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god thank you for your mercy and your grace in our life to god thank you for your compassion and your concern for us and lord thank you that we didn't just come into your place we've entered into your presence with praise with thanksgiving we bless your name to god and now to god we open our hearts minds and souls to be receptive to the word that you have for us you know just what we need and when we need it and we're believing right now dear god if you're getting ready to speak to our situations i pray for victory deliverance healing in the name of jesus dear god i pray some soul is going to be saved that somebody's going to recommit their life to christ get reconnected to the church they got to begin to live in a way that you get the glory and they get the blessing it is in the name of jesus christ we pray amen one more time will you bless god once again hallelujah you may be seated in his presence please open your bibles with me to the book of acts acts chapter 3 is where we're going on today acts chapter 3. i'm going to read verse 6 to get us started in your own private time with god uh read all of acts chapter 3 it makes up the context of what i know god will have for me to share with you on today acts chapter 3 verse six this is the new king james version then peter said silver and gold i do not have but what i do have i give you in the name of jesus christ of nazareth rise up and walk i want to talk about get up that's what i want to deal with today get up some of us have been down too long been depressed too long been dismayed too long disillusioned for too long and the lord told me to tell you it is time to get up it was a few years ago i was preaching in in brooklyn new york at the bethany church that's where dr david hampton had pastored for a while and i used to go down and i guess i preached their revival two or three years in a row and did some other things for that church and um so one night the last night of the revival one of the men of the church walked up to me and said pastor we know we know you like stories because you tell stories all the time you tell illustrations all the time and i have an illustration for you i got a story i want to share with you i said okay well tell me what you what you got he said my son was talking about how tired he was this week and i said well how old is your son he said he's 13 years old he was talking about how tired he was and i asked my son why are you so tired and he said his son told him because we've been taking all of these altitude tests and these altitude tests are wearing me out and that's why i'm tired because of all of these altitude tests and the father said that his son misunderstood the teacher that these were not altitude tests these are aptitude tests aptitude tests to test your readiness to learn to uh to test your ability to grasp concepts to test your capability of learning but the sun took it to mean altitude and really it was aptitude that's also tied to your altitude and um that's what i got out of it his son was right that aptitude and your attitude is inextricably tied into your altitude and some of us don't get to the altitude and heights and the places that god has designed for us because we don't get our attitude straight that aptitude that the the ability to learn the ability to to be open to what god is seeking to pour in your life the readiness to grasp it but when you get your aptitude straight and your attitude straight i believe god will add to your altitude and the lord told me to tell you you've been down long enough change your attitude because it's time for you to get up in acts chapter 3 this is peter and john of course we know these are disciples of jesus these are apostles and peter and john are on their way to the temple to pray this is in acts chapter 2 we already looked at it was the birth of the church and the church at its birth is the church at its best the 120 in the upper room the disciples on one accord and the holy spirit comes and fills them all of them got filled with god's holy spirit and they begin to speak in other languages as the holy spirit gave them the ability to do so and people began to hear god's word in their own language to hear the gospel of jesus christ god's love and the sacrifice that the lord has made and they hear it in their language where they can understand it and three thousand of them accepted jesus as their personal savior and got baptized in the name of jesus and they begin to pray together they began to fellowship they were taking the lord's supper remembering the death the burial and the resurrection of jesus christ and they were so moved by what the spirit was doing until they began to sell their possessions they were so generous that they would bring their resources and lay it at the apostles feet so that everybody that was connected to that ministry that all of their needs had have been met and right after that the lord would add to the church every day those who were being saved then chapter three peter and john are on their way to the temple at the hour of prayer and and i love this because they've been filled with the spirit they spoke in another language that they had not been educated but had the revelation to speak in not the education their souls were being saved lives were being changed and peter and john were still going to church they weren't sitting around talking about i've walked so close with jesus that i don't need the church instead of trying to give an excuse to be disconnected from the church they became an example of how important it is to go to church and on their way to church and and verse 1 says it was at the time of prayer now peter verse 1 acts 3. now peter and john went up together to the temple at the hour of prayer the ninth hour the hebrew people had at least three different times that they would go to pray they would pray at 9 00 a.m they would pray at noon and then they would pray at three in the afternoon this is at three o'clock in the afternoon and it didn't mean that that they didn't pray at other times it just meant that at these times we know we're going to be praying and they had set aside a particular period of time that we're going to talk to god and they have set aside a particular place that we're going to pray it didn't mean they didn't pray at home or didn't pray on their job it didn't mean they didn't pray in other places it just meant that we're going to set aside a place where we go to pray and then they had prayer partners what i want to get across to us that if peter and john needed a particular period of time to pray a particular place to pray and a prayer partner this is peter and john this is the same peter and john that when jesus raised jairus daughter from the dead he put everybody out of the house except the parents and peter james and john this is that peter and john that on the mount of the transfiguration when the glory of god was shined through jesus christ and elijah and moses would meet jesus on that mountain and all the other disciples were at the foot of the hill and jesus took with him peter james and john this is that peter and john and in the garden of gethsemane where jesus was praying as he's getting ready to down the cross to pay the penalty for your sins and mine and he only took three disciples into that garden with him peter james and john this is that peter and john if they needed to set aside a particular period of time to pray and a particular place to pray and to get a prayer partner what makes you and i think we don't need to do that that we're so holy and we're so spiritual that that's not necessary no we need a place and what better place to pray than the house of god matter of fact jesus said my house shall be called the house of prayer and then we need to set aside some time that this is god's time it doesn't mean that we can't pray other times and but there are some times that i just know with this particular hour i'm going to be i'm going to be speaking to my lord and if peter needed a prayer partner and john needed a prayer partner you and i need to we need to get somebody who will hold us accountable with our praying did you pray today did you spend time in god's presence and if just two people can come together and touch and agree jesus show up in the midst of that and here they were and as they were praying making their way to the house of god there was a man that was there who had been lame detects it from his mother's womb he was born without the ability to walk he had a physical disability he was he was broke a matter of fact luke is the writer of the book of acts and luke is a is a he's a physician he's a medical doctor so the writer of the book of acts is a medical doctor that's why he's so specific and so detailed when he starts talking and he said that this man's issue was in his feet and in his ankles his feet and his ankles were weak his feet and his ankles were broken so that he could not walk and he was laid every day at this gate called beautiful which is right outside the temple right outside the house of god there is a gate called beautiful and there's a man that's broken there it's a beautiful place but he's still broken because just because we end up in beautiful environments doesn't mean that we're not dealing with broken people this is a beautiful sanctuary we've built several beautiful sanctuaries but i'm not under the illusion that somebody in here is not broken i mean somebody you you woke up this morning in bed with a beautiful man or a beautiful woman and then you got yourself together and put on some beautiful clothes and then you jumped into a beautiful car and you pulled away from a beautiful house and then you came coming through a beautiful city and you walked into a beautiful facility and you sit next to a beautiful person and you're looking at a beautiful person speaking [Applause] but i'm not under the illusion man that somebody's not broken that he's fractured he's shattered he's so broken that he cannot walk it's and it's not just physical you know when we re it is physical this is a historical situation that took place but it's not just physical it's spiritual this is luke trying to tell us that just as this man was physically broken that some of us are spiritually broken that something is not quite right when i walk with god and then he's broken socially in the first century that they wouldn't even allow people with disabilities in certain areas in certain places you know they thought that they were cursed of god and we know in the 21st century that that's not the case that even if somebody is disabled physically it doesn't mean that they're not able in every other area so he's he's he's broken socially because of that culture and their lack of understanding as to what god is all about and and he's broken financially so they wouldn't allow him to work that's why he's out there begging so he's he's broken financially he can't go get a job because that culture that he lived in didn't understand that just because i can't walk doesn't mean i can't do some other things and then i believe that and i don't think this is too much of a stretch that he's broken mentally i believe that our our bodies and our minds are so closely related until they catch each other's diseases and when you find yourself broken physically like that for all of those years and some suggest he was as much as 40 years old so for 40 years being laid out there having the bed and if you're not careful that brokenness will mess with your mind and this afternoon whether in this beautiful place or somebody streaming somebody is shattered it's fractured it's broken just like this man in this text and he's at the gate beautiful because that's where the temple is and he's he's out there begging because he's become one of the best beggars in the bible he's strategic in his begging look at where he situates himself in order to get somebody to give him something he's outside he's outside the house of god he's strategic look at the time he's there he's there at the time of prayer so he's thinking these folk going to church and they get ready to go in here and ask god for something and if they're going to church to ask god for something how they're going to turn me down if i'm asking them for something how can they expect to receive something from god when they don't give anything to anybody else so he's he's he's one of the best beggars in the bible he's strategic in his bagging and he's consistent in his begging because it says that he would beg every day he wouldn't miss a day of begging so if it was sunshine or cloudy he would be out there begging if it was sunshine or rain and he's still out there begging if it was cold or hot he's begging if it's cool or warm he's begging he wouldn't miss a day because his brokenness caused him to be one of the best beggars in the bible he's strategic in his begging he's persistent in his begging he's consistent in his begging because of his brokenness here's what i want you to understand that this is the implication he's a hebrew person and the hebrews already told you are under the oppression of the roman government so they're oppressed suppressed depressed they're dealing with social injustice and all the things that come with that because that they are hebrew that's that's the only that's the only reason why they're under attack like that and out of that the man is so broken until he can't walk right that's what luke is trying to say to us that when we look at oppression and suppression and depression and racism and discrimination and social injustice and all the stuff that's going on in this world and the political corruption and the insanity in this world that some of us don't walk right because of that we've allowed it to breton he was broken it was broken when he got here there was nothing he did to cause it to be broken when he was born it was broken yo i didn't you know i didn't originate racism it was broke when i got here i didn't have anything to do with discrimination it was broken when i got here i didn't call social injustice i didn't cause the the things that we're seeing in the times that we're living in i it was broken when i got here and if i'm not careful it would have me sitting on the side of the road begging other folk to carry me because look at how broken this thing is and if y'all don't give me something i ain't gonna be able to make it and then here comes peter and john looks at this man and says you've been down long enough it's time for you to get up but if this man is going to get up he's going to first have to refocus his attention i want to i want to read verse 4 to you and i really should have put verse four and five up here in verse four it says and fixing his eyes on him with john peter said look at us so he gave them his attention expecting to receive something from them if you're here's what's going on if he's going to get up from this broken situation the social injustice he's dealing with the oppression he's up against psychologically emotionally all the stuff he's dealing with financially if you're going to get up you have to refocus your attention because what he's asking from them i need y'all to give me some money look at how messed up my stuff is and i ain't gonna be able to make it if y'all don't give me some money if y'all don't give me some of your resources if y'all don't give me some of the wealth you have then i'm not gonna be able to make it and then peter says we gonna help you but we ain't gonna help you the way you think you need help and the only way you're gonna get the help so that you can get up from this is to refocus your attention y'all got to get this he's expecting change from them but he's not looking at change in himself i know i'm using a play on words he's expecting arms from them he's expecting charity from there do you have any change like somebody i'm walking downtown indiana do you have 51 cents 51 cent they expecting change from me and i'm trying to figure out how can we get a change in you you got to refocus your attention that you're looking for a hand out and peter's trying to offer you a hand up because before it's all over pete reaches down not to give him a handout but to give him a hand up i got to i got to refocus your attention because what you think you need is not really what you need that this is not just about finance this is about you getting on your feet and if i can get you on your feet you won't need my finance you can go make your own finance but i got to refocus your attention this is not you trying to get to my wealth this is you trying to work but i can't get you to work till i get you to walk and i can't get you to walk until i get you to refocus your attention and start looking at this a little differently when people come to our care center and they'll ask can you help can you help me pay my rent yes and no yes and no here's because we look at it holistically you you need money to help you pay your rent yes okay did you lose your job is this about a sickness is this a relationship issue is this an emotional psychological issue something is not quite right because you can't pay your rent but it's more than you paying your rent because if all i do is help you pay your rent that's going to come up again in 30 days are y'all getting any of this so it's trying to get you to refocus your attention that is not just throwing money at your problem because if i throw money at your problem you still in this you still got the same problem if i throw money at your condition you still got the same condition yo there are some things that money can't do i mean we all appreciate money some of us even love money now i don't love it but i do like it a lot i got it man i like because because money gives you options so and you ain't got to look at me like that because some of y'all like it a lot too but i've learned in all of these years there's some things money can't do and just throwing money at some of our issues is not going to change it y'all cause there's some there's some stuff that can happen in your life and mine i don't care how much money you have you can't buy your way out of it because money can buy a house but it can't buy a home money can buy wall-to-wall carpeting but it can't buy wall-to-wall joy money can buy you a refrigerator full of food but it can't buy you an appetite to eat money can buy you a nice suv but it can't buy you a peace of mind while you drive down the street in it money can buy you some nice shoes but it can't buy you the desire to walk money can buy you a big king-sized bed with a gold headboard and gold footboard but money can't buy you a good night's sleep money can buy you a house but it can't buy a home money can buy sex but it can't buy love there are some things money just can't do so he's saying peter's saying i gotta if i'm gonna get help you to get up from this i gotta i gotta make sure that i refocus your attention in the name of jesus christ rise up and walk and the reason why he has the power to do it in the name of jesus because he just came out of prayer and then when when lady sharon and i a couple of years ago we were over in israel and uh we went to where the temple i believe the temple got torn down in 80 70 by the romans but you still go there and you see the the the residue of the temple that was there and there's a wall over there that's called uh some people call it the wailing wall it's the great western wall and thousands and thousands of people every day show up at the western wall to pray and you can't you can't get near till you cover your head in honor to god and they got sheets of paper and pens and pencils out there that you can write your prayer down and stick it in the wall as you pray to god because they're trying to help us to understand that if we're so broken that we can't walk right we got to refocus our attention because it may not be the answer may not be throwing money at it but learning how to pray learning how to refocus to know that the issue is not financed the issue is me getting on my feet and if i can just get on my feet i don't have to depend on somebody else to carry me and so he says he says you got to get up now with this with this get up it's not just refocusing attention but it is it's also raising your expectation because at first it says that he was expecting something from them well what he was expecting from them give me some money give me some change but peter said no we gonna we gonna raise your expectation that right now you're so broken you cannot walk right and in order for you to get to the next level peter said look at us look on us you got to be able to see other folks who are already where you trying to go right so your expectation is going to change that no matter how bad things have been in my life that fractured me so much that i cannot walk that now i have the expectation that it can happen in my life and until you have that level of expectation it'll never happen in your life so he's he's born broken he hasn't been able to walk peter says now i'm going to make it in the name of jesus so that you can do this but you got to raise your expectation to know that it can happen in your life that that if you think you can you can and if you think you can't you can't either way you're right so if you if you think you can get out of poverty you can get out of poverty if you think you can't get out of poverty you can't get out of poverty if you think you can get that degree or another degree you can get another degree if you think you can't then you can't if you think your marriage can be turned around and your marriage can be turned around if you think your marriage can't be turned around then your marriage can't be turned around i'ma keep going till i get to where y'all living just there you're either way you're right and it's based on your expectation that's what hope is all about hope is the expectation that god can make it better hope is the expectation that god can heal me hope is the expectation that god can deliver me hope is the expectation that i can get up from this situation and walk the way i'm supposed to walk but it's it's tied into me raising my expectation for myself luke said the problem is in his feet and ankles peter said the answer is in his head here's the problem he can't walk why can't he walk because his feet and his ankles are weak this man is broken he he was born broken he got here broken and then here comes peter saying raise your expectation because i believe you can walk but in order for him the problem's in his feet but the answer is in his head and if we can get if we're going to get him to stand on his own two feet first we got to get it in his head and once you get it in his head then he'll be able to okay y'all got to get this thing um oh oh i told y'all about uh the 13 year old with the altitude test and it's really an aptitude test or attitude test to get him to a certain out and so the next day after i finish preaching there the next day i'm flying from laguardia in new york to fly back to indianapolis and the pilot comes over the sound system and says we've just reached 35 000 feet we're flying at an altitude of 35 000 feet and that story that man told me about his son immediately came back to my mind because i'm now i realize you can't fly at 35 000 feet altitude if you haven't had past that aptitude test not only do pilots have a certain amount of hours in the air they got a certain amount of hours on the ground in a simulator and they simulate flying and they simulate wind conditions and they simulate a storm and they simulate rain while you on the ground now if you don't have the right aptitude the readiness to learn and the capability to grasp the concepts while you on the ground they're not going to let you at 35 000 feet so you can't get to that altitude if you don't have the right attitude where you are right now if you can't handle the level you own now then why would god put you at a higher level it what is your attitude now because some people act like your storms go away when you get to the next level no they don't go away just different storms it's just a different situation our charismatic brothers and sisters say for every new level there's a new devil so you start facing stuff you ain't seen before but so if you can't handle the level you own now that's the simulator what you going through now you think oh this is so no you're just in the simulator now and if you don't have the right aptitude and attitude why would god take you to a higher altitude okay y'all didn't get that um how can i explain this when i i i used to go up to arlington high school when it was a high school because that's where i graduated from and so i would go up there and they wanted me to talk to students and all that kind of stuff and and so i asked well what do you you know when you finish with high school what do you what do you want to do what's your career goal and some of them talk about well i want to be a physician i want to be a doctor well you cut biology class all last week i'm trying to show y'all something if you can't have the right aptitude and attitude at the level you own then don't think you're going to go to the altitude of what you're thinking about trying to get there so if that's somebody saying uh well you know i want to i want to get married and i want to have a healthy marriage and a healthy i don't want my marriage being like everybody else was married whatever that means and uh but i want my marriage to be great and wonderful and okay but you you mistreated a woman on a date last night and if you can't treat a woman right in a nighttime why would god give you one of his daughters for a lifetime you got to handle the level you own right now before god seeks to take you to a whole nother level but well i want to own my own business i want to be the the chief executive officer of my own business and my own company my own corporation yeah but you've been late for work every day this week if you can't y'all to say amen and ever if you can't handle where you are at the level you own why do you think god's gonna take you to a higher altitude i'm like well i'm i'm just praying and trusting that god's gonna help me to make a hundred thousand dollars a year you won't tithe and you're making ten thousand dollars a year and god already knows if i can't get you to tithe a thousand dollars when you're making 10 i certainly can't get you to tie ten thousand dollars when you're making a hundred because people say no you know if i was making that kind of money then i would tithe no y'all here's what the bible says if you're faithful over a few things gotta make you ruler over many things here's here's the principle whatever you do when you have a few that's what you're gonna do when you have a lot so whatever you do when you got a little that's the same thing you're gonna do when you have a lot if you mess up your money when you got a little you gonna mess it up when you got a lot so god is saying if you can't handle the level your own why would i take you to a whole nother level it's about raising your expectation that i can be the child of god god wants me to be i can be the man god has designed for me to be i can be that woman that husband that wife that businessman that businesswoman i can be that kind of christian i can do it but if you say you can't then you can't but you got to raise your expectation even in the face of oppression even in the face of social injustice peter said raise your expectation it's time for you to go to another level where you're not depending on other folk to do for you what you ought to be doing for yourself but you gotta it's the issue is in your head it's in your head that's what that i know the problem is in your feet but the answer is in your head and as long as in your head you keep thinking everybody else supposed to be doing for me you'll never be able to walk right and that's why some of us can't walk right now because you mad at everybody else because you can't get changed from them when you're not willing to make a change in yourself you notice in this text this man is expecting something from everybody except himself and let me say this to young folk the older you get the less help you're going to get from people because while you're young they they all that's nice they try oh you know and the older you get i don't know why y'all ain't helping me with this today the less you the less they do for you so you have to raise the expectation for yourself um i've been a part of i've been a part of three churches where i have where i was not the pastor i pastored saint paul church uh in terre haute of course a pastor eastern star church but i've been a part of three other churches where i was not the pastor and i believe that god sends us to places for season and a reason we got to be in tune and in touch with god because when the season and reason is up then we need to be where god wants us to be and sometimes some of us stay too long in a place and other times we don't stay long enough in a place but it's it's just understanding a season of reason the first church i was a part of was pleasant union church here in indianapolis that's my childhood church and i believe that the season and the reason was about soteriology soteriology is about the understanding of salvation the the study of salvation to know what it means to give your faith to jesus christ to believe god raised it from the dead to receive in my faith so at pleasant union as a youngster i got soteriology that's where i got saved the second church i was a part of was in dallas texas when i went to school uh when i went to bishop college that i joined faithful church when i was there pastor nathan sarge a matter of fact a couple of years ago i preached pastor sergeant's 40th year of being the pastor of faithful church he's still there and um so i believe that that season and reason for me was about theology so i'm at bishop college so i'm i'm getting my education but i'm at the church because i still need my revelation i got i got i'm going to school that's my education i'm going to church because that's my inspiration and that's helping me to shape my theology so i got so teriology i'm saved i got i'm shaping my theology at faithful and then the third church i was a member of was oasis of hope and when i graduated from college at oasis they uh pastor frank alexander offered me a job to be the youth pastor and so i i went and worked there and he gave me an opportunity to preach and teach and lead and to roll with him to kind of understand if i'm going to get to the next level i got to see somebody that's already doing it so it was an opportunity for me now here's what i'm trying to tell you at at pleasant union i got sociology at faithful i got i helped shape my theology at oasis that's where i got an opportunity i didn't need anybody throwing money at me because if i got sociology and theology and opportunity i make my own money i'm trying to get you to raise your expectation who was it james brown james brown said i don't need nobody give me nothing just open the door i get it for myself and that's what i'm trying to get across us that's what peter is teaching this man that you've been broken you've been shattered you've been fractured we understand that this thing was messed up when you got here but now it's up to you to have some expectation on yourself that you can do it you can't achieve it you can't accomplish it you can have it but the ant the problem is in your feet the answer is in your head and you got to get that expectation in your head so that you can stand on your own two okay uh when what year was it two i think it was 2008 the super bowl uh 42 that's when uh the patriots were playing against the giants so new england patriots new york giants that's the year that the patriots went 16-0 in the regular season they they defeated it they got the victory every time they stepped on the field and then they won in the playoffs made it to the super bowl going up against uh eli manning right peyton's little brother right and so all the experts said in ain't no expert including me patriots gonna kill the giants and and nobody believed the giants could win except the giants so they went at it and for the first more than three and a half quarters the experts were right tom brady was killing eli and they they were winning the game i think by by the end of the third quarter going into the fourth quarter it was like 14 to 10. so the patriots were up just a little more than two minutes to go and we talking about not peyton with the ball but eli and i like eli but i like eli yes but two minutes ago they did they need a touchdown but they're on their own 17. and then they got to go all the way to the other end and so here comes the defense coming in on on eli eli did that little drop and that defense the patriots came in on him and grabbed him ready to pull him down and somehow he was able to slip out of that and then eli threw the ball 40 yards in the air and that's when david tyree you never heard of him before that and you ain't heard of him since wide receiver goes up to catch the ball but rodney harrison the db is all over him and so that's when david tyree with one hand was able to catch it on his helmet and he caught the ball and secured it on his head some suggest that's the greatest catch in in in super bowl history was to catch that ball on his head a few plays later eli throws the ball to plexigo burst and then of course that's when the giants won the game but the reason they won the game and the reason they got the victory is because tyree had enough sense to use his head and that's my word to somebody in here if you're gonna raise your expectation your problem may be with your finance but your answer is in your head y'all ain't helping me it's time to get up last one and i'm done if he's gonna get up uh you got to make sure you refocus your attention you got to make sure you raise your expectation and then what we see here is a remarkable elevation i started to call it a remarkable restoration but i can't call it restoration because you can't restore something that's never been stored preacher what do you mean by that i mean this man was born with the inability to walk he couldn't walk when he got here he was broken with this ain't no restoration they didn't restore his ability to walk he never could walk but when he changed his mind when he changed his thinking when he put his attention not on his finance but trying to get on his feet and when he listened to peter and john say in the name of jesus rise up and walk the text says immediately he got up and started walking and leaping and praising god and he said and he held on to peter and john y'all got to get this remarkable elevation my man has been down for 40 years now he's able to do something he's never done before this is not restoration he's never been stored you can't be restored if you've never been stored now he's able to do something he's never been able to do before how is it that somebody can go from never being able to do it none having the capability and the ability to do it is because this time he did it in the name of jesus and i'm speaking to somebody this afternoon that there's something you've never been able to accomplish nobody in your family has been able to accomplish it but you have heard the voice of god speaking to your mind speaking to your head trying to get something through to you about what god wants to do and prior to the day you kept saying it cannot be done it's never happened before but now you're changing your mind now you know you can do all things through christ who gives you strength in the name of jesus christ of lazarus rise up and walk and some of y'all not saying amen because you think in the name of jesus just means saying the name of jesus it's not just saying his name it's in the authority of jesus it's in the power of jesus you think this man hadn't tried to walk in 40 years yeah he tried to walk in 40 years but he was so broken he couldn't do it then how is it he's now walking and leaping and praising god and holding on to peter and john because this time he did it in the authority of jesus he did it in the power of jesus y'all there's power in the name of jesus god has so exalted him and given him a name that's above every name that at the name of jesus every knee shall bow every time do i have a witness in here you can get up in the power of jesus christ and when my man got up the text says that he went to the right place he went to the house of god man god delivered me from people that after you get them up now they making excuses why they don't go to your house how you gonna talk about what jesus did in your life and don't have enough wherewithal to go into his house and say thank you i wish i had somebody that would testify god's been too good to me god raised me out of my brokenness and that's why i come to the house of god because i want to say thank you to the one that raised me up he went to the right place and then he hung around the right people when y'all get a chance read it it said he held on to peter and john he held on to the ones that helped him to get up he held on to the ones that pointed him to jesus how in the world can you be around folk that helped you to get your life together to help you to turn it around to help you to walk in a way you haven't been able to walk and then once you get on your feet now you let go of god's place and god's people i thank god this man said no i'm gonna make sure i'm hanging out with the people of god and he held on to peter and john right place right people and then noticed the progression in his life once he got on his feet the text says that he went in to the temple he went in the church y'all he had already been at church but he's one of the best beggars in the bible he know how to go from church to church to guess what he need can you help me with my rent can you help me with my light bill then run down to another church can you help me with my gas bill then to another he's he's one of the best beggars in the bible but after he got on his feet the text says he wasn't just at church he's in church and some of us have been at church long enough at church but not really in church not really plugged into jesus not plugged into the holy spirit not plugged into ministry not plugged into giving not plugged into generosity because you just at church but when god has been this good to you when god raises you up you ought to come up and some of us are not in because we concerned about what other folk gonna say and they did talk a bunch of man read this when you get home they they talk a bunch of mess here this man been lame for 40 years some suggest begging all that time broken now he walking you can't get excited that my man is walking around got himself together you rather tear him down tear the preachers down they helped him get it right and some of us that's why we can't get plugged into ministry the way we need to we so concerned about what somebody else is saying but i know i got a few of us in here that our stuff was so jacked up and so messed up and some of us were so low down and then god got us on our feet god raised us up god turned this thing around you think i care what other folk are saying about me y'all must not know where he brought me from y'all must not know how he raised me up somebody came up to me the other day told my pastor have you heard of so-and-so i said no i ain't never heard of him he was talking about you well he heard of me i ain't heard of him and they wanted me to get all stirred up i said man listen the moon doesn't come down to address a dog it's the dog that's looking up to the moon y'all we like the moon we're a reflection of the son of god and when god helps you to shine you ain't got to come down dealing with dogs that are barking up at you do i have a witness in here and i love this it said he was walking and he was leaping and he was praising god i'm going out right there praising god because if god's been good to you you ought to praise him if god helped you get up out of that brokenness you ought to praise him if god answered your prayer you ought to praise him if god gave you a hand up you ought to pray is there anybody here that know god is worthy to be praised then give him glory in this house hallelujah lord thank you for the goodness of your word thank you for the truth we heard today and right now under god in jesus name i pray that somebody will refocus their attention stop trying to get a change from somebody else and learn how to have that internal change that they need in their life but help us to raise our level of expectation we know that there's no good thing that you'll withhold from us we know you shall supply all of our needs and so to god we expect the difference we expect the blessing we expect it to get better in jesus name and now lord i pray you're going to take somebody from faith to faith and glory to glory and god i pray that as you raise them up that they don't come down to deal with dogs barking at the moon but give your name the glory that it deserves it's in jesus name we pray amen well hallelujah i pray that that message was a blessing to you and i pray that you don't just hear it but jesus said we need to be hearers and doers of the world so make sure you're applying it to your life and living it out and i guarantee you guys going to do everything he said in his word he's going to be true to his promise in his word unto you now those of you who've never invited jesus into your life for forgiveness of sin i want to give you a chance to do that right now you need to be saved you need to be a christian and i want to give you a chance to do that the bible says whosoever shall call upon the name of the lord shall be saved i'm gonna lead you in prayer i'm gonna pray out loud and i want you to pray right after me and you're gonna be calling on the lord and when you do that by faith that's when he saves you that's when you become a christian repeat after me in prayer father i come right now i admit that i've sinned i'm sorry for my sins i believe jesus died on the cross i believe you raised jesus from the dead i received jesus by faith please fill me with your holy spirit in jesus name amen hallelujah praise the lord listen i thank god for that decision that you made now we need you to email us here at eastern star church and let us know you made that commitment of faith so email us at membership so we can celebrate with you and get you on that journey for discipleship and those of you already christian you're already saved but you got disconnected from the church now you're trying to reconnect with the church email us at membership eastern so we can help you with your walk with god praise the lord all right it's time for the offering and this is the best time of the year to give as we celebrating the birth of our lord and savior jesus christ so i know we want to make sure uh that even as god has given us his best in jesus that we learn how to give back as well and that's a matter of fact this is the time to give jesus that birthday present because it is his birthday celebration and i want to say thank you for your generosity and all your giving and make sure even as we give today that you are where you want to be for the total year of your giving i always go back check the whole year make sure i'm at that level that god and i decided i'm supposed to give at so that i can get that done before the month ends so make sure you do that but thank you for being a blessing to the ministry so that we can be a blessing to community and now uh those of you who want to participate in this offering we have several options for you you can text to give text 4577 and then esc with your amount or you can mail your gift in to eastern star church 5750 east 30th street indianapolis indiana 46218 or of course you can go to our website to give and then click on give and then make that generous gift so that we pool our resources in the name of jesus christ our tithes and offerings and then we are blessing to the least the lonely and the left out let me go ahead and ask god's blessing upon our gifts today lord thank you for your generosity towards us thank you for your love towards us and you loved us so much so you didn't wait till we got better but christ died you sent christ at just the right time and we celebrate his birth and the salvation we get from his death and resurrection now dear god as we give we pray that you are pleased with our gifts bless them and stretch them and use them to be a blessing to the hurting and the hungry to the least the lonely to those in poverty to those that need it most and lord those who are giving i pray you'll give back to them good measures press down shaken together pray you're running over in their life in jesus name we pray amen amen hallelujah again thanks for streaming with us i hope that these uh throwback messages are a blessing to you i know they blessed me i'm so glad that god is that miracle worker we always talk about now let me go ahead and ask god's benediction upon us on the day may god bless you and keep you may god have his face to smile upon you and be gracious unto you may god turn his countenance towards you and grant you peace and i pray you'll do that today and forevermore in jesus name amen god bless you you
Channel: Eastern Star Church
Views: 1,150
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: ESC, Bible Study, Noonday, Indianapolis Church
Id: lAUf4l55kRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 26sec (3266 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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