a dangling sniper position down here for team Gat as once again the 20 Ms fly Commander active ability for team dors snip uh unfortunately timesed as there's oh that nuke taken out of the sky at the last possible second as I was saying unfortunately times Commander active for team dnip as they were unable to upgrade their 20 mm due to their 20 mm being on cool down therefore unusable I I love this Jim is just being a little gramling with the sniper he's not doing anything with this other than being annoying but being annoying is a wonderful wonderfully effective tactic at times not a whole lot of antio remains for team Gat but it is enough to shut down the relatively minimal investment into in the mortars remaining from Team dnip double nuke Splash to the underside of of ball it's not enough to do any damage he's no significant damage snipy is lost but nothing of value there's the upgraded cannon fire taking out a couple upgraded mines and dealing some wonderful damage over to team Gat but it's not enough to break them and team G replies with it's more nukes solid damage I wonder how low this dangle will go lower it goes the steeper the angle of the WarHeads if it gets low enough may even be able to directly Target T's core which would be an interesting development I think that's possible like if it gets all the way down here then it could come underneath maybe gets that angle that's that's a rough angle though that is also an incredible amount of fire beams ooh butter dog taking a direct mottor hit as the nukes launch Splash near harmlessly against the terrain those 20 mm I mean they're going wild they're they're up they're down they're all over the place uh but what they aren't is dealing notable amounts of damage but they are doing oh that was so close uh those 20 mm are doing is they are charging team door Snips Commander ability which means once they activate their Commander ability which I imagine will happen right now tar will be able to fire multiple Cannon rounds all over the place which is exactly what they're doing and another fire beam Falls team guant slowly being worn down as Jim is still the punching bag on the other side Jim at this point is just tanking missiles just left and right and honestly doing a pretty good job of it I am curious how this is going to proceed because as it stands team Gat still pretty firmly in the lead and tar for team dnip is taking some pretty heavy risks they're still intact and this for the moment um certainly Victory is within either team's reach and grasp it's just it's a bit precarious for team dnip right now and team Gad is looking to burn them out of the sky oh in what may have been a lethal a lethal volley butter dog defends themselves from the cannon rounds via the fire beam that was close three cannons splashing into butter dog's core I probably would have survived that but that would have hurt and that would have been close there's just a chance you may not have survived that actually and we will never know if a butter dog defend themselves as more nukes are fired butter dog with the portal nukes coming across straight high in the sky those are scary those are the scary ones the ones from below as terrifying as they may be I generally have to get past J Jim and Jim is a a husk with a sniper just being a bit of a harassment obstacle whereas those nukes going across the top if they hit tar in the right place and there is a lot of places considered the right place uh then tar is just going to collapse just like entirely like he's going to be gone not going to be much left 20 mil is doing a good job of splashing damage around fully charges door Snips Commander ability not much to capitalize on though tar doesn't quite have the ability to fire their weapons right now which is unfortunate for them they want to be firing their their 20 Ms during the commander activ they get upgraded into uh fullon cannons worth noting that Jim managed to get out of buzs saww and chop off the large dangle that'll reduce the angle that those Warheads approach thus reduce the risk they present man that nuke that was that's that's so close that fire beam the fire beams from butter doog have been MVP so far that is so so anxiety inducing levels of close as it's once again building up uh dors snip is 1% off of their Commander active if they can get any D okay they're no longer 1% off now Commander active butter doog takes some hits core down to 75% and swinging a Miss do doesn't follow up with the additional cannons but loses loses two cannons in the process uh that's probably not a good trade as much as I love to say it um HP is just a is just a number it's just another resource to use butter doog traded 25% of their core HP for tars two cannons uh which is not a bad trade uh assuming that you know butter doog isn't eliminated the next few seconds this fire beam is working wonders as honestly team G's just pulling further and further ahead here it's not a it's not fast but it is happening it looks like tar has managed to develop additional mortars this will increase potential damage output at the cost of at the cost of anier not a lot of Cannon followup available tar with only the triple the triple cannons hits butter dog directly but isn't enough to end him just can't get through that much armor oh triple firing plasmas you'll love to see it you know someone's Rich when they can afford to fire 15K worth of energy in a single click that's just that's just a lot of damage is that a natural that is a natural plasma ooh secondary explosions dealing damage to butter dog's core as the Cannons once again fly and again tar taking hit after hit the plasmas they burn deep yeah not able to to pinpoint to focus fire those plasmas to penetrate all the way through but tar doesn't have enough defenses around their weapons to defend that kind of Firepower like we see tar sitting here with four five doors on that one Cannon but the rest of them they have two doors which is enough to survive a a single laser but I mean look at this butter dog sitting on what is that 6 7even 8 nine lasers uh enough to defend one laser is not going to help against nine at least not substantially once again Jim takes some nukes to the face uh getting their ball just shaved clean tar still trying to send mortars across as butter doog taking more cannons directly to the face down to 37% a butter doog defenses haven't been penetrated yet but it's just splash damage at this point those cannons have been pounding them for quite some time the distraction mortar is the only mortar that makes it across and actually deals good damage by virtue of breaking the energy Shield I didn't expect that once again butter doog taking hits their core down to 19% and dropping 13% o boy butter doog now activating return to senders run their core that's going to be a problem uh a problem for team dnip a very smart play for butter doog here with this much economy they can afford to throw on some return to senders without breaking their own bank I mean look at how thick chunky their wind their Wind Block is it's huge and once those return descenders come online which it looks like they'll be free to do given the fire beams is still defending them then then well now tar doesn't have a doesn't have a wind condition not without changing substantially oh no is it going to collapse oh it's closed but it doesn't quite collapse tar getting door sniped once again these lasers the fire beams they burn everything a wonderful hit looks like tar recognizes the uh problem with the return to senders as there it is massive damage tar loses all of their weapons um this is not what you want to be when your team dors snip and this is exactly where you want to be if you're team Gat tar losing all of their weapons except for what is that 220s it's looking pretty rough the worst part about it or perhaps the best part about it is that now team dnip needs to develop new tech and new weapons in order in order to deal damage to team Gat owing to the presence of those return descenders uh Team dors know need to develop swarm missiles or emps and both of those Solutions require notable amounts of map control which they kind of they they have been contesting the map but they don't they certainly don't have map control so that's going to give team Gat lots of time to do what they want what they want appears to be uh send nukes uh that's that's something I can absolutely understand look at that poor poor gym uh is down to two mines and just about nothing else uh their Barrel is in is in Jeopardy uh Jim may wish to consider adding an additional Barrel somewhere else because if they don't chances are about to get eliminated here entirely they've done a great job of participating despite losing their core within the first first few seconds of the match but I think their time is upon them oh I was about to say Jim you got to you got to get rid of that dangle it's a liability and it was and he got rid of it I wonder if it would be in team dors Snips best interest to get give Jim the center ball once again and just leave that in a more permanent in a more permanent setting because this is looking like it's going to get bad yep and that's the elimination no I think they were giving up uh I think Jim had given up entirely say nope just give it over to Tar the base is lost the Eco is gone let it go look at that the lasers just penetrating everything to once again losing their Weaponry to uh this time focused burn from multiple multiple heavy lasers uh more interestingly butter doog is developing triple Howitzer looks like they've been saving it till they have multiple howitzers ready to go first Howitzer makes it clean across the map maybe not so clean but across the map nonetheless second howi are coming online in a few seconds as it's just it's lasers everywhere it's so many lasers I think team Gat has got this they've been whittling down their opponents for some time and at this point uh it's it's less whittling and more chunking tar isn't quite beaten just yet they still have weaponry they're still firing on all cylinders oh no my poor soul a perfectly timed door snipe butter dog loses three howitzers and a vast majority of their energy production disconnecting their missile launchers and shutting down their portals it's it's a catastrophe butter dog will survive uh mostly because they still own two additional expansions both of their other balls are fully intact and operational including their Economic Development so this is not crippling uh but it is it is going to slow them down substantially triple nuke now heading to T's primary actually managing to get shut down tar still owns enough aner to keep the to keep the place mostly safe um but those nukes for those who are familiar um that's inevitability right there eventually they're just going to hit something and it's going to be bad it's going to be really bad for tar once again team doorstep largely immune to disconnections as they have as they have the extra barrels everywhere surprisingly the triple buzs saww is being quite effective at just splashing damage all over the place it's still strange to me to see fire beam is hitting so deep into T's base and not hitting the core is T's core is just not there buz saw is swinging a mess as once again team Gad opens fire with all Weaponry dealing less damage than I expected but damage nonetheless I'm at this point struggling to see T's wind condition here tar doesn't have notable Weaponry outside of two nukes in construction and while those are cool um Team G has had dominance in the map control for quite a long time now and in doing so did this man just build a chain reaction of Barrels in a place that is exposed to Tar I I truly hope tar sees that and takes advantage of that not that he really has weapons to do so but I truly hope because I want to see secondary explosions nukes once again flying not making it across the fields or at least not doing damage in the process oof another heavy burn looks like team G's just going to be punching through the front here and you know it's a good strategy uh given T's core is substantially Out Of Reach their best strategy is just pick away at the edges until there's nothing left wow the nukes make it across the field uncontested both splashing directly into the front of gengar's Base Gengar uh having been largely untouched for a vast majority of the game is able to shrug them off without substantial issue that is a concern that Gengar will have to handle at some point some point soon in their from their perspective uh I'm surprised tar hasn't put a uh a barrel up in the top base the top expansion just yet because it seems a little prudent to do so given that it's liable to experience disconnections looks like Gengar is adding in a little extra ants here to assist with the whole missile experience the nukes will still lands Gengar taking substantial damage knocking their core down to 67% uh I am surprised that team Gad is letting this happen uh given the amount of map control they've had of access to and well frankly still mostly have uh it's a surprised to me that that dnip is able to get nukes across with any reliability let alone you know multiple nukes in succession so Gengar taking damage here feels like feels a little unexpected to me but thus is the way of the Warhead as long as Gengar doesn't let that happen too many more times they'll be okay and once again tar is launching the warheads warheads ignited and impact Gard take some heavy hits but nothing critical once again tar is uh perforated perforated by laser fire that's a lot of that is a lot of fire um that really is a lot of Fire looks like tar adds in a barrel oh my God that's just so many Reflections that's a lot of laser looks like tar finally getting into Barrel but doing so in a location where it's has a direct line of side to the enemy fire beam so that's probably probably going to to come back and buy them H the lasers I'm wondering yeah I was about to say is team Gat would benefit strongly from howitzers here even standard cannons for that matter um and I know butter doog was building them earlier so I'm surprised to see that it's taken them this long to redevelop them cuz I think they had the right idea a little bit of Friendly Fire here um the Swarm missiles and nuke uh Dam DED by the preemptive antier sending the nuke to the side causing it to wipe out T's Barrel there and temporarily disconnecting that expansion buz saww is doing buz saww things as here comes the fire beams attempting to keep that that Warhead alive doesn't quite make it but ignites a vast majority of Tara's base in the process G now successfully defending against those nukes relatively consistently uh having established enough anti a to shut them down howitzers are beginning the fire once again from uh Team Gat this time however tar doesn't have the cannons in place to Door snipe those howitzers meaning those howitzers are going to be there for a how bold how bold are you just building that out there they do put defenses on it but still nower flies is shut down nukes fly mostly shut down now it's a shut down [Music] again the amount of energy shields on T's base it's just constantly reflecting just constantly reflecting the fire beams tar is continuing to roll the dice with the WarHeads which is generally the appropriate solution Warheads as uh devastating as they may be always always just kind of have a chance to get through like you can never guarantee that they can be shut down even if you know effectively infinite anti a there's just always a chance they get through so if you launch enough of them uh you're getting to get it eventually even if that eventually is you know several hours this case it's probably not several hours but it's not far off so continuing to roll that dice just in case is absolutely worth it as we see luk Landing once again more damage splashed across T's base uh interesting note um team guot did manage to destroy T's energy shield around this expand guarding the Eco this expansion uh which has which is pretty much the sole purpose of the nuke at this point like that's the primary goal you know knock out the energy Shields lasers can pen through and actually you know eliminate the expansion itself as getting to T's core is not impossible but difficult to do without first having eliminated a majority of T's expansions so now so you want to whittle away at one at a time like eliminate the defenses around the expansion eliminate the expansion and then go for Tes core afterward that's that's been their strategy so far and I'm surprised to see that they aing had so many that's that's the four howitzers I'm surprised to see them targeting T's primary core without first eliminating the extensions here or at least dramatically reducing them and then and in tar ability to defend the primary core because with the angle so strictly uh well restricted it's quite difficult to get an efficient shot on ties core so you have to effectively just do inefficient shots over and over and over again which is which is fine but give such inefficient shots make for a relatively simple defense therefore increasing the efficiency by giving yourself access to more angles or just generally reducing tell's ability to defend that to defend uh to repair no why did you let it through and just like that Gengar Falls or at least their core Falls as remember red team team Gat is playing as the Shaka commander and they have barrels everywhere so while their core Falls they still have full control over everything uh so they lost their core and just about nothing else Gengar still has access to all their weapons and largely is unaffected uh it's worth noting the core does have a substantial amount of economy you'll see that they did lose some ants here in that process they didn't the WarHeads fly through even further wow four howitzers getting shut down one of the things about howitzers is they tend to get better per Howitzer uh not because they deal more damage or anything but because they will Ex they will overpower the antiair at the point defense can be overwhelmed by adding additional howitzers generally speaking once you get up to four Howards there's the an the point defense the antiair just can't keep up so it is genuinely impressive to see to Tar has managed enough ANS here and general math control even even including manually fired weapons like the buz saws in that mess uh to shut down to shut down four howitzers that's just that's a lot standard cannons coming up from team gach to assist as they have I think correct identified that the lasers are being pretty hard countered by the energy shields uh buz saw versus fire beam uh Busa wins this time once again the motor The howt Sur B is pretty reasonable Dam damage clean shaving T the front of T's ball while the uh followup does a little bit of damage to Tar Eco taking out a mind in the process tar developing a return to senders that that's definitely not a perfect Return to Sender but it's definitely enough to send shots back from which they came up now that was a hit getting a beautiful shot that using the 20s to uh take out those howitzers cuz those howitzers were going to deal extraordinary damage looks like Team 2 is finally focusing this the external expansions here which I think is the right call if they can take out this economy uh tar is going to be in an exceptionally rough position additionally if they can actually get a firing angle from these fire beams down below they can get a straight shot under the core which is the real benefit because you can't hit this core from on top because there's Terrain in the way so you have to hit it from below which means you have to cross through this expansion that expansion has to not be there in order to take out Tower at least reliably it is possible to use mortars to hit the back of the core here similarly you can do things like tier 3s or there's a couple other tricks you can do we did see a magn beam to wrap shots around he's not impossible to hit tars base to hit tars core from angles that aren't below uh but it it's quite difficult to do therefore you generally want to focus on that oh devastating hit taking out the cannon and the Barrel in the process o look at that Gat just expanding even more up to five cannons now let's see this so butter doog alone has five standard cannons an array of four fire beams an array of four howitzers two swarm missiles Warhead and another array of three fire beams not to mention a bristling nest of antiair like this is just an incredible amount of damage output and tar has been tanking it for quite some time it's up to 40 minutes tanking it now which is a little impressive honestly what's keeping tar in this game is that a majority of the damage output sent across the field toward them is impacting the terrain rather than tar themselves so we're not actually seeing tar take most of the hits so much as not take most of the well that was a shot and a half yeah we're seeing tar like look at that two plasma beams dealing zero damage although that that one was great that sent the sent the nuke back to the back side of uh Tara's ball here it's not enough that's that's the kill shot uh while tar is not eliminated loss of all the those mines or at least most of those mines is going to dramatically reduce T's ability to do anything um this is this is this is a base that looks like it's been killed and it just hasn't realized it yet um tar isn't quite out of the game they still have their energy array uh their energy block and with that they can fire their weapons and because they're using nukes there's just always a chance as we see that one get suspiciously close to making it through [Music] oh the return descender do you think devastating damage oh the Cascade oh no not like this butter dog losing all of their weapons to oh no not like this shot you were so far ahead you were closing in for the kill and now in just a moment's reversal tar has dealt devastating damage to team Gat that's I'm going to be honest I didn't consider that as an option um that I mean it could always happen it's just oh no look at that butter doog no longer has the ability to Triple fire their their plasmas butter dog down to a whopping five fire beams down from about 15 or at least 15 heavy weapons a wonderful shot from Gengar taking out two more of T's swarm missiles tar attempting to slowly rebuild their economy but that's a very slow process and there's still substantial damage heading their way if team guot can manage to can manage to recover for just a little bit longer oh nuke makes it across doing some damage exposing Flack which I think is going to get sniped here I was going to say Gengar probably doesn't care to try to defend that or prevent that at least looks like Gengar does have a fully operational and recently developed uh mortar battery which will be used to great effect more missiles launched uh clean pass through no damage for that nuke little bit of over penetration something tar has been experiencing for uh the entirety of this match I think those mortars were on refire so we're not going to see a lot of damage out of them any damage out of them it's just a clean Miss yeah yeah I think yacht's focusing a bit more on ANS here cuz they want to have to deal with those it's like like the only thing tar can do at this point is hope for another hope for another door snipe off of a Return to Sender or get those nukes to land and um given that's given both of those threats are near entirely in G's control uh they can they're just saying no don't do that not happening butter dog is still recovering from the last experience uh redeveloping their wind turbine block looks like they're also doing a giant dangle which will be used to direct fire missiles without having to uh without having to portal them I was going to say that sniper should have an angle on at least one of these mortors looks like it's got probably an angle on three of them as much as I would love to see tar snipe those out I'm they certainly have more important things to do missiles From Below come slinging through mostly shot down out of this guy no substantial damage delt more nukes uh more inconsequential damage dealt uh-oh oh I was close I thought that energy Shield was going to get taken out there which was about to expose those missiles to even more damage interesting note tar is actually recovering their economy they've managed to reconstruct two two m on their starter ball and get up to four mines on the central expansion so T is coming back in terms of economy mind you it's not anywhere near team gats team gats economy here yach sitting on maximum economy maximum mines with a vast majority of them upgraded I'm wondering what tar is going to do here because these nukes are not working or at least they're not going to work in the long term it's like it's not a consistent solution to the problems they're facing which is enough motivation to Tech switch the question is how do they do so uh tar still has access to Cannon technology oh the energy Shield Falls and the lasers begin follow up doing whatever damage they can which is not much to be fair at least not in this context more nukes more splashing harmlessly on the front of unknowned terrain mortars shot down to the sky in their entirety which is a surprise given there's eight mortars I think it's nine with with the uh distraction mortar got full defending the current volley the most recent volley Of Swarm missiles looks like tar not reconstructing the energy Shield instead just hard Walling off with a standard solid materials he's not terribly surprising given the context double buzzon chopping off the defenses around some of his mortars the sniper followup takes out one mortar two mortar and three mortar nope defense is online oh third mortar Buzz saw followup opening up the mortars once again I don't know if he's going to be spending time on the sniper when there's other things to do and there go the missiles taking out most of those defenses it's not really enough to uh open up those missile launchers to destruction Gat really needs to ramp up the devastation here they are they are reconstructing their heavy weapons getting their specifically their cannons but allowing allowing to rebuild and actually get mines again is a mistake that's uh oh here it comes again the turn to sender not perfect and looks like it's a little deformed this time dealing a not much damage because it just kind of went somewhere else and didn't didn't hit anything of import this is this is surprisingly close as while tar really doesn't have a solution to butter doog at least not a solution to to break butter dog's core here butter dog is down like this is one core to One Core gach has a single core remaining and it's on 133% HP oh there's that hit that they were looking for being penetrates takes out one of the launchers I deal a little bit more damage but it's not enough to break it cuz yeah if any of these nukes manages to make it over here and just slams right on the bottom misses the return to cender it slams into the bottom of butter dog's core here uh it's just dead like G cannot take any more realistically cannot take any more Splash damage it's just they've taken too much damage over the course of the game they have no more HP to spend so Tower is really not out of it it's just really difficult to see a situation where that happens the chances of rolling that Dice and Landing land land in the uh land of the crit is a little a little low um if tar was able to get I I don't even know like this what do you even do here cannon from below does tar even know that they can do that that they have an angle probably not the triple plasma that's a horrible sign to see when you're when your team uh door snip cuz that means that that they've got money to spend a beautiful shot that's the shot G wanted to make that's what they needed to make to to close out this game taking out four mines team dors snip loses half of their economy in that one volley if team kot Gat can continue that Trend removing the last of their minds they should be able to there it is tar unable to successfully repair and defend those missile launchers they lose yet another nuke mortars are flying and dying not making to cross the field once again mortars have not been a particularly effective investment for Gad here another heavy hit completely losing access to the central ball T's Central ball has taken enough damage and they lost complete control over it now having to rely on mundane connections rather than Shaka barrels that last Valley of cannons completely shearing off the top everything and the central ball has been destroyed this is this is how it begins to wind down not enough economy to reconstruct and repair things getting drilled away on the edges this is how you wipe out a core that has been tuck tucked back away in the corner CU now now team gad's going to be able to just burn through things you see there's there's that shot they needed the primary the primary ball has been lost at least its economy has been lost that's knocking down to a total of three mines which for those who are familiar or perhaps even if you're not familiar that's not enough it's not enough to repair things we we seeing tar is selling off the nuke um this is to reclaim some of their money hoping to give them enough time to reconstruct their economy and generally defend themselves fire the plasma beam once again disconnecting there's not a whole lot of benefit to reconnecting the Central Central orb right now other than gaining access to that technology which is something that they're not currently using so I think they're just having that so they can do a quick reaction if necessary but those mortars are making across and that's it mortars from above team Gat wins round two ladies and gentlemen we're off to round three in this best of three the deciding match between team dnip and team Gat the sides have stayed the same here on the left hand side in the blue it is team dnip playing as the shocken a commander commander choice I don't often see here in the FPL we're going to get to see what they do with that they're playing against their opponent's team gach running the architect Commander this time around one of my favorite commanders uh it's great for wood spam great for uh most things really more of a generic Commander doesn't have any specialty we tend to see it way more economic heavy guess the closest to especially oh well that's painful mistake there losing access to that uh metal branch and thus much of the economic boost for it uh butter doog getting a little a little spindly there with their Fort or reconciling that right now after a grueling match it looks like team gad's going to go in for the kill this time around I am curious to see how this match plays out remember we've got more matches just like this coming up soon and by soon I'm in coming up this Saturday as in terms of this release as the time of release of this video we have the forts pro league playoffs starting which means you get to see the best of the best and all the memes and rounds that come with it we've already had quite a mem filled uh Adventure so far with the ball swing in the previous round unsurprisingly we do see the Munitions plants placed down for Team D snip on both flares the scattershot commander benefits I guess benefits is the right word it it affects cannons so when you see these shotgun out Commander you expect to see cannons and that's exactly what we're seeing here uh very likely we'll see 20 mm spam as that is the uh most effective weapon most strongly benefited uh additionally tar has gotten a little spindly with their base a little greedy with it not super greedy just uh did partially defend against that tactic almost almost didn't survive but tar will survive this and I believe gengar's not going to try the same Target again CU they realize it's uh he's defended against such things similarly Jim is also defended against such things so Gengar is not going to find purchase with their with their weapon right I hesitate to call this a cheese not really a cheese so much is is attempting to keep their opponents honest for getting for skeletonizing their bases uh Team dors snip not having it not dealing with that or at least not falling for that trick this time it's worth noting that uh Team butter doog I'm sorry team Gat is going for another another one of these strategies with a swarm missiles from one player and lazes with the second imagine is not going to be as effective on this map going to positions of the forts various bases but a classic combo it's one many of tournaments it is quite this strong we see it all the time and we should see a fourth swarm missile launcher placed down here and two portals one for one for each pair this will enable uh multiple launches from deep within the base it's a strategy I've seen more often recently it's quite an effective one honestly I mean for for missile launchers is kind of a lot um I always hesitate I always hesitate when I see the fourth launcher because it's very rare that I say the fourth launcher actually used due to the massive energy costs because running any portals that alone two sets of portals is super expensive so um it just takes an incredible amount of energy production to make that happen and given that well we're running back turbines here it's going to be like 15 minute Mark before we see enough energy production to reliably fire those weapons with any consistency uh mind you you don't need to fire them all the time uh most of the time when we see this we'll just see the players build up enough of a a bank so they can fire them all simultaneously once and then you know wait four minutes before having to fire them again before being able to fire them again uh so that's likely that's likely be the case here as well and do we actually see Yeah we actually see more batteries here for that purpose exactly as uh Gengar is not going to have the energy production to rapidly fire them as opposed this is this is a different tactic as opposed to uh just oh my Lord three nukes that's so expensive it's about to say this is a different tactic as opposed to just building two of them and just constantly launching them which is similar levels effective given that you have uh especially given that you have fire beam there to support mind you again this map the fire beam angles are not going to be great for covering the nukes so we can't really expect it to give them the coverage that they would truly want with this unsurprisingly we do see 20 mm coming out of all players on team dnip the shakun out Commander gives empowered 20 mm as well as a lot more scatter fire for them so it makes them quite effective uh this range is close enough that the scatter on the 20 mm especially owered will not be debilitating uh the fire beam does a great job of shutting down those projectiles do we have a sniper followup looks like no but there might be a flack angle on this it's not going to be enough the Flack angle is there touches it doesn't break it on not at all surprising Commander active ability for team gon bonus build speed for everything we get to see those hard walls reconstructed almost instantaneously making sure that plasma remains alive and intact unfortunately loss of the fire beam means loss of this madman Gengar going up to six launchers uh one of these launchers is not going to work because there's a a fort in the way but six launchers that's ambitious um to say at the least you see the 20 mm firearm uh this is not going to deal substantial damage so much as uh charge up the commander active ability the general tactic for the shakun our commander is use the 20 mm to charge up the commander active ability and then activate the commander causing the 20 mm to become empowered the next time you fire them up more damage and then you just repeat that process over and over again until there's no more no more opponents which it's terribly effective there was a time when it was one of the most overpowered strats in the game as it stands team dors snip is just spamming up more 20 mm can't tell if they're trying to aim for those exposed missile launchers or what uh we don't see a sniper in play but Gengar has activated their their portals and with it we're going to see some uh some missile launches here I am concerned about the placement of Gengar portals I okay I understand that the portals are most conveniently placed right there but that's you don't you can you can just put them anywhere there's no reason you have to put them there you can put them behind a door in the front of your base that way they don't you know nuke your teammate accidentally all right do we see all right Jim you got to fire those 20s do it got a second left you don't have an angle on the lower Fort which is I think what you were aiming for Jim doesn't really have the power for it either that's unfortunate for Jim as you see them expanding their energy production to assist with that problem the shotgun the shot gun from Team G has been terribly effective did this madlad just upgrade their mini guns to upgrade their MGS to Min guns so we're going to see a little bit of manual anti antiair here which is a decision not a bad one either all right I like to see this we see the we see the nukes have been replaced with direct fire nukes once again Gengar not able to support rap fire here of those uh of those missile weapons the portals getting uh revealed we do see a few shots sent back through them dealing damage to the missile launchers interesting Gengar so one of the strengths of this strategy is because there's no direct facing weapons and you can just hardwall everything and you have absolutely zero weaknesses on the fort even if you do decide to direct portal your nukes the worst case scenario is it gets it's those shots get redirected back into the top of the foundations destroying the Dukes but dealing no other damage um however uh given the raw fire power of triple empowered 20 mils they just kind of deal a lot of damage and Gengar survives but oh boy was that a lot of damage gengar's trying to recover here note the presence of the energy Shields that's because 20 Ms get reflected off of them just like most other Small Arms uh note that team dors snip has already developed um emps to counter this question is do those emps make it across the field and what does guot do about that guot does have a little bit of anti-air but it's not a lot of an here 20 mm splashing from on high building up that Commander active one more shot should take out that plasma and it does that's going to set butter doog back a little bit reduce the total damage output of Team guot the EMP does not make it across the field that's going to harm D Snips ability to deal damage to Gengar but do firing one of their REM plasmas butter dog's still sitting on two plasmas so they still have a lot of damage output but those 20s are starting to ramp up their damage uh he's getting hit by five of them now which is a lot of damage it looks like butter doog the lower fortt in the red is the primary target for Focus fire at this stage of the game uh which means oh well that's tempting yeah I was going to say with those energy Shields offline fine you you should probably hit Gengar there just because you know Target of opportunity just keep the keep those energy Shields down while you can there you go 20 mil is finally dealing enough Splash damage to take out one of them one of those energy Shields which is a good start uh however this will split the damage split the damage between the forts a door snipe door snip getting door sniped Tara losing one of their cannons in exchange that Cannon did manage to break a couple fire beams from butter doog which is uh not it's it's it's a trade those shotgun blasting 20s dropping into the top of butterdogs Base hitting a lot of the internals cheing out about a third closer to a quarter of the energy production this is an absolute slugfest is what this is gengars thus far has been almost entirely unable to launch their nuks uh owing in part to power issues and in part to uh well base issues base Integrity issues his butter dog is now barely hanging on as they have been blasted to blasted to uh near submission by rapid application of kinetics Gengar even losing one of his portals in the process double nuke flies across the sky double nuke taken out of the sky Gengar really needs to get those portals activated and fired more frequently uh the lack of constant pressure from those nukes is a problem it is a problem for team Gat and they need to fix that quickly as butterdogs core is all but completely exposed the defense is barely holding on butter doog will not be long for this world they need to do something to stop this kind of pressure EMP lands shut wow shutting down the energy production but not the defenses around the energy production don't see that every day looks like the portals are all oh there's some beautiful energy Shields by the way that will near perfectly defend butter dog from those uh 20 Ms and EMP shuts it down well that's devastating butter doog now has a single piece of armor between their core and the impending kinetics Gengar has an opportunity to fire here and it looks like they will and it looks like they they will thank you the first time we see Triple nuke flying across this guy and one lands second lands massive damage tar taking chunks out of their base uh unfortunately for team Gat uh their opponents have had such a long time to build up oh both players on team Gad are vulnerable to defeat right now it is close it is very close Gengar taking massive damage losing substantial amounts of their economy and losing access to their missile launchers that was a heavy hit butter doog on the other hand just had their defenses breached their core touched but not destroyed another door snipe tar once again loses a cannon but Jim Focus firing gengar's economy uh Gengar is in a world of hurt down to completely out of money and no no way of getting money they're likely going to have to sell off their frontal defenses in order to get access to their uh base again which is not a position you want to be in um waiting to see those blue selling symbols to see which direction Gengar decides to go oh boy howitz are coming out from tar and extraordinary threats now it's here from Jim good hit I how are you how are you hanging on with this that is oh he's letting it go uh I think that's a mistake I think he needs to sell off yeah he needs to sell off the front parts to get his money back um it was absolutely required that he dump at least some of the weight there otherwise he risks just getting torn off their base but not recovering those expensive energy Shields and pushing that money into economic recovery is going to be it's going to hurt uh Min gun's actually doing great work oh oh oh that was so close to lethal if those plasmas had been more perfectly aligned that would have gone straight to katar's core he getting guard takes another incredible amount of damage and that's it Gengar is torn off the top of their base leaving only one player remaining for team Gat butter doog stands alone against team dors snip I I wonder you can totally reach up there and grab this you're not going to own it for very long once again tar is penetrated their Foundation hit using a mine and a half that is concerningly close had those been aimed slightly differently that could have been oh probably not Game ending but oh well that's just it then butter dog loses both of their heavy weapons butter dog has been completely defanged Gat has no weapons left no more but behind their bark how will they recover from this um I think they're going to suffer a fatal a fatal dose of lead poisoning as uh Team dors snip has their Commander ability charged and their weapons fully operational looks like the only thing between them and victory is having the energy production to actually wield their weapons just they're working on right now there it is Commander ability activated what kind of damage output are we going to see here looks like Jim focusing on their economic developments rather than focusing on their Firepower Min Gunners upgrading coming online right now we do see butter doog reclaiming the eviscerated husk of their teammate looks like team dnip is not going to contest that right now though I suspect they will want to in the near future these snipers from butter doog have been on points very much so out of spite again the door snipe butter doog has done terrible terrible things to Tar over the course of this match oh Lord Suddenly It's it's sudden sniper a suddenly door snipe out of nowhere it is worth noting that butter doog did reclaim did reclaim gengar's weaponry and with it the portal and the nuclear option uh which they can use right now and are using right now sending two nukes toward door Snips Direction a little manual ancier from those mini Gunners is enough to shut it out of the sky fire beam is defending against some of those 20s but there's a lot of 20s this this man refuses refuses to let tar have weapons another door snipe this is why I never count out players who have a plasma especially if they also have a nuke because a nukes just always have a chance of landing and always have a chance of dealing damage and where they can deal damage they can end the game but plasmas are just the premium most door sniping weapon which means like every 30 seconds team dnip can just lose a weapon because butter dog exists which is a great way of evening the odds and so far so far butter dog has been doing a great job of that um ridiculous here we have another portal being reconstructed for butter dog looking to utilize their once teammates heavy uh heavier missile weapons and unsurprisingly we do see the developments of buz saww Technology from uh Team dors snip because they I think are not interested in dealing with nukes in the foreseeable future so they want they want to use they want to chop that off get a little buzz cut off the top of their Fort there another heavy activation of damage from team dnip and we see uh butter doog once again losing their plasma and their lower expansion which is painful because that's where their plasma was and where they're building the portal to launch the nukes so not having access to that means no damage for at least the next minute or so uh butter doog also doesn't currently have access to their Commander ability and thus does not have the ability to rapidly reconstruct once again the antiair shuts down the howitzer 20 mm slowly rebuilding up the commander active abilities they can get that burst damage in the portal has been reconstructed so once that sniper completes we should see another volley of nukes fly looks like yeah they're trying to shut down that nuclear option I think team dnip has correctly identified the only damage output butter do can do right now is via nukes so removing the nukes removes butter dogs and th the entirety of team gon's ability to deal damage uh butter dogs defenses have been penetrated 20 mm directly impacting the core bringing it down to 64% machine guns minig guns try to follow up but it has been defended as the nukes once again fly across the fields fire beam defending damage dealt massive damage dealt tar surviving barely and the 20 mil dust thing does it ladies and gentlemen make sure to hit that follow button make sure to hit that subscribe button make sure to hit that like button and make sure to Jo us this weekend for the start of the playoffs of the Fords pro league [Music]
Channel: Project Incursus Gaming
Views: 71,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: v0Ic7-sCyhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 40sec (5800 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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